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Intuition: Pathway to Destiny Second Edition
Intuition: Pathway to Destiny Second Edition
Intuition: Pathway to Destiny Second Edition
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Intuition: Pathway to Destiny Second Edition

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Intuition: Pathway to Destiny Second Edition provides a roadmap to merging the ego with the soul and describes the author’s personal experience. It contains groundbreaking insight into the relationship between the ego and its soul.
This book tells us what is coming—the evolution of consciousness. Our soul is the creation of the Devine Father that is placed within us. As we expand our consciousness, we come closer to our soul and eventually become one.
The work required is set out in the first seven chapters. Chapters eight and nine describe the initial merging and integration that followed, with added information regarding the spontaneous merger of ego and soul. Chapter Nine is a personal account of the author’s integration experience.
You will learn about essential elements at work to help you along your journey through life like intuition and synchronicity. They provide opportunities, guidance, and the necessary experiences. They help you recognize when you are on your path and when you are distracted away from it. There are powerful forces to overcome, requiring discipline and discernment. Your path may be ridiculously hard or easy. It is what you designed for your soul to experience. Your ego did not design your path; your soul did.
An example of guidance received through the author’s intuition follows: Do not compare your destiny with another for each is uniquely designed to provide you with the experiences required on the journey back to the Devine Father.

We must recognize that we are all connected. We are all one, with the illusion of being separate. Being separate is required to experience the journey to oneness. The ego returning to its soul is an example of the journey to oneness.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 30, 2024
Intuition: Pathway to Destiny Second Edition

James Culver Bryant

James Culver Bryant received his undergraduate education at the Naval Post Graduate School. Retiring as a commander, he changed careers from naval aviation to social work, receiving a Master’s in Social Work from The Catholic University of America. He is a licensed clinical social worker in Virginia, certified in hypnosis, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, Gestalt therapy, and has extensive experience with victims of abuse. He retired after ten years with the Arlington County Department of Human Services, where he worked in the adult detention facility. He has written three books chronicling his experiences as a naval aviator, psychotherapist, and spiritual student.

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    Intuition - James Culver Bryant

    Copyright © 2024 James Culver Bryant.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5175-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5174-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024908060

    Balboa Press rev. date:  04/29/2024

    Also By James Culver Bryant

    Coming Together: Healing Body, Mind and Spirit

    How to Fulfill Your Purpose



    Chapter 1   Surrendering to Intuition

    Chapter 2   Intuition and Synchronicity

    Chapter 3   Getting Out of The Way

    Chapter 4   Wakeup Call to Destiny

    Chapter 5   Intuition Is Our Guide

    Chapter 6   The Path to Destiny

    Chapter 7   Finding Our Way

    Chapter 8   The Dynamic of Evolution

    Chapter 9   Soul Integration

    About the Author


    This second edition points the way towards what is next, which is the integration of the ego with the soul. Our soul is the creation of the Devine Father that is placed within us. As we expand our consciousness, we begin to come closer to our soul and eventually become one. The work required is set out in the first seven chapters. The initial merging and integration that followed are described in chapters eight and nine.

    I added chapters eight and nine because they contain new information regarding the spontaneous merger and the subsequent integration of the ego with its soul. Chapter nine describes what happened when I woke up from a nap to discover that I wasn’t the same—I had merged into my soul.

    I believe that our species is beginning to evolve. More people are becoming aware of what we have done to our planet and each other. We must wake up if we are to survive.

    We must recognize that we are all connected. We are all one, with the illusion of being separate. Being separate is required to experience the journey to oneness. There is no judgment regarding our illusion of being separate because we must know what it is like to be one with the Source--the Divine Father. The contrast has been necessary for us to recognize the transition to unity.

    We have been given free will and free choice to experience the consequences of our decisions. No decision is wrong, as each will provide an important experience.

    Intuition and synchronicity point the way to your path, which will fulfill your destiny. They help you recognize when you are on your path and when you are distracted. There are powerful forces to overcome, requiring discipline and discernment. Your path may be ridiculously hard or easy. It is what you designed for your soul to experience. Your ego did not design your path; your soul did.

    Do not compare your destiny with another for each is uniquely designed to provide you with the experiences required on the journey back to the Devine Father.

    The chapters that follow provide a roadmap to your destiny.



    to Intuition

    Surrendering is not giving up. Instead, it is a way of giving way when the path I chose did not provide the desired result. Rather than continuing to do the same thing repeatedly and getting the same results, I surrendered to the fact that I wasn’t getting anywhere. I had to surrender to reality and change course. I learned to give up on the idea that I knew what I was doing and realized that I did not know as much as I thought. I was running my life alone instead of reaching out for help. The help I discovered came from within—my intuition.

    I followed my intuition to join the Navy in early 1961 instead of waiting to be drafted. The idea of slogging through a Vietnamese jungle wet and miserable was a situation that I hoped to avoid. On the other hand, I wanted to fly. So I thought I would fulfill my military obligation while having the Navy provide flying lessons. At 21, I did not know what I was doing, or what I was getting into. I sold my Corvette because the monthly payments were more than my monthly Navy pay, and found myself in the Indoctrination Battalion in Pensacola, Florida, wondering what I had done.

    This snippet of my life’s story contains everything I needed to know about life, but I could not see it then. In retrospect, I can see that I didn’t have a plan other than doing what got my attention, like wanting to be a pilot. There was no master plan. Looking back, I was coping one day at a time, living in fear of failure, which would have resulted in my being washed out of the flight program and sent to the fleet.

    I left my home in Redwood City, CA, and moved to Pensacola, FL, because my life in Redwood City was over. My childhood was over, and my future would be found elsewhere.

    Learning to fly is another example of following my intuition. I already knew how to fly, because I paid for flight lessons and had around ten hours of flight time before I joined the Navy.

    My flight instructor first told me to forget everything I thought I knew about flying. I was going to learn how the Navy wanted me to fly. To become a carrier pilot, I had to follow the rules, perform up to the Navy’s expectations, or be washed out of flight training. I also had to

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