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Shedding Pounds, Gaining Purpose: The Weighty Joy of Surrender
Shedding Pounds, Gaining Purpose: The Weighty Joy of Surrender
Shedding Pounds, Gaining Purpose: The Weighty Joy of Surrender
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Shedding Pounds, Gaining Purpose: The Weighty Joy of Surrender

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In Shedding Pounds, Gaining Purpose: The Weighty Joy of Surrender, Caleb Jakes takes you on an electrifying journey of transformation, conquering childhood obesity by losing 100lbs, and unlocking the exhilarating freedom of diving headfirst into God's blueprint for life. This tale transcends the bounds of a typical weight loss saga-it's

Release dateApr 27, 2024
Shedding Pounds, Gaining Purpose: The Weighty Joy of Surrender

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    Shedding Pounds, Gaining Purpose - Caleb Jakes


    © Copyright 2024 by Caleb Jakes

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without written permission from the publisher.

    Published by Winn Publications, Melbourne, Florida,

    Interior Design: Arilia Winn

    Print ISBN: 979-8-9897876-1-6

    Hardcover ISBN: 979-8-9897876-3-0

    Digital ISBN: 979-8-9897876-5-4

    Library of Congress Control Number: Pending


    To my mom, Sharon,

    For your endless love and support that have shaped every step of my path, this book is dedicated to you. Thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made to mold me into the man I am today. Your unwavering belief in me has been my greatest gift.

    With all my love,



    To my incredible friend group at school—Steven, Darnell, Elijah, and Samuel—thank you for the laughter, the late-night conversations, and the unwavering support through every high and low. Your friendship has been a beacon of light, guiding me through challenges and celebrating every victory. Each of you has contributed to my story in your own unique way, and for that, I am profoundly grateful.

    To CaTyra Polland, the CEO of Love For Words, your expertise and passion for bringing stories to life have left an indelible mark on this journey. Your dedication not only to the craft but to the authors you work with has transformed this process into an unforgettable experience. Thank you for weaving your magic into the fabric of this book, helping to share my story with the world in the most beautiful way possible.

    To Heather Byrd of Byrd’s World Publishing, your guidance and insight have been instrumental in bringing this project to fruition. Your commitment to excellence and your ability to see the potential in every story have been nothing short of inspiring. Thank you for being a pillar of support, a source of invaluable advice, and a key part of this book’s journey from concept to reality.

    Each of you has played a pivotal role in this adventure, contributing your unique gifts and talents to help tell a story that is deeply personal yet universally resonant. My heart is full of gratitude for the part you’ve played in making this dream a reality.


    Shedding Pounds and Gaining Purpose: The Weighty Joy of Surrender is a beacon for anyone who’s ever felt that true joy was just beyond their grasp. This book does more than share my personal journey from being weighed down by physical and emotional burdens to finding a profound sense of purpose and happiness. It’s a guide that illuminates the process of unlocking joy in areas of your life you never thought possible.

    This isn’t a manual for dieting; it’s a manifesto for joy. It’s a detailed account of how every pound lost and every negative thought shed revealed a layer of happiness and purpose that was hidden all along.

    Throughout this narrative, I delve into the struggles and victories of my weight loss journey while overlaying this experience with spiritual and emotional awakening. This journey revealed to me that joy doesn’t reside in the external markers of success we’re often taught to chase. Instead, it’s found in the deep, sometimes challenging work of self-discovery and personal growth.

    As you join me on this journey, you’ll find practical advice and heartfelt insights on how to navigate your own path to joy. Whether you’re struggling with your weight, facing personal challenges, or simply seeking a more purposeful and joyful life, this book offers a clear and inspiring blueprint for change.

    By the end of this book, you’ll see that the journey to joy is as much about shedding the mental and emotional weights we carry as it is about physical transformation. You’ll learn that true joy is a profound, personal discovery that illuminates every aspect of your life, opening possibilities you never imagined. Let this book be your guide to finding that joy, making peace with your past, and stepping into a future filled with purpose, happiness, and an unshakeable sense of fulfillment.

    Chapter 1

    The Genesis of Joy - Unearthing the Spiritual Gift

    Imagine a moment of absolute stillness—when the hustle and bustle of life’s demands pauses, and you find yourself in a quiet space. For me, it happened amidst what felt like my biggest defeat, a period when the struggles of my circumstances entirely overshadowed my world. This included not growing up with my father in my life, being morbidly obese, and the dark shadows cast by illnesses within my own family.

    In this uncomfortable circumstance, I stumbled upon a treasure, not gold or silver, that still had immeasurable value. It was joy. As we used to sing in my Baptist church in North New Jersey, this joy was the one that the world couldn’t take away. This joy wasn’t a fleeting moment, emotion, or a temporary high brought on by an external event. It was a profound realization that joy is a gift. It’s spiritual and available to us at all times. As I navigated through trials and tribulations, there was ultimately a spark of something divine, a deep and abiding joy that seemed to well up from a source beyond my strength. But what is joy? Is it just an emotion? A feeling to be chased at every turn? Or is it something deeper, something more steadfast, that remains with us through the highs and lows of life? I’ve come to understand that joy is not merely a reaction to good fortune or good luck. Joy is indeed a spiritual gift, a sacred flame that perpetually burns within us, rooted in a profound connection with God. It’s a state of being we’re called to embrace with

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