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Altercation (Awake As A Stranger Trilogy Book 3): Awake As A Stranger (3 book series), #3
Altercation (Awake As A Stranger Trilogy Book 3): Awake As A Stranger (3 book series), #3
Altercation (Awake As A Stranger Trilogy Book 3): Awake As A Stranger (3 book series), #3
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Altercation (Awake As A Stranger Trilogy Book 3): Awake As A Stranger (3 book series), #3

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How far would you go to escape from a life-threatening oppressor?

In the thrilling and riveting conclusion of the AWAKE AS A STRANGER trilogy, Treaz must face her fear and outsmart the powerful criminals holding countless people hostage.

But, as the shocking secrets unfold, trusted and cared for people are disappearing—being eliminated permanently from the equation.

Treaz and Omani overtly connect, binding their perseverance, actions and desires together. The path is fraught with danger and impossible roadblocks as the mounting resistance rises.

The women's skills of influence are wholly tested. Treaz is faced with making the greatest sacrifice possible—losing her own life. Omani's choice? Live defeated and shamed or risk an excruciating death.


How will their stories end?

The AWAKE AS A STRANGER trilogy follows the journey of Treaz and Omani. They reside on two different continents yet each are trapped in deplorable realities—Treaz living within other people's bodies and Omani being held captive on her uncle's compound.

Both long to regain control over their lives, escape their merciless captors, and expose the haunting truths facing them and the world. 


Can they find freedom together?

See what readers are saying about the Awake As A Stranger trilogy:

"Couldn't put the book down… I love her style. I feel like I know the characters." Reviewer

"I LOVED this series! What a crazy creative story line! I couldn't wait to start the next book and was sorry when it ended! The characters are amazing and how it all came together in the end was perfect! Loved the series!" Reviewer

"I read this book in one go, it is very intriguing…I really enjoyed reading about the differing reflections of people in this world, from those who have everything, to those who only have the clothes they are wearing." Reviewer

"…this series is fascinating… It was just enough curiosity to keep me going and unexpected twists and endearment to the characters that kept me engaged. I'm going to be thinking about this storyline and message for some time." Reviewer

"The author's writing style is light and easy, making it a quick read…I was especially intrigued by the author's knowledge of and incorporation of psychological constructs and by applying healthy messaging throughout, she created an upbeat and hopeful experience for the reader." Goodreads reviewer

"Highly recommended." Goodreads reviewer

Read all 3 parts

Awakening - Part 1

Rebellion - Part 2

Altercation - Part 3

Release dateAug 19, 2021
Altercation (Awake As A Stranger Trilogy Book 3): Awake As A Stranger (3 book series), #3

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    Altercation (Awake As A Stranger Trilogy Book 3) - Diane Dresback


    My Awake as a Stranger trilogy is dedicated to you who I will probably never know nor walk in your shoes—Your lives and stories are meaningful and valuable even if misunderstood.


    Awake As A Stranger is a trilogy

    Awakening, Book 1

    Rebellion, Book 2

    Altercation, Book 3

    Here is a brief reminder of Book 1 - Awakening.


    A third-generation Romanian-American, Nadia Popa, who went by the nickname her grandmother gave her, Treaz, resided in San Antonio, Texas. After nine-year-old Treaz’s own mother, Maria, was admitted to a psychiatric treatment facility, Treaz went to live and be raised by her beloved Grammie. Maria died when Treaz turned twelve. Treaz never met her father.

    Grandmother and granddaughter lived together until Treaz was forced to move Grammie into a full-time care home due to her worsening dementia. Treaz faithfully visited her Grammie frequently, sharing her life and dreams.

    After a solitary drunken night on Treaz’s thirty-second birthday, she awoke in someone else’s body living in Phoenix, Arizona. Without her knowledge or permission, Treaz had been selected to work as a Transitioner, an unpaid employee of Vanguard—an elusive company with hidden secrets. Her job was to influence Assets to pursue an unknown outcome. Once the Asset’s life proved to be positively affected, Treaz Transitioned into another Host body, another stranger.

    The Host bodies that Treaz inhabited were often troubled souls dealing with their own personal challenges—addiction, homelessness, physical restrictions.

    Treaz dubbed her new boss, called a Counselor, as Pearl Man because of his single earring. His presence ofttimes absent, but he did show up to untangle the messes Treaz got herself into.


    Omani was a Swiss woman whose legs had been crushed in a car wreck as a young child resulting in the use of crutches. Her mother, Dr. Hanna LaZarres, had promised surgical repair once Omani stopped growing at age eighteen.

    Hanna, along with her best friend, Julia, discovered a means of communication with Franklin, an American, who lived forty-four years in the past. Hanna kept this time difference a secret from sixteen-year-old Omani who became online friends with Franklin. By accident, Omani revealed Franklin’s name to her Uncle Filip which caused him to become suspicious. Desiring lucrative gain, Filip demanded his sister provide him with her discoveries.

    Omani’s mother’s life ended under skeptical circumstances and Uncle Filip became Omani’s guardian eventually moving her to his Compound, a place where he and his employees conducted covert activities purported to stop terrorism. Enslaved on the property without the ability to communicate with the outside world, at seventeen Omani attempted to escape, but was caught in a gelato shop and returned to face her Uncle. His punishment—refusal of the operation on Omani’s legs.

    Omani’s job was to oversee the Compound grounds and building maintenance, kitchen staff, and housekeeping. Uncle Filip required everyone to have as little interaction with his niece as possible which made her extremely lonely and always looking for a way to befriend someone. Via clandestine methods, Omani developed an online friendship with Iggy.

    As Omani and Iggy’s relationship grew through the telling of stories, they unexpectedly uncovered he was Franklin’s son and the forty-four-year time-warp between them.

    Here is a brief reminder of Part 2 - Rebellion.


    Treaz experienced time in several more Host bodies; each with its own shape, ethnicity, limitations, and unique set of circumstances.

    Missing being with her Grammie and being jerked around by Vanguard, whose actions enslaved her without her permission, caused her to search for ways to Transition as quickly as possible so that she may return to her own life.

    Following multiple requests, Pearl Man went against policy and introduced Treaz to Pedra, another Transitioner. They became allies in assisting one another to Advance faster. After commiserating about the bizarre situations they had been placed in, they determined to take Vanguard down.

    While in a Host body, Treaz met Samuel and fell in love. Pearl Man forced her to break it off and continue on to her next assignment.

    Vanguard became aware of Treaz and Pedra’s friendship and the role Pearl Man played in getting them acquainted. As a result, he was demoted from being a Counselor to a Transitioner, and Treaz and Pedra were assigned another Counselor whom they disliked. Pearl Man joined the women in conspiring how to stop Vanguard. His revelations explained many things to Treaz, including why her mother had experienced mental problems.


    Omani and Iggy developed their virtual relationship. Iggy encouraged her to leave the Compound. She made several unsuccessful attempts, the worst resulting in banishment to her room for almost four weeks. Security seized all her books, forms of entertainment, and her computer making it impossible to covertly communicate with Iggy. Once released from her imprisonment, she found an ally in Quentin, the supply delivery man’s son. Compound staff were acting stressed as Uncle Filip seemed to be putting pressure on everyone to find a particular unnamed person.

    Omani found out that Vanguard Displaced people permanently. Uncle Filip gifted Omani with new lightweight comfortable crutches. Later she discovered that GPS devices had been implanted on them allowing him to track her every move.

    Persuading Quentin to seek information on her behalf, her patience was rewarded with a letter from Julia, her mother’s best friend and co-discoverer of the time difference. However, the written words were bittersweet. Julia confirmed Omani’s fears—her Uncle Filip had indeed killed her mother, his sister.



    Another Advancement for Treaz had her now in the Host body of Hillary, a Zumba and fitness instructor with a wide smile and soft blend of orange, pink, and blonde hair with dark roots. Tattoos covered both arms. 

    Pearl Man’s jaw dropped when Treaz slipped into the regular booth at the diner. Get a load of those tats, he chided.

    She gave a wary expression. I had a consultation with my Asset this morning. She’s a rock-hard tattoo artist named Chloe. Her nickname is Glowy Chloe because she specializes in glow-in-the-dark tattoos. And she wants to go into politics! She was showing me her design for my next piece of art. Oh, Pearl Man. Please tell me I don’t have to endure… she did air quotes. "getting inked?"

    He lifted his shirt to reveal a twelve-inch, beautifully intricate blue and gold dragon on his left side. 

    Wow, she said.

    Hey, Boss, came a gruff voice from behind Treaz. Pearl Man gave two men a welcoming gesture and they both sat down. They appeared as typical middle-aged moving guys, like the characters who would pack your house, haul out your boxes, and drive them down the road to your new house. She supposed that’s exactly what they did, only they packed up unsuspecting Transitioners and delivered them to their new gawd-forsaken storage place.

    Todd and Jay, this is Treaz.

    They all nodded at each other. 

    The waitress came and Pearl Man insisted everyone order milkshakes. No one turned him down.

    So you are Movers, said Treaz. What’s that like? 

    Jay arched one brow. Eh. Vanguard says they need someone’s body for a while, and we get them there. They don’t care. We don’t care. It’s our job.

    Things any better working for Kathryn? asked Pearl Man.

    Todd shook his head. She’s kinda off. We liked you better, Bob.

    Treaz cocked her head at Pearl Man. "Your name really is Bob?"

    He shrugged.

    The server returned with tall glasses full of colorful deliciousness—two chocolate, one strawberry, and a butter pecan. Everyone sucked down long gulps. The temperature was heating up outside and the cool sweetness tasted refreshing.

    Todd wiped his mouth. We did a little research. Found out who you need to talk to and where he spends a lot of time. He put a paper on the table. 

    Pearl Man stirred his shake. How’d you find him? 

    Jay smirked. We’re merely dumb Movers that happen to be in the right place at the right time.

    And, we got big ears, added Todd. 

    Pearl Man grinned. Treaz had the feeling that neither one of those men was stupid and knew more than most about the movements of Vanguard and all their minions.

    Thanks, said Pearl Man. 

    Todd raised his hands. Anything for you, Boss-man. 

    I do have one other request. Pearl Man stared at Treaz. I want you and Treaz to be able to find each other if something happens to me. Treaz’s eyes widened. Just in case.

    Treaz and Pearl Man watched from the car as the Relayer, a normal-looking kid—actually a young man, maybe about twenty-five, ingested some kind of disturbingly thick green drink while sitting on an Adirondack chair in front of an organic deli. 

    At his feet were three dogs, all on leashes secured around the table leg. He rose, walked towards the street, reached through the open window of a light-blue Corvette to retrieve a magazine, and brought it back to his chair where he flipped through the pages. Once in a while, a sound came from his cell phone on the wooden table. He would take a few moments to type in something before returning to his reading.

    Come on, said Pearl Man. Time for a talk with this Relayer fellow.

    Pearl Man and Treaz got out of the car and approached the Relayer. He was quite attractive, despite the rather gaudy silver necklace with a diamond in the center, and a couple of over-sized gold rings. 

    Treaz broke the ice by clutching together her hands. Such cute dogs. May I pet them?

    Sure. This one’s a little skittish. He put his hand down to a spotted wiry mutt with an extra-long muzzle and a high-pitched suspicious yapping. His name is Guac."

    Treaz reached her hand out slowly. Hi, Guac. How ya’ doing boy? The animal growled as he trembled and cowered behind his master. She pulled her hand back. Suddenly the medium-sized dog with an odd-split of brown and white down its back shoved his nose right into her crotch for a healthy sniff. She twisted away.

    Taco! admonished the Relayer. Be polite. He yanked the leash back. Sorry. I’m thinking of changing his name to Sniffer. He’s gotta check everyone out.

    Treaz gave a thin smile, embarrassed. The third dog sat up, tail wagging. What about this one?

    He patted the side of a silky yellow lab. This is Queso.

    Pearl Man crossed his arms. You have a thing for Mexican food?

    Treaz laughed. Easy to remember.

    Yeah. They all had different names, but not sure what they were. He rubbed Queso’s head. This girl’s a rescue and I’m fostering the other two.

    You mean you keep them and then give them back? asked Treaz. The Relayer nodded. That must be hard.

    It is. But, at least they get an opportunity to find a new home. Most of them are abandoned by heartless people who won’t even take the time to find them another place to live. I don’t understand what’s wrong with people sometimes.

    Treaz gave Queso a scratch behind the ear which prompted reciprocal love exemplified through non-stop licking of every inch of her hand. 

    The young man snickered. She’s a licker. Push her away when it drives you nuts. He checked his phone, then set it back down without responding.

    Treaz never spent much time around dogs. She wasn’t allowed to own one growing up. They’re dirty, her mother would say. Relieving themselves everywhere. Her grandmother was severely allergic to dog hair and even after she moved into the nursing home, Treaz neglected to obtain any kind of pet. Good thing. What would have happened to it when Vanguard took her?

    They all got their own habits, said the Relayer.

    It was obvious Pearl Man did not like dogs, or his Host didn’t, as he did not attempt to touch them at all. Like people, he snapped. He pulled up a chair and sat down, and Treaz eased herself into another allowing Queso’s saliva-bath to continue. 

    The dog’s owner tilted his head. Uh— 

    We want to have a chat, invited Pearl Man.

    You’re the Relayer, right? Treaz asked. 

    He picked up his phone and slipped it in his pocket. I don’t know what you mean. 

    Of course you do, said Pearl Man. We know of your involvement in communications with Vanguard. 

    The guy folded his arms across his chest. His face flushed. Who?

    You don’t have to play dense here, Pearl Man scoffed. I’m not sure where a young man of your age attains enough money to afford the gold on your fingers, the diamond around your neck, and that sweet ride parked at the curb. Might the police be at all interested in how you can pay for such luxuries? Could you prove your work is legal? Or are you just a messenger boy?

    Shocked at Pearl Man’s straightforwardness, Treaz dried her soaked hand on her pants. 

    The messenger-boy comment insulted the Relayer into a response. No. 

    You’re probably one of many peons. It’s alright, you can tell us. We won’t tell your supervisor, Pearl Man added.

    I don’t know—

    Pearl Man moved his chair closer. Guac bared his teeth and backed further away. If you don’t answer our questions here, we’ll come to your home and find you and your little Mexican delicacies. He eyeballed the three dogs while licking his lips. 

    Wait, what? Did Pearl Man honestly just threaten to eat this poor guy’s dogs? Treaz almost broke out laughing. Was this his way of intimidating this guy? That was a side of him Treaz had not seen before. It had to be his Host’s personality coming through. She managed to swallow away her chortle and soften things. We want to understand your role, and we’re not looking to hurt you or your animals. You apparently are very, very important to Vanguard, Treaz stroked the Relayer’s ego. You may be responsible for their success. And, you are obviously amazing with canines. 

    The Relayer glanced down at Queso who had her head resting on Treaz’s knee enjoying a deep ear-scratching. The guy seemed to relax some. His phone toned and he took it out, typed something, and then replaced it in his pocket. Who are you? 

    I’m Treaz, and this is Bob. She held out her hand and gave Pearl Man a serious look causing him to reluctantly do the same. 

    After a moment longer, the guy gave in. Iggy. He shook their hands.

    Treaz smiled. Nice.

    Yeah, my dad worshiped Iggy Pop. I’m still not sure how he convinced my mother. 

    We also work for Vanguard, said Pearl Man. 

    Iggy stiffened. 

    Treaz frowned at Pearl Man, hoping to loosen him up as well. If he’s going to be any good at being a Transitioner, he’d better improve his soft skills. However, we aren’t as essential as you probably are, she said. 

    Guac stopped growling and curled up next to Treaz’s feet.

    Guac’s an excellent judge of character. She likes you. Iggy glared at Pearl Man. You? Not so much. He lit up a cigarette. He noticed Treaz frown. What?

    She nodded at the almost finished green liquid. I thought—

    Trying to quit. He inhaled a long drag. But, not today.

    We want to understand more about how this company works, she said.

    We need to find them, Pearl Man pushed. 

    Not possible, said Iggy.

    Treaz raised her hands. Why not? They’ve got to have a headquarters somewhere. 

    His phone buzzed again and he responded. You don’t understand. I’ve never seen them.

    Pearl Man gets pushy again. How can you be a communication employee—

    I’m not an employee, Iggy interrupted. Technically, I’m an independent contractor. I only relay messages which is why they call me the Relayer.

    You work by yourself? Treaz inquired. 


    Pearl Man hurtled out another direct question. How did you get the job, then?

    My dad retired and I took over.

    Treaz made eye contact with Pearl Man while petting another one of the dogs. Keeping it in the family.

    I guess, said Iggy.

    Perhaps we could talk to your father, suggested Pearl Man.

    Actually, Bob, Iggy said, sarcasm dripping from his tone. Both my parents are dead.

    Oh, I’m…we’re sorry, Treaz commented. Iggy nodded. She attempted to lighten the conversation. You must do well as the Relayer, then?

    I do okay. My dad taught me what I needed. But, Vanguard kept him enslaved to the house. I think it killed his first marriage and it was hard on my mom, too. Being housebound sucks. No way I was going to do that. So I designed a special app so now I can work from anywhere.

    Pearl Man nodded. Pretty smart.

    Finally, Pearl Man said something helpful.

    Thank you. Iggy shook his head. Vanguard demands immediate action 25/7.

    You mean 24/7, corrected Pearl Man.

    No, 25/7. You do know who we’re talking about right? 

    Pearl Man dipped his head. Point taken.

    Iggy typed a few keystrokes in response to another phone message.

    We’ve heard there’s some kind of new focus. Do you know anything about it? asked Treaz.

    Iggy shrugged. I can’t tell you. Pearl Man rolled his eyes. No, really, Bob. I don’t understand what they do because I’m literally just a Relayer. That means I pass along messages. I don’t know who gets them. Everything’s encrypted, anyway.

    I’m sure you can break the encryption, says Treaz, nudging his confidence. 

    Iggy repositioned in his chair. I’d like to but— 

    Don’t mess with the cush job. Pearl Man stated. 

    "I am aware

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