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Abbey the Filipina Sex Slave
Abbey the Filipina Sex Slave
Abbey the Filipina Sex Slave
Ebook111 pages1 hour

Abbey the Filipina Sex Slave

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Abbey is worried. She needs a place to stay urgently. Perhaps the Western man she meets can help her. Or can he help himself?

Release dateApr 13, 2024
Abbey the Filipina Sex Slave

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    Book preview

    Abbey the Filipina Sex Slave - Joe White

    Table of Contents

    Abbey the Filipina Sex Slave

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20


    Abbey Moran was worried. There were several things that she worried about constantly, but right now, here most pressing worry was that she might be late for work. If she was late again, her boss had told her that he would fire her.

    Abbey worked as a waitress in a ChowKing restaurant in Makati, and although it did not pay much, she really needed the job. Abbey was 33 years old and single, but like many Filipinas, she was the only support her extended family had.

    Abbey’s older brother had been a user of the drug known as shabu in Philippines, and he had died during the government’s crackdown on drug use. 

    However, his death had left his widow trying to raise their two daughters aged 12 and 14 when their father had died.

    That was two years ago, and the girls owed their schooling and daily subsistence to the help that their mother received from Abbey. That was the Filipino way – family members had an obligation to help.

    However, if Abbey lost her job, she would no longer be able to support her nieces or their mother, and she would also find it difficult to pay her rent or provide for her own needs.

    So, Abbey was worried at the slow speed of the jeepney she was riding in on her way to work. Fortunately, the jeepney managed to arrive at her destination with about 5 minutes to spare before the start of her shift. Abbey ran from the jeepney and just managed to be on time when she entered the restaurant. The manager looked at his watch and told Abbey to hurry up and change into her uniform and help to set up the tables for the breakfast service.

    Breakfast service was from 8 to 11 am, and the customers were a mixture of local Filipinos catching a quick bite on their way to work, and local residents who preferred the ambiance and the service of a restaurant to eating breakfast alone at home. There were several foreigners among this last group of customers, and Abbey knew all of them and what they usually liked to eat for breakfast.

    Joe White was one of the foreign regulars who Abbey often stopped to chat to. He was about 65 years old, and he had told Abbey that he had just recently retired from his post as Chief Financial Officer for an American multinational. As part of his duties, he had had to visit different branches of the company, and he had been impressed by the quality of life in Philippines when he had visited his company’s office there. Now he was considering moving to Philippines for his retirement, and he had rented a two-bedroom apartment in Makati while he decided where he would like to settle.

    Joe was aware of Abbey’s family situation, and he admired the way that she was so willing to sacrifice her own life in order to support the family of her dead brother. At 33 years old, Abbey should have been married or at least in a stable relationship, but, from conversations with her, Joe knew that she was still single and that she had no boyfriend.

    Joe also knew that she was constantly worried about money, and that she had no savings to fall back on if anything unexpected happened. That morning, Joe noticed that Abbey seemed very preoccupied and that she was not her usual smiling self.

    What’s wrong? Joe asked.

    Oh, nothing Abbey answered weakly.

    The truth was that Abbey was very worried. Her oldest niece was about to graduate from school and she needed to buy new clothes for her graduation. In addition, Abbey’s landlord had told her that he had sold the building where she lived in a room she shared with 3 other women, and they had one week to leave and find a new accommodation. Finding accommodation that was affordable was not easy in Manila. Abbey knew that she might have to quit her job because rents in Makati were more than she could afford, and the places that were affordable were very far from her work.

    Joe could see that Abbey was not telling him the truth, so he pressed her again to tell him what was troubling her. Finally, Abbey explained her situation, and how whatever she did would have an impact on her family. Joe reflected on whether he should offer to help, and finally he told Abbey that there was one way she could keep her job and also have a place to live.

    Abbey’s eyes filled with tears as she listened to Joe’s suggestion.

    Chapter 2

    What Abbey heard from Joe almost made her cry.

    I have a spare bedroom that you can have if you would like.

    Abbey’s heart raced at those words, and she did not have to think before accepting Joe’s generous offer. At the same time, she wondered if there would be strings attached to the offer and whether she would have to pay rent. Indeed, she wondered what Joe might ask for in exchange for letting her stay in his apartment.

    However, when she asked Joe how much rent he expected her to pay, he simply smiled and told her that the room would be rent free. The only thing he would like her to do was to clean and generally look after the apartment, including washing and ironing his clothes. Abbey felt that this was a very generous offer, and she immediately accepted. The pair arranged that they would meet after Abbey’s shift ended at 7 pm and Joe would take her to her new home.

    When Abbey and Joe met as arranged, Abbey was pleased to find that Joe’s apartment was only a few minutes’ walk away from the Chowking restaurant where she worked. This meant that she would save on the fare for the jeepney to and from work every day, and the fact that she would not have to pay rent meant that her extended family would have more money for essentials. For Abbey, it seemed as if all her dreams had come true. She even started thinking of what small luxuries she could buy for herself.

    Joe’s apartment was small but for Abbey the second bedroom seemed to be heaven. She would no longer have to share a room with other women, and she would even have her own bathroom with shower. Joe showed her the small kitchen and explained how the various appliances worked. Finally, he gave her a key to the apartment building and to the apartment, and told her that she was free to move in any time she liked.

    That was on Tuesday, and Abbey took a day off work on Thursday, and that is when she moved her few belongings to her new home. It did not take long because she owned so little in spite of being 33 years old. Joe was not at home when she arrived at the apartment. However, when she entered her new bedroom, she was surprised to see that Joe had left her new bedsheets and towels. This act of kindness made her want to return the favor in some way. What Abbey did not know was that Joe had made plans for how she would repay him.


    Abbey innocently sat in front of the mirror on the dressing table and admired her reflection. She was a typical short Filipina, just 5’2" tall. Her statistics were 34B 28 35 and she weighed only 56 kg. She had long hair that was naturally black, but that she dyed brown or blond from time to time. She had the normal dark eyes of all Filipinos, but her skin was creamy white instead of the usual darker skin of her compatriots. Abbey was extremely proud of her lighter colored skin because it was admired by most Filipinos and she had also seen older western men glancing at her in shopping malls. Abbey often wished that one of those western men would stop and talk to her, but they all seemed to be attached to younger Filipinas. Abbey felt that she would never find a man to spend the rest of her life with – little did she know that her life was about to change forever.

    Joe returned home about an hour later. Meanwhile, Abbey

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