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God's wisdom through Grandpa Mike
God's wisdom through Grandpa Mike
God's wisdom through Grandpa Mike
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God's wisdom through Grandpa Mike

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This is a compilation of my first years of devotions. I started writing daily devotions and sending them out

To over 300 people a day the years after I lost my bride in a car accident in 2008. 

Release dateFeb 21, 2024
God's wisdom through Grandpa Mike

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    God's wisdom through Grandpa Mike - Michael Goldsmith

    Copyright © 2023 by Michael D. Goldsmith.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

    ISBN: 978-1-959483-61-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-959483-62-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023908028

    January 1

    2 Corinthians 5:16-21

    All things are new

    It is now A New Year, last year is gone forever. A common practice with a new year is to make a resolution. I have only one, maybe two. That is to be more open to what Christ is doing and wants to do through me, and to continue to pray one prayer especially in the morning. Lord who are you going to touch through me today? The second is to be a better dad to my kids and the greatest grandpa my grandkids could hope for. These are the two most important areas of my life.

    In verse 17 Paul writes that Christ makes all things new. As I look at my life, I see many things that I could change. But let’s be real, most of them won’t. It’s those things that Christ leads us to change, or he does a miracle in us that changes them that become reality. I have heard testimonies of people who have prayed and have had their life changed in a second with addictions and other things in their lives removed in an instant. That’s why our resolution for the year should be to be totally surrendered to the Christ of God. As we do this, we will see our lives changed in ways that will be mind blowing.

    We have all made mistakes. Some big, some small. But we have all messed up. I challenge all of us this day to look to heaven and simply pray. Father, use me this year. Even when I mess up use me. I am yours. Use me. In Jesus name. The beauty of a new year is this. We all have a fresh start. Give that start to our Father through His Son by His Spirit.

    Go in peace


    January 2

    John 10:22—30

    Jesus and the Father are one, yet separate.

    I said at the beginning that I do not want to get bogged down with trivial things. However, my use of the term The Father has been attacked by a woman pastor. So, I did some homework and found out some interesting things. I have found that The Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit are one. They are one in nature yet hold separate personages. When Christ said "Before Abraham was, I Am he was making himself equal to The Father. The point was made that the Hebrew translation did not use the male in reference to The Father. Again, an error. In Malachi Abba is used to describe our Father. Abba refers to the male genre.

    Today we see an assault on the word of God. We see modern feminism attacking the very nature of God our Father. We even see some denominations saying that sin is ok, as long as it is done in the right spirit. Many of us say the Apostles creed every Sunday in church. In it the Christ will sit on the right hand of God the Father. Christ states that no one knows the day or time when he will return, only The Father. But we do know and understand that Christ will return to judge the living and the dead. Until that time, He will sit at the right hand of The Father. The Father’s Holy Spirit in-dwells man and works his will on those who have opened their heart to him. Our heavenly The Father does speak to man directly through his Holy Spirit if man is willing to listen. His spirit gives gifts to mankind for the purpose of building his kingdom. I encourage each and every one of us to listen to what the Spirit of our Father is telling us this day. Realize that the Son is there waiting for the word. We come to The Father through the Son by the Spirit. When all three persons of the trinity are working in our lives great things happen.

    Go in peace.


    January 3

    John 10:10

    We are to bring the message.

    We have an enemy that is sly and sneaky. Jesus said at the beginning of the verse Satan’s mission is to kill, steal and destroy. He will use a variety of tactics to accomplish his goal. His main objective is to stifle the word of God in any form from getting into the hands that it needs to get into to change lives.

    Jesus’ message is one of changed lives. Jesus’ ministry is one of new life in Him. That is why when we are in a situation where the enemy is attacking, we must at that time go to prayer. We must listen for those two second instructions and follow them so they can clear the whole thing up. We must remember who the enemy is. We must remember that our Lord and Savior really does have everything under control.

    Many times, we in our finite states cannot really see that. We cannot see the control that our Father through the Son by the Spirit has in any given situation. All we know is that we must keep on walking forward in His newness every day, we must always keep in mind that the enemy of our souls will stop at nothing to keep God’s word from touching people’s hearts. It can be something as small as a computer game or walking into a situation that we assume that we know what’s going on, but really have no clue.

    The enemy will use misunderstandings to destroy what The Father through His Son by His Spirit is doing in as many ways as possible. We as believers have an obligation to try to work those misunderstandings out and get back on course with what The Father is doing.

    Just remember this. The Father through The Son by the Spirit has placed each of us in situations that he wants us in. The worst thing we can do is to shrink away from those situations. Remember this. Jesus said I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly. We can be the vehicle for bringing that word.

    Go in peace.


    January 4

    Matthew 6:5-6

    Take time to be with The Father.

    James says, You say you have faith without works, I will show you my faith by my works. He was correct in saying this. But so many times we work so hard to show people our faith that we don’t take the time just to be with our Father. My contention is this. Christ told us to go into a closet and close the door to pray not for just for the reason that we would pray in secret, but that we could develop the intimate, personal relationship with The Father through The Son by the Spirit.

    In Habakkuk 2:20 we are told that The Lord is in His Holy Temple. Let everyone keep silent before him. When Christ died the veil was torn. The Holy Spirit left the temple to dwell in men’s/women’s hearts. So, when we now go into our prayer closet, get really quiet, tell Him we love him, that’s when the real intimacy starts. That’s when the interchange of true love starts. We are taking time, precious time, to commune with the one who loves us, and His creation, so much that he sent His Son to die and walk out of the grave that we could have total communion with him.

    We are now his temple. He resides in us by His Holy Spirit. It’s time to be silent before Him, it’s time to bless His name. As we do this, we are going to start experiencing what the Holy Spirit can do with a person who is really tapped into Him. That only happens when we are truly at an intimate spot with Him.

    It time to go into your closet.

    Go in peace.


    January 5

    Ephesians 6:4

    Let’s give our children something worth honoring and they will not be provoked.

    Parents provoke not your children. I have been a parent for about 43 years. Wow! How time flies when you’re having fun. Try as we might to treat our children as an adult there will always be a parent child relationship. You see we as parents tend to look at the verse before this one. It says Children Honor your parents. The question I would put forth is this. Are we giving them something to honor? It really does not matter what age we are. If we are not who we want our children to become, we are not putting forth a picture worth honoring.

    I am speaking to the Dad’s here. Are you honoring their mother? Nothing blesses your kids more than doing things that honor mom. You don’t honor mom, that speaks volumes to the kids. Remember this. There is no greater gift that our Father through His Son by His Spirit gives you than the bride of your youth. Honor her.

    You can ask any of my kids. They will verify that I am not the perfect parent. Over my life I have done some really stupid things that I have had to apologize for. Apologize I did. You see it matters not at what age they or we are at. We have an obligation to protect our kids. We may have disagreements with them. In this day of social media, we really need to keep family disagreements that. Family disagreements. The family is supposed to be a harbor of protection, especially where the parent-child relationship is involved. This needs to stay one of the most secure relationships either of us have. When the child does something praiseworthy, we need to praise them from the house tops age is not important here. My 38-year-old son is still my child, even though he is grown. To say I am proud of all of my kids would be a gross understatement. When something is done that, we don’t agree with, this needs to be taken off-line. By handling things in this manner, a sense of trust will be built.

    Without trust there can be no honor, and children will be provoked.

    Go in peace.


    January 6

    John 15:1-8

    We are the branches

    There is a promise here and a warning. The promise is if we abide in Him, we will bare much fruit. The warning is if we don’t bear fruit we will be cut off and cast into the fire. This my friend is the call to cast off fear and get to work. During any given day we will have many calls on our time. A person wants this, or they want that.

    Our challenge is to keep our focus on what’s really important. That thing that is most important is to focus on where the Christ is leading us in any given situation. We must I repeat must be aware of the situations we are placed in at all times. The fruit we bare may even astound us as individuals. We are all given gifts. Those gifts have an anointing on them. We are called to use them to bring more and more people into the kingdom.

    What holds us back typically is fear. Remember the most used command in the scripture is to fear not. It’s time to take a step of courage. It’s time to walk in the gifting we have been given and we will see The Fathers greatness through His Son by His Spirit. It’s time to step out with what we have been given.

    Go in peace


    January 7

    Matthew 13:31-35

    Sow that little seed.

    Many of us, when we think of an evangelist, we think of a person on a street corner or in an auditorium spreading the message of Christ. But here we see The Christ talking about doing little things that can have big results. We are told in the parable to sow mustard seeds. The fact of the matter is this. Little things that we do can have a huge impact.

    Sometimes sowing that mustard seed take us out of our comfort zone. Let’s say you come in contact with a person who has some things going on physically. They may be sick, either something serious or not, and The Father has arranged this appointment with them. When we come in contact with them, they realize we are someone they can talk to, so they open up to us. At this point in time, you have a choice. You can either feel sympathy for this person, and leave it at that, or you can take the action that our The Father through His Son by His Spirit intended with this divine appointment. Our Father does not bring people across our path for no apparent reason. He brings people across our path because he intends to use us as his vehicle to touch them. In most cases it is something small that when we do what we have been called to do goes right to the heart of the person we are brought in contact with. We may never know what the results are of that Little prayer we pray with that person we come in contact with. (At least not until we get to the other side.) But know this, we are having an impact. That little thing we do may be as big as the mustard seed tree.

    Go in peace


    January 8

    Mark 5:35-43

    Little girl arise.

    The crowd scoffed, but the little girl who was dead, lived. The fact of the matter is this. God calls us to do things at times that may be scoffed at. We have to ask a question at that point in time. Who do we trust? Over the last few years, I have been called to do some things that may be seen as strange by some people. What I have come to understand is this. When God The Father through His Son by His Spirit calls us to do something it always works. The key is to go with what God The Father through His Son by His Spirit calls us to do. The results will be amazing.

    When they told The Christ that she was dead, he knew better. He knew that The Father of all mankind had something in mind. He was going to send a young lady back. But the point of all of this struck me. It was the ruler of the synagogue whose daughter was dead. Yet when she was raised from the dead and they were going to nail Jesus to the cross he was nowhere to be found. Even so great a miracle performed for him he would turn on the one who was only there to bring life. The ruler of the temple was no where to be found. Christ had raised his daughter from the dead. All he would have had to do was to say stop.

    That raises a question for each of us. This is something that we each have to ponder and come to a conclusion about, before the situation arises, where we have to make a quick choice. When the going gets tough, do we cave, or do we stand tough. That’s the choice we all have to make.

    Remember this. He Who is faithful in little will be faithful in much. When you’re called to do something, no matter how small it is, do it. When that big thing that you’re called to do comes across your path WILL be ready to accomplish that which our The Father has created you for?

    Go in peace


    January 9

    Mark 6:1-6

    Familiarity causes reality checks.

    Jesus returned home to find a huge sector of disbelief. That disbelief was from those closest to him. For most people who have been moved into the spotlight it is a good thing. It is a good thing to be brought back to earth when other people who see what The Father has done through us by the Son through the Spirit. In the case of the Christ those who grew up with him, they still saw him as the one who was a mere carpenter. They saw him as No big deal.

    There is a lesson for us today. That lesson is this. When The Father places us on a platform, it is not to raise us to our own to prominence, but to further his kingdom. With the Christ it was not good that the people most familiar with him refused to see him for who he is. For us mere mortals it is extremely important that those who really know us well, help to keep us grounded in the reality of who we really are. A pastor can be the pastor of a mega church. He can start feeling like he is important in the whole scheme of things. Our Father can replace him in a second. We are placed where we have been placed because The Father chooses to use us to reach people and because we are willing to be used. There is no special favor because of it. So, as you see a friend gaining prominence, I encourage you to be a friend. A friend will keep that person grounded on who he/she really is. Remind that person that they are just a servant working to bring more and more people into the kingdom. That friend could be an actor, pastor, athlete. Remember this. One can start feeling they are important in the whole scheme of things. They are no more important than a waitress, or a factory worker who shares their faith with people they come in contact with daily. As a matter of fact, they may be more important.

    Let’s look at a hairdresser. This person comes in contact with hundreds of people a year. She drops a word here or there during conversations with the people whose hair she cuts. She touches lives on an intimate level. If one person comes to Christ, or hundreds of people are touched in a way that gets them thinking of where they are with Christ she has as much importance or more than a person who has a huge platform and rarely uses it in a way that will draw people to the Christ.

    Remember to pray every day. Father who are you going to touch through me today. Watch what happens.

    Go in peace


    January 10

    Matthew 16:21-28

    The Christ was focused on why The Father sent him.

    In this portion of scripture Jesus said to Peter, Get behind me Satan, your mindful of the things of men and not of God. At this point the followers of Christ were still looking to him to restore greatness to Israel as a nation. The thought of him being physically killed for man’s redemption was not something they could grasp. Jesus the Christ knew what The Father had sent him to this little blue planet to accomplish. He understood that man’s relationship with God The Father was at stake. He understood that the Holy Spirits indwelling of man was contingent on man’s purification, and that could only happen when the Christ of God would shed his pure blood on the cross and walk out of the grave ending Satan’s grip on man. He understood he was the absolute victory and redemption that started the second man fell in the garden. He knew this is why he came and would not be deterred from what his The Father sent him to do.

    The question for the morning is this. What has The Father created you to do, and are you being deterred from it? Imagine for a second you are standing at an engineer’s table. You see the grand plan for the project that is set before you to accomplish. It’s a grand plan that will improve the lives of all the people in the region. But there is in the room a person who does not want that project to go forward. He hates the person who is working to complete it. He is standing right beside you and starts to whisper in your ear that it won’t work, that it will a huge waste of money and time, just give up and walk away.

    You turn to this person, tell him to get out of your way, and continue on with the project. In doing so you have created a pipeline of water from the ocean to the desert, this pipeline runs from the water purification plant taking the salt out of the water. This pure water will allow food to be grown in the desert and bring new land for man to build homes and grow forests that wildlife will inhabit forever. You will see a profit from this in the first year.

    My friends don’t let the enemy of your souls put a stop to what The Father has created you to do. The Father’s purpose cannot be stopped. Each and every one of us has a part in that purpose. We each need to follow the example of the Christ and not be deterred from that thing which The Father has called us to do. Remember we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. The question is will we do it.

    Go in peace


    January 11

    Matthew 18:7

    Always walk in what is right.

    Ever notice that in today’s society that 50 years ago the things that were called evil are now good. The word speaks of this. Isaiah 5:20 references this. Today we all have choices. We can sin or we can walk in that which is right. But in the above verse we are warned not to even try to convince someone that a sinful thing is right. I am sure that we can all think of things that at one time was considered totally wrong by society that is now considered right. To be honest they are still wrong.

    To be honest there was a reason Jesus said Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. I look at the last few days and realize that as Paul said I am chief among sinners. I have been known to do things that can cause hurt in another person life. I mess up; from time to time. I hate hurting people. I also was supposed to give a copy of my new book to a person our Father brought me in contact with. I did not, when she said she did not have the money I kept the book. On most occasions I don’t think anything of it. The Father arranged the situation for her son to get the book and I kept it from him. That was wrong. So, as I write realize I am not perfect either.

    The Supreme Court calling life a choice does not make it right to choose to end a life. The young child who is given drugs early in life that leads this child to a life of crime has been taught that sin is right. Scenarios keep coming to mind. The truth of the matter is this. We are commanded to live lives worthy of the calling we have been called to. Ephesians 4:1-16. That means we are to be counter points to what the enemy is using to destroy our Fathers creation. We are to be lights shining on a hill that draws people to The Father through The Son by the Spirit. Hopefully we listen to that little voice speaking to us and choose right. Remember this. When we mess up, we know it. We still have to be the counterpoint to what the enemy is trying to do to God’s kids. Walk in the light. Realize we mess up. But don’t let that keep you from calling what is wrong, wrong. And what is right, right. Be the light.

    Go in peace


    January 12

    Matthew 3:11-12

    Baptism by fire.

    I found out this weekend this scripture is where that term came from. We can each look back over our lives and see turning points that changed the direction of our lives forever. It could be something as mundane as a class we took, or it could be a firefight in an armed conflict. For every one of us it could be something different. As I look over my life, I can see several. Some were actually quite traumatic. All however, had a huge impact on who I am today.

    Lynn Anderson had a song out years ago. It was called I never promised you a rose garden. That song kinda sings true today. We are not promised that everything is going to be an easy walk. We are promised that if we follow The Fathers leading in everything that we will have victory. What does that victory look like? That will change in every situation. But know this. Some victories look like losses. It may not be until later that we can see our Fathers hand in things that happen and start seeing the victory for what it is.

    Let’ look at Pearl Harbor for instance. Here is the battle that would lead to Japan’s defeat in World War II. At the surface it was a total defeat. At the surface it looked as if it wiped out our whole pacific naval operations. But this trial by fire would prove to be the rally cry that would drive the United State to ultimate victory in World War II.

    When you get hit by your trial by fire, start looking for your victory in your life because of it. It will come.

    Go in peace


    January 13

    Matthew 18: 11-14

    Are you ready to go hunting?

    Yup that be us. We who are the saved and safely in the flock are filled with the Holy Spirit of the great I Am Himself for relationship with him and for his service. We are his servants doing his bidding. Yesterday in the study at my church we discussed why The Father sent his Son to save us. It was pointed out the reason is he wants to have fellowship with each of us as individuals forever. The second Adam fell the plan was put in motion for man’s redemption. Having The Fathers spirit dwelling within us because of the Sacrifice of Christ on the cross and his subsequent walking out of the grave we now are the ones that The Father uses to reach out to those who don’t know him. Because we have the spirit of the Most High dwelling within us, we have a hot line to the throne of grace. The Father himself by the Son through the Spirit puts people in front of us daily who need to hear words of the grace and love that The Father is offering through his Son. The Father is trusting us to be that person who can carry and give his message to those people. I encourage each and every one of us to be that trustworthy messenger that will always deliver the message that can save the person from hell that The Father is putting in front of us.

    Go in peace


    January 15

    Matthew 19:13-15


    Last night it was cold and snowing up here in the tundra they call Duluth. I was sitting in my living room thinking I am going to stay where it is warm and dry and not go to Church. Our The Father had other things in mind. You see there is no peace where there is not obedience. I had to go to church. I stepped outside and turned around and went back in. I knew one thing I did not want to be out in that weather. However, I could not stay; I had to go to church. So, I put my jacket back on and braved the snow and cold and wind and went to church.

    As I arrived at the church, I really felt I needed to bring a copy of Eli in with me. (Sometimes I can be a knot head.) I did not. I walked from the back of the parking lot into the church without putting a copy of Eli under my jacket. I walked in and there was Ellie and her mom. They were talking to pastor Thor. I did not want to interrupt so I went and sat with an old friend Carl. When Pastor Thor was done, I was sent over to talk to them. I asked the young lady if she like to read. Then I asked her age. Then I realized why I was told to put a copy of Eli under my Jacket. I had to go out in the cold and snow to get a copy of Eli out of the car for her. When I brought Eli back in, she took one look at it and said. "I have seen this in our school library. She goes to a public school in this area. I was to find out she is also a young aspiring author. You see Our Father through His Son Jesus by His Holy Spirit wants to touch kids at a young age. We need to be open to that young person who has a desire to know Christ and be used by him. I found out just how much he loved this child last night.

    I spent some time talking to her mom and herself about the book and then took my leave.

    Go in peace


    January 16

    Ephesians 1:3-10

    Walk in it.

    This portion of scripture is loaded with truth. Each one of us was planned before the foundation of the earth. And the reason we were planned was to be able to enter into our The Father presence holy and blameless through the blood of Christ. Think of it. The almighty, the great I am, the One, want’s us in his presence and he paid the price so we could do so. Having been raised in a little country Lutheran church I was taught the scripture at a young age. Later when I stopped running and surrendered to the truths of Christ that I was taught as a child all of a sudden made sense. This is the truth that screams out to us. Our The Father in heaven has a plan. Each of us has a part in that plan and we were planned before time began. Our The Father could have accomplished his plan one of two ways. He could have created us without a will of our own. Or he could have created us in his image with the freedom to choose our own master. The Father in his wisdom understood that for there to be love there has to be a choice not to love. The Father through His Son Jesus by His Holy Spirit won’t force us to love him. Instead, he showed us great love in giving us His Son to die for us that we could be filled with his spirit simply by receiving his grace and caring by choosing to receive his forgiveness through the sacrifice of his Son the Christ on the cross.

    When we are filled with His Holy Spirit the newness and oneness with Our The Father through The Son becomes an amazing thing to experience. I encourage each and every one of us to walk this out daily.

    Go in peace.


    January 17

    1 John 4: 17-19

    If we fear, we have not been made perfect in love.

    The first thing that came to mind was a question when I looked at this section. Fear what? What is the fear that John is speaking of here? Perfect love is that love which lays down its life for another. John 15:13. Love is that which looks beyond itself and looks for the betterment of another. All one has to do is look to a good parent to see what our The Father does. As I think back on my late wife Sharon, I see self-sacrifice. She was not perfect, yet she loved with a love that goes beyond what I was capable of. She taught me what sacrifice was about. When it came to giving, she had no fear. Fear causes us to do things that are not at all logical. Fear causes us to do things that we consider in our best interest yet in most cases are actually counter to our best interest. Fear is what drives us to avoidance. I am not talking here if an eminent physical danger, I am talking of a situation that will cause emotional pain. Although in some cases physical pain may be involved. You see we are not told that perfect make makes fear go away. It casts it out. It defeats it. It gives a person the courage to step beyond the dangers that we see as present in any given situation. It’s time to start acting in perfect love and step beyond yourself. Remember that The Father himself through the Son by the Spirit demonstrated what true, powerful, courage in love really is.

    Go in peace


    January 18

    John 3:1-16

    What happens when we are born again?

    The second we are born again, the second we take our first breath as a child of the King we are given a mission in life. We may not be aware of that mission for quite some time, or we may be made aware of it instantly. That mission is a small part of our Fathers purpose, but it may have a large part in achieving it. It is achieved one life at a time. A while back, I was heading to Two Harbors, Minnesota. All of a sudden, I was really hungry. I had had breakfast so I could not understand why the hunger. I pulled off at 21st Ave. East in Duluth. I had a choice, McDonalds across the street, or Burger King on the same side. I was going to go to Macs. But felt I was meant to go into BK. So, I did. I grabbed a copy of Eli as I went it. I got a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich, was wondering why I had sat down to eat, I needed to get back on the road, The Father had other plans. I finished my sandwich and headed to the car. I noticed a black Mercedes with the sunroof open. As I walked by, I noticed the fish on the trunk. The sign was that this guy was a believer. He had his cute little girl with him in the car. She was probably 10-11 years of age. Curt her dad took a look at Eli and stated he liked the message. I signed it for Amanda his daughter. Her smile as she read what I wrote to her was totally infectious. I don’t know where this little girl is at on her journey of Faith. I don’t know if she has had that experience of being born again or not. I pray that the Holy Spirit will use the words that he had me write to touch her in a way that will change her life forever. We all must use whatever gifts The Father has given to be a tool to reach those around us. Whether we are taking a kid fishing, a grandkid on a motorcycle ride or writing a book these gifts are given for one reason. To see people hearts changed so they can be born again. I encourage all of us to be used, we will see amazing things.

    Go in peace.


    January 19

    Mark 10:8

    And the two shall become one.

    This morning was frustrating for me. I went up to beaver bay Minnesota to call on an eating place. The problem was I could not find it again. I drove the area over and over looking for it. When I finally figured out the place, I had called on last week was an ice cream parlor I had an AHA moment. I was getting more and more frustrated as the morning went on. Stop after stop netted me nothing. No interest in my credit card processing which I broker through my marketing company, and none with Eli either. Could not figure out what was going on. I prayed and asked The Father what he was doing. I was hoping to make the call on this huge resort on Lake Superior. The general manager had told me if I came back today he would meet with me. When I had met with him last Thursday he had told me he would be willing to meet with me today. I drove in a few minutes early. He was in a meeting but I was told to sit tight and he would be with me. I asked where I could get a cup of coffee and was directed to the dining room. While I was sitting waiting for the general manager another couple came in and ordered lunch. When the G.M. came we discussed his credit card situation then I showed him Eli. Little did I know that the couple next to me Al and Lois were taking a huge interest in Eli. You see they had driven past the resort I was at and felt they should turn around and have lunch there. They came back. After my conversation with the G.M. I turned and asked them if they heard the discussion about Eli. They said yes and were very interested. The conversation turned to them celebrating their 32 anniversary. That bout brought me to tears. I shared with them how my Sharon was taken just before that anniversary. They were extremely grateful for the book. I spent some time sharing with them how it came to be, and some of the lives that have been touched through the book. All in all, another blessed day with Eli.

    Go in peace


    January 20

    John 15:5-6

    Apart from me you can do nothing

    As I look around and see people going through life, they get up, the go to work, they come home spend a little time with their family and go to bed. The question I would like to put forth is this, is this person accomplishing what he was created to do or is he/she simply going through life marking time. Let’s look at two people, one the Dad, and one the Son. Both Dad and Son are sold out to Christ. Let’s say the dad is the person above. What was unstated was that dad is totally sold out to Christ. He is not afraid to talk about the Christ in his workplace. And his Son is being raised to have a deep abiding faith in the Christ as well. The son in school becomes a great musician. He starts to compose music at an early age. Or let’s say the son really gets into English, he goes through college and becomes an English major. He goes to work for a publisher putting forth books that can change people’s life and draw them to the Christ. The son has a son and the legacy is passed on again and again. But the key thing to remember here is this; all had a total

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