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The Lies of Money: Who Are You Being
The Lies of Money: Who Are You Being
The Lies of Money: Who Are You Being
Ebook150 pages2 hours

The Lies of Money: Who Are You Being

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About this ebook

The Lies of Money: Who are you Being is dedicated to all of you out there struggling with money. To all of you feeling like the debt or financial worry you are in is a big black hole that you will never climb out of or get beyond.

PublisherLisa Cooney
Release dateJan 17, 2024
The Lies of Money: Who Are You Being

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    The Lies of Money - Lisa Cooney


    You’ve now got your hands on a gold mine.

    At the very least, a whole pile of cash and money – whichever you want (because, as I’ve found out with thousands of clients around the world, there is a difference).

    But this book isn’t just about money… It’s about the lies of money.

    And, quite frankly, if you don’t get to the bottom of them, they will keep you tethered like a ball on a string tied to a pole, circling around in the same orbit again and again.

    It may surprise you that these lies of money have nothing to do with actual cash or money yet have everything to do with what you use to create your ‘money flow’ – or lack thereof – in your bank account, portfolio, investments, checkbook, and in your pocketbook right now.

    In other words, it all actualizes as your financial reality.

    Does this sound like a massive undertaking or a bit overwhelming?

    If it does, then you’ll be pleased to discover, like the people who attended these workshops in person, that all it takes to begin creating a new financial reality for yourself is a one-degree shift.

    And anybody can do that, including you.

    As you’ll see, once you get in there and look, the cage of lies and limitations starts to rattle and then collapse.

    And then the truth starts to be. So how does this relate to money?

    Because money is an energy, just like everything else. We are energy. We have ATP in every cell of our body, Adenosine Triphosphate. That’s the spirit energy, our soul print energy.

    We come in a form. Money comes in a form. We’re all energy, though, but we make it separate with these lies.

    Money is not the problem – we are.

    It has nothing to do with anything outside and everything to do with what is within yourself, and what your belief systems are. It has to do with what you think about it, what you project on it, what you make it mean to you, what you define yourself by, and whether you have it or not.

    This book is filled with lessons that I extracted from some tremendous workshops, or Tasters as I called them, on the Lies of Money that I held in various parts of the country.

    Unfortunately, there are certain lies of money that float insidiously through individuals, their families, and their cultures, passed from generation to generation. In over 20 years of private practice, group practice, and international practice, I’ve seen that money is one of the three main reasons people come to me (the others are health and relationships).

    I started noticing that there was a pattern in my clients who had the same ‘presenting problem,’ where they could create money, but they never kept it or had it.

    Others felt they couldn’t create money – and, therefore, couldn’t have it.

    If you’re reading this book, I suspect you’ll find your own experience somewhere in these pages and, as a result, begin to have your own one-degree shift. And when you do, I will have done my job.

    Because the lies of money are about confronting these three questions:

    Who am I being?

    What am I being?

    What lie am I buying into that I’ve made true?

    Trust me, it’s not work for the weak.

    But it is for those of you who are ready to live your ROAR® – what I call your Radically Orgasmically Alive Reality.

    It’s work for the wicked ROAR® inside of you that says, No more. It’s not worth hiding behind those lies anymore.

    And, you know, it really isn’t. So, come get your money…

    Because money in your hands will change the world.



    I’m going to give you just a little taste of the Lies of Money tonight, I remember saying to my lively audience in Maui when I went there for a workshop on The Lies of Money. It was a five-day long rigorous workshop where we tried to shed layers and layers of trauma, judgment, self-judgment and so much more for all the people who had come for the experience. It is always a privilege and a huge responsibility when people put their trust in you and expect their innermost wounds to heal by your virtue. And getting to share the story of that workshop is another blessing that allows me to connect with you, my reading audience. So here we go…

    It’s so interesting when we talk about money because it brings this energy of stuckness. There are three main lies of money and, if you look at them, you’ll find that it is these assumptions within you that create the financial reality that is actually not you.

    But you believe that it is you.

    Now, that might sting your mind for a moment, and you may be feeling lost.

    I hope that your mind will expand, reading this, because what we’ve all done to ourselves around this topic of money is a radical elimination of our creative phenomenal brilliance.

    So, what does money give you in this reality? Does it give you freedom? Does it allow you to make a good choice? Does it give you something luxurious? What else does it give you? Laughter?

    Chances are, you must be thinking it gives you security, entertainment, luxuries, and so on. And that’s what my participants said in Maui.

    Truly, this reality functions by money, yet so many people have kept money away from themselves for many different lies. And I’m going to address three of these lies that work like a hole in your pocket.

    Now, envision money. Personally, I keep my money securely in my wallet, often accompanied by one-hundred-dollar bills, all held together by a 14-karat gold money clip. It’s heavy – even the wind doesn’t sweep it away.

    When I look at this securely held money, it makes me happy. When I hold it in my hand, I feel powerful. I feel creative. It feels uplifting when I do a little bit of my shopping and use some of the money.

    When I hold this money in my wallet, I know that anything’s possible. When I look in the mirror, I know that anything’s possible. When I look at the ocean, I know that anything is possible.

    However, most of us look at money and choose to believe that everything is impossible unless we have it.

    So, this is the first lie of money: Many of us believe that this piece of paper has power over us, that it’s stronger than us, more than us. It has authority over us. It owns us.

    Look at how you’re looking at it right now. Look at what’s coming up in your body right now as you look at it. Listen to your mind and what you’re saying as you see it:

    What are you thinking?

    What are you judging?

    What have you decided?

    What have you concluded?

    What have you computed? And…

    How perhaps have you configured that money is a god of this reality that you must bow down to and pledge allegiance to, to have it?

    That’s a lie.

    There’s nothing you need to do or be to have this right here. You just simply need to choose to be or do what’s right for you. So, that’s the first lie of money.

    The second lie goes something like this: Let’s say you took your money to couple’s counseling. You put the money in the chair – and you have your chair – and the therapist directs you and your money to have a conversation about your relationship with each other, using I messages.

    If it would speak to you, what would it say to you? How well would it be treated by you? Is it the lover that sleeps on the couch and, therefore, is not the lover?

    Is it the one that walks out on you and would rather go to the bar to hang out with his friends, instead of being with you? Or are you the one who walks out and goes to the bar to be with your friends and not want to be with it? Could you even entertain that money would be your lover?

    That’s the second lie we’ll talk about, that money is your perpetrator, your jailor, and you are its slave. And that, unless you have it, you can’t choose beyond what you’re choosing right now. That it will never give you what you need.

    In this lie, you’ll always criticize it. You’ll always be skeptical of it. You’ll never trust it. You’ll want to cheat on it. You’ll want to binge with it. You’ll never save it. You’ll never have it. You’ll always spend it. You’ll never choose to surround yourself with it.

    Are you noticing there’s a theme to all of this? This theme lies within each of us, within each of you.

    So, the first lie is that money is god and you are less than. The second lie is that money is your perpetrator, your eternal jailor, and you can’t have it.

    And the third lie is what? Can you guess it?

    When I asked this question in my workshop, all the participants had their unique answers, and none of them were wrong. So, they replied with things such as ‘You’re never going to have enough money.’

    ‘Money is evil.’

    ‘You have to work hard for it.’

    ‘Money can’t buy me love.’

    And all of these are hundred percent accurate and true for the people who feel it and what’s true in this reality. These lies form entire belief systems. They are judgments. They are things that we have decided, judged, concluded, computed, and configured our reality around, including our bank accounts, our relationships, our bodies, our jobs, our chores, our clothes, and everything in between.

    They determine when we can go to Hawaii, when we can’t, what we eat when we can go to Whole Foods or Safeway, or whatever it is.

    But they’re all belief systems.

    The third lie is that money is a problem.

    Money is not the problem – we are. What we think about it, what we project on it, what we make it mean to us, what we define ourselves by, whether we have

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