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Sugar-free baking for babies (Christmas Edition): The big baking book with Christmas recipes without sugar for babies and toddlers
Sugar-free baking for babies (Christmas Edition): The big baking book with Christmas recipes without sugar for babies and toddlers
Sugar-free baking for babies (Christmas Edition): The big baking book with Christmas recipes without sugar for babies and toddlers
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Sugar-free baking for babies (Christmas Edition): The big baking book with Christmas recipes without sugar for babies and toddlers

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Sugar-free baby-led weaning recipes for Christmas
Most parents want to offer their babies and toddlers something special at Christmas time but are unsure about what to look out for and which complementary foods are suitable. This book provides the perfect solution and shows a wealth of healthy recipe and snack ideas for the Christmas season. In addition to sound nutritional knowledge, you'll find lots of sugar-free recipes that babies can eat independently or with support. Many of the sugar-free recipes are suitable for babies who are ready for complementary food (around 6 months), but are also a treat for older children.

Sugar-free, healthy and baby-friendly baking
This baking book is a modern recipe book for anyone who is interested in sugar-free complementary foods and wants to raise a happy and independent eater. The recipes are prepared without refined sugar and instead use natural sweeteners. The healthy treats are perfect for the cold season, but are also suitable for snacking all year round.

Theory and practice for introducing solids
The concept of this book is simple and ingenious at the same time: In an introductory chapter, you will learn the basics of introducing complementary foods and baby-led weaning. The author explains the stages of complementary feeding, discusses different portion sizes and looks at suitable and unsuitable foods for babies. She also looks at different spices and sweeteners and presents alternatives to white industrial sugar. This is followed by Christmas complementary food recipes.

Christmas complementary foods for babies and toddlers
This baking book combines theoretical nutritional knowledge with baby-friendly recipes for sugar-free baked goods. Each recipe is clearly laid out and easy to understand: You will find a list of ingredients, detailed instructions with the preparation steps and creative ideas for variations. You'll also find tips on how to store them so that you can prepare the treats in larger quantities and then store them optimally.

The best sugar-free treats for Christmas
This Christmas baking book contains 55 sugar-free baby-led weaning recipes that you can use to prepare healthy snacks for your baby or toddler. The Christmas treats are divided into the following categories:
- Sugar-free cookies, biscuits and pastries
- Sugar-free muffins and brownies
- Sugar-free pancakes and waffles
- Sugar-free cake
- Sugar-free bread
- Sugar-free jams
- Sugar-free no-bake recipes
- Christmas spices and sugar-free toppings

Not a "normal" baking book
This sugar-free recipe book is not a typical baking book with glossy photos and incomprehensible theory - it is a collection of Christmas recipes without sugar especially for babies and toddlers. We have kept the layout of the book minimal deliberately, without unnecessary explanations and glossy pictures. This is not only sustainable and protects the environment, but also promotes a focused approach to working with the book: the baby-friendly recipes take center stage - that's all you need for a sugar-free Christmas snack.

Baking for Babies at Christmas: sugar-free, healthy and safe!
In this baking book, Franka Lederbogen, nutritionist and a trained specialist in baby-friendly complementary foods, explains which sugar-free X-mas snacks are suitable for babies and toddlers. The mother of two knows what challenges introducing solids to babies entails - and how to overcome them. In her book, she provides an overview of the most important basic rules, answers the most frequently asked questions and reveals her best Christmas recipes for sugar-free snacks. With this book, the pre-Christmas season will be something special for your little eater.
Release dateNov 22, 2023
Sugar-free baking for babies (Christmas Edition): The big baking book with Christmas recipes without sugar for babies and toddlers

Franka Lederbogen

Franka Lederbogen ist Ernährungsberaterin, Fachkraft für babyfreundliche Beikost (mit und ohne Babybrei) und Expertin für die Beikosteinführung. Sie ist Gründerin des Blogs sowie des erfolgreichen Instagram-Account @baby_ida_isst. Seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten beschäftigt sie sich mit nachhaltiger und gesunder Ernährung und seit der Geburt ihrer beiden Töchter auch intensiv mit Baby- und Kinderernährung. Mit ihren Büchern teilt sie ihre langjährige Erfahrung in Bezug auf die Beikosteinführung und stellt ihr Ernährungskonzept für einen individuellen, bedürfnisorientierten und sicheren Beikoststart vor. Dabei fasst sie die gelernte Theorie und ihre persönliche Erfahrung zusammen und zeigt einen modernen Weg in die Baby- und Kinderernährung. Mit ihren Grundlagenbüchern sowie Koch- und Backbüchern wird der Beikoststart zu einem entspannten und sicheren Abenteuer für die ganze Familie. Die von ihr erarbeiteten Rezepte sollen Eltern dabei helfen, ihren Kindern eine sichere, nahrhafte und genussvolle Ernährung zu bieten. Mit diesem Buch „One-Pot-Rezepte für Babys“ zeigt sie, welche One-Pot-Gerichte für Babys und Kleinkinder geeignet sind und gleichzeitig der ganzen Familie schmecken. Hier gibt sie einen kurzen Überblick über die wichtigsten Grundregeln zur Beikosteinführung, beantwortet die häufigsten Fragen und verrät ihre besten One-Pot-Rezepte.

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