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With All My Love, John
With All My Love, John
With All My Love, John
Ebook215 pages2 hours

With All My Love, John

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With All My Love, John

In the throes of a grueling war, Captain John finds solace in penning letters to his beloved Emily. These correspondences serve as a lifeline, connecting two hearts separated by the perils of conflict. As battles rage and seasons shift, John's letters weave a tapestry of raw emotion, painting a picture of life on the frontlines juxtaposed with cherished memories of home. Through encounters with the harshest elements of nature and humanity, John is sustained by the unyielding power of love. The novel captures the juxtaposition of the fragility and resilience of the human spirit, as John grapples with the harsh realities of war while holding onto the hope of reuniting with his love. "With All My Love, John" is an evocative exploration of the enduring bonds of love set against the backdrop of war, where each letter becomes a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

PublisherJ.N. Love
Release dateOct 25, 2023
With All My Love, John

J.N. Love

Navigating effortlessly between the realms of fantasy and the intricate labyrinths of thriller and mystery, "Josh" has held readers spellbound for more than a decade with his rich and immersive tales. Born amidst the rugged landscapes of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Josh's childhood amidst age-old legends and whispered tales of old kindled an early passion for stories that meld the magical with the mysterious.Josh's travels around the globe have added depth and nuance to his narratives, combining universal myths with his unique interpretive spins.His fantasy tales often draw inspiration from his African roots, blending age-old myths with fresh narrative innovations. In contrast, his thriller and mystery tales dive into the intricacies of human psyche, weaving plots that are both perplexing and enthralling.When not lost in his imaginative worlds, Josh retreats to his mountainside abode, indulging in his love for astronomy and spending evenings with his trusty dog, Atlas. Dive deeper into Josh's worlds.

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    With All My Love, John - J.N. Love

    With All My Love, John

    J.N. Love

    R.B. Publishers

    Copyright © 2023 R.B. Publishers

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    With All My Love, John

    Chapter 1:

    January 1st

    The sun hung low on the horizon, its pale rays barely piercing the thick gray clouds that loomed overhead. Mud seemed to have overtaken everything, creeping into boots, weighing down uniforms, and threatening to swallow the weary men of the 22nd regiment whole. The trench, once a well-defined gouge in the earth, was now a slippery mess of dark muck. Water pooled in the deeper sections, reflecting a slate gray sky, broken occasionally by the silhouette of a weary soldier moving slowly, purposefully.

    Captain John Everly adjusted his stance, trying to find firmer ground. He winced as his boot sucked down into the muck, releasing with a wet pop when he managed to free it. As he looked around, faces of men, some young and others weathered by war, looked back at him. Their expressions varied: some blank, others filled with determination, and a few with a quiet desperation. John's gaze lingered on a young soldier, no older than nineteen, seated on an ammo crate, diligently cleaning his rifle. The boy hummed a soft tune, providing a surreal juxtaposition to the somber surroundings.

    Nearby, Sergeant Thompson leaned against the trench wall, trying to light a cigarette with hands that quivered ever so slightly. Damn wind, he muttered.

    It's not just the wind, Thom, John replied, casting a side glance at his old friend. Remember the time at Fort Brimley? Wasn’t the wind that made your hands shake then.

    Thompson chuckled, Ah, the great pie heist. We were reckless youngsters then, weren’t we?

    John laughed softly. Indeed. But look where it got us, he gestured around, Reckless youngsters in a muddy hellhole.

    Thompson managed a weak smile, finally getting his cigarette lit. Hell of a way to start the new year, eh Captain?

    John nodded, but his thoughts were elsewhere. His hand reached into his pocket, fingers brushing against the small leather-bound notebook Emily had sent him. Pulling it out, he opened to the first page, the paper crisp against his fingertips. Emily's handwriting, beautiful and elegant, stared back at him: For my love, may words bring you comfort.

    Thompson eyed the notebook. Writing to Em?

    John nodded, already starting to scribble down his thoughts. The act of writing was cathartic, a lifeline to sanity amidst the chaos of war. The world around him faded slightly as he lost himself in the words, trying to convey the stark reality of his surroundings while infusing the warmth of his feelings for Emily.

    Thompson took a long drag from his cigarette, exhaling slowly. You know, Captain, sometimes I envy you. Having someone waiting for you. Loving you. It makes all the difference.

    John paused, looking up at his friend. You have your family, Thom. Your mother, your sister.

    Thompson shook his head, It’s not the same. It's the intimate connection, the spark that keeps you going.

    John leaned back, taking in the scene around him. The soldiers in their trench, the rain pattering down, each drop a reminder of the world beyond war. You'll find it, Thom. When all this is over.

    Thompson chuckled humorlessly. If we make it out.

    A sudden burst of gunfire in the distance silenced them both. The reality of their situation pressed down on them, like a heavy weight. The laughter, the brief respite, was gone, replaced by the ever-present danger lurking just beyond their mud walls.

    Sergeant Bennett, a sturdy man with deep lines etched into his face, approached. Captain, scouts report enemy movement two clicks east. They're preparing for something.

    John's grip on the notebook tightened, his thoughts of Emily momentarily replaced by the imminent threat. Prepare the men. We hold the line, no matter what.

    Bennett nodded and moved away, barking orders. The trench came alive with activity. The serene bubble they'd momentarily lived in popped, replaced by the urgency of warfare.

    Thompson extinguished his cigarette, pulling his helmet down tighter. Well, here we go again.

    John tucked the notebook safely back into his pocket, his message to Emily unfinished. But he made a silent promise to himself – he would write to her, every chance he got, even if it was just a few lines. For in those words, he found solace, a beacon guiding him through the darkest of times.

    Taking a deep breath and gripping his rifle, Captain John Everly prepared to face whatever the new year would bring. And through it all, the image of Emily, and their daughter Sarah, was etched in his heart, urging him on, giving him the strength to fight another day.

    Chapter 2:

    January 8th

    The sky overhead seemed muted, as if the heavens themselves were wrapped in thick gauze. In the trenches below, soldiers sat huddled together, some attempting to catch fleeting moments of sleep, while others cleaned their rifles or wrote letters home. The omnipresent dampness seeped into their bones, and their clothes felt perpetually wet and cold. Yet, despite the discomfort, a spirit of camaraderie kept their spirits buoyant.

    John had taken to pacing a small section of the trench, his boots squelching in the mud. Sergeant Thompson approached him, a slightly mischievous glint in his eyes. You know, Captain, if you keep pacing like that, you'll dig another trench all by yourself.

    John grinned, Just thinking, Thom. Everything's too quiet. You know how I feel about silences.

    Thompson chuckled, Oh, I remember. Like that time at the academy when you thought silence meant I'd flooded our room.

    John laughed, the memory vivid in his mind. Well, in my defense, you'd left the faucet running just the week before.

    A distant boom echoed across the landscape, causing a few heads to turn. The sound wasn’t close enough to be threatening, yet it served as a reminder of the war surrounding them. The distant artillery had become like a metronome, keeping the beat of their days and nights.

    Private Daniels, a lanky young man with a shock of ginger hair, looked up from the letter he was writing. You think they're moving closer, Captain?

    John shook his head, Hard to say, Daniels. But always be ready.

    Daniels nodded, a hint of worry evident in his young eyes. Thompson, sensing the need to lighten the mood, nudged John. Remember that time in Nevada? The silent night when we almost mistook a cow for an enemy scout?

    John smirked, Oh, don't remind me. But you've got to admit, in the moonlight, that cow looked mighty suspicious.

    The men around them laughed, the tension broken momentarily. It was then that another soldier, Corporal Williams, began to hum a tune. Soft at first, the familiar melody resonated in the hearts of all who heard it. Before long, others joined in, their voices weaving together in harmony. It was a song from home, one that spoke of rolling hills and simpler times.

    Private Martin, his face shadowed by his helmet, closed his eyes and sang with deep emotion. Oh, the valley's green, and the sky's so blue, where I left my heart, and my love so true...

    John felt a lump in his throat. The song reminded him of Emily, of Sarah, of the world he left behind and yearned to return to. Yet, here in this dark, dank trench, the song also became a beacon of hope, a reminder of the humanity they all clung to.

    As the song ended, there was a brief silence before Thompson cleared his throat. Alright, lads, enough daydreaming. We've got work to do.

    The men got up, their brief respite over, but the song had rekindled their spirits. They went about their duties with renewed energy, the memory of home fuelling their determination.

    Later that evening, as darkness enveloped the trench, John pulled out his small leather-bound notebook. With the dim light of a lantern casting an orange glow on the pages, he began to write to Emily. The words flowed effortlessly, as he recounted the day's events, the song, the memories it invoked.

    As he wrote, he could almost imagine Emily beside him, her soft voice reading his words, feeling the depth of his emotions. He described the camaraderie among the men, the laughter, the song, the brief moments of respite amidst the looming threat of war. He wrote of his hopes, his fears, and his undying love for her and their daughter.

    Closing the notebook, John felt a strange sense of peace. Despite the harsh conditions, the threat of impending conflict, and the ever-present homesickness, he knew he was not alone. The bond he shared with his fellow soldiers, the memories of home, and his unwavering love for Emily kept him going, giving him the strength to face another day in the trenches.

    Tucking the notebook safely in his pocket, John lay down, his thoughts drifting to Emily and Sarah, hoping that they were safe and that one day, he would be able to hold them close once more. The distant artillery rumbled in the background, a constant reminder of the war that raged on, but for now, John found solace in his memories and dreams of a better future.

    Chapter 3:

    January 15th

    Mist blanketed the landscape, turning the muddy trenches into a ghostly labyrinth. The early hours of dawn were still, save for the occasional chirping of a brave bird, and the distant mutterings of waking soldiers. It was during these liminal hours, when night gave way to day, that Captain John Everly felt the weight of his responsibilities the most.

    He was tracing his usual pacing path when a soft, anomalous rustling caught his attention. Peering through the haze, he noticed a slight figure in tattered clothes cautiously moving closer to the camp, darting in and out of the mist like a wraith.

    Curiosity piqued, John crouched down and observed. As the figure neared, he recognized the features of a boy – alarmingly thin, dirt smeared on his young face, yet his eyes held a defiant glint. The lad couldn’t have been older than twelve, and the sight of him in this hellscape evoked a piercing ache in John's heart.

    Oi! What's the lad doing here? Sergeant Thompson’s voice whispered from behind, also having spotted the boy.

    Scavenging, I presume, John murmured, not taking his eyes off the child who was now rummaging through some discarded rations.

    They watched as the boy cautiously pocketed bits of stale bread and a discarded tin of meat. His movements were agile, silent, a testament to the survival skills he'd been forced to adopt in this ruthless environment.

    Without warning, a loud bang shattered the morning stillness. A misfired gunshot from a nervous soldier had ricocheted nearby. The boy, alarmed, lost his footing and tumbled into a puddle, the scavenged food scattering around him.

    John was on his feet in an instant, racing toward the boy, his protective instincts flaring. Thompson was right beside him. Reaching the boy, John knelt, placing a gentle hand on the child's shoulder. The boy looked up, terror evident in his eyes, but there was also a fire there, a fierce determination to survive.

    Easy there, John whispered, helping the boy sit up. You're safe.

    The boy looked around, his gaze darting from face to face, as if expecting betrayal at any moment. His eyes finally settled on John, and after a moment, he muttered, Thank you, mister.

    Thompson, ever the pragmatist, asked, What's a lad like you doing out here? It's dangerous.

    The boy shrugged, his chin trembling, but he held back tears. "War took my family. Now, it's just

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