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“Mysticism in Newburyport” is a seven-book series revealing ancient secrets from masters of all cultures along with modern-day breakthroughs by scientists and quantum physicists of our times. These tales began flowing after Peter’s powerful spiritual awakening in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Newburyport is a quaint little, historic seaport on the coast of Massachusetts heading toward New Hampshire. Peter had been sober in the 12-step recovery program for many years and had recovered from his alcoholism. Peter’s love of Nature had brought him to the Newburyport area. This area is rich with Nature’s treasures, Native American Heritage, and many tales from the tall cargo ships of olden days. High Street was lined with homes of these Sea Captains. Peter’s awakening had given him new eyes and new highly evolved senses. Peter was to have powerful past-life experiences with his Mystery Woman guide named Layne. Layne was a mystic who would tell people things about themselves that there was no way she could know. She would look you in the eyes and tell you your deepest secrets. She also knew about the Earth’s electromagnetic grids and helped Peter understand what he was experiencing in Newburyport. Peter’s new heightened senses could feel the electromagnet flow of energy and the convergence right below Market Square in Newburyport. Market Square was one of the crossroads for these powerful electromagnet energies that give life to our planet. Peter was to share the secrets that were revealed to him in his writings.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 19, 2023

Peter James Ford

Peter James Ford, The Unlikely Messenger, is a unique individual with a broad understanding of life from having lived life from many lifestyles. Peter experienced the good, the bad, the ugly, and then an awakening and redemption. His younger years found him struggling with alcoholism and the drugs of the sixties, with having learning disabilities, including attention deficit disorder, and growing up in a violent environment. Peter turned to physical training and motorcycles and found much satisfaction in both. At an early age Peter crawled into the 12-step recovery program a broken man. This was the beginning of Peter’s spiritual journey. Over the years, Peter attained the promises of the program and began living a great life. Many years later, Peter was initiated into a yogic path that had begun thousands of years ago by an ancient lineage of Masters. Peter did not realize that his profound spiritual experience at that time was actually a powerful “Kundalini Awakening” within him. Shortly after his awakening, these mystic tales of past lives and powerful wisdom truths began flowing. Peter has just completed his seventh book about his life adventures and spiritual journey. Peter hopes people find something useful in his writings, or at least that they will bring a smile to your face when thinking about Peter, this “Unlikely Messenger.”

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    Mystic - Peter James Ford

    Copyright © 2023 Peter James Ford.

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 10/17/2023




    Cover Story

    In Memory


    Sincere Thanks




    1     Summary on the Seven-Book Series that is Called Mysticism in Newburyport.

    2     Present Moment

    3     Vibration

    4     Kind Words

    5     The Magic of Contemplation

    6     To be Known and Accepted…

    7     There and Back Again, A Seeker’s Path…

    8     Safe Passage (Tibetan Philosophy on Death)

    9     Mystic Voice

    10   Way of the Mystic

    11   Soul Whispers

    12   Losing Yourself in Nature

    13   The Art of Contemplation

    14   Inner Sciences

    15   Some Random Thoughts

    16   Wee Hour Wisdom

    17   An Unlikely Messenger

    18   Universal Truths

    19   Conviently Forgotten History

    20   Forgotten Treasures

    21   Boardwalk Visions

    22   TTT (Treasure Trove of Truth)

    23   Riding into the Mystic

    24   The Seeker’s Journey

    25   In the Wind

    26   Wisdom Quotes

    27   PJF (Peter’s Jewels Forever)

    28   A Taste of Sevens

    29   ‘The Metamorphosis of the 12-Step Program’

    About the Author


    Conclusion for My Seventh Book…



    Let me first say that after writing almost 5000 pages about the greatest teachings and learning about the universal principles I have realized one thing. You could spend a hundred lifetimes studying all the great masters and you would only have a tiny piece of their knowledge. You could spend lifetimes just studying the Jnaneshwar’s Gita: the commentary on the Bhagavad Gita completed by a fifteen-year-old master and barely scratch the surface. So, learning about all the greatest wisdom and gaining knowledge is great but it is not the purpose of a human birth. We do need to read or hear something to inspire or reawaken us but then meditating on the ‘self’ is how we attain mastery. Your time spent would be more beneficial for you to practice the simple spiritual practices of turning inward connecting with your own heart.

    This will establish you in your conscious contact with God. That establishment of this realization is what life is all about. You realize the one you have been searching for is alive and well in your own inner awareness. You realize that the one that you are searching for is the one that is looking out through your own eyes. God looks out through your eyes at the world which is God’s creation and God’s body. Our awareness and our consciousness is God. God lives within you, as you. There is only God manifesting as everything and everyone. God is the life force that has animated this entire universe. Go inward and meditate, as what you meditate on you become. Meditating on your inner self (God) will make you realize you are already one with and the same as God. The good news is that you only have to know some basic principles to fulfill your destiny and return to your own heart. Your heart is the destination and realizing that you are already one with God and there is nothing else in this world that matters then you have reached the goal. You have completed the path back to self-realization which is knowing that God is manifesting as you in this moment. What could compare with knowing you are a part of God and that God is all there is. That makes you one with God and you have the powers of God which is to create through thoughts and feelings.


    A Golden Mind gives you a Golden Life. Empty your mind and dwell in peace…


    Knowing What you think is what you will get is the highest teaching of life.


    This is so important - the only time your life actually exists is in this Present Moment.


    Your mind and breath are directly connected, take long breathes in and out and relax.


    Your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and motives will create your life.


    Despite my books being read in nine countries, that I know of, I would not call myself a writer or an author. It just does not feel like a good fit. I can call myself a Story Teller and I am comfortable with using that term. It fits as I was always telling stories about our wild escapades when we were young on the bikes and in high speed chases. I realized just lately that all my life experiences were being gathered and stored for my books that I began writing many years later.

    Story Teller fits me well. I was someone with a vivid imagination and I always had trouble telling the difference between reality and my mind stories. So, I was perfect to be a Story Teller. Whether it is a blessing or curse of not knowing what reality is, it seems to be a common trait amongst many great writers. The funny part about this whole reality thing is that the ancient teachings tell us that the outer world (what we call reality) is an illusion. It is not any more real than the movie we watched last night or the dream we had while we slept. That it is a temporary passing show, just as a mist appears for a short time and soon is gone. We watch that with loved ones and people that we know as their lives are over and they have gone like a passing cloud.

    The ancients (and me too) believe the real world is the inner world. It is the true story of life and not this silly show of egos chasing fame, fortune and happiness. When you are on your death bed and have millions of dollars and numerous homes but have not connected with your own heart, it will be very scary. You will feel you face death alone. It is not true, but you will believe and feel you are alone. If you had put your attention on turning inward and meditated on the being that lives within you, you would be fearless when your physical body falls away. You will be excited to know you are going home. You already have merged and are one with the ONE and the only death is the falling away of the physical body.

    While we are here we can enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, as Gal Gadot, Wonder Woman had described in her movie. The trick is to just enjoy what comes freely and do not get attached or identify with being the doer or the owner. People, places and things are not yours and will leave sooner or later, so just enjoy and do not identify with them. Just as, Kahlil Gibran, the Prophet, had said, your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughter of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. We are just the caretakers of God’s stuff. That is how I felt like the caretaker of the massive home and property that Barbara and I shared along with our collections of Show and Go Custom Cycles. Freedom is letting everything go and not holding on to anything, even life itself.

    The real purpose of our life is just to reawaken or realize that we are children of God. Out of God everything and everyone comes and they exist for a while (for God’s amusement) and then God draws everyone and everything back into itself. So, it never was really your life, it was God’s life expressing as you. This is a radically different way to look at yourself and life but if you can adopt this perspective it will free you beyond anything you have ever known. There will not be anything to worry about. There will be nothing or no one to fear. You will know your life is in God’s hands…

    When I learned the Eastern Philosophies about life I felt so much better. The outer world is the false world of illusion and the real world is within your own heart and mind.

    This world is going too fast and with Artificial Intelligence technological breakthroughs we will not even recognize the world anymore. But there is always a way and that is returning to the simple and uninvolved life that the ancient ones have always taught. It will be interesting to be in peace when the world has many wars going on and many on the verge of breaking out. To be able to sit completely content when at any moment the end of the world with a nuclear war could happen is such a gift. I believe that nothing happens in God’s world that God does not allow. So, if the world ends, then it ends. It was fun while it lasted. I am grateful for my heart and mind opening and having enough grey matter to absorb the simple teachings of the path to peace and freedom.

    My latest writings in this new book called MYSTIC will be a continuation of my journey that began so many years ago. I have lived many lifestyles and played many roles and have thankfully burned off most, if not all, of my bad karma. I am grateful to live my simple life in peace. When you read my writings try to find something that resonates with your heart and just disregard the rest. I am not concerned with writing perfect textbooks, but to write uplifting, interesting, fun books that draw people in. Many people have a look on their face that shows they just could not process all these different themes from my different school of thought. It’s all in good fun and I hope you enjoy reading my tales. If you can focus on the intent of my writings which is to share teachings and my books are not written to be perfect literary pieces or for me to become something. They are just simple lighthearted tales of The Irish Story Teller of Miami Beach. Now, that’s pretty humorous…

    Wishing You and Yours the Best…

    Cover Story


    I was looking through the 376169 pictures on iStock photos that are available to buy. I love a cover with a bright light, especially a golden one. I need the light, or sun in the middle of the cover so the title will not block it. I came across this following picture that I used for my fourth book called THE RECLUSIVE MYSTIC.


    These are pictures of the Emerald Lake Lodge in Yoho National Park in British Columbia. Legendary guide Tom Wilson first discovered Emerald Lake in 1882 during the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The CPR built the original guest lodge in 1902.


    When I purchased the photo for the cover of my fourth book I had no idea of how famous the lodge was and is. I thought it was just a great picture. Numerous pictures of the lodge started popping up on Facebook posts. More and more pictures from all times of day and night and from all seasons. I came across other authors that had used the lodge for their book covers. If you get a chance and want to see some of the most amazing pictures of this magical place just type in the Emerald Lake Lodge. I was fortunate to get another exceptional picture of the lodge for this book cover. I just love this mystical place deep within British Columbia.


    Emerald Lake Lodge

    A history and A Celebration


    Robert William Sandford


    I came across this fascinating book by Robert telling all about the Emerald Lake Lodge. It was the history and a celebration about this magical place deep in Yoho National Park, British Columbia.



    On YouTube there are these audio books which are just amazing. One of the stories with a video was a story called The Forest Cabin. Guess what cabin they used in the video? Yes, once again, the magical Emerald Lake Lodge was featured. Since finding a picture of the Lodge to use for my book cover, I have witnessed this magical lodge pop up all over the place. It seems that it is quite famous. Well, I am grateful to use this Lodge for two of my covers…



    In Memory


    This section will be about my time in Newburyport, Massachusetts with the most amazing friends and having the most fascinating experiences. I had written about this unique, little, historic seaport town in many of my books. I had driven right by this magical place for years heading into New Hampshire and Maine from Massachusetts and never stopped there. My sweet friend, Karen, who is on the back cover of two of my books, had taken me one day up to this little town on the river. I was immediately drawn right to the river and the boardwalk which ran alongside the Merrimack River on its way to the Atlantic Ocean. I felt such a powerful pull from this river and it was confusing at that time. I was to learn why I was so attracted to this river and I was soon to learn all the river’s secrets.

    I had worked in the Teamsters Union since 1965. I had an uncle that was a Teamster Boss and I worked around the union at fifteen years old and then joined in 1968 when I turned eighteen. I really grew up being around these standup guys and I formed many values and ways of dealing with stuff from them. They were great guys that would give anyone a hand but if you screwed with them they would have no problem putting your lights out. One thing my uncle made clear was that there was nothing wrong doing anything, the only thing wrong is getting caught. There was always exciting stuff going on and lots of money to be made. An occasional trip out the back gate with a loaded eighteen wheeler to be dropped off to a wise guy from East Boston or Charlestown was completely acceptable. I loved the danger and excitement from the adrenal rushes. It was only a few years ago that I learned about the truth of addictions. We can get addicted to the chemical releases in our bodies from anger, danger, conflict and even depression as they are equally addictive as heroin and cocaine. Way back in the nineteen forties a doctor had shown that the chemicals in our bodies are exactly like the external opioids that addicts take. For some reason, no one paid any attention. Today we know that the body can make any drug that is in the pharmacy. Our bodies are the biggest drug pharmacies in the world. We can take a sugar pill and our minds will tell our bodies to make a pain killer and it does. The power of our minds are the real power in this life. Learn about your mind. That is the key to freedom & peace.

    I had accepted long ago that I was an alcoholic but I did not think of myself as an addict. I would drink alcohol constantly while using lots of the drugs of the sixties which were pot, hash, LSD, hallucinogens, lots of pills (upper and downers and all arounders), black beauties (truckers speed in those days), crystal meth, (the bikers speed), but no heroin or cocaine. The coke did not really come in until the seventies so I luckily missed out on that. I did ‘dance with the devil’ in the form of smoking pure opium. I was very fortunate to escape from that death ride. So, I did not consider myself an addict until a few years ago when I learned about how we can get addicted to the chemical rush in our bodies from danger, as equally to using heroin or coke. I had to admit I had been an addict to danger and excitement my whole life. When I was first sober I had a guy pull up in a car and pointed a gun to shoot me. I dove through the window at the gunman. A few of the brothers grabbed me and pulled me out and the guy took off. The next day, in broad daylight, we pulled up in a truck and three of us got out and pulled out guns. We kicked in the door to his apartment and went in for him. He was not there. I had written about this in my first book and said, if he was there I would be writing Mysticism in State Prison instead of Mysticism in Newburyport. One of the legendary outlaw bikers from Lynn, Mass. had told me, that the way you take the power away from someone with a gun is, you run at it.

    There is a whole science to using a gun and most of the guys are all bluff. On the off chance you meet someone with the balls to shoot you as you run at him, well, then your problems are over. I never feared death and I never valued my life. So, either way it looked like a win win to me. One time at Hard Nock’s Gym when I was training on the heavy bag a State Cop looked at me and pointed like he had a gun and said, he would just shoot me. I calmly said, Go get your gun. He said, What? I said, You heard me, go get your gun and let’s see what happens when you point a gun at me. I said, Let’s dance, I am willing to die, are you? He just backed up and left. I had to admit that if I was willing to die for that adrenal rush that I might have a little problem. Maybe, just a little one…

    An opening in the construction division of the Teamsters came up and no one wanted it. The first day of the job the driver rolled over an oversized load (as big as a house construction piece) and was taken away in an ambulance, never to return. They were in a panic at the union hall to fill the position. My uncle said, Don’t worry, I have someone crazy enough. He called me. I was to work ten years with the operating engineers union, iron workers, boilermakers and laborers. I moved enormous, oversized construction pieces all over the jobs and up to the tower cranes to be lifted and placed on the high rises. I was to drive fifty ton earth movers and on special jobs eighty-five ton monster earth movers. I loved the danger and I was very good at it as my intuition saved me numerous times.

    So I began working with these unions and hauling containers from the docks and I was to meet many wise guys. They watched me handle these big rigs and respected me. They counted me in on jobs. I had come to crossroads three times in my life where I could have counted myself in all the way in one of these organizations, but I chose not to. I think I did it all in past lifetimes and I was just finishing up some old karma. Well, the money was great, but it was the danger that I lived for. One time I came out of South Boston heading to Charlestown with an eighteen wheeler (that was not mine) and I had a chase car following. If something goes wrong when you are moving a hijacked load you just bail from the truck and the chase car picks you up. I had this truck roaring like a lion going through Boston, like it was a corvette. The next day when I went to get paid the head of that crew said, the chase driver said you are nuts. He said, He could not even keep up with you as you were flying through Boston. I don’t know, maybe my addiction to danger was part of the reason for my first divorce. I am sure it was for following relationships. After one of the divorces I was with a little sweetheart who worked for the government. One day she said her five year investigation was coming up and they investigated everyone in her life. She asked if that was a problem. I did not want to cause her any problems so I moved on again. It was a long time before I came to terms with my addiction for danger and excitement. One of the problems, besides getting me killed, is that always being in the fast lane, depletes your adrenal glands and in turn affects your immune system. This makes you more vulnerable to diseases. I watched the gang members that I grew up with that lived in the fast lane and most of them died from cancers and heart disease. Some shot themselves, too.

    ‘Live fast and die young’. Just like, ‘Live by the sword, die by the sword.’

    I really should have died in high speed chases on motorcycle, muscle cars and stolen trucks while drinking and drugging. Hard to believe that men were shooting at me, including police officers and occasionally returning the favor (or fire). I believe Grace kept me alive as this was my lifetime to grow and change. I was to live my secret dream of having a normal life. I rarely admitted to myself that was what I truly wanted as I was such a screwup that there was little chance for me to ever live that type of live. Well, I was wrong. God had other plans for me.

    As, I had said, I had worked in the union and I had driven (and stolen) every type of truck or heavy equipment they have. I was very good at handling a truck or motorcycle but I had no formal education. My oldest brother had sent me a book from a meditation master and my life was to change forever. I began following an ancient lineage of meditation masters and I was rocketed into a new realm. It took me a lot of years in the 12-step recovery program to attain the promises and to recover, but now with this connection to these masters, my personal development went in leaps and bounds. I held on by my fingertips as it was unfolding so fast. I was still working in the union and I was on the ‘Big Dig’ in Boston. One day, I stood in front of a loaded eighteen wheeler that I was supposed to drive and I could not get in the truck. I began fighting with my conscious mind and my inner self trying to just get in the truck. Reading the yogic teachings had changed me and the life that I had lived was over. My inner self said, No, I am done with this lifestyle. I looked like I was in a fight with myself as I pleaded with myself just to get in the truck. Nope, not going anywhere just kept coming out. I turned to the boss who thought I was having an epileptic fit and I said, I am just going to grab a coffee and I will get this show on the road. He said, Sure Peter. I got in my car and I drove to Newburyport and I sat on a bench on the boardwalk along the river. I thought, what have you done now? I don’t know how to do any other jobs. I can remember that day as if it were right now. It was a mix of apprehension while feeling a huge relief and that everything was going to work out. I had taken (reluctantly) a leap of faith and God was to catch me. I talk about this more in the story MYSTICISM. My first book tells the whole story of my time in this magical little town.

    Well, back to ‘In Memory’ theme and the beginning of my new life where all my years of working on myself began to pay off. If you keep doing the right thing in the present moment all these actions accumulate and one day you reap the prizes.

    So, I had arrived in this special place at a special time in my life. It was a time I was to experience true friendships, a sense of family and community. Blood makes us related but does not make us family. Family are the people that support you when you are on top or on the bottom. They accept you when you screw up and are there for you. Now, if you are fortunate you will have both family and friends as I do. I had grown enough so I could be a true friend and then true friends appeared. Like I said, I was to experience for the first time a sense of community. A healthy community, not the gang mentality, that you were fighting the world, but healthy, great people around this Newburyport, Salisbury and Amesbury area. Some of the best friends ever with the people of Hard Nock’s Gym, the Recovery Program and Unity on the River, a Church of Celebration now came into my life.

    I will try to list some of these great people like Matt, Larry, Jeff, Tommy, Dave, Jane, Erik, Alyssa, Phil, Al, Michele, Karen, Maureen, Joe, Frank, Beth, Ricky, the Faheys, Donn and Donna Kelly, Big Chris, Jeff S., Dave, Jane, Erik, Alyssa, Len, Larry, and many others. I never had experienced this kind of healthy friendship. I had known guys that would take a life for me if I asked, and it was expected, I would do the same for them, but there was no peace. In that world they would fight to the death for you or kill someone for you, but they also would kill you if you ever screwed up. It is the ultimate ego trip and there is no peace and no true friendship. After my reawakening I was done with that world. As a kid I was very sensitive and I hated being laughed at for being a gentle soul.

    My heart closed as tight as a rock at this young age. Not long after the closing of my heart, this negative world was to really begin for me. At twelve years old, the sensitive kid was gone and a little psycho was born. I remember standing over someone that had been shot through the neck and was to bleed out to death. I felt nothing. I was dead inside and I felt no compassion or compassion for anyone. My heart was closed and I was not really alive. It was screw the world and everyone in it. I had a gun at twelve years old and I knew how to make a homemade gun and even a silencer. Bombs are very easy to make, I had some evil teachers when I was young. In a pinch, if you need a throwaway gun, all you need is an old fashion car antenna, vice grips, a hammer and a few 22 caliber bullets. All the mob hitmen use is a 22 caliber. The smaller caliber is still lethal but quieter. You use the gun, then dismantle it in a minute, and there is no gun. Let them try to get a ballistic match with a broken car antenna. Somehow I knew about all this stuff that is now useless to me today. Knowing how to make your microwave into a bomb is not much use today for writing books on spiritual teachings, lol. I would rather get shot today than to shoot someone as I don’t want the karma.

    As you can see I am not your typical spiritual seeker. I still struggle with that dark side of myself. The story of the two wolves inside us, one good, one bad and they are always fighting. Which one wins? The one you feed. The one you choose. I do spiritual practices to save my ass not to become a saint or a respected person for his accomplishments. I don’t care what the world thinks. This is about survival. I don’t like being locked up. My Freedom and My Independence are the most important things in my life. So, every day I choose to walk this path using spiritual tools to save myself…

    Well, once again, I digressed from the subject of this section which is about the great friends I was to make that will last a lifetime. I was to spend wonderful walks and talks with my friends like Karen, Michele, Ricky, Jeff, Chris, and Beth in this historic old seaport. Long nights along the river in meditation were priceless experiences revealing so many insights. Just like in Herman Hesse’s Classic Novel, SIDDHARTHA when the boatman tells Siddhartha to stay by the river, it will tell you everything. Well, my long nights along the river did reveal the river and nature’s secrets to me. It really is so simple that if you spend time in Nature you will feel the ‘ONENESS’ of all of life. With time in Nature, you will return to your true nature. In that state, there is nowhere to go, there is nothing to do, nothing to try to attain. You just dwell in that oneness with God. I have written elsewhere that I was to have the actual real experiences that Herman’s fictional character in Siddhartha talked about. My first book was introduced at the Miami International Book Fair as a modern-day version of the Herman Hesse Classic Novel, SIDDHARTHA.

    I was to have a profound spiritual awakening known as a Kundalini Awakening through the Grace of a true, and authentic and rare mediation master while I was in Newburyport. So, to honor this little town, I used the title for my seven-book series under the title MYSTICISM IN NEWBURYPORT. My writings are less of a particular location but more about a unique School of Thought. My own special way of perceiving life and the world.

    So, a big thanks to all the great people, to the abundance of nature and animals, the great places in nature to walk and meditate and to this special area around the river.





    My fifty year medallion from 2020 (March 1970 – 2023) (53 years)

    This book is dedicated to the 12-step program of recovery for the alcoholic that saved my life and was truly the beginning of me living a life beyond my dreams. Later in this book I have written a story called THE METAMORPHISM OF THE 12-STEP PROGRAM. I share my experience, strength, and hope from my years of sobriety that began in March 1970. It has been many years that I have lived a sober life, but it really does not matter, as it is a one-day-at-a-time way of life. I must say that at forty years sober I went into a reflective mood about my life. I thought it would last a few days but I have never left that place of reflection, contemplation and gratitude. I would have long been dead if I had not been saved by Grace and The Program. This place of Gratitude was just deepened when I sat in reflection on my fiftieth anniversary. This peaceful state of reflection has continued the last few years, just like the prior years and my gratitude just continues to grow. I know how blessed I have been and gladly turn my will and life over to the God of my understanding.

    In the story that I have written I have talked about the changes I was to witness in the program over the years with outsiders and government worming their way in and trying to use us for their own agenda. Pretty much the same behaviors that we see the extremist in our country trying to do today to change the principles that made our country strong and a land of the free.

    Some have strongly disagreed with what I have witnessed in the program and found my writings disturbing. I make no apologies for what I had written as I have been there for over fifty-three years and I have done the work to recover. So, my words carry conviction. Most people today see or are waking up to what is going on in our country. So, I am not concerned that people won’t agree with me as anyone with an open mind will see the same interventions in the program as is happening in our country.

    With that said, I would like to make it clear, I owe my life to the principles of the 12-program set down by the founders. I struggled many years to attain what the program had to offer and for the promises in the literature to come true for me, but they all did. I was able to recover from a fatal illness. People like me either end up spending their lives locked up in jail or institutions or dying young. I am sincerely grateful to the program and the incredibly kind and supportive individuals that were there for me.

    It feels so natural that you want to give back to the program and others. I never did well trying to help others. Maybe, my personality is a little lacking. So, I have chosen to put everything I have learned in my life into my books. My early years life experience, my fifty-three years in the program and my knowledge from a meditative path for the last thirty-five years. Everything that has helped or that I have learned from life is in my books available for anyone that is interested. In this way, I have poured my life’s blood, my experience, my strength and my hope and everything I have into my books and have made them available for anyone.


    In the writings of the founders of the original 12-step recovery program, the writers had some words about direct communion with God. They said that you can go directly to God for answers, but it was suggested that until you are firmly established in the principles of the program, it is better left unused. Along the way in the program of recovery you will be established in a way of life that gives you complete freedom. Your physical sobriety will be based in a faith as strong as concrete. Your emotional sobriety will give you the ability to go directly to God for direction and guidance. This God and direct conscious communion with it, has always been there, but you will become aware of it when you are established in emotional sobriety. The Twelve steps will make you complete. They are divinely inspired teachings.

    There are two parts to the recovery program. One is getting physically sober and free of alcohol, and then being sober becomes a normal state of being from then on. Physical sobriety is the miracle. The frosting on the cake is the second part of this God given program. This second part of the program is called emotional sobriety. It is a state of equanimity and mastery of your mind. Physical sobriety and Emotional sobriety are what gives you freedom, happiness, peace, and right understanding.

    As with the two wings of the dove, Grace and Self-effort work perfectly together. So too, Physical and Emotional Sobriety go hand in hand on our path. Once established in this state of mind and emotional balance you are now fully qualified to go directly to God for any answers or direction you need. It takes a clear and still mind & heart. No one knows more about you than your own heart. This is true freedom as you are not dependent on any individual or group and you do not get your power from anyone else anymore. You realize you are the power. You are now home. Your own heart was the goal all the time.


    With the sincerest gratitude I thank this simple program of recovery for saving my life and freeing me from the obsession for alcohol. I owe my life to this simple program of spiritual principles. I wish that everyone finds the right help for their issues on their journey in this life…


    Sincere Thanks


    In the first six books in this seven-book series I have an extensive listing of all the great people that have played their parts for me on this journey. I am sincerely grateful to every one of them. There have been so many individuals that God has worked through to help me, guide me, and uplift me in times of trouble. I have been blessed with a great family and true friends in my life. I thank all of the gang from Hard Nock’s Gym. I had great parents who, with kindness and consideration, put up with such a troubled soul as myself. I have great brothers and a wonderful son and daughter, now a granddaughter. We all have our own lives to live, and I wish everyone the best. The words of Kahlil Gibran: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you; and though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. We are but the caretakers of God’s children. I have always felt like the caretaker of God’s stuff, that it was not mine.

    I am sincerely grateful to God for a lifetime of safe motorcycle riding, 1965 to present day. I have been In the Wind for more than fifty years. I am so grateful for the ten years I spent with Barbara and our ten years of riding in the White Mountains. We shared ten years of safe, problem-free riding on the best custom motorcycles, all over New England and especially the White Mountains and Seacoast. Thank you, God, for keeping Barbara and myself safe out on the roads for all those years. I have priceless memories of riding with Barbara in the White Mountains.

    I am sincerely grateful for having experienced receiving everything that I ever wanted. The best gift of experiencing I love the life I live, and I live the life I love. I am sincerely grateful for the teachings about the mind and the power of thoughts and feelings, the wisdom of the proper way to breathe, and the knowledge of our true Self. I am grateful for all the wisdom from the ancient Masters to the present-day teachers like Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and Dr. Bruce Lipton. My great friend, Kay, who has always encouraged me to write and who believed in my writing process. I thank D.R. (Ram) Butler for sharing his endless wisdom and his life of selfless service.

    I can’t forget my great friend, Bob Hawes, who has done so much in so many ways to help me create these books. Big thanks to the great team at Balboa Press. Via, Tara, Ann, and the design team have been so understanding and helpful and have done such a great job setting up and designing my books. Big thanks to Louise Hay, owner of Hay House International, for providing this vehicle for indie authors like myself to be published all over the world. Big thanks to the Yogic Path I follow, and to all the monks and my friends. Big thanks to all the sweet women that have filled my books. A big thanks to Michele and Karen for sharing their beauty that filled my writings. Michele and Karen are two very special and exceptional individuals who have been such great friends. Thanks to Dan Svenconis, a great friend, who showed up and helped me with my past books. Dan, a college professor who is very knowledgeable about writing, told me that I wrote in a very Joycean (James Joyce) style, which is writing in a flow of consciousness. I remembered James Joyce’s name from my younger years at school. I am not sure I deserve that compliment as Joyce is what I consider a real writer, and I am just a humble typist for the ‘Voice’. This unseen voice is the real author/writer behind every book. I am not really sure what is even in these books. One day I will have to read them.

    My daughter remarked that I write like Hunter Thompson. Hunter rode and partied with the Hells Angels for a year and then, in 1966, wrote his book Hell’s Angels. Later when he wanted to be paid for writing the book, the Angels beat him up instead of paying. Hunter later in his life committed suicide. Sonny Barger, the Hells Angel president, said suicide was the coward’s way out. Sonny died of liver cancer in 2022. Seven thousand people showed up at the Stockton 99 Speedway in California for his ceremony, including Tucker Carlson from Fox TV. Tucker grew up in California and remembered as a kid riding in his parents’ car as the Angels rode past. It was a powerful experience for him. Tucker later got his first Harley Davidson and began riding. Well, with seven thousand attending Sonny’s ceremony I have another seven. I stopped when I hit one hundred pages full of the seven phenomena.

    From the time I started my first book until it was published was ten years. In the last two and a half years, I have published six more books. Soon, my seventh book will be next to the first six books out everywhere. That will make six books published in two and a half years compared to one book published in ten years. I would call that a miracle and another gift to be grateful for. It is funny how hard it was for me to write in the beginning and now I have found I have a gift for storytelling and the books are just flowing. I don’t think of myself as a writer but calling myself a storyteller fits. I was always good at telling stories about our escapades when we were younger. You have to be able to laugh at yourself and not take yourself too serious. So on the day that I had the following thought, I smiled to myself. I jokingly have called myself the Irish storyteller of Miami Beach.


    So, a very big thanks to all that have enriched my life. And always a big thanks to The One.



    My new collections of writings in this book called simply MYSTIC is an extension or companion to my seven-book series under the title MYSTICISM IN NEWBURYPORT. The seven-book series were tales about Mysticism and Human Nature, the good, the bad and the not so great sides. Those tales were a look at the truth of life with the blinders off. Most of us will never realize how programmed and conditioned little robots we are and will continue to along like blind sheep. There is hope as eventually we will all reawaken to the purpose of life, which is to realize life is about knowing there is only ‘One’ and has become everything and everyone. Life is really simple. Life is not about acquiring fame and fortune, as we have seen many become famous and rich, that were not very bright. They were just consistent, focused and intentional. You don’t need to have a big degree to be successful. You just need the simple truths about your own mind. In the eyes of the world I am someone with a seventh-grade formal education and probably looked at a loser in life with all my losses. I feel like the greatest winner in this game of life because I know, If I think it I will have it. I have done this for thirty-five years and everything my heart truly desired has come to me.

    We have the most creative device in the entire universe and that is the mind that every individual possesses. Whatever we put our attention on will grow because we are directing the universal power through us with our intention and our attention. Whether man or women or a white man or a person of color if you focus your mind with the intention to have something or complete a task you will have it. This is why all men and women are equal. We see it in our society today with the women succeeding in their careers and going up the corporate ladder and becoming leaders. The deaths of heart attacks and stress related illnesses have also increased for women. The women wanted to have the power and control like men and now they have it. What goes along with forcing your will on people is heart disease, cancers and numerous illnesses. The women’s libers do not want to be discriminated by not being able to be on the front lines in wars. I think that’s great and I have a few ex-wives that I will volunteer for duty. Once again, we see it is all about the people that are stuck in their personal development. They are living from the most basic human instincts of sex, power and control. It is all ego and pride. Pride goeth before a fall.

    One thing that is the same in men and women is the ego. The false sense of ourselves based on temporary, illusionary identities. I am Peter, the Biker for fifty-five years, the Teamster Steward, the Author. There is some truth in there but they are all just temporary images of ourselves which in the overall scheme of life are meaningless. The Greek God, Chronos, the Father of Time, said; Anything that is temporary is not wholly real. Our big accomplishments and our ego filled identities are like passing clouds and soon will not be true. Muhammad Ali, said he was the greatest fighter, at one time. Later he was someone with brain damage and now is long dead. I believe the greatest heavy weight fighter was Mike Tyson, at his prime when Angelo Dundee keep him under control with his loving guidance. Ali’s two fights with the champ, Sonny Liston, were rigged by the mob who owned the fighters. Sonny took a dive, twice. Ali threw a punch that did not even connect and Sonny dropped to the mat. I have to give credit to Ali for knowing human nature though. Sonny, who had a bad drug problem and knew about prison life, was easily manipulated by Ali. Ali knew that in prison the guy that everyone is afraid of is the crazy guy as you could not reason with him. Ali showed up on Sonny’s front lawn at three o’clock in the morning yelling and screaming to spook Sonny. Well, back to the point is that majority of people are living from basic instincts of survival. They are living from the lower energy places in our bodies (known in Sanskrit as chakras). They are in the realm of ego.

    When you have a big ego you are automatically in competition with everyone. That is why the women are in competition with men. Men and women are different in the physical aspect of life. Women can do things men cannot do and men can do things women cannot do. They are equal and in some ways just different. No need to be in competition with anyone. Focus on your own personal development. When there is ONE that has become everyone and everything, who is there to impress. You are just a part of this living God. I used to risk my life on motorcycles thinking I would get some respect. I put my life on the line when there was no one else but my own inner self which is the same as everyone else’s inner self. That is actually pretty humorous as the joke was on me again. I could have died trying to impress someone (the other) that does not exist.

    You can’t be in competition with me as I want you to win…


    Well, this book and all my other books they could have been called simple books full of words to reflect on, to contemplate on, and to give you wisdom to think about. After writing these eight books and researching every great teacher’s words of wisdom from over the eons, I saw the same principles all through every spiritual path and at the core of all religions. It was interesting that there was just a handful of life principles to give you purpose, direction, fulfillment and peace. All of life is just a simple story. There are just a handful of Universal Principles as there is just a handful of Human Behaviors. That is why with this simple knowledge that I talk about in all my books from the great ones, you can know yourself and master your life. So, after writing 4,500 pages of wisdoms from all cultures in my seven books I came full circle and smiled to myself. I saw the truth. The truth is that everything is a story. A story that has been told since the beginning of time. There is nothing new under the sun. What is new is a chiasmatic, energetic individual that infuses his energy into the teachings of the ancient masters. Many of these new age people want to copyright and take credit for this wisdom but it is not theirs. It all came from the ancient ones. And it was not even the ancient ones teachings as the wisdom all came from the ONE. Some new age writers or motivational speakers are excellent at articulating the teachings but are lost in the realm of ego thinking they are some big teacher. A true master does not show their attainment unless instructed by their teacher. Someone that has attained something worthwhile wants to be in the background because what goes along with receiving or attaining something worthwhile is Humility.

    So, everything in our lives are stories we make up to justify our existence. I love to say that there is some truth in their somewhere. Even, science is just a story. It is an unfolding story that changes all the time. Remember when the greatest minds believed the Earth was flat. In the overall scheme of things it was not that long ago.

    Then we have people say this is the truth and others say the opposite it the truth. The eternal truth cannot be known or expressed in words. Knowing the TRUTH can only be known through an experiential knowing. It will be a knowing in your heart that touches the deepest part of your soul and can never be expressed in words. So, to know the phonies on the path, watch the ones spouting the truth or calling themselves teachers or healers. True teachers are humble. They pretend to know less than they do. They keep a low profile and let others be in the spot light. They are too busy savoring the peace and contentment that comes from knowing the truth.

    We want to mention that there also are ‘relatively’ true stuff. My back hurts today and that is true now, but it is temporary, and could change tomorrow, and then my back hurting is not true anymore. You want to focus on and invest your time and energy on what is eternal and lasting. That is developing and improving your conscious contact with God. You can easily do this by sitting quietly. After a while you will realize that your own consciousness is a part of universal consciousness which is God or the ONE or as stated in the ancient writings called The Kybalion that was the ALL.

    What is a wonderful gift that you will receive on the path is that you will know that Two things can contradict themselves and both be true. You will learn that everyone’s perspective is equal to everyone else’s perspective. I will admit that was a hard one for me to swallow, it took years. So, if everyone’s perspective is equal and all opinions are meaningless then what is there to fight. We know opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and political opinions are like an asshole’s asshole. When we see this for what it is it frees us from wasting our time getting involved in senseless arguments. It is all bullshit, Yes, even my perspectives and opinions are meaningless. Actually my perspectives and opinions are the most meaningless. What happens is you want care what people think and even better you won’t care what you think. You stop wasting time with the mind chatter of the world and focus on the treasures that we have received by God, like our minds, our health, and another day of life. As Carlos Castaneous talked about how most of our energy goes into upholding our importance… If we were capable of losing some of that importance, two extraordinary things would happen to us. One, we would free our energy from trying to maintain the illusory idea of our grandeur; and two we would provide ourselves with enough energy to… catch a glimpse of the actual grandeur of the universe.

    We waste so much energy upholding our false identities. We waste enormous amounts of energy defending our points of view. Just simply be and find peace.

    So, the point that I was trying to share was that after all my writings I found they were great truths and they were also meaningless. I came full circle back to where I began when I had my profound ‘Kundalini Awakening’ from a rare and authentic master. The place I returned to was that Only the present moment was real and to dwell there with an empty mind. To dwell in peace and contentment and enjoy nature and let the world spin off without me.

    Knowing that simply being here called for a celebration. Simply being in the present moment with a still mind and a heart full of love was the goal. To know God is manifesting as me in the moment. Knowing the God I have always searched for was alive and well in my own inner awareness. Knowing the purpose of life was realizing and reuniting my own awareness back into my own heart with God. The destination was my own heart.


    This seventh book will complete the seven-book series about mysticism that I had experienced in the little, historic seaport town of Newburyport, Massachusetts. My life was to drastically change forever after my time in this magical place along the Merrimac River. Long nights in mediation, silence, communing with nature, along with the grace of an ancient lineage fueled my spiritual experiences to levels I never dreamed possible. It was a time of redemption and renewal that has opened a new world for me. I am so grateful for the grace coming into my life. In ancient scriptures they talk about being rocketed into higher dimensions. Through no merit of my own, this experience was to become true for me. I was to have experiences that reminded me of biblical tales of powerful healings and awakenings. I may never know what exactly happened at that time but there was no going back. I had entered into a new world.


    This new book follows the continuing story of the unfolding of the spiritual journey of Peter James Ford. These books tell of Peter’s earlier wild years and then his entry into the spiritual realms. After his powerful spiritual awakening in the historic seaport town of Newburyport, Massachusetts, these tales in Peter’s books began to flow. Many years later, these tales of insights and wisdom kept flowing from this unseen source. Peter lightheartedly calls this voice The Mystery Writer. Many channels or mystics will put names on the voices that flow through them. It is all really just The One Voice behind the curtain that runs the Universe. The following books are Peter’s books of lighthearted tales, so far… These seven books are a huge completion of Peter’s life works and his writings were the vehicle to clear all past baggage. One of the greatest gifts from Peter’s writing for him was seeing just how taken care of by a loving God he has been. Another gift was seeing that nothing ever went wrong in his life. His destiny unfolded perfectly for the purpose of this incarnation. There is a saying that Peter uses often, THERE IS SOMETHING MAGICAL ABOUT WRITING OUT YOUR ISSUES. Peter was to find that he could have direct conscious communication with God through his willingness to write out his experiences with rigorous honesty.

    Writing is a power tool for self-healing. The writing of these books with complete openness and rigorous honesty has cleaned out lifetimes of baggage, issues (karma). There has been a transformation in the man known as Peter. Thankfully, it was a transition for the better. I began living my simple and uninvolved life, living in peace and harmony in nature. What more could I ask for to finish out my time in this world…

    I hope that there will be something in his books that uplifts you, challenges your beliefs, makes you reflect on your life, or just brings a smile to your face.

    So here are the covers and back covers of Peter’s first seven books.

    Book I


    Mystic Rider


    Shadow Riders


    The Reclusive Mystic


    A Seeker’s Journey

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