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The Voice Of The Shaman
The Voice Of The Shaman
The Voice Of The Shaman
Ebook181 pages2 hours

The Voice Of The Shaman

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Dive into the fascinating realm of shamanism and rediscover ancient rituals and practices for expanding consciousness, energetic healing, spiritual integration, and communication with nature and the divine. Shamanism comprises a set of very ancient spiritual traditions practiced by diverse peoples around the world, from the Amazon to Siberia. The shaman, as a fearless explorer of the invisible spiritual reality, employs rituals, power plants, and altered states of consciousness to access subtle realms of healing, wisdom, and communication with luminous entities.

This book invites the reader to immerse themselves in the captivating shamanic universe, getting to know its rituals, beliefs, and profound philosophies. Through a journey that integrates history, spirituality, mythology, and ancient practices, you will rediscover your intimate connection with nature, cosmic cycles, and the invisible realms that surround us.

The pages of this work unveil various shamanic rites, such as spiritual journeys, work with power plants, energetic cleansings, ceremonies involving the elements, and connections with nature spirits. Learn how to integrate shamanism into your daily life, expanding your perception of reality.

Rediscover ancient answers to your deepest questions and rekindle the magical spark residing within every human being. This book inspires and transforms.

Release dateOct 17, 2023
The Voice Of The Shaman

Luan Ferr

Luan Ferr is a renowned author known for his mastery in writing fictional short stories that immerse readers in fascinating worlds, memorable characters, and engaging narratives. His ability to create stories that explore the eternal struggle between good and evil is unparalleled, offering readers a unique perspective on this universal conflict. In addition to his fictional works, Luan also dedicates himself to in-depth research on the phenomena of faith and its intrinsic connection to the human condition. He explores the various forms of esotericism and holism that have permeated humanity since time immemorial, revealing the profound influence of these practices in everyday life and cultures around the world. His books on subjects such as Feng Shui, Arcturian Healing, and others are the result of meticulous research and provide readers with a comprehensive view of these fascinating areas. With captivating and insightful writing, Luan Ferr leads his readers to profound reflections on human nature, the duality between good and evil, and the pursuit of a broader understanding of the world around us. His fictional short stories are filled with suspense, mystery, and thrilling plot twists, keeping readers eagerly wanting more with every page. Meanwhile, his non-fiction works explore esoteric fields in an accessible and interesting manner, showing how these ancient practices still exist today. With a unique style and a balanced approach between fiction and non-fiction, Luan Ferr establishes himself as a universal and profound author. His works are a source of entertainment and knowledge, providing readers with an enriching and thought-provoking experience. Whether through his imaginative stories or his esoteric explorations, Luan continues to captivate readers worldwide with his engaging and insightful writing.

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    Book preview

    The Voice Of The Shaman - Luan Ferr

    Chapter 1

    Shamanic Journey

    The Crossing of the Spiritual Veils


    The shamanic journey represents the culmination of shamanic practice, allowing the initiate to cross the boundaries of the physical world and enter the spiritual realm. Through it, the shaman achieves an expanded state of consciousness, which grants him access to normally inaccessible extrasensory realities.

    To induce this visionary state, the shaman traditionally makes use of techniques such as chanting, ecstatic dances and the ingestion or inhalation of power plants. The sound of ritual drums, mimicking heart pulsations, also helps enter a deep trance.

    Once this altered plane of perception is achieved, the shaman becomes able to explore interior landscapes, dreamlike spaces inhabited by spiritual entities and beings of a mystical nature. With them, he establishes a relationship of reciprocity - he obtains healings, occult knowledge and spiritual guidance that will later bring him back to the earthly plane, for the benefit of his community.

    Typically, the shamanic journey begins with the practitioner imagining or ritualistically opening a portal to the spiritual world. This portal may take the form of a cave, tree, hole in the ground, or other symbolic passage. When crossing it, the shaman comes across visions of an idealized and enchanted nature, a parallel universe populated by rivers, mountains, plains and forests that mirror emotional or energetic states.

    As he explores this inner cosmos, the shaman encounters various spirits and entities - from deceased people, ancestors, animals, plants, stones, heavenly bodies or even natural elements such as wind and rain. With them he often communicates through sacred chants, and negotiates agreements of mutual aid and cooperation.

    The shamanic process differs from the mediumistic incorporation, in that the spirit controls the body of the individual. Here, the shaman never loses his autonomy or control of his own will. It establishes a consensual exchange with entities, in which it provides symbolic offerings or sacrifices in return for healing, protection and superior knowledge.

    In some cases, illness or malaise is interpreted as indicating that the patient's soul has been abducted or imprisoned by evil spirits. In these situations, the task of the shaman, during the journey, is to rescue and recover the lost soul, returning it to the physical body of the individual, to restore its health and well-being.

    Another important quest of the shaman in training is to find his guardian animal spirit. This totemic animal - which can be a bear, eagle, serpent, wolf or any other - becomes its lifelong ally, lending qualities such as strength, courage and speed when necessary. The animal spirit also assists in healing, in the battle against negative entities and serves as a guide in journeys to the spiritual world.

    At the end of the shamanic journey, the process is gradually reversed, the shaman returns to the physical world, retraversing the initial portal and abandoning the visionary kingdom. He reintegrates his ordinary body and mind, bringing with him only the memories and knowledge acquired in the immaterial plane. He then shares with his community the teachings, cures, and visions gained during the ritual.

    Complete preparation to carry out the shamanic journey safely can take many years of intensive training and discipline. The beginner shaman begins with short, supervised experiments lasting a few minutes. Only after fully mastering the techniques required to enter and exit the trance, does he venture into more prolonged and deeper missions in the spiritual world.

    One of the greatest risks of a misguided journey is the possibility that the vital essence of the shaman will fragment or become permanently lost in immaterial realms. Therefore, maintaining the integrity of one's soul throughout the process is a fundamental requirement to avoid disastrous consequences. The apprentice should focus on keeping focus and mindfulness at all times.


    The unique ability to transcend the normal barriers of time and space has made the shamanic journey a central and definitive element of this ancestral tradition for thousands of years among the most diverse peoples. It represents the apex of shamanic practice, the key that opens the doors between the three-dimensional physical world and the extrasensory realities of the spiritual plane.

    Shamanic traditions vary widely around the globe, marked by cultural differences. Among Native American peoples, the shaman is called a medical man or medical woman. In Siberian Siberia, they are known as kam, and literally claim to fly to heavenly realms during their ritual journeys. In the Andean shamanic cultures still alive in the Andes, the shaman scales cosmic bridges, energy ropes or columns that connect the different levels of the physical and extra-physical universe. He negotiates with various guardian spirits during the ascension, obtaining permission to reach the world of gods and ancestors.

    Among some tribes from the Amazon, the shamanic journey involves the ritual ingestion of tea from ayahuasca, a powerful psychoactive plant that induces visionarity. The shaman experiences intense flow of dreamlike images, often with visions of serpents, jaguars and birds, as well as altered physical sensations.

    Aboriginal Australians go on long shamanic walks, known as dreaming, in which they travel great distances entering deep meditative states to connect with ancestral spirits and obtain renewable energy from the earth.

    In ancient Celtic culture, poets-priests held spiritual journeys called Imbas Forosnai, in which they sought to obtain knowledge and artistic inspiration from divine sources. They entered an intense trance state through rhythmic recitation and gained privileged access to the world of the Celtic gods through visions and daydreams.

    The Korean shamans call the shamanic journey Mu-rim, and see it as a direct experience of the Tao, the universal flow of existence. They believe that the visionary state reveals to the shaman the true nature of the soul, beyond the limitations and illusions of physical reality.

    Some shamanic traditions emphasize the importance of fasting, sexual abstinence, and solitary isolation in nature in the days before the ceremony. These sacrifices aim to raise the energy level and mental concentration of the practitioner, to facilitate the success of the journey. The specific methods vary, but the principle of the shamanic journey has remained the same for millennia: a way for the human being to expand his consciousness and establish direct contact with ineffable spiritual realities, which exist beyond the veil of common perception. It represents the essence of shamanism, the key capable of revealing hidden worlds and planing dimensions existing beyond the conventional horizon of the human senses.

    Chapter 2

    Purification Ceremony

    Purifying the Spirit and the Environment


    The purification ceremony represents another ritual of great importance in shamanic traditions around the world. Its purpose is to energetically clean people, objects, environments or places, dissipating negative influences or unwanted vibrations that may have accumulated over time. It often involves ceremonial use of purifying elements such as smoke from sacred plants, water, crystals, flames, and sounds such as chants, mantras, or ritual touches of instruments. Each element contributes uniquely to the process of vibrational lift and subtle cleaning.

    Among these elements, one of the most universally widespread is the ritual use of smoke herbs. The practice of smudging, as it is known, involves the controlled burning of leaves and resins of plants considered sacred, such as sage, incense and tobacco. Aromatic smoke is then used to energetically clean environments, objects or people.

    The smoke is believed to carry and spread the high intentions of the officiating shaman. As it spreads through the environment, its subtle aromatic properties act by dissipating negative vibrations and raising the energy level of the venue and participants.

    The herbs preferred for smudging vary according to tradition, but sage stands out as a purifying plant in excellence. Its aromatic smoke seems to assist in raising vibrations to subtler planes of energy and consciousness.

    The process typically begins with the shaman preparing the space to be purified, removing any unwanted objects or presences that may obstruct the work. He then lights the herb pack, usually with a feather or an abalone, and begins to walk through the environment, allowing smoke to reach all corners dissipating any stagnant energies.

    The shaman may use eagle feathers or other sacred instruments to spread and direct smoke. Drums, rattles and ritual chants also often accompany the process, composing a true sacred soundtrack of purification.

    The mental and emotional intent of the shaman is crucial throughout the ritual. It is believed that the smoke from the sacred plants carries these intentions and spreads them subtly throughout the environment, acting as a transmitter and amplifier. In some traditions it is also common for shamans to sprinkle consecrated water on people and objects. Water can be fluidized with herbs, crystals and prayers to enhance its purifying properties. Ritual baths of purification are also widely practiced in different shamanic cultures.

    Another widespread purification technique involves the use of fire and cigarette smoke. In these rituals, the participant passes his or her body repeatedly over the smoke, usually with synchronized head-to-foot cleaning movements. It is believed that cigarette smoke has the power to absorb and ward off the negative energies of the individual.

    In some more elaborate traditions, there is a preparatory phase of purification before the main ritual. Fasting, sexual abstinence, meditation and gathering in nature can be part of this preliminary cleansing stage. It aims to raise the vibrational level of the shaman to facilitate a more effective work of healing and spiritual upliftment.

    Shamanic purification not only cleans the physical environment, it also works by dissolving negative feelings and thoughts that may hover over a space or person due to traumatic events of the past. Its action is both material and subtle.

    After the full ceremony, the venue and attendees feel renewed and revitalized. The higher vibration generated attracts new life cycles, health, prosperity and creative inspiration according to shamans. Purification makes room for the emergence of new possibilities previously obstructed by patterns and limiting memories.

    At the end of the ceremony, the shaman typically seals the spiritual work by thanking the sacred elements used, the spirits invoked, and the very mystery of purification. It seeks in this way to attract and fix the blessings of the energy cleaning carried out, ensuring its long-term benefits.

    Shamanic purification is an ancestral practice spread among the most diverse peoples. Their specific methods present variations, but share the common goal of cleaning, healing, and renewing both living beings and environments. Its origin is lost in the night of time, probably as old as humanity itself.

    In short, the primary purpose of the purification ceremony is to allow people, places and objects to detach themselves from harmful memories and negative influences of the past. Released from these invisible burdens, they become more receptive to new potentials of life and inner growth, in tune with the eternal cycles of nature.

    Chapter 3

    Healing Ritual

    Harmonizing Body, Emotions and Spirit


    The healing ritual is an ancestral practice central to the shamanic tradition, aimed at harmonizing and restoring the well-being of the person seeking the help of the shaman. Its goal is to balance the physical body, emotions, and spiritual essence of the individual, often shaken by disease, trauma, or negative influences.

    The healing process typically begins with the shaman seeking to deeply understand the nature and root causes of the presented imbalance. He investigates various domains such as nutrition, relationships, family issues, ancestry, or karma in order to identify the multidimensional factors that gave rise to the problem.

    Once done, the shaman outlines a personalized and comprehensive healing plan, combining the ritualistic use of herbs, sacred chants, energy purification techniques, spiritual advice, bathing prescriptions and meditations, as well as the transfer of vital energy to stimulate the holistic recovery process.

    Herbs play an essential role, being carefully prepared in the form of teas, ointments, incense or

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