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From Desire to Fire
From Desire to Fire
From Desire to Fire
Ebook234 pages3 hours

From Desire to Fire

By Rich

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About this ebook

Speaking from actual experience, the specialized focus of this book is a collection of easy to understand, how to keys for tapping into The Realm of The Spirit. What sets this book apart from others is that I will teach you how to easily have unique experiences of your own.
In this book you will learn How To:

  • Have an even Deeper Relationship with The Lord Jesus.
  • Continually hear and properly discern the voice of the Holy Spirit in matter of seconds.
  • Dynamically see what The Father is doing in the Spiritual Realm.
  • Easily see into the Spiritual Realm with many various levels of sight including with your physical eyes.
  • Understand what the Spiritual Realm actually is.
  • Interpret the language of Dreams, Visions, and more.
  • Actually Enter into the Spiritual Realm.
  • Move around inside of The Spiritual Realm.
  • Physically Feel in The Spirit Realm.
  • Know when The Holy Spirit is speaking through you.
  • Understand and Apply the Word of Knowledge and Revelation.
  • See Angels.
  • Perform Miracles.
  • Perform Healing.
  • Understand the Power of Communion.
  • Access any of the Infinite Hidden Mysteries in Christ.
  • Take a journey to heaven at anytime.

I am excited for you to come with me on this exciting adventure!
May the boundless love of our Lord Jesus Christ flow over and richly bless you.
Grace & Peace to All!

Release dateSep 28, 2023
From Desire to Fire

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    From Desire to Fire - Rich

    Chapter 1: Surrender

    My Walk

    Everything I am about to share with you is only some of the infinite number of methods God can use to speak to us and is all based on my personal experience. As a result, please remember that my teachings should never become formulas or rote activities but instead principles that can be applied to your own unique experiences. I believe 100 percent that when you apply these principles, you can easily communicate with God in exciting, fun-filled, and amazingly effective ways.

    My walk to build a personal relationship with Jesus was up and down like a roller coaster. I was raised in a Christian home as a Baptist. After much time in research, books, prayer, meditation, reading the Scripture, and pressing in to God, I came to the amazing realization that I had already achieved the goal I was seeking. The finish line I had been pursuing for years was right under my nose the entire time. When I discovered this, I grew frustrated, but more so, I was overjoyed, because I could finally enter into rest.

    Everything that I knew, everything I was brought up to believe, I treasure in my heart. And even though I was taught by some of the most wonderful loving people on this earth, like everyone else, I still had to search for truth on my own journey.

    This all became clear the day I finally decided to believe God. Yes, I was saved with the indwelling Holy Spirit, but when I read the Scriptures, I questioned them and spent time trying to figure out how something so incredibly awesome could possibly work today. For example, the Scripture says, Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father (John 14:12).

    If I believe what this verse says, I can do exactly what it says, including healing the sick, raising the dead, giving sight to the blind, casting out demons, walking on water, calming storms, and even more. As such, I spent years evaluating God’s Word from a position of doubt and finally came to the place of believing God and accepting his Word by faith. That day, I finally chose to believe God—not only the passages that made sense to me, but all Scripture. This forever changed how I thought about the Word of God. The following Scripture came to life as it enlightened me to renew my mind. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind(Romans 12:2).

    Childlike Faith

    As you observe some of the experiences that great men of God have had, you can’t help but think with deep passion in your heart that you desire to have these experiences as well. While this might not be true for everybody, I can hear the cry of your heart for breakthrough through the echoing corridors of time. Now it is your turn. It is time for you to receive that breakthrough you have been so desperately desiring, praying, waiting, and hoping for.

    Before I received my breakthrough, I had to understand what surrender truly meant. I thought it meant a few things, but I happily discovered I was wrong. I am going to list these because I am sure that some precious souls out there share these same frustrations.

    I thought I had to attain the impossible goal of perfection, continually surrender everything to God, become clean and without sin, be qualified by a certain title from God, be wise and understand everything about the Christian life, read and understand most of the Bible, spend hours in prayer and meditation, and the list goes on and on. I’m sure you could make a long list with your own examples, but you get the point.

    I am not saying not to strive for those things. We should strive for every single one of those things. But I kid you not, none of these things has anything to do with the activation to release the breakthrough you have been desiring for yourself.

    Here are two requirements. I will unfold more details in the coming pages.

    Do you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If your answer is yes, then you are qualified.

    Do you love Jesus and have or desire to have a personal relationship with him? If your answer is yes, then you are positioned to receive every single breakthrough you want.

    So here is the key to the entire book in one sentence. Ask for what you desire according to God’s will, and then turn off your thoughts. (See 1 John 5:14–15.) Go do something else, and expect to receive your breakthrough.

    I know that is a very simple explanation that you might already know, but do you really know it? If you fully understood it, you would already be walking in your breakthrough.

    Let’s crack this mystery wide open, and allow it to blossom like the petals of an unfolding rose. Picture a person walking down a path that leads to infinite amounts of glowing treasure. Along the path are well-trained swordsmen and archers who are all positioned to stop you on your way to take hold of this wonderful treasure. The treasure is your breakthrough. The person walking down the path is you. And the swordsman and archers are a piece of you.

    During the course of your life thus far, you have learned so many things. But the more you know, the easier it is to doubt. For example, you might like to watch medical TV shows with complicated surgeries. As you observe the doctor perform the procedure, you probably have no doubt in your mind that the doctor knows exactly what he is doing. And so you believe that he will accomplish his task as a surgeon. But if you are a skilled doctor and watching the procedure performed by another doctor, you might question the entire operation. You could look at the sequence of steps and notice he did something out of sequence or did not use the tool you would have used, and so all sorts of doubts rush through your mind, and your confidence drops concerning that other doctor’s medical ability.

    The more we know about a subject, the easier it is for doubt to flood us concerning those topics. Every piece of information we know has the potential to form very skilled swordsmen and archers that actually stand against the simplicity of believing by faith. We form a swordsman or archer when we allow our own understanding to stand in opposition to what God says. The more you know, the easier it is to be lead astray from the path that leads to God’s treasure by faith.

    Please don’t miss my point. We need a foundation of knowledge from which to start. But we do not want to let that knowledge block us from learning more and receiving all God has for us.

    You might be thinking, Well, Rich, you’re not making sense. In one sentence, you are telling me that understanding is dangerous and blocks me from attaining my treasure while in the next sentence, you are saying that those understandings actually help us. So which is it?

    It is not a question of which one is valid, but a question of which one is applied. With the correct perspective applied, both will ring true. What do I mean by that?

    You will be exposed to many various teachings that will increase your knowledge and understanding. Some are of God, and some are not. The ones that you gain that are of God will draw you closer to him so that you can grow in him and believe what he says by faith. But the knowledge that you receive that is not of God will actually fuel the power of doubt. This will make it increasingly difficult for you to believe by faith, which will set your heart in opposition to what God says. The natural reasoning of the mind likes to apply previously understood knowledge and understanding to validate what is being said. So if Jesus says something super awesome, we might automatically wonder how it is even possible. We have already fallen into the temptation of doubt, which effectively blocks the reality of how Jesus wants us to walk.

    The hardest part of this is exercising proper discernment. Satan masquerades as an angel of light, so he can make what is not of God seem to be as if it truly is from God. Identifying what is and what is not of God requires much discernment and becomes an adventure. The answer to this is unique and different for each person, and each person must properly evaluate their own decision. But it is absolutely necessary to expose this tactic that Satan uses so that it can be observed, caught, and correctly addressed.

    Gaining true knowledge and understanding from God will draw you closer to him while confusion and misinformation will take you away from him and cause doubt.

    The first aspect of knowledge and understanding contains two parts. One is the beneficial knowledge that draws you close to God, and the other is the hurtful knowledge that takes you away from him. As you can see, the first aspect does indeed ring true.

    The second aspect is in how you actually approach God. If you think you know what to expect from God based upon a preconceived idea, you are already placing a limit on what God can deliver. You can only receive what you are willing to receive. The way to overcome this is by pursuing God as if you have never learned anything from him. This total emptiness will allow you to freely receive from God’s infinite treasures.

    The key to an increase of beneficial knowledge and understanding from God is to approach him as though you have none. When he releases it to you, you will have even more than what you started with. This is, in essence, the art of humility. This method of approaching God is a huge key to unlock all the mysteries of God to make them easily accessible to you for his glory.

    Imagine that you are standing in front of a door with a key ring with a massive number of keys that you have gained over the years. All those keys have a story and are a piece of your knowledge of how things work. Imagine that you are standing before the door to your breakthrough. You are excited as you look at the door, and you quickly reach down to your key ring with one thought in mind: which keys you will use to open this door. You try the first key and then the next and the next ... but to no avail. None of the keys work. You feel so frustrated and decide to toss your key ring along with all its keys to the ground. Your head is now hung low, and as you look at the base of the door, you see a huge mat that says Welcome! This mat is inviting you to come on in. You think, Well, if I am welcome, then maybe I should just try to walk in. You reach toward the door to see if it gives way. To your shock, it opens right up. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7).

    Let’s tie some of these analogies together. The swordsmen and the archers are just like the keys on your keyring. Tossing down the keyring equates to eliminating every single swordsman and archer from blocking the path to your treasure. So what is the spiritual action that corresponds to tossing down your key ring? What was the awesome power that destroyed all the warriors and archers in a single blow?

    It is surrender. Surrender is to approach God with a childlike faith. This Scripture set my feet on the path of surrender to Jesus.

    And he said: Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3–4).

    Just as the person who was not a doctor observed the open heart surgery and accepted what the surgeon did without question, so it is with us who approach God. For that moment, we choose to unlearn everything we know so that we can then receive everything God desires to give us without measure or limitation. In doing so, we have effectively destroyed the element of doubt, and with doubt eliminated, our faith becomes like that of a child.

    This means before you enter the temple of God’s presence, you need to decide to believe that it is okay to leave everything that you have learned and know outside his temple.

    Crushing Doubt under Foot

    When you approach God as a child, it is impossible for you to doubt. A child cannot doubt what they do not know. What this does is remove our own carnal reasoning from the equation. It completely takes God out of any boxes we have placed him in. The supreme and awesome nature of God is so far above our carnal understanding that it is impossible for our carnal mind to grasp the things of the Spirit. (See Isaiah 55:8–9.) It is, however, very possible to receive these spiritual mysteries when we turn off the carnal mind. This choice is surrender. Turning off the carnal mind completely eliminates thoughts of doubt. Surrender is not changing your life around; it is an instant decision to choose to put away yourself so that you can receive the treasure that freely flows from the light that shines from your almighty God.

    A thought of doubt is not doubt. It only becomes doubt if we choose to agree with it. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind (James 1:6).

    When a thought of temptation comes to your mind, you have the choice to either kick out that thought by taking it captive or agree with it and allow it to enter your heart so that it becomes doubt. But a tempting thought by itself is not sin; even Jesus was tempted by thoughts. He just chose to not agree and engage with those thoughts.

    We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

    Access to All the Mysteries of the Lord

    I think the following analogy will be an amazing key to help you access many hidden mysteries in Christ. It might sound strange at first, but please bear with me. Imagine that the only colors you learned about were red, orange, and yellow. You were never exposed to green, blue, or purple. Let’s say that the colors red, orange, and yellow represent all your knowledge, your needs, your wants, and desires from birth to the present. When we pray to the Lord, we often ask for certain things we have in mind based on what we already know. But we can’t ask for what we do not know about. The green, blue, and purple symbolize the hidden mysteries in Christ. In order to access these new colors, we must first discover that they exist. But we cannot discover them with our own limited knowledge. The only way to find out is to ask the one who knows about them. Only then will these infinite mysteries be cracked wide open. If we do not know what to ask for, then we simply stick to what we already know.

    If you want to go to college and learn about a particular subject, you look at the schedule for specific classes to take. All these educational opportunities are accessible to you as options to choose from. The green, blue, and purple, however, are not as easily accessible because you can’t see the options. You access the green, blue, and purple by doing the following:

    shift your current belief to realize that you have limited knowledge and that you cannot access the mysteries directly;

    leave behind everything you know;

    ask the Lord with a childlike faith; and

    realize that the key to access what you do not know is to ask the one who does know.

    The key to full access has everything to do with how you ask for it. Jesus is a gentlemen; he loves to listen to you and share with you what you ask him to reveal. If what you ask him is only inside the scope of red, orange, and yellow, he will respect this and not go any further. As a result, the mysteries will not be made known to you. You must ask, seek, and knock, according to Matthew 7:7–8. Jeremiah 33:3 says, I am the Lord Almighty, call to me, and ask me anything, and I will tell you unsearchable mysteries you do not know (author’s paraphrase). Again, if you ask the Lord Jesus to reveal something to you outside the scope of red, orange, and yellow, you then release him to begin speaking to you about all the infinite mysteries, and I emphasize—all—of them.

    Interactive Activation: Surrender

    I would like to now invite you on an interactive activation of surrender so that you can then prepare to come before God to receive your breakthrough.

    Imagine the following with me. You are sitting in a room with a fireplace warming this cozy office. Jesus is sitting at a beautiful wooden desk facing you. You are sitting on the other side of the desk facing him, and filing cabinets are behind him. A yellow folder, some paper, and your favorite writing utensil are laying on the desk in front of you.

    Go ahead and begin to write down your thoughts on that piece of paper. For example, you might write down what you consider to be both positive and negative in relation to your immediate challenges, problems, questions, thoughts, desires, potential breakthroughs, hoped-for experiences, emotions, memories, needs, wants, and anything else the Holy Spirit brings to your mind. If you wrote down everything I just listed, you would be writing for a very long time. You do not need go into that much detail. Just stick to the basics so that you release what is weighing heavy upon you. Your writing could be as short or as long as you desire, from a single word to a one-hundred-volume encyclopedia. That part is entirely up to you. The idea is to have a feeling of total surrender. The potency of what you write will pack the correct punch for the precise results you are looking for. So it is impossible to get this wrong. As a result, just let this part come naturally and gracefully flow like water down a stream.

    Once you have finished writing, place all the papers into the yellow folder and close it. Now imagine sliding your folder over to Jesus. He is smiling at you and gladly accepts the folder you just gave him. He is opening the filing cabinet

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