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The Man in the Moon: Book 3
The Man in the Moon: Book 3
The Man in the Moon: Book 3
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The Man in the Moon: Book 3

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In the final installment of “The Man in the Moon Trilogy,” the entire solar system is under siege. The Jupiter Computer is on the rampage, but this time, he’s ten times more formidable. His dragon army is ready to complete their task of total interplanetary domination. Moony is still imprisoned on Earth by Commander Donaldson and in dire need of an impossible rescue. The Moon Computer and her clan are determined to thwart the Jupiter Computer’s plans. In order to do so, they must face a fighting force never seen before in the history of the galaxy. The entire solar system must bond together to save themselves. The Moon Computer is calling the shots as usual, but there are many new “entities” who want things their way. However, wartime and humanism have transformed the Moon Computer into a different machine. Her quest now is to rid the solar system of the ultimate invasion, one-hundred and three Jupiter dragons… are on their way! Philip, Harry, Yoshi and Ernst, will help M.C. attempt to save the Earth and the moon. What ensues is nothing short of total bedlam for all the planets in our section of the Milky Way Galaxy. In the third and last volume of “The Man in the Moon Trilogy,” all debts will be settled. All accounts will be closed. Get ready for the gripping conclusion, which spans the entire history of our solar system. Time is relentless.
Release dateAug 23, 2023
The Man in the Moon: Book 3

Neil Bloom

Bloom has traveled as far as he could venture into the universe he has created. “The Man in the Moon Trilogy,” has arrived at its end. The stunning third and concluding novel, will unravel all the mysteries that were intertwined within its magic. Blast off in the Moonslayer and head towards the stars for the thrilling showdown. Join Moony and the clan for their greatest adventures to date, as all the miraculous conundrums are solved and the endless conflicts reach their thrilling apices… and beyond. Bloom is the creator and author of the 18-episode Anthology Television Series entitled “EXIT.” He also is the author of the Screenplay “CIRCUS HUNTERS.” He received his B.A. in Telecommunications and Film from San Diego State University.

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    Book preview

    The Man in the Moon - Neil Bloom

    Chapter 1

    (Off To Texas)

    Ernst’s plane fought through the storm. The sky was a torn canvas of the darkest shades of black, bolted lightning and roaring thunder. And still, all four men were glad to be where they were; on their way to find Moony.

    Philip and Harry were driven by friendship and comradery. Ernst and Yoshi needed to atone for their roles in his abduction.

    The plane sped amidst the chaotic darkness and finally broke out of the storm’s wrath.

    How long until you get an update, Yoshi? Philip asked, concerned.

    Hard to say for certain, Philip-san, but I believe it won’t be much longer.

    When will we get to Texas, Ernst? Harry asked. He, like the others, was relieved and thankful to be out of the raging storm.

    I imagine we have at least two more hours, my friend. It doesn’t help that we don’t know where we’re going. Texas is very large, Ernst replied.

    Jennings will call! Yoshi said firmly. He’s a reliable man.

    I hope that happens soon… I’ve gotta contact M.C., Philip said without hesitation.

    There was a long pause. Yoshi and Ernst looked at Philip inquisitively.

    "Look, I’m not going to hide this from you guys, so please keep an open mind. You’ll get a lengthy explanation later," Philip said convincingly.

    Yoshi and Ernst didn’t know what to think, but they chose not to ask questions.

    Philip took out his transmitter and did what was necessary. "M.C., we’re through the storm and on our way. I wanted to check in with you and the girls."

    We’re receiving you perfectly, Philip, and we appreciate the update, M.C. said.

    "Well, it’s not much of an update yet, except we’re getting closer to Texas. Where in Texas we’re headed, we have no idea. We’re waiting for that information."

    I understand. There’s someone here who would like to speak with you. Actually, several eager Brewstows.

    Philip smiled. Thanks, M.C., that’s wonderful. Put them on.

    Hi, Daddy! Angelina said.

    Hello, sweetheart. It’s great to hear your voice.

    Hello, my dear astronaut husband, Emily said warmly.

    Hello, my darling wife. How’s everything holding up so far?

    Just another typical day inside of the moon, Emily said jokingly.

    Suddenly, Yoshi’s phone rang. He placed it up against his ear… and smiled. Got it, Jennings-san. Thank you for the quick response. Yoshi turned towards his companions. Twenty miles southeast of San Antonio. There is an airstrip and a building!

    Are you certain Moony is there? Philip asked.

    I am certain, Philip-san. My source was with him less than an hour ago.

    That’s spectacular, Yoshi! Great work! Philip spoke into his transmitter again. M.C., we’ve got a confirmed location on Moony. Twenty miles southeast of San Antonio, Texas. There’s an airstrip and a structure. See if you can gather some more information for us to work with.

    That’s fantastic news, Philip. I’ll get right on it. Keep your transmitter on.

    Of course. Let me say goodbye to the girls.

    Bye, Daddy. Be careful. I knew you’d find him! Angelina said proudly.

    Well, let’s not count our chickens before they hatch. Emily, are you still there?

    "Yes, I’m still here. Good luck, Philip. I also knew that you’d find him. Please be careful!"

    We will be. I’ll keep in touch and don’t worry! Philip said reassuringly.

    Here’s what I’ve got, Philip, M.C. said quickly. The coordinates you gave me checked out perfectly. There’s a small airstrip and one building nestled in between two mountain ranges. It appears that you’ve found it!

    Philip turned his head towards Yoshi for additional confirmation.

    Yoshi smiled and nodded his head.

    Okay, ladies, I’ll keep you posted. Please take care of each other. We’ll find him… And we’ll bring him home. Bye for now, Philip said. He lowered the transmitter to his side, then he looked at Yoshi and Ernst. All right, gentlemen, it feels a lot more promising, now that we have the location. Philip thought he was about to be barraged with uncomfortable questions, and he didn’t know if he had the right to answer them.

    Ernst entered the recently received Texas coordinates into his flight console. Then he placed his plane on autopilot. He gave Yoshi an awkward look and deferred their next move to his discretion.

    Yoshi kind of knew who M.C. was from Clone Moony, who had told him sparse fragments of information in Kyoto; that wasn’t much. However, Yoshi had no idea that there was a ‘Clone Moony,’ and he still believed that all his interactions were with the real Moony. Of course, for the most part, that was not the case.

    The three men waited for Philip to supply an explanation.

    Harry was eager to hear what Philip was going to say. He knew it was an almost impossible task and was glad he wasn’t burdened with it.

    Philip tried very hard to choose his words wisely. Hi guys, Philip said as he tried to break the ice. "Okay, the lady I was just speaking with on the transmitter is M.C. She’s not actually a lady, she’s a computer who resides inside of the moon. The Moon Computer."

    For his own reasons, Harry turned away from Philip.

    Moony’s wife!? Yoshi asked exuberantly.

    Philip laughed. No… No, she’s not his wife. But they’ve worked together for eons.

    Yoshi and Ernst listened carefully. They entered a world they never knew existed.

    Philip had noticed Harry’s movements, but that didn’t change his feelings on the matter. He was going to trust these two men. Look, fellas, we all must place our lives into each other’s hands. It’s the only chance we have of successfully pulling off this rescue. I know what I’m about to tell you is going to extend your thresholds of reality to its limits; that’s okay. Listen to what I’m saying and take comfort in knowing that I’m telling you the truth.

    Yoshi and Ernst nodded their heads. They craved information.

    Philip tried to explain to Yoshi and Ernst what had transpired up to that point during his amazing journey. It was a lot of information. Much of it, they couldn’t comprehend. Ironically, what they did understand, made a lot of the details in their recent strange adventures, fit firmly into place.

    Chapter 2

    (The Return Of Crasdar)

    Inside the massive Jupiter cavern, a reunion was taking place. Retrieved by the electromagnetic spectrum, the Moonbubble was still holding its captives. The enormous object was brought in through the cavern tunnel and placed on the shiny silver floor in the middle of the Grand Hall. Ten identical orange creatures with razor-sharp claws were doing the unwrapping for their master. They were pre-versions of the Mudmen and shared almost every similarity to them, except for their color and scissor-like hands. They furiously ravaged the Moonbubble to free their synthesized family. The Jupiter dragons were helping from the inside as well. Crasdar simply waited. He was angered by the extremely long time that his master let them languish in space as punishment for allowing the Moonship to escape. After quite a lengthy hacking job, the captives were free. Gastanine and Virella fire-sprayed straight upward into the cavern to display their frustration. Crasdar walked in between the two dragons, towards his master’s Main Control Console.

    "It wasn’t our fault, Master. They used your own invention against us and restricted our attack, which almost destroyed them," Crasdar said nervously.

    Abstain, Crasdar! the Jupiter Computer commanded. "I saw what happened. Your attack should have been better executed! Then they wouldn’t have had time to unleash the substance that encased you and my children. I know you won’t continue to fail me. In fact, I’m so certain you will never fail me again, that I have… a gift for you."

    You are giving me a gift for my failure, Great One?

    "Not really a gift. I’m giving you a task to complete. To teach… to train. A very special task. A force which needs to be harnessed. I give you… SK-Trinidad! But we shall call him… Cyclops! He’s the synthesized survivor of a molecular mishap. A momentary indecision on my part, which yielded an integrated oddity, thrust back through the electromagnetic spectrum."

    The Mudmen pushed a bizarre-shaped mass, which was a twisted mixture of both metal and man. They placed it in between his children. The dragons gazed down at the spectacle while stretching their long, aching necks. They were extremely stiff from being packed in the Moonbubble for so long.

    Crasdar wasn’t sure what to make of the object.

    Adam Trinidad was a jumbled mess of flesh and steel. A convoluted monstrosity of consolidated matter, resurrected by the Jupiter Computer, after its arrival. The Jupiter Computer wanted him terminated, but that’s not what occurred.

    Cyclops’ back was almost entirely engine. He had sharply pointed spaceship fins embedded in his body and the bases of his feet. Shards of metal from various parts of his ship were protruding out of his neck and head. His face was half Adam’s, with one major difference; he now had one gigantic eye above his nose. That’s all that traveled through the spectrum with him and had enlarged grotesquely, almost taking up his entire forehead. He was semi-conscious, and his brain was now locked into his new master’s databanks. He was an abomination. A disheveled concoction that had an extremely vague recollection of who he was… and once had been.

    It seems I may have been mistaken. You might be of some use to me after all, the Jupiter Computer snickered. "Maybe that’s why I revived you."

    Cyclops attempted to speak. What do you want with me? Words were difficult for him to produce, and they sounded electronic and strained.

    What do you want with me… Master! the Jupiter Computer corrected him authoritatively.

    Cyclops was filled with rage and confusion. He couldn’t comprehend his own mangled mortality. He burst off the ground using his mighty back engine, propelling himself straight upward into the gigantic cavern. A black stream of smoke was left in his wake.

    Ha, ha, ha! the Jupiter Computer cackled. He enjoyed the moment profusely. Show him the ways of Jupiter, Crasdar. I hope you still consider him a gift. I wish Brewstow and the Moon Keeper could see him now. Ha, ha, ha!

    Crasdar didn’t find any humor in the situation. He knew his master would expect him to comply with his request. He wondered how he could corral the flying misfit, let alone train him. Gastanine grabbed Crasdar with his talon and placed him on top of his scaly neck. They took off abruptly and chased the tormented creation.

    The Jupiter Computer made a large portion of the shiny silver floor ‘open’ from the center to its sides. It revealed one hundred incubation chambers, which held his rapidly growing slew of new winged children. They were getting larger at an intense rate and would have to be released from their origin pods, very shortly.

    Chapter 3

    (Back To Stone-Bottom)

    Ernst disengaged the autopilot when they were close to their Texas destination. Philip had given him further information, which he had received from M.C., and they all hoped he had enough runway to land his jet safely. What Ernst wasn’t fully prepared for as he came in for his landing was the position of the other two jets that were already on the airstrip. M.C. saw them, but she didn’t believe they were a threat to his plane… She was used to spacecrafts. One of the planes was the twin engine jet that Donaldson used to transport Moony; it was on the side of the runway. The other jet was a beefy 737, and it cluttered Ernst’s landing area. He had to use all his piloting skills to pull off the adventurous landing. They touched down successfully as Ernst wiped the sweat from his brow. M.C. should have been more informative about the location of the 737.

    Well, that was tighter than I expected, Ernst said, relieved. He was a fine pilot. Hey, Yoshi, what are those markings on the tail of that huge jet?

    Yoshi looked through the cockpit glass. They are Chinese markings. It’s a Consulate aircraft.

    Ernst looked confused. What the hell would a Chinese Consulate plane be doing in Texas?

    Everyone looked at Philip for the answer.

    Beats the hell out of me. I’m as in the dark as you are. Don’t put your plane too close to the building, Ernst. I think they probably know that we’re here, but if not… Let’s walk up to the building and hope they were too busy to notice our arrival.

    Good luck on that, Philip, Harry said.

    I know it’s a long shot, but what the hell, Philip said hopingly.

    Ernst taxied as far from the structure as possible and shut down his plane. He opened a small cupboard and grabbed his Glock from its hiding place. He stood up and stuck it into his belt.

    You got one of those for me and Harry? Philip asked.

    Sorry, I don’t. I usually don’t carry too many firearms onboard, unless I know I’m going to need them. Oh, wait a second, I think I might have something. Ernst walked over to the other side of the cockpit and opened a thin closet. He searched the top shelf and found a small revolver. He gave it to Philip.

    I guess it’s better than nothing. Thanks, Ernst, Philip said. Then he put the .38 Special into his belt and looked at Harry.

    Don’t worry, Philip, I don’t have much experience with guns anyway, Harry said.

    That’s all right, Harry. I’m hoping we won’t need them, but it’s nice to have just in case.

    I’ll stay close behind you, Harry said awkwardly.

    The four men exited the plane. Yoshi was the last one off. He put his hand on the hilt of his sword, then he released it and stretched out his fingers.

    They all walked quickly across the runway, up to the side of the structure. They pushed their backs firmly against the black wall.

    There are two cameras attached to those light posts, Ernst said while pointing. The front of the building has elevator doors. The cameras are most likely pointed at them.

    "I only saw two cameras as well. There might be others farther down the airstrip, but it’s too late for that to be our concern," Yoshi said firmly. Then he grabbed the small grappling hook that was fastened to his belt. He knew he didn’t have nearly enough rope attached to it, for him to achieve the hundred-foot ascent. So, he would have to do it in sections. He threw the hook about fifteen feet up against the wall. His aim was perfect, and the hook grabbed onto something solid. Yoshi pulled hard on the rope; it was set nicely. He scaled the wall, like a ninja, and dug his feet into the tiny spaces that were available to him. Then he threw the hook again and moved up another fifteen feet.

    Philip and Harry marveled at his cat-like agility.

    Ernst had seen it many times before, but it never ceased to amaze him.

    In a matter of minutes, Yoshi was on the roof of the building.

    The men waited below for his observations. It took several minutes to get Yoshi’s report.

    Yoshi stuck his head over the side of the roof. There is a hatch up here... with just a small padlock on it. I broke it off easily with the hilt of my sword and opened the hatch.

    Why do you have that look on your face? Ernst asked him as quietly as possible.

    Yoshi ignored the comment. The hatch is on top of an elevator shaft. It seems to go down forever.

    What are you going to do, Yoshi? Philip asked.

    Yoshi smiled. I am going to go down it, Philip-san. There is no elevator there. It must be at the bottom of the shaft. Hopefully, I can send it back up to get all of you. Then he disappeared.

    Sounds pretty dangerous, Philip said to Ernst.

    I’m sure it is. Don’t worry, Yoshi can take care of himself. When it comes to matters such as this, no one is better equipped for the job.

    Yoshi began his hellacious descent; with his sword strapped around his neck. He took one step down onto a metal ledge. Then he gazed below him into the seemingly endless elevator shaft and shined his tiny, powerful flashlight through the immeasurable darkness. He saw a thick steel cable that faded into the blackness. Yoshi placed the small flashlight in his teeth and jumped onto the cable. Once he was on it, he wrapped his feet around it, like he would, if he was sliding down a rope. He squeezed it hard to make sure that he sensed no vibrations. When he didn’t, he began his rapid descent. He labored for what felt like forever. He couldn’t believe how long the elevator shaft was. Yoshi gazed back up towards the top. The hatch looked minute to him now, and when he traveled farther down, it disappeared completely. He kept sliding down the cable as fast as he could. Occasionally, he needed to stop because the friction on his feet was harrowing. He kept descending, repeatedly astonished by the length of the seemingly infinite shaft. After twenty minutes or so, he believed he saw the bottom. He thought he could see the top of the elevator.

    The security detail, which was assigned to watch the runway monitors, had wandered off for a while. Nothing ever happened, so they usually came and went as they pleased. The taller guard left to use the restroom. The other guard went to grab a snack. When the guard who went to get something to eat returned, he grabbed the magazine that he was reading before he left. He sat back down and put his feet up on the console, like he was at home. He began scanning through his magazine and glanced infrequently at the monitors… if at all.

    Yoshi had been correct; he could see the top of the elevator. When he was close enough, he dropped on top of it, like a jaguar. He knew he had to be deathly quiet. Yoshi slowly opened the hatch on top of the elevator, made sure it was empty and leapt down inside of it. He quickly noticed there were only two buttons on the panel: up and down. He hesitated for a moment. Yoshi knew that if he hit the up button, the whole structure would be alerted to their presence.

    The taller guard returned to their console. If Donaldson sees you lounging like that, he’ll have your head.

    I’m not afraid of that old goat. Besides, I’m sure he’s still in that meeting with those Chinese characters. I wonder what he’s up to? the other guard asked.

    The taller guard looked at his screens. Never mind that crap, didn’t you notice there’s another plane on the runway!?

    That was there before, the other guard said.

    The hell it was! We’d better sound the alarm.

    "Screw that! Let’s go up there and check it out first, before we give the old man a heart attack… and he has our asses!"

    I thought you’re not afraid of him? the taller guard asked facetiously.

    I’m not. I just don’t want to start any shit, unless we’re certain there’s a problem.

    Okay. Let’s go have a look, the taller guard said.

    The two guards grabbed their automatic rifles and headed towards the elevator. When they arrived, the other guard pushed the button for it to open. When it did; it was empty. The guards walked in, and the taller guard hit the ‘up’ button. They waited for the doors to close. The guards both released the safeties on their rifles.

    Yoshi had heard the men outside of the elevator while they were approaching and popped back through the hatch onto the roof. He closed it quietly and laid flat on top of the elevator. There was a jolt as it began its journey upward. That was not a good situation. The elevator rose quickly up the gigantic shaft. Yoshi hoped desperately that he wouldn’t be squashed when it reached the top. He positioned himself as flat as possible, in between the metal framing. Yoshi prayed that would be enough. The elevator rose rapidly. When they were about fifty feet from the top... He held his breath. The elevator made a metallic thud when it reached the top of the shaft. It had missed crushing him by inches.

    The elevator doors opened.

    Philip, Harry, and Ernst were standing in front of the doors.

    The guards aimed their rifles at the three men. Freeze! And get your hands up! the taller guard said to the seemingly unarmed men.

    Hold on a moment, boys! We can’t freeze and put our arms in the air at the same time! We’re expected inside. This is Dr. Fleener, Philip said as he pointed at Harry. He’s here to assist Commander Donaldson.

    We weren’t told about anyone arriving! the other guard said gruffly.

    Well, before you shoot us, don’t you think you should confer with Commander Donaldson? Philip asked quickly.

    The fact that Philip knew the Ex-Commander’s name threw the guards for a loop. The taller guard pulled his two-way radio off his vest.

    A silent Yoshi dropped from the top of the elevator, behind the guards. He drew his sword. Using the hilt, he banged the taller guard with the radio on top of his head and knocked him unconscious. Philip and Ernst dove on the other guard, subduing him while procuring his rifle. Ernst had hit him hard enough to render him unconscious, as well.

    Now what? We can’t just leave them here, Philip said.

    Yoshi produced a pair of plastic hand ties from his leather pouch and gave Ernst a nod. They moved the guards to the side of the building and tied their hands behind their backs. Philip and Harry walked up behind them. Then Yoshi pulled out a small tube of liquid and dabbed some of the solution beneath the guards’ noses.

    What the hell is that stuff, Yoshi? Philip asked.

    Something that will keep them knocked out for a while. Don’t worry, Philip-san, I will only kill if it’s absolutely necessary.

    I just want Moony back. I can tell you’re not a crazed killer, Yoshi, Philip said.

    Ernst looked at Philip… but said nothing. He knew what his partner was capable of, and when he would apply it.

    The four men returned to the elevator and entered it. Philip and Ernst had the guards’ rifles in their hands.

    You want a gun now, Harry? Ernst asked while extending his Glock towards him.

    Harry took the weapon.

    Let’s go get Moony, Philip said. He pushed the ‘down’ button on the elevator panel and the black doors slammed shut.

    Chapter 4


    In the Northern Territory, south of Katherine, Australia, Dr. Ronald Amestoy sat in his rented jeep. He was gawking at a map, trying to figure out the best route to the site where Gastanine had fire-tunneled the desolate terrain. Every witness he had interviewed, practically told him the same story. A giant dragon blasted the ground, digging deep holes with fire, frantically searching for something. No one on foot or in a vehicle dared to get anywhere near him. He was also observed by helicopters, which kept their distance.

    Gastanine had hunted for almost a full day, before his master summoned him back to Jupiter. Then he was gone. Some of the gaping holes he left behind were still smoking.

    Most people called him Dr. Ron. He was a fifty-year-old paleontologist and geologist. He shared a small, mobile laboratory with his partner; fellow adventurer, Dr. Mark Evestrom. Dr. Evestrom was ‘similarly’ referred to as Dr. Mark by his cohorts. For this excursion, Dr. Mark was forced to stay home in California to run their computer hub. Dr. Ron went to Australia by himself.

    Dr. Ron had two doctorate degrees and a great reputation for finding things. He was a handsome, slender man, about six feet tall, with a full head of black hair. He almost always had his safari hat on, which allowed him to fit in nicely with his Australian guide, Russel Kilo.

    Russel was a native Australian. He had a small, muscular frame and a hat that was much bigger than his head. He was a rugged-looking man, who took to Dr. Ron instantly, when they met at the airport the previous day. Russ climbed into the jeep. That map won’t do you a bit of good, mate. The roads you’re looking at don’t exist anymore. That dragon took them out during his search; one that was apparently never completed, Russ said in his thick Australian accent.

    How can you be certain of that, Russ? Dr. Ron asked.

    "I was several hundred yards away when he shot into the sky and disappeared. He was still spraying fire and looking for something… until the second he abandoned his quest. The dragon kept peering backward as he flew away." Russ was still visibly shaken from the incident, and it was forever etched into his mind.

    Take me there now. I must see it with my own eyes and inspect the area.

    All right, Doctor. It’s a very large area, but I can get us close enough for you to view the region. Then Russ switched seats with Dr. Ron and took the wheel of the jeep.

    That would be great, Dr. Ron said.

    "But once we get there, most of that equipment you have in the back of this jeep will be too heavy to carry and the jeep will be useless for travel."

    Dr. Ron appeared frazzled by Russ’ words.

    When they were close to Gastanine’s devastation, Dr. Ron understood what Russ had told him. What once had been a dense desert area, was now reduced to scorched earth and unbelievably deep holes… holes dug by a dragon. Russ stopped the jeep in front of one of the chasms and they got out.

    Dr. Ron was astonished. What in God’s creation could have done such a thing? he asked in a whisper as he scanned the vast, dug-out terrain.

    If God created that dragon, Dr. Ron, he certainly was a beat off that day. It was the most horrific, ghastly thing I’ve ever seen, Russ said with true fear in his voice. Where are you going to start? As you can see, these enormous pits are everywhere.

    This seems like the perfect spot to me. I’m going to set up a rig and rappel down this first chasm. I need some soil samples.

    "Soil samples for what, Doctor? If he couldn’t find what he was looking for, how are you going to find it with a soil sample?"

    Are you Aussies always so optimistic? Dr. Ron asked sarcastically.

    You didn’t see that dragon, Russ said.

    Chapter 5

    (If At First…)

    The elevator seemed to take forever until it reached the ground of Stone-Bottom. Ernst had the strap of the rifle around his neck, like he was used to handling such a weapon. Philip looked a bit out of place as he brandished his. Harry had Ernst’s Glock in his hand and was shaking a tad. Yoshi had his sword out, held in an upright position. None of them knew what to expect when they finally reached the bottom. They were all pleasantly surprised when the elevator doors slid open.

    There was no one outside of the elevator. Normally, Philip would have called M.C. for assistance with their search, but she wasn’t able to detect them so far beneath the ground, encased in cement. A man finally came into view. It was Dr. Jennings. "All of you come quickly! I need to get you out of sight before any guards return. I switched off the surveillance cameras for this sector and above, but I will have to put them back on in a few minutes, or we will be detected, Dr. Jennings said quickly. Follow me."

    They exited the elevator and followed Dr. Jennings.

    Good to see you again, Jennings-san. I knew I could count on you to get the job done.

    "I haven’t gotten the job done, Yoshi. I’m afraid that’s for you and your friends to accomplish. I’m taking you to a place to hide, and I will fill you in on where your other friend is. You must move quickly. I believe he has just been sold for a great deal of money by Donaldson."

    Sold!? Philip asked disgustedly.

    He has been purchased by the People’s Republic of China. Delegates have been sent personally by their President. They are here to take him away. The transaction is occurring right now. Your timing is perfect, but I have no idea how you’re going to get your friend free from all those guards… or Donaldson. I don’t believe that a shoot-out will work in your favor. You’re heavily outnumbered.

    They walked through the labyrinth and arrived at an office that Dr. Jennings quickly ushered them into. Once they were all inside, he walked in and closed the door behind him.

    This is Philip-san, and my associate Ernst. Oh, please forgive me, this is…

    Dr. Jennings cut Yoshi off. I know who this gentleman is. It’s an honor to meet you, Dr. Kobleberg. I wish it were under more pleasant circumstances.

    Impressive, Harry. I didn’t realize you were such a celebrity, Philip jested.

    Harry gave Philip the same look as Moony always did, when Philip made an inappropriate comment or joke, at an improper time.

    Where is this exchange taking place, Jennings-san?

    The other men eagerly waited for his reply.

    Right now, they’re in Donaldson’s office. I don’t know their exact numbers, but I’m going to guess that between Donaldson’s men and the Chinese, we’re talking about at least fifteen heavily armed men.

    "Those odds are bad, but we’ve faced worse," Ernst said, but he was still concerned.

    Yoshi stared at Ernst, then he turned towards Dr. Jennings. Is there a ventilation shaft, or anything that runs above that office?

    There’s a huge one. Remember, we’re six-hundred feet below the ground. Ventilation is of extreme importance.

    Oh shit. I know that look, Yoshi. There’s a small army in there. Are you out of your mind!? Ernst asked his partner.

    Quite possibly, Ernst-san. I am going to need you to do your part!

    We’ll be there if Dr. Jennings will direct us where to go, Ernst said.

    Moony was being inspected by three Chinese doctors, like a very white prize bull, being readied for auction. He was only in Donaldson’s office for the last five minutes and was putting the pieces together in his Moonbrain. This is what you’ve got in mind for me, Donaldson? You’re giving me to the Chinese!?

    Are you insane, Moonman!? I’m not giving you to anyone! Donaldson said emphatically.

    "Even you’re not that stupid!"

    I’m selling you to them for two billion dollars! I was going to ask for three, but I didn’t want to seem… greedy, Donaldson said devilishly.

    The Chinese doctors kept prodding and studying Moony. He squirmed and resisted their examination.

    The Chief Chinese Delegate approached Moony. "How do we know this is the actual Man in the Moon? he asked Donaldson. If the world wasn’t turning upside down right now, my President would never take this transaction seriously."

    "Just look at the white bastard. Anyone can see he’s not from Earth," Donaldson said smugly.

    The Chief Delegate squinted and saw that was true, but he still wasn’t totally convinced. "Do you have any idea what we will do to you, if he’s not who you claim him to be?"

    Not half as bad as what the Jupiter Computer is going to do to him, if this actually happens, Moony said honestly.

    The Jupiter Computer!?

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