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Forbidden Fruit
Forbidden Fruit
Forbidden Fruit
Ebook270 pages3 hours

Forbidden Fruit

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About this ebook

In episode 85 of the Action! Series, we catch up with the men of Paradise and LA after their wonderful weekend for Father’s Day.
As the men get back into the groove for their work weeks, Hollywood superstar Alexander Mark Richfield continues shooting his scenes for his new cable TV series, Room at the Top. The writers have the love scenes between him and Gabe Loveday, Alex’s old boyfriend’s son, heating up!
Meanwhile, Tadzio Andressen, a Swedish transgender actress, toils between her film role as a judge, and her new TV show, starring with Alexander, hustling between movie sets to get it all done. Not only is Tadzio under pressure to memorize lines from both projects, but someone also suddenly begins trolling her online, making her miserable.
And more surprises await fans of the series, as a taboo act occurs between married men. Forbidden fruit. Why is the temptation to take a bite so overwhelming? Because it’s designed that way.

Come back to the men from LA and Paradise for more fun and adventures!
All of the Action! Series books can be read as stand-alone novels, but are much more fun as a series! Or watch Capital Games the movie, on demand, the pilot episode of the series.

PublisherGA Hauser
Release dateAug 7, 2023
Forbidden Fruit

GA Hauser

About the AuthorAuthor G.A. Hauser is from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA. She attended university at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and has a BA in Fine Art from William Paterson College in Wayne NJ where she graduated Cum Laude. As well as degrees in art, G.A. is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 1994 G.A. graduated the Washington State Police academy as a Peace Officer for the Seattle Police Department in Washington where she worked on the patrol division. She was awarded Officer of the Month in February 2000 for her work with recovering stolen vehicles and fingerprint matches to auto-theft and bank robbery suspects. After working for the Seattle Police, G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began to write full length gay romance novels. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has penned over 200 novels and short stories. Breaking into independent film, G. A. was the executive producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES which included TV star Shane Keough in its cast. CAPITAL GAMES had its Film Festival Premiere at Philly's Qfest, and its television premiere on OutTV. G.A. is the director and executive producer for her second film NAKED DRAGON, which is an interracial gay police/FBI drama filmed in Los Angeles with the outstanding cinematographer, Pete Borosh. (also the Cinematographer for Capital Games)The cover photographs of G.A.'s novels have been selected from talented and prolific photographers such as Dennis Dean, Dan Skinner, Michael Stokes, Tuta Veloso, Hans Withoos, and CJC Photography, as well as graphic comic artist, Arlen Schumer. Her cover designs have featured actors Chris Salvatore, Jeffery Patrick Olson, Tom Wolfe, and models Brian James Bradley, Bryan Feiss, Jimmy Thomas, Andre Flagger, among many others.Her advertisements have been printed in Attitude Magazine, LA Frontier, and Gay Times.G. A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, and Best Author 2007.G.A. was the guest speaker at the SLA conference in San Diego, in 2013, where she discussed women writing gay erotica and has attended numerous writers’ conventions across the country.

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    Book preview

    Forbidden Fruit - GA Hauser


    an Action! Series Book



    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2023


    Book 85 of the Action! Series

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2023

    ISBN Trade paperback: 979-8851-0377-1-9

    © The G.A. Hauser Collection

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    This book contains material that may be offensive to some: graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations. Please store your books carefully where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.

    First The G.A. Hauser Collection publication:

    August 2023


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    The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

    Chapter 1

    Thirty-five-year-old actor Alexander Mark Richfield held paperwork with his lines on it. He was the headlining star in a new cable TV series, Room at the Top. As he closed his eyes and said the dialogue in his head, already committing them to memory last night at home, Alex’s makeup artist was styling his hair and powdering his face.

    The TV series had originally been a backdoor pilot and was picked up by one of the mega pay cable television companies. Since it was on pay TV and an evening series, the writers, and his director, Charlotte Deavers, got away with murder. Nudity, swearing, taboo subjects, you name it, they did it.

    The producers of the series, Will Markham and Derek Dixon, were activists and supporters of the gay community. Will was married to a photographer, Madison Henning. Derek was straight and married to a woman, but his unwavering support of the LGBTQ community was evident from his television shows.

    Alex’s best friend, Tadzio Andressen, was a Swedish trans-woman, and lived with him and his husband, LAPD lieutenant, Billy Sharpe. Tadzio had married Billy’s police officer nephew, Matt Nolf.

    They lived in Bel Air with Billy and his looney white saluki-mix mutt, Lady.

    As Alex readied for his scene, one he knew was coming because he’d read the script, he heard Charlotte shouting at the gaffer and grips about lighting.

    One of the sets they were using today was a bar. Their studio in Burbank had a plethora of designed rooms. Everything from the posh law offices where he worked, to bedrooms of their private homes, to the office restrooms, hallways, you name it, they had it.

    While the lighting was adjusted to make the scene appear to be evening and a dimly lit drinking establishment, Alex spotted his costar, Gabe Loveday.

    Young eighteen-year-old, Gabe, was the son of Oliver Loveday, a man Alex had met and dated at UCLA while he attended drama school. Oliver’s father, Gabriel ‘Angel’ Loveday was a soft porn star in the 80s and had lived with Alex’s husband, Billy Sharpe for a while. That’s how Alex and Billy met, through Angel and his son Oliver.

    Alex had stolen the hot cop away from Angel. In the process he had broken Oliver’s heart, and no doubt, pissed off Angel Loveday.

    Billy was twenty years older than Alex, but the man worked out so hard, he could outrun or beat up, any man Alex knew. And the hot-headed cop had beaten up several men already.

    All right! Charlotte shouted, Let’s get this scene going before I’m too old to shoot it! She had headphones draped around her neck, and her dark hair was cropped short, and salt and pepper gray now.

    She was tiny in stature, but a ‘force majeure’ in the television world.

    Alex’s stylist finally stopped fussing with his hair and makeup. Alex avoided running his hands through his thick, brown, shoulder-length hair, and straightened the suit jacket he wore.

    His father, Mark Antonious Richfield, was the Nation’s Top Male Model and had been for decades. Not only was his dad famous for his cologne line, Dangereux, he now designed and made men’s suits and formal clothing for his and his husband, Steve Miller’s garment manufacturing firm, Richfield-Miller International.

    Alex loved his dad’s designs. They were made for slender men and accented a man’s natural curves, broad shoulders, tight buttocks, and narrow hips. And the fabrics and colors were incredible. Imported wools, silks, and cottons from all over the world.

    Today Alex wore his favorite dark blue suit. It had a sheen to it, and was snug, hugging his trim physique. With it, Alex wore a light blue shirt and a dark blue and white striped tie.

    The assistant director yelled, Quiet on the set!

    The low murmuring went silent.

    Gabe, who was playing Pete Mitchell, their mailroom boy, wore a white cotton-long-sleeved shirt, and dark blue pants. His ‘uniform’.

    This was their first real date, since Gabe had been seducing Alex’s character for a few weeks. He’d already given Alex a blowjob under his desk. Acting, of course.

    So far, Alex hadn’t been asked to expose himself. He expected it, however. He’d done full-frontal in both of the TV shows produced by these two men. Being Screwed, a vampire series, and The Action! Series.

    Camera ready!

    Sound speed!

    Alex looked at Gabe. Gabe looked at him.

    Extras were sent scurrying around to make the bar appear crowded.

    Charlotte pointed to him and said, Action.

    Alex and Gabe walked towards the bar as the bartender wiped the counter. Two stools were open between an occupied row of patrons.

    The studio set was dead quiet. Even though the extras moved their lips and pretended to speak, nothing was uttered.

    Alex and Gabe’s microphone packs, and a boom microphone, which the soundman hung over their heads, recorded their dialogue.

    Gabe, with his long straight dark hair, like his grandfather, was a very pretty young man. Not Alex’s type. Alex preferred big bruisers, macho men. Cops. Billy Sharpe, for example.

    Tadzio wasn’t on set yet today. Since she had also been cast in a feature film to play a judge, Charlotte had somehow managed to get the writers to give her the time she needed to get the movie shot. Two weeks. That was all Tadzio required.

    So? They began Alex and Gabe’s office romance as the main story line while Tadzio was busy.

    Alex gestured for Gabe to take a seat. The young man climbed onto a stool and flipped back his long hair.

    Alex, whose character name was Denny Harris, tried to move the stool farther from ‘Pete’s’ but as scripted, he couldn’t, because a woman seated to his right was very close to him.

    The main camera was aimed at him and Gabe from behind the bar.

    Gabe leaned towards him, pretending the bar was boisterous and loud. Music and underlying conversation would be added during the editing of the show. What are you drinking?

    Alex loosened his necktie and the top button of his shirt collar. Everything he did and said was directly from the script. I’m driving so I don’t know if I’ll drink booze.

    Gabe ran his hand along Alex’s thigh. Alex looked down at it.

    Get one cocktail. We can stay here until you sober up. Gabe laughed at him and signaled the bartender.

    A man with a receding hairline, dressed in a green cotton shirt and red vest, leaned close to them. What can I get you?

    Gabe said, as if shouting in noise, I’ll have a mojito.

    The man leaned closer to Alex.

    Alex looked at Gabe, then at the bartender. Same, he said, frowning.


    Alex sighed and then looked at Gabe’s hand, which stayed on his leg. Not wanting to shove it off, Alex instead, shifted on the stool, facing Charlotte, and Gabe’s hand was slowly removed.

    Charlotte rewatched the scene on a video screen and then said, Okay. Let’s do it again. I want a side shot to get the camera on Pete’s hand on Denny’s leg. Then, after we do a wide, we’ll get a few closeups.

    Alex and Gabe stood from the stools. Alex buttoned his collar, tightened the knot in his tie, and whoopie, they had to do it again, and again… and again.

    But he knew this was only the beginning and very soon, he and Gabe Loveday would be naked and in bed.


    Lieutenant William Paul Sharpe worked with the recruits in the LAPD police academy. After three months of teaching the students basic self-defense tactics and how to use their expandable batons and handcuff suspects efficiently, they were getting closer to graduating.

    He clapped his hands and shouted, Get ready for a street run! You’ve got five minutes!

    The group of thirty men and women sprinted into the locker rooms to prepare for a jog on the road.

    Billy entered his office and used the restroom. He wore navy blue shorts with a white LAPD emblem on them, and a matching T-shirt with the same emblem on the chest.

    After he’d relieved himself, he checked his phone, putting his reading glasses on. Seeing nothing urgent, he set the phone on his desk, and then tied his running shoelaces tighter. Today he’d be finished teaching at two pm. This class was going to perform marching exercises for their upcoming graduation ceremony, so they were essentially done with basic training.

    As Billy thought about what he wanted to do for the rest of the afternoon, which included maybe a swim in his pool and punching the bag hanging in his backyard, he had another thought.

    Keeping it on the backburner in his mind, Billy returned to his class of recruits and roared, Let’s go! The line of well-trained men and women paired up and followed him outside the gym, across the tarmac parking lot, and into the blistering summer heat. Billy knew if they could withstand the torture he implemented on them, then maybe, just maybe, they’d survive the mean streets.

    A sign was posted on his gym wall: ‘The more you sweat in here, the less you’ll bleed out there.’

    And he believed every word of it.


    Tadzio’s long blonde hair had been styled so it was not flowing down her shoulders. She wore a judge’s robe and was getting ready for her movie scenes. This film was a sequel to the first one she had starred in. She played a small supporting role but was thrilled to be a part of a big movie production with a stellar director, Ned Diamond.

    The cast was wonderful, and also included big stars as the leads. It was a detective, courtroom drama, with a love story between the main characters, a lawyer and his innocent client.

    Her role was minor, but she cherished it. As she was prepared by her makeup artist, Tadzio ran the lines in her head she had memorized last night.

    Two weeks. That’s all the time her minor supporting role would entail and then she could get back to Room at the Top with Alex and Henre Ward, a French actor also starring in the cable TV show.

    She was grateful to Charlotte Deavers for keeping her part in the law series to a minimum while she managed to get this movie role shot. Charlotte acted like a dictator on set, but the woman had a heart of gold.

    This week, right after her scenes were shot for this film, she had to run to the TV studio to shoot a few small scenes for the cable show. The two studios were so close, she could walk, but it was much quicker by car.

    They didn’t want her to vanish from the TV series completely, so she had a few lines to speak while in the law office, just so the television audiences wouldn’t wonder where she’d gone.

    Being trans, she had both fans and enemies. Tadzio had begun her career as a young teen, as a runway model. Before the onset of male puberty, she took hormones. In Sweden, these changes weren’t as difficult as they were in the States. So, when she began to mature, Tadzio didn’t get a deep voice, facial hair, or other masculine characteristics.

    With daily estrogen hormone injections, and top, but not bottom surgery, Tadzio passed as a woman relatively easily in today’s society of hate and intolerance.

    She was one of the luckier ones.

    Her director called for everyone to get into their places.

    Tadzio climbed a platform and sat in her spot in the courtroom set. A nameplate was on the desk, and she was addressed as Your Honor. She liked it.

    She wished she were a real judge!

    Quiet on the set! the AD yelled.

    Tadzio touched her gavel and straightened a pile of paperwork.

    As the extras in the room sat on the spectator seats to make the courtroom appear crowded, the two main stars stood near her, about to begin another scene. Jeremy Runner was one of them! He had been cast to play one of the leads in this film.

    Tadzio was so happy to be in this film sequel, she struggled not to smile, because this judge… she was a tough one!

    Tee hee!


    Josh Elliot, former LA lifeguard and now internet sensation, loaded his last bathtub video to his channel.

    Somehow, he’d gotten Mark Antonious Richfield and Henre Ward into a bathtub together.

    Last weekend, Father’s Day weekend, a huge gathering of around thirty guests descended on the estate in Paradise, California.

    Josh rewatched the fifteen-minute interview with the two gorgeous models for Mark’s Dangereux Cologne and hit the ‘go live’ button.

    His friend, Lou McFadden, a standup comic, helped him edit and get the video as clean as possible, no pun intended, and then returned it to Josh so he could upload it onto his channel.

    He knew the second that video went live, it would go viral.

    I mean, Mark and Henre naked in a bubble bath? Hello!

    Josh had created advertising teasers, small clips promoting the video’s release. After the tiny shorts of the two stunners soaking nude with him in a bathtub at the estate were posted, they had already gone viral. Just the shorts alone had millions of views.

    Once Josh posted this new video, he sat back in the leather desk chair to think. He had a list of actors and musicians to book into his studio. Josh didn’t conduct the bathtub interviews in his home here in Hawthorne, California. He had a rented space that appeared to be a bathroom in a private home.

    There, Lou could come with him and help him with the technical aspects, the cameras, and lighting as well as dig up intel to assist Josh in coming up with intriguing interview questions.

    Josh’s husband, Tanner Cameron, also a former lifeguard, was in their den. Tanner, too, made a living from the web. He was an exercise guru and bought into a franchise online workout system. While his workouts streamed live, Tanner was able to interact with his fans and subscribers and give them healthy living advice as well as doing the actual workout with them on video.

    The gorgeous muscular man had an enormous following, but not quite as large as Josh’s.

    They made more than enough money to pay the bills.

    While Josh ruminated over the new video and if it would be as popular as he hoped, he heard Tanner ending his session, encouraging the group to continue their hard exercise and good eating habits.

    Josh closed his eyes for a second, just to decompress and think before he booked his next interview.

    Tanner entered the study where the computers were located. He wiped his face with a towel and was sweating profusely. He wore a tank top and tiny red shorts, which Josh figured was why Tanner had so many followers. Errrm, mostly ladies and gay dudes. Go figure.

    You’re not going to believe this, Tanner said, still catching his breath.

    Josh swiveled the chair to face him.

    My ex-wife. Anna. She’s a subscriber. I saw her name and then she commented on a few of the other subscriber’s comments.

    Was she nasty? Josh asked.

    No. But… why? Why the fuck would Anna even be interested in my channel? She was never a workout freak. She did nothing physical except shop at the malls.

    Maybe she’s changed her mind and needs to lose a few pounds. So? She found you on the ‘net. As long as she’s not trolling you, who cares? Josh indicated his website on the computer. Mark and Henre’s interview is now live.

    Cool. Tanner walked off, no doubt to shower.

    Josh thought about Tanner’s ex-wife. He assumed she’d remarried or something. She wanted kids, Tanner didn’t.

    That scenario seemed to be a common reason couples parted ways. Maybe statistically, it was in the top four along with abuse, cheating, and money woes.

    As Josh tried to get his focus back to his computer work, he heard the shower running in the bathroom. He looked at the screenshot for the new bathtub interview, Mark and Henre laughing as they stared at each other.

    Josh stood from his chair and took off his shirt, entering the steamy bathroom. Tanner’s big brawny body was visible through the frosted glass.

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