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God Writes My Story
God Writes My Story
God Writes My Story
Ebook179 pages3 hours

God Writes My Story

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Mary Margaret met the Holy Spirit when she was eight years old on the backside of a mountain in Montgomery County. Two weeks later, she met Jesus close to the neighbor's pond. Later, as she walked near the barn, He told her, "She would suffer many things for her faith in him." She describes both of them in the book.

When she was on her Damascus Road experience, God appeared to her as the Ancient of Days as related in Isaiah 6. Gabriel the messenger appeared to her and confirmed the message she had received from the Ancient of Days. Michael the archangel appears to her very often to fight the many battles she has faced. The Holy Spirit is very intimate in taking her places as a young child and bringing her with him. The Holy Spirit covers her with his wings quite often as she sees this in an open vision and under his wings will she trust (Ps. 91:4).

She wonders why she has been given so many visitations of heavenly beings; she is devoted to the Lord, and all he wants to take place in our world. She puts her faith in a mighty God.

Release dateJul 8, 2023
God Writes My Story

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    God Writes My Story - MARY MARGARET BROWN

    My Testimony

    I recall Mother said that when I was born, my oldest sister was singing, She will be Coming Around the Mountain, When She Comes. So that was how my life began.

    Big Sister to the Rescue

    In my second year, another student had slapped me in the face when I put hers and a name of a boy name in our class on my desk with chalk. That day on the way home, I told my big sister, Jean, about it. Jean told me, You better slap her, or I will whip you.

    I told Jean, I’m not allowed to fight. Her mother is the teacher, and she will whip me.

    When I was in class in those days, the teachers were allowed to punish students with a spanking. I don’t know when this was changed, but it did stop a lot of fights. Jean repeated her threat to me the next day as we travelled to school. When the girl who had slapped me came into the cloak room, Jean accosted her as I would not do as Jean had said. Jean said to Doris, If you ever hit Mary Margaret again, you will answer to me. Do you understand what I mean?

    The girl burst into tears and ran to her mother, the teacher. Nothing happened then until the teacher took the role of everyone there. I thought all was well. After the teacher took the role, she casually went to her desk and picked up her yardstick. Clancy approached Jean with an ominous look on her face as she swatted the yardstick against her other hand. I was petrified when the teacher walked over to Jean to whip her.

    Clancy was a big woman, and she rocked back and forth when she spoke. She came up to Jean’s desk and said something to Jean, which I could not hear. Jean was angry that the teacher had not tried to protect me.

    Then Jean stood up, and she was quite tall for her age. She grabbed the yardstick in the teacher’s hand and broke the yardstick over her knee and handed it back to the teacher. The teacher was in shock at what had happened. Jean said, and I heard this, You are not going to whip anybody.

    Jean handed the broken yardstick back to the teacher. The teacher did not move for a moment, and then she went back to her desk without saying another word. Everyone was in shock at what we had observed. I was pleased with my big sister who had defended my honor. Jean was quite stocky when she was young and was tall for women in those days. She was five feet, seven inches tall. Later when she was going into a restaurant with friends, every man in the room would look at her since she turned out to be a great beauty.

    What I had not learned is that Jean told our dad what had happened, and my dad was my hero and came to my defense. Daddy always knew how to handle things like that. He went to the superintendent of the county schools and reported the teacher and her behavior toward me.

    The superintendent liked my father. She also claimed me as her own since she never had children. The superintendent was in attendance when I won the DAR medal in Montgomery County for the Gettysburg address.

    After Jean’s encounter with the teacher, it was never mentioned again. Jean was not reprimanded. It may have been Dad’s visit to see the superintendent.

    The next year, I had a new teacher and my grades went up, and I was so happy. That teacher gave me her Bible in storybook form for children, and I read it tirelessly. Then I would go home and take my grandfather’s books up to our attic and preach to all the people in the closet. One day, I came to the word dispensation and did not know what it meant. The Holy Spirit said, Someday, you will live it.

    Looking for Grandmother

    When I was about eight, I had been praying about my wonderful grandmother, who passed on the previous December 4. I missed her so much. She was the love of my life. Grandmother gave me anything I wanted. She had told me a lot about her savior Jesus Christ as she rocked me in her rocking chair. She filled my young heart with Jesus and how He would save us from ourselves. She loved me unconditionally.

    She was also the one with the final say with all her money on most matters. She held the purse strings for the whole family.

    The Apparition

    As I travelled home from school, I came upon this apparition of Jesus. I was somewhat afraid at first because He was so shocking to look at. Yet I calmed my fears of this shadowy figure under this tree. I knew I had nothing to fear. He was certainly not anyone that one would desire, so I remembered what the scriptures had to say about Him not being comely. Excitedly, I rushed forward to greet Him.

    He spoke first, Don’t be afraid.

    I said, I am not afraid.

    I was transfixed on His eyes. They were sky blue, maybe with a touch of green in his olive skin. They were small, deep-set eyes in His rectangular face. His hair was wavy, dark brown, and long, down to His shoulders. He had on a coat like the one that Moses wore in the movie. He stood about fifteen to eighteen inches off the ground. He had a beard that covered the lower part of His face. The coat of red, white, and black showed His Jewish heritage. He was a man of sorrows, as His face was marred and scarred from His beating. He was a big man of about six feet or more and big-boned. I wanted to make all things right with Him but did not know how.

    After I got over the initial shock of His appearance, all I wanted to do was grab Him by His legs and hold on to Him forever. That was the way I did my brother, Cordis, who protected me from our old rooster in our yard who had spurs. I knew I could not do that. His eyes were captivating pools of love. I wanted to stay here forever. But He was a spirit, and I could not hold a spirit.

    He was smiling all the time. I looked at Him with so much love. I have never forgotten that day. It has made an indelible impression upon me. Many times I have gone back to that day in my own life to reassure me that God is with me.

    He said, What can I do for you?

    I replied, Where is my grandmother? Is she with you?

    By mental telepathy, He referred me to the story of David when he found his son had died and repented for his sin. God showed David that he could go to his son, but his son could not come to him. I knew that I could go to her, but my grandmother could never come to me. He went on to impress upon me that it will be the same with me and my grandmother, Will you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and follow Him all the days of your life.

    I knew I would have to believe on Him. I said excitedly, Yes, yes, yes, I believe, and I will follow Him all the days of my life.

    Winningly, He smiled with such love I was overwhelmed by the emotion of the moment but so relieved to know that my grandmother was with Him. I said, Would you please tell my grandmother that I love her, and I miss her so much.

    He said, Yes, I will tell her. Then He said, Now what can I do for you?

    I thought for a moment, And what do I need? I was happy living on the farm with my dog, Bruno, and my family. So what did I need now? I said, Will you help me pass a test?

    I am sure He must have thought I was a really silly kid to ask for such a mundane thing. I could have asked for riches or wisdom, but no, I wanted to pass a test. I have never failed any test. Even on subjects I did not know anything about. I can always guess the right answers.

    I didn’t tell anyone about my encounter with the Holy Spirit. I found this out later as I studied the Word of God. The Holy Spirit is the one who points you to Jesus and draws you to Him. I was happy at this stage, knowing my grandmother was with Jesus, and someday, I would see her.

    Jesus the Christ

    About two or three weeks later, I was farther up the road close to a pond on my neighbor’s farm. I came upon a man in a white robe near the pond. He beckoned me to join Him. The Holy Spirit appeared as the first spiritual man, looking like Jesus. However, this man was dressed differently. This man had flesh and bones. Jesus and I talked for several hours. I can’t remember a thing that was said, but I know He wanted to baptize me in the nearby pond. I thought about what my mother would say about me getting my clothes wet and dirty, and I said, No, my mother would be angry if I get my clothes dirty.

    I was scared. I realized how late it was and I had to leave Him. I was afraid of the snakes on the ground and the snake in the sky. It was almost dark. My mother would be angry at my delay in coming from school. I was in such a hurry that I scratched my leg on the fence between the two properties. I ran all the way home from that meeting. I could feel His sorrowful eyes still following me because I had not allowed Him to baptize me. I ran all the way home, scared of the snakes I may encounter. I told no one about my encounter. It was too special.

    One day a short time later, I was in the barn area which was about two hundred yards from the house. I heard that unmistakable voice say, Like my apostle Paul, you will suffer many things for your faith in me.

    And I have, but I won’t go into that.

    Happiest Time of Life

    For the next two or three years, I was a happy kid. I believe it was the happiest time of my life. I had loving parents, my siblings were at home, and all was well. But one day, we left the farm and moved to town, and Dad leased the farm to a neighbor. Little by little, to be part of the peer group, I would drift. I remember when my girlfriend gave me a cigarette, and she showed me how to inhale. The Holy Spirit said, If you inhale, you won’t quit.

    I smoked until 1983 when the Lord delivered me. Two aides talked and laughed me into giving them up. A sergeant with the prison system prayed for me, and God delivered me.

    Since my knowledge of the Bible was so vast, several times, my Sunday school teacher in the eighth grade would let me teach the class. This teaching helped me get a scholarship in speech when I graduated. I never used that scholarship. Mother heard about my teaching the Sunday school class, and she was so pleased as she prayed a lot.

    I was going to church sporadically. I loved to dance. One day, I met a man who was handsome and charming. I fell in love. He was from Mt. Home, Arkansas. For months we were inseparable, but one day, Jerry said he had to leave. He was going to Africa to work and asked me if I would go with him.

    I talked to my mother about it, and she said, If you marry this young man, you will have a dozen children and then pull your hair out.

    I believed she was right, and I stayed in Mt. Sterling.

    When I was born, my back came apart since I was so big—ten pounds. The doctor told me I had osteoporosis. But I have never lost one inch. I am still the same as high school. I have been healed many times of staph infection, smoking, which is harder than coming off from heroin, according to what an addict who told me. I believed my lungs had been damaged from so much smoking. God has healed me many times but not my back completely.

    I was only sixteen, and I knew that was too young. So I told Jerry I could not go with him. He left me without telling me goodbye. He did go by to see my sister. She said to me, He had a case of beer and a one fifth of whiskey.

    I was, again, all alone.


    My sister was always looking out for me when she introduced me to a man named Jim in Lexington. Bunny was a good friend. I did go to movies with him, and I saw him quite a bit. We were both students at the University of Kentucky. He was a good baseball player, but we never discussed his leaving. He was very nice. We seemed to enjoy being together. But every weekend, I would go home to Mt. Sterling to find out if anyone had heard from Jerry.

    I returned from Mt. Sterling one day, and Jean accosted me. Angrily, she said, You know Bunny has left town. He looked all over for you. Why do you have to keep going back to Mt. Sterling? He liked you, Mary Margaret, and you are never here.

    He had been picked up to play professional baseball. I couldn’t be sad, for I was still in love with Jerry. As you probably know, Bunny became a US senator from Kentucky after he finished his baseball career.

    I dated other people, but as soon as they asked the question, I would say no. I didn’t know why I said no. I remember what I had heard from the Lord about my calling. Maybe I felt I must remain single to be like Paul. God had called me out for a ministry just as He did Paul. I wanted to fulfill my commission and remain single. (Needless to say, I don’t believe I am in the same category as Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament).

    Mountain Home, Arkansas

    After several years, I made a call to Mt. Home, Arkansas to talk with Jerry. He had married but was divorced. He had missed me too. There were no children at the time, so we planned for him to come to Kentucky. We corresponded. He told me how much he loved me and had never forgotten me. But as the time got closer, I realized I could not marry a divorced man. My eyes were always on the Lord and what He had to say. I chose the Lord again and told Jerry goodbye once more.

    The years came and went, and there were other beaus. But none that made me feel the way Jerry had. His deep southern drawl is always with me. I still hear it today. For you, ladies, he was the image of Robert Wagner with a crew cut.

    When I went to California to see my nephew Danny, he took me to see Robert Wagner’s dressing room. The visit brought back a lot of cherished memories.

    Mike Adkins

    Mike Adkins was singing at a church at 10:00 a.m. that I attended. I saw the same Holy Spirit that I had met when I was eight years old. He did not identify Himself. He first appeared as a large angel with

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