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Overwhelming Methodology of Deception: We Have a Problem
Overwhelming Methodology of Deception: We Have a Problem
Overwhelming Methodology of Deception: We Have a Problem
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Overwhelming Methodology of Deception: We Have a Problem

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There was a dilemma with writing this book. In order to understand the tip of the iceberg, it's necessary to understand the iceberg. Unfortunately, if you don't believe the tip of the iceberg, you're certainly not going to believe the iceberg. Jesus said, "If I tell you earthly things and you don't believe me, how can I tell you heavenly things?" It took me about ten years, but I finally made the iceberg believable and understandable to most people.

The book involves government conspiracy, which is the very tip of the iceberg. The book explains the iceberg first and works its way up to conspiracy. To understand the iceberg, it was necessary to push the envelope of the conventional realm of perceived reality and go into metaphysics, galactic allies, and galactic enemies. The book explains how humanity is going to go through a transitional period and into a new paradigm of experience.

Although this book often quotes from God (what we call God) and Jesus, it's unquestionably not a religious book.

Release dateMay 4, 2022
Overwhelming Methodology of Deception: We Have a Problem

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    Overwhelming Methodology of Deception - Max Adam Duncan


    Overwhelming Methodology of Deception

    We Have a Problem

    Max Adam Duncan

    Copyright © 2019 Max Adam Duncan

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2019

    ISBN 978-1-64544-996-6 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64544-997-3 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Manipulating Reality, The Book of Job, and Post-December 21, 2012

    Spiritual and Religious Misconceptions

    Opposite Poles, Balance, and Expansion

    Body Coherence, Human Coherence, Global Coherence

    The Bible Code and the Etheric Holographic Picture

    Government Conspiracy

    The Enemy, Transition, and Outline


    When I was in my midtwenties, I bought something, and my total came to $5.55, all fives. The next time, I went to the store, the guy in front of me, his total came to $66.66, all sixes. I thought, What are the odds of that and what are the odds of that ever happening again? The next time I went to the store, my total came to $7.77. At that point, I realized something was trying to get my attention. Not only because of the incredible odds of what had happened but there was also something else going on that I didn’t know how to explain to anybody. Before and after the total with all 7s, it was as if something was trying to create a dialogue with me, through the clock, receipts, dreams, synchronicities, visions, the TV, and the radio, even in ways virtually beyond description. There appeared to be something that could manipulate reality beyond our current realm of understanding. About this same time period, I discovered the Berkeley Psychic Institute (BPI). In retrospect, I realized this wasn’t an accident either. I took virtually every class they had. I studied there, on and off, for about the next seven and a half years. Not only did I learn what I was dealing with was real, but there was a reason for it.

    This book was influenced largely by three sources that had something unusual in common. These sources were all books and audio sets, written and recorded, by authors that transcribed information dictated from beings beyond the earthly realm. These three authors are Glenda Green, the author of Conversations with Jesus (CWJ); Neal Donald Walsch, the author of Conversations with God (CWG) and New Revelations (NR); and the last of these three authors is anonymous. The anonymous author, in simple terms, was the transcriber of a dictation-translation-transcription process from galactic neighbors, which resulted in a series of books: volume 1, Handbook for the New Paradigm (HNP); volume 2, Embracing the Rainbow (ER); volume 3 Becoming (B); and a small booklet, Messages for the Ground Crew (MGC). There was a fourth author that also had an influence, whom you’ve probably heard, that didn’t transcribe anything from beings beyond the earthly realm that I’m aware of—Deepak Chopra. A concept from one of his teachings is expanded on and is central to this book. This concept can either be called human coherence or global coherence. Another major influence in writing this book was a rudimentary form of communication directly from these same outside sources to me.


    Manipulating Reality, The Book of Job, and Post-December 21, 2012


    Any physicist will tell you, it’s scientific fact that solid matter is mostly space when looked at from a subatomic level. They say solid matter is only about 10% solid and 90% space; some say less than 10% solid. Physical matter is made up of negatively charged electrons revolving around positively charged protons in a vast infinite field of space, and the electrons and protons are themselves made of electromagnetic vortexes and are not actually physical. So it may be more accurate to say matter is 100% space with varying fields of density from 90% light electromagnetic energy to 10% very dense electromagnetic energy. The density that we perceive to be an object such as wood or metal is actually created by the electromagnetic field, not by the fact that it’s solid matter. A neutron has size but no mass, and a proton has mass and is the same size as a neutron. Physicists can’t equate where mass comes from. Physical matter is only solid from our perception. When we transcend into higher realms of understanding, the larger less-dense energetic space, in between the smaller dense 10%, will become more interesting. Everything is energy and information, from physical matter, to situations and circumstances, even awareness. There’s an ancient Palladian science, when translated is called holy science, which is a form of science that puts consciousness at the center of physics.

    Nothing is lifeless or stagnant. Every quark, atom, and molecule is pulsing with though and movement. Nothing is truly flat or solid.

    —Anonymous (ER)

    There is something referred to as the synchronized universe, which is a physics model that explains how certain healers can perform miracles such as putting their hands through solid objects, levitate, heal, and perform an array of what we would perceive as miracles. There are very well-documented cases. Most of the atom is empty. The particles are very tiny, and they’re moving around in a comparatively large space. What is it that makes an atom seem solid? If particles only interact when their motions are synchronized with each other, it’s possible to turn these forces off by shifting the frequency or shifting the phase. If you can do that, then you can have many parallel universes all in the same place, because they have different frequencies. Having many parallel universes can explain things that happen in the paranormal. Psychogenesis, levitation, teleportation, telekinesis, clairaudience, clairgustance, out-of-body experiences, extradimensional beings, apparitions, poltergeist activity, invisibility, etc. There’s an enormous amount of evidence of paranormal phenomenon that would be explained with this physics model.

    As a simplified example, how particles only interact when their motions are synchronized, such as with the radio, satellite TV, or antenna TV. All the different transmission frequency signals are happening simultaneously all around us, yet we can’t see or hear them but when we turn the dial to change the receiver frequency. So now that the radio or TV is now synchronized with a transmission frequency, we can now hear or see that frequency or that channel, while all the others are still happening simultaneously all around us.

    Now we can begin to understand that matter is a result of vibrational frequency. All matter on earth, in the universe, and in other dimensions exists because of vibrational frequencies and that vibrational frequency is driven by energy, which means if we can control that energy and understand the energy that drives the vibrational frequency, it would be possible to manipulate not only physical matter but situations and circumstances. Another way to say a blessing or a blessing in disguise or a curse is manipulation of situations and circumstances or manipulation of energy and information.

    Computers are nothing more than on-off switches and information, a binary system. Yet they make an endless array of effects, virtual realities, viruses, artificial intelligence, etc., and computers are getting increasingly more sophisticated with no end in sight. Likewise, our reality is nothing more than positive and negative energies and information, and like a computer, this information can be manipulatable.

    The greatest understanding that enables the limited mind to connect with the totality of universal existence is through mathematics. Energy exists within precise cycles that can be written as mathematical equations. Since life expression is not a static existence, that indicates that changes are going on within the totality of the puzzle on a continuing basis. Variations are constantly being recalculated to continue their inclusion within the whole which is far greater than can be imagined by finite minds.

    —Anonymous (B)

    We can’t conceive or even consider the tremendous changes that are ahead, after our ability to understand the power of love is attained, because our ability to understand the power of love will change everything from our life to our technology.

    —Glenda Green (CWJ)


    What might serve as a good example, for situations and circumstances being energy and information that was manipulated, is with the book of Job in the Bible. This is the oldest book in the Bible. Whether you believe in the Bible or not, this story works as a good example. I need to write about the book of Job for this and other reasons. There’s another, more scientific way of looking at this story. We know Job lost his riches and all his sons and daughters were killed in the course of one day, through multiple simultaneous events, and then, according to this story, when Job remained faithful to God, Satan created painful sores over Job’s entire body, thinking physical pain would make him break down and curse God. Job abruptly went from the greatest man among all the people of the east to a disgrace that even his friends condemned, the lowest members of that society detested; even little boys scorned him; his wife, who was the only family he had left, didn’t side with him. According to the Bible, it was so apparent it was intentional, it was perceived by the people of his land to be deliberate punishment by God because Job must have been a sinner. What was going on behind the scenes, according to this story, was God allowed Satan to test Job’s dedication to God by taking away his riches, his family and friends, and his physical well-being. The Bible explains this much but doesn’t go into any depth explaining how Satan created this negative experience or how God gave everything back, twice over. One way to look at this phenomenon is from an energetic perspective. Let’s consider, through focused thought and deliberate intent, there was a manipulation of energy and information that brought into manifestation situations and circumstances that produced a negative experience. Then when these negative situations and circumstances created the required experiential value to forge Job’s consciousness, there was a positive manipulation of energy and information, through focused thought and deliberate intent, creating situations and circumstances that produced a positive experience. In Job’s case, he got everything back, twice over, even his new children were better than the original children and the most beautiful in all the land.

    There’s additional information to this story, of Job, in Glenda Green’s book/audio set Conversations with Jesus, which is, in my opinion, more straightforward and accurate than the Bible. Personally, I believe the Bible’s intentionally void of vital information and the information in the Bible is modified for a deceptive direction of purpose. This and other religious doctrines are a major part of the overwhelming methodology of deception. According to Glenda Green, God was doing something more than testing Job’s faith. He was teaching Job all he truly needs, or anyone else truly needs, is our Creator and everything else should come after. As long as Job only wanted his comfort zone back, he didn’t get it. It was only until he understood that all he truly needed was our Creator and nothing else did God return his comfort zone which would have been the true reason our Creator allowed this experience to happen. This understanding would help us through the period of chaos that precedes a new paradigm of experience. Letting Satan test Job’s faith, to see if Job could hold strongly to God, is directly associated to holding strongly to Christianity. Testing Job’s faith is programming so Christians cling to the deception even through extreme difficulty, such as the coming period of chaos preceding the new paradigm of experience. Before the new societal structures can be built, the old structures must come down. If a person’s beliefs are strong, it’s necessary to remove their comfort-zone before they’ll be open to new beliefs. Unfortunately, because religious beliefs are so deeply set, the coming period of chaos will be necessary for this reason, to be open to new beliefs and release existing programming. The Christian version of the book of Job is just one example of programming, created by the negative focus, to cling to the deception, or to the religion, through the period of chaos.

    How does this manipulation of energy and information, as in the book of Job, apply to the date December 21, 2012, which was the end of a twenty-six-thousand-year cycle of our solar system revolving around the center of our galaxy? (This is the date the Mayan calendar ended.) Let’s first take a look at the difference between astronomy and astrology. This date needs to be looked at through both these perspectives. Astronomy is scientific, while astrology is mythological. When you look at the movement of the planets, you’re looking at astronomy. Or when you look at a calendar, you’re also looking at astronomy. When you look at the zodiac or the Mazzaroth, you’re looking at astrology. Astronomy can be calculated with great accuracy, while astrology is esoteric, at least from our current realm of understanding. An apt analogy of comparing astronomy to astrology might be to compare the calendar to weather. Without an understanding of weather, and only an understanding of the calendar, you might conclude the weather was going to change from winterlike to springlike on March 20. This doesn’t mean it couldn’t be cold March 19 and warm the March 20, but it would be more of a coincidence than anything else, unless there was intentional weather manipulation perhaps, which is another reason weather makes for a good analogy. From an astrology perspective, December 21, 2012, was like a calendar date between two ages, or experiential seasons, and we’re going from an abnormally long cold winter, which might be looked at as a Job age (negative polarity cycle) and going into either a spring age of self-empowerment (positive polarity cycle) like we’re supposed to, or into another ice age, or dark age where structured governments and religions have a stranglehold on the conscious awareness and spiritual control over the people, like we’re not supposed to. In order to go into the spring age of self-empowerment, we have to make a seemingly impossible leap in conscious awareness to see through the overwhelming methodology of deception.

    Just as in the book of Job, situations and circumstances are energy and information and so it is with ages. Each age has its own experiential value for its own experiential purpose. If you were to look at a calendar, with a picture for each month, the picture typically fits the month, particularly if the pictures are season related or holiday related. The zodiac has a sign for each age that somehow fits the experiential value. A year is roughly 365 days, while a millennium is roughly twenty-six thousand years. A month is one-twelfth of a year, roughly thirty days, while an age is one-twelfth of a millennium, roughly 2,166 years (2,166 years is roughly the age of Christianity). Just like there are new months and new years, there are new ages and new millenniums, and none are exactly the same. Each is unique as a snowflake.

    Only in the sense of their uniqueness are they new for the first time.


    Planet earth is now poised to make a transition. The level of consciousness of the beings and the planet poised to do this are not at the level that was intended through the failure to make the transitions that were available through the last 26,000 year cycle. Added to this is the deliberate plan of the adversarial forces to disrupt the cycle transition into deliberate chaos intending to continue the negative polarity cycle for their own purpose.

    —Anonymous (HNP)

    The time of chaos that has long been predicted is manifesting into reality. The prediction of this was purposefully implanted in some of the religious teachings, and indigenous tribes long ago taught similar predictions that appeared to make both coincide. The difference is, some of these predictions were promulgated for a direction of purpose and those of the indigenous people were genuine prophecies containing identifiable time frame predictions. The Mayan calendar, for example, calculated/prophesied the end of the current 26,000 year cycle as ending on December 21, 2012. While another focus assured the religious believers that the exact time cannot be known, giving the ability to use various sets of conditions and indications to manipulate these believers over and over again. Without the exact time frame, this allowed for societal unpreparedness. If this date were known, it would have been virtually impossible, for those with the need to dominate, to use stealth to execute their plan of control.

    —Anonymous (HNP)

    Like a thief in the night.

    —Christian Bible

    When the ending of the millennium does occur (Not necessarily the ending of the 26,000-year cycle) it does not do this on the date of your calendar. The cycles are not required to follow your calendar of the seasons. The basis of the cycle is not from an earth’s perspective, but from what you perceive as the Zodiac as earth passes from one influence of the twelve aspects of experience to the next. The starting place of each planets trip through these influences does not follow the conclusions drawn by astrologers but is determined by the mathematical equation of the solar system as it synchronizes with the master equation of the galaxy.

    —Anonymous (HNP)


    Spiritual and Religious Misconceptions


    It took the opposition literally eons of time to reach the current control level. A correction in the misunderstanding of reality, a misunderstanding that they have slowly and carefully nurtured, can be accomplished in a very, very short time because of its illogic. Once illogical ideas are identified, the sequential thought process reprograms itself, rather like a computer changing its internal arrangement of data to a more efficient combination of sequences. When illogic is perceived and the rearrangement of data takes place, then other illogical data is identified and the search is on to further identify any other illogical data present and to eliminate it also. Through this process, great changes in the mass consciousness can be accomplished. There deception is so illogical it’s quite amazing so few have seen through it, this is why one logical statement can realign a persons’ entire belief system.

    —Anonymous (ETR)

    The Christian religion has employed the most aggressive proselytizing program in the history of the planet. If the founding teacher of the distorted Christian faith had been allowed to complete his teaching to its potential and had it been spread with the Christian focus then marvelous progress would have been made.

    —Anonymous (ER)

    It is hoped those who spread these messages remember to be patient with their fellow humans for there will be much rejection in the beginning. The comfort zone of deeply ingrained programming is difficult to soften. A great deal of seeding must be done. Even though rejected, the seeded ideas will remain and await the triggering that will cause them to root and grow. What the triggers are will be unknown for all are unique to each conscious awareness.

    —Anonymous (B)

    Once possibility thinking has been incorporated into the mind/brain process, it changes the way all incoming information is considered. It is rather like breaking down a shell that has been artificially placed around each conscious awareness to protect it from considering anything other than the standard approved diet that is constantly fed to modern societies.

    —Anonymous (B)

    It takes constant reinforcement to keep the lid on the conscious awareness. However, sudden discernment can cause all of the cleverly layered programming to fall away and understanding into instant reawakening when the proper triggers are activated. A simple statement that makes total logical sense within the thinking nervous system connection causes a realization to register throughout the awareness and in that moment there is a change in the ability to receive thought that has hitherto gone unheard and unnoticed.

    —Anonymous (B)

    If you seek to change behavior by telling people what to do, it’s temporary, at the very best. However, if you seek to change behavior by telling people what to believe, this impacts behavior at its source, those who truly know how to manipulate impact at the level of belief to produce the desired behavior.

    —Neal Donald Walsch (NR)

    The statement above says it all in a nutshell. Impact at the level of belief to produce the desired behavior. Since humans are inherently good, it required distorted positive focus belief systems to produce the desired behavior. With a true understanding of our Creator, there would be no conflict. Structured religions, in their present form, are the biggest reason for conflict than any other reason. This is by design.

    God said, Thought produces action. Get a person to think in a certain way and you can get a person to act in a certain way. It is not easily done the other way around. You can rarely get another person to kill another person simply by telling them to do so. You have to give them a reason and reason only exists in thought and thought is always based in belief. So, if you want to get a person to kill another person the best way to do that is to give them a belief that supports the action, which can sponsor it. One such belief might be that killing a particular other is what God wants, that killing is doing the will of God, and that you will be rewarded in heaven for doing it. That could be a very powerful belief, a very powerful incentive. So, while most of the world is trying to bring about change by telling people what to do, those who truly know how to motivate people bring about change by telling people what to believe.

    —Neal Donald Walsch (NR)

    God said, Killing in the name of God is a powerful belief. Retribution and violence has become a holy trait. This is why those societies that are now causing, and have historically caused, the most upheaval on this planet are those societies that focus on religious beliefs.

    "Those societies that base their civil laws on religious beliefs [theocracies] are the most suppressive."

    —Neal Donald Walsch (NR)

    God said, "Most of the killing, most of the domination, most of the suppression, and most of the terror on your

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