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My Submissive Husband Hates My Boyfriend
My Submissive Husband Hates My Boyfriend
My Submissive Husband Hates My Boyfriend
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My Submissive Husband Hates My Boyfriend

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Vanessa and Tim spend most of their time together, and to the outside world they appear to be your average husband and wife.


When Vanessa finds out about her husband's fetish, she decides that she is going to help him live it out. However, her feelings for the second man that she brings into the picture, Landon Wickboldt, complicate things.

Release dateMay 1, 2023
My Submissive Husband Hates My Boyfriend

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    Book preview

    My Submissive Husband Hates My Boyfriend - Dominique Paige

    Chapter 1: Planning for Valentine’s

    It could be a beautiful February morning - a bit chilly, but sunny. Vanessa loved such mornings and she could would enjoy it if everything around was not decorated in pink, red and purple glittery hearts.

    Even the cupcakes in the cafeteria need to be covered with an extra thick layer of shimmery frosting and pink or red sugar heart candies. Yay! Happy Valentine’s! Sadly, Vanessa Tharp wasn’t expecting anything from the day. Well, she had not been expecting much of such holidays for quite a long time now.

    She had left Tim still in bed when she left for work. Which meant only one thing - her darling husband was back to his slacker mode. She should’ve been used to that during their seven years of marriage, but for a woman who had to get up every morning and hurry to work, even though it never promised much of a career promotion, Tim’s constant lazy mood was really something quite painful to suck up.

    To add more fun to her disaster of a family life, Vanessa’s twin sister - the ever successful and smart-mouthed Vera, constantly asked nosy questions. Today was no exception.

    Why the hateful glare at my cupcakes? Vera chuckled as she sat down at their usual table in the cafeteria.

    Of course, she knew the reason. The cupcakes were the only convenient target to transfer Vanessa’s anger. But it wouldn’t be Vera if she did not make an amazing drama out of her twin sister’s misery.

    Alright, come here and tell your big sis what’s going on, Vera’s voice had gotten that curious tone, which indicated she was on the subject and was not going to let Vanessa off the hook.

    Firstly, I am five minutes older, Vanessa spoke in her defense, which only meant that she was trying to avoid the main question.

    Ok, I’ll give you that. You are the older, and I am the perfect one. Now tell me, Vera urged as she rolled her eyes. She took a bite of the hateful cupcake and moaned in delight. She knew how to play on the tender strings of Vanessa’s heart. 

    Vera indeed was the perfect one. At times, it made Vanessa doubt the two of them had emerged from the same person. Her sister was bright and talented, successful in everything. She could achieve any goal that she set her mind on. Both had started their careers at the company as interns after their graduation. And here was the result – Vera was successfully heading the Marketing Department while Vanessa was stuck at the receptionist’s desk for over a decade.

    My talented evil twin, Vanessa would think at times. But the truth was – Vera was not evil, she was just too curious. The only thing, in which Vanessa had been quicker and more successful than Vera, had been her marriage. That was what Vera probably had never forgiven her. Not that she wasn’t enjoying her happy single life… But poking Vanessa every now and then or expressing her very direct opinions on her slacker of a husband always caused particular joy to her.

    There’s absolutely nothing to tell, Vanessa said looking pointedly at the cupcakes as if they would be able to hide her from Vera’s all-seeing eyes. 

    Ness, but that’s the problem. Is it not? If a couple has nothing to tell on Valentine’s Day, it sounds like problem in their little family paradise.

    Nah, it kind of loses its appeal after several years of marriage, Vanessa lied.

    Last night she did hope to open her eyes and find some cheesy hearts and flowers, or a postcard with an invitation to a date with her husband, but as the day progressed, where was no sign to indicate that Tim was up for any kind of celebration.

    To Vanessa’s firm belief, this day existed for the sole reason to remind those, who were ignored on this day, of their misery. And the best way of doing so was encouraging everyone else to give each other gifts and flowers, and go on dates.

    Honestly, Ness, you can pretend you believe your own words as much as it pleases you, but who, if not your favorite sis, should tell you the truth?

    Rub it on my face would be a better definition, Vanessa thought, but she had no courage to say it out loud.

    And what would be all-knowing Vera’s advice? She liked the irony in her own voice. She knew Vera would appreciate it.

    Well, first of all, don’t go all hostile on me. Maybe he does have a surprise for you after all, and it might be waiting for you when you are back, that was Vera’s way of saying that it was most probably not happening, but she was not her brother-in-law’s enemy.

    Vanessa hoped there would be no surprise at all. Knowing her husband, no news was always good news in their family. Tim had always been a great guy and she loved him endlessly, but after seven years of marriage, she had come to a conclusion that there was something in the DNA of those super-smart IT guys. She had even learned to live with it, but she dreaded the thought of getting a surprise from him.

    So what if there’s no surprise? Vanessa tried to distract Vera from digging any further.

    Then you should become the surprise! her sister answered with the confidence of a top marketing specialist. We – these two hot girls, are going for lingerie shopping after work!

    Now, that was not an invitation, but a declaration of war by almighty Vera. Dare Vanessa ever oppose her? Deep in her heart, she loved the idea. It had been a while since she had had some time for herself. Vanessa looked pretty and she knew it, but after years of marriage and absolutely no need to seduce her man day after day, she had become quite reluctant to keep on the game of seduction. Tim was a good friend, as much as a husband or a lover. They had conquered each other’s hearts long ago and there was no need of reassurance. At least, so she would convince herself.

    I guess we can do that, she eventually agreed. Why deny herself of that little pleasure? Tim might not even notice it, but Vanessa loved the idea of making a small gift to herself. 

    Vera did that all the time and the results were quite obvious. Her unmarried sister never ever had a lack of admirers.

    You don’t have the luxury to choose your man any longer, but you can still choose some panties. Trust me – those can change it all! Vera’s words sounded like slogans from one of those books intended to empower women.

    Her sister had the luxury of choice, of course. For days, Vera’s biggest concern had been whether to accept Mike Dawson’s invitation to go for a two-day romantic trip, or Stanley’s invitation to her favorite band’s concert and a dinner in one of the most expensive restaurants.

    Vanessa wasn’t even sure who was the lucky winner eventually; she did not need to ask Vera right now. Surely, she was going to hear all the juicy details of her mind-blowing date for the next week or so, until something equally or even more wonderful took place to distract Vera’s attention. 

    With the plans made, the sisters got back to work. It had been a challenge to concentrate on any work for the rest of the day. All Vanessa could think was their shopping trip.

    It turned out to be real fun.

    Vera made Vanessa try at least three dozens

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