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Success Is Within You: Creating the Destiny of Your Life
Success Is Within You: Creating the Destiny of Your Life
Success Is Within You: Creating the Destiny of Your Life
Ebook93 pages1 hour

Success Is Within You: Creating the Destiny of Your Life

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You might not see yourself as particularly special in any way. But you possess something no one else has. In Success is Within You: Creating Your Own Destiny, author Michael W. Jackson reveals that by discovering and reconnecting with your “true” inner self, you won’t be a victim of circumstances. Utilizing the creative power of your mind, you can transform yourself and manifest your world as you envision it.

Each chapter concludes with creative exercises encouraging you to implement the action steps necessary to create the change you want to see. Jackson recommends applying these again and again until they form habits you practice regularly. They’ll work in helping you achieve a particular goal, and they’ll generate a transformation in you as a person, allowing you to achieve any goal you set your mind to.

Now in its fifth edition, Success is Within You offers inspiration and practical tools for creating transformational change in your life. It shows that the greatest and highest manifestation of you dwells within, and therein is the source of the success you hope to achieve.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 16, 2023
Success Is Within You: Creating the Destiny of Your Life

Michael W. Jackson

Michael W. Jackson is a healthcare scientist residing in Los Angeles. In addition to his lifelong quest in personal development, his other interests include music, mathematics, computer programming, and amateur astronomy.

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    Success Is Within You - Michael W. Jackson

    Copyright © 2023 Michael W. Jackson.

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    ISBN: 979-8-7652-3850-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-3851-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023901689

    Balboa Press rev. date:  01/26/2023





    Define What Success Means to You

    God: Your Connection to Infinite Possibilities

    Power of Dreams

    The Power of Questions

    Choose to Be Excellent

    Choose to Be Happy

    The Power of Gratitude

    Contribution: The Demonstration of Your True Abundance

    You: The Agent of Creation

    Manifesting the Dream

    About the Author

    To my wife and friends, thank you for

    the blessings you are in my life.


    The first edition of this book was an attempt to summarize much of what I had learned on my journey of personal development. Most of the authors and speakers I was listening to were featured in Nightingale-Conant audio programs. It was also at Nightingale-Conant where I met my success coach, Jan Payne, through their coaching program. I am not a professional author, but after working with my coach, my gift for writing produced a book titled Success Is within You. Thank you, Jan, for your guidance and support.

    The second edition was born from being inspired by such speakers as Les Brown and Joel Osteen. A new chapter was added that emphasized the individual as a creative agent.

    The third edition is my third attempt to get it right. Embracing the Japanese word kaizen, I have diligently attempted to make this edition better. Where necessary, the text has been updated. Some texts have been deleted, and some points have been better elaborated for clarification. It is my sincere desire to make this book inspirational and a pleasant read for all readers.

    The fourth edition of Success Is within You was an attempt to present inspirational concepts at a time (2020) when our world really needed a feeling of hope and optimism.

    The year 2020 finds our planet and humanity very much in crisis. Climate change has devastated our planet with drought, wildfires, extreme storms, and flooding. The COVID-19 pandemic has killed millions of humans. Resolving these issues remains in our grasp. At one time or another, all of us have felt inspired, but we get preoccupied with the routines of our lives and forget our power as human beings. OK, guys and gals, here is the wake-up call. Here is the reminder that you are greater than you think you are. Furthermore, you partnered with God is greater than any challenge facing the human race.

    Therefore, I implore you to read, read, and read some more. The best of you is on its way.

    For many people, the idea of success may feel like a flickering candle close to being extinguished in the midst of darkness. There is so much darkness surrounding this small light it can almost seem hopeless that our future will be much brighter. Yet darkness is not a force that has power over us. Darkness exists in the absence of light. We experience daylight because the earth is sufficiently close to our star, the sun. How can we see our own lives closer to the light instead of being surrounded by the darkness of negativity that is so pervasive in our society today? Where does the light exist, and how do we make it so much larger that the darkness seems minor by comparison?

    The light dwells within all of humanity, and we make it big and bright by harnessing the creative power of our mind. The power of the human mind can create anything, it can change anything, and it can transform anything to serve the highest good of all concern. Our world seems so overwhelming with dire circumstances; one might believe it is impossible to transform it into the brightest light possible.

    The transformation that is necessary begins with a transformation in the way we think. This is not a transformation from liberal to conservative or vice versa. The transformation comes from an understanding of how the human mind interacts with the universe. Humanity has been blessed with the greatest of gifts, the human mind. Sadly, so many do not understand how to use this tool to their advantage so they feel like victims. Inspiration can incite us toward actions that are beneficial, but the feeling of inspiration is often transient so we make some progress and then stop. Creation and transformation is not like waving a magic wand. It requires relentless action that must be applied again until they crystallize as habits that eventually take you to the destination you desire.

    Success Is within You: Creating the Destiny of Your Life emerges in the later part of 2022. The focus with this fifth edition of the book is to not only be an inspirational read but also be a practical tool for creating transformation change in your life. After each chapter are creative exercises so that you can implement action steps in creating the change you want to see. Apply them again and again until they form habits that you practice all the time. They will work in helping you to achieve a particular goal, and they will generate a transformation in you as a person so that you can achieve any goal you set your mind to.

    Bringing our world into the brightest light of positivity is not Pollyanna wishful thinking. It can be the world we envision

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