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The Grand Science of Egyptology
The Grand Science of Egyptology
The Grand Science of Egyptology
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The Grand Science of Egyptology

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Egypt is a grand nation in the northeast of Africa.  It has an ancient history going  back 5000 years.  It would know ages of ancient Egypt, Rome, Islam, and the modern nation.  It would fascinate ages of thinkers into investigating its epic state.  Here in this book, we will review a science based on this epic nation.

PublisherTim Voigt
Release dateApr 5, 2023
The Grand Science of Egyptology

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    The Grand Science of Egyptology - Tim Voigt

    To anyone fascinated with the land of Egypt.

    Epigraph page:

    "In ancient times, Man was largely just surviving barbarian tribes struggling to survive amidst wild animals, raw Nature, and himself.  About 3000 BC there would appear in river valleys all across the world collections of societies that would attain to some semblance of civilization.  Here they would develop culture, arts, agriculture, astrology, monarchies, and settled communities.  Here Man would try to rise up from caveman ways into something more complex, cultured, and learned.  Such dramas would appear in river valleys like the Nile, Mesopotamia, Indus River, and China.  One such early attempt at civilization was called Ancient Egypt.  Its civilization would last for over 3000 years and represent one of Man's first and best attempts at a civilization of some kind.' -talk on science

    'Egypt is a land of mystery, where you can smell history.' -talk on science 

    Preface:  The Land of Ancient Egypt

    In the northeast corner of the continent of Africa is a land called Egypt.  It is a dusty, sandy desert with the Nile River coursing through it.  It would have coasts on the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea.  Here would emerge civilization that would manifest as ages like Ancient Egypt, Roman Egypt, Arab Egypt, and Modern Egypt.  Today it is an epic land, an Arab state, and a major power in the world.

    About 3100 BC, primitive peoples living as wanderers in the desert of the Sahara in Africa would settle down on the banks of the Nile River.  Here they would found communities, choose kings, and work to create one of the world’s first civilizations.  It would flourish for thousands of years and then fall to the Roman Empire.

    This land later to be called Ancient Egypt would set up a civilization where its king would become the center of government, religion, authority, power, and adoration for the people.  The king later dubbed pharaoh was seen as a god, pope, king, and general all in one personality.  He would wear giant crowns, have scepters in the crook and flail, and be as a kind of god to the people.  His power was absolute, his eminence supreme, and his place was above society.  The people would take to constructing grand tombs for him when he died.  In all, the pharaoh was the center of the civilization of Ancient Egypt.

    Ancient Egypt would have a turbulent past.  It would go through ages called kingdoms dubbed the Old, the Middle, and the New.  It would go through eras of civil war and anarchy called the intermediate periods.  It would be conquered on many occasions and see many people act as pharaoh of this land.  In all, it is a civilization where it survived by its wits and miracles for thousands of years.

    In Egypt, powerful 'beings' would be invented and instituted as 'religion' called the gods.  An elaborate mythology would be invented on them where they would rule the universe, govern the world, and intervene in the dramas of Man.  The gods would be called by names like Amun, Horus, Osiris, Ptah, and many others.  The gods would select a man, also like them and institute him as 'king' of Egypt (called the pharaoh).  His duty and commission is to rule the land, to maintain the order (called Ma'at), and to lord over the people.  All kinds of cult, ceremony, and temple would be created to worship and honor the gods.  Ancient Egypt would become a kingdom where the gods seem like everything, the only thing, a manifestation of God himself on Earth.

    The ancient Egyptians would construct many grand monuments to their pharaohs.  All along the Nile River to this day, there are ruins that are leftovers from the time of the pharaohs.  Some of the grandest monuments known to history are built here.  Today the world knows the wonders of the Great Pyramid, Great Sphinx, Abu Simbel, and many other monuments.  The legacy and heritage of this ancient kingdom still lives with the modern world and is considered a priceless heritage of Man.

    Ancient Egypt would endure for thousands of years and for this it is one of history’s most successful civilizations.  It would in time be invaded by Romans who would make a province of Rome out of it.  The Romans would for a time let the pharaohs rule their native land of Egypt as long as they remained loyal vassals to Rome.  In time, the Romans grew weary of ancient Egyptian ways and abolished the monarchy and the ancient Egyptian religion.  Cleopatra VII would reign as the last pharaoh of Egypt until her famous suicide by poisonous snake.

    The land of Egypt would go through many ages after the fall of ancient Egypt.  It would pass through eras ruled by Alexander the Great’s generals, Roman governors, Persian kings, Arab conquerors, Moslem kings, Napoleon, and native born Arab Egyptian rulers like Sadat and Mubarak.

    Egypt today is a modern Arab nation lying in northeast Africa.  It has over 90 million people and is a major power in the Arab world bloc of nations.  Presented here is a book on this fascinating land, its culture, its monuments, pyramidology, and mummification.

    A science would arise to study Ancient Egypt and this is known as Egyptology.  Currently it is seen as a branch of history and archaeology.  It is a science that blends history, linguistics, archaeology, and a whole of sciences into its domain.  It is a science that attempts to analyze the bare remnants of Ancient Egypt and then interpret them as to what the real history and culture of ancient Egypt was.  In this book, we will review the science of Egyptology more closely.

    'Fantasy would go wild in Egypt, it would capture the imagination like no other age.' -talk on Egypt

    Introduction:  The Science of Egyptology.

    Egypt is a fascinating land.  It is incredibly ancient with one of the longest continuous civilization heritages in the world.  Its known history goes back to the incredible date of 3100 BC when most societies in the world had yet to arise.  It developed a fascinating culture of god-kings that lasted for nearly three thousand years, a feat of civilization endurance rivaled only by China, India, and Mesopotamia.  In time, thinkers would come and found a science dedicated to the study of this unique land and it would be called Egyptology.

    In the 19th century, the emperor Napoleon of France would set out to conquer the land of Egypt.  A scientific mission would go along with him and attempt to understand the amazing ruins and culture of this land.  It is from this expedition that a fad for all things Ancient Egypt would sweep the academic world of Europe of this time.  It is here that the formal science of Egyptology would be founded.

    French soldiers would discover a curious rock with three ancient scripts on it called the Rosetta Stone.  It would be taken back to France and fascinate a man called Champollion.  He would spend his life analyzing the rock and successfully decode the scripts and learn about heiroglyphics.  He would do a revolutionary act where people could now read ancient Egyptian writing.  This would define Egyptology immensely as now scholars can now learn about Egypt from inscriptions.

    Eversince the time of Napoleon, the study of Egypt particularly the culture of ancient Egypt would become a major issue in science.  Relics of this land would be placed in many museums and the world would take a fancy to Egyptian architecture and artistic motifs.  In time, ancient Egypt would leave a cultural impact on the world felt throughout the world.

    Egyptology today is primarily a quest to understand the culture of ancient Egypt.  It is overall engaged in activities like searching for ancient tombs, deciphering hieroglyphics, restoring ancient sites, gathering relics, building museums to ancient Egypt, and trying to understand the enigmas of this land.  It is primarily studied in Egypt itself and in colleges around the world.  It is a science that blends history, anthropology, linguistics, and a whole host of subjects under the title of Egyptology.

    In the 1920s, British archaeologist Howard Carter would be working in the Valley of the Kings.  He would discover the famed tomb of King Tut.  It would inspire a fad that would energize popularity for ancient Egypt.  It would see the epic discovery of gold coffins, chariots, ancient food, and statuary that would make it Egyptology's most incredible discovery and event.  It would be analyzed in many books and its fad is worldwide.

    It would be studied in its native land of Egypt and also in institutes around the world.  Egyptology is taught as a branch of archaeology in many nations around the world.  Topics of its study include:

    -the gods -mummification -pharaohs -temples -ceremonies -heiroglyphics -pottery -tombs -funerary ceremonies -papyrus scrolls -relics -ushebti jars, etc.

    Egyptology is a fascinating science in that it is taught in books, TV shows, film, and wherever.  Its literature is enormous and its topics are fascinating.  It would inspire fads felt in fantasy, science fiction, UFOs, video games, and wherever.  In this book we will review this science more closely.

    ———-Introductory comments:

    Egyptology is a grand science studying primarily the time of Ancient Egypt, but also other historical eras of this land.  In this book, we will explore chapters and essays on this remarkable land, its people, culture, and epic history.  We begin now with introductory comments and proceed to chapters on Egyptology.

    This book is primarily for the general reader, for the reader who has only passing knowledge and interest into Egypt.  It is a basic primer and course into Egyptology for the novice student into Ancient Egypt.


    ——-The Science of Egyptology

    Egypt is an ancient land where over 5000 years of history have happened here.  However a science dedicated to studying it has only existed for about 200 years.  In that time, it has had only a few thinkers who defined it and it is continually changing.  Over the ages, scribes of Ancient Egypt, writers, sculptors, and many thinkers would make records, make artifacts, and engage in activities that would make for the study material on Egypt.  This material would be collected to form the basis of research on Egypt and thus would shape Egyptology.  Egyptology is largely a science that is a branch of archaeology and history.  Its purpose is to study artifacts, inscriptions, relics, and other reminders of the age of ancient Egypt.  It is the task of the science to try to ascertain what ancient Egypt's history, culture, achievement, political events, religious beliefs, and other things were.  It has a whole legion of scientists from around the world investigating it and its minutiae.  Today whole institutes are dedicated to its science and it is a major branch of science today.  Presented here is a discussion on Egyptology.

    ———The World of Egyptology, The Science of Egypt

    Egypt is an ancient and mystical land.  It has one of the oldest civilizations, heritages, and cultures in the world.  It is a desert land located in the northeast of Africa flanked by the Mediterranean and Red Sea.  Through it flows the great river, the Nile.  It is here on its banks that ancient peoples would settle and found one of the great civilizations of history and the world.  Its earliest civilization called Ancient Egypt would arise about 3100 BC in a time before Christianity, Islam, Rome, Buddhism, Arabs, the modern world, Judaism, and ancient Greece would arise.  For thousands of years this land would nurture its own unique kind of civilization.  For that time Ancient Egypt would be the dominant power of the land and region until the coming of Alexander and the Roman Empire.  Egyptian kings called pharaohs (fahr ro) would be the undisputed masters of the region.  The Ancient Egyptians would revere their king as a kind of god appointed by the gods to rule on Earth.  In time, this ancient society would go through eras of anarchy, invasion, and changes of dynasty.  Later on as the Roman Empire rose to power, it would be conquered by Rome, and the ancient society of ancient Egypt would be erased from history and the world.  Its great cities and temples would pass to ruin and its language would become extinct.  Later thinkers centuries later would found a science dedicated to studying Ancient Egypt and its features, this science would be named Egyptology.

    A science is a subject to study something of Nature.  -class discussion

    The Science of Egyptology

    Egypt is an ancient land and its era called Ancient Egypt is known to have ended when the last pharaoh (and queen) called Cleopatra the 7th died.  In the ages after, Egypt would fall to invaders like Rome, Persia, the Greeks, Muslims, Copts, the French, and British.  Its ancient social system of the pharaoh would be erased, its language in the hieroglyphics would vanish, and its cities and temples would fall to ruin.  The society of Egypt would undergo change as it was dominated by invaders and the effects of foreign cultures had their influence.  The masses of Egypt would continue to live remarkably like their ancient counterparts with modern influences like Islam, Western culture, etc.  In a far distant age, Napoleon of France would invade this land, briefly conquer it, and send a scientific mission here to analyze the ancient culture.  In the ages between Rome and Napoleon, the sites of  Ancient Egypt would lay neglected lost to the elements without significant study by any culture.  Napoleon’s scientists would survey the land, collect artifacts, and take their ‘booty’ back to France.  There thinkers like Champollion would investigate the artifacts and decipher the hieroglyphs.  Its in this drama that modern Egyptology would be founded as Champollion and others of the time began it.  For the next two centuries, thinkers would survey the ruins, excavate the region, and slowly assemble a ‘picture’ of what Ancient Egypt was.  The ‘picture’ they assembled is based on the results of excavations, the analysis of artifacts, and theorizing on what has been discovered.  What Egyptology has become is a science that attempts to understand the ancient past using the methods of science.  What has resulted is an incomplete picture of the events, dramas, and personalities that made for the Ancient Egyptian era.  Today Egyptology is filled with controversies, gaps of understanding and history, mysteries, interpretations, dilemmas, imprecise theories, debates, and the

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