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The Perpetual Happiness Manifesto
The Perpetual Happiness Manifesto
The Perpetual Happiness Manifesto
Ebook149 pages2 hours

The Perpetual Happiness Manifesto

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About this ebook

A speaker, entrepreneur, coach, and 2-time Bestselling author, Bruce unpacks happiness in a way that is relatable to all of us. Shed your stressors, increase your energy, and live like every day is a holiday. Let's go on this journey together.

Part of being peaceful and content is believing that you are actually doing well. Learn how to relieve yourself of the job of making sure that everyone and everything will be the way you need them to be, so you feel better inside. This book contains a carefully designed 10 step process that will ensure you enjoy perpetual happiness that is organic, real, authentic and feels amazing.

The Perpetual Happiness Manifesto will inspire and empower readers and organizations to commit to the process that is rooted in the fundamentals. A must-read for anyone wishing to enjoy the huge gains that happiness is responsible for in work, at home, and elsewhere.

PublisherBruce Ellemo
Release dateMar 15, 2023
The Perpetual Happiness Manifesto

Bruce Ellemo

A speaker, entrepreneur, coach, and 2-time Bestselling author, Bruce unpacks happiness in a way that is relatable to all of us. Shed your stressors, increase your energy, and live like every day is a holiday. Let’s go on this journey together. Part of being peaceful and content is believing that you are actually doing well. Learn how to relieve yourself of the job of making sure that everyone and everything will be the way you need them to be, so you feel better inside. This book contains a carefully designed 10 step process that will ensure you enjoy perpetual happiness that is organic, real, authentic and feels amazing. The Perpetual Happiness Manifesto will inspire and empower readers and organizations to commit to the process that is rooted in the fundamentals. A must-read for anyone wishing to enjoy the huge gains that happiness is responsible for in work, at home, and elsewhere.

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    The Perpetual Happiness Manifesto - Bruce Ellemo


    We all know successful and happy people. Maybe they have a great career or have lots of meaningful wealth. Or they have fantastic relationships, possibly super healthy. As a coach of hundreds of athletes, entrepreneurs, and executives, I have met some very successful people. But it’s rare to meet someone who seems to be successful in all areas, though I do know this guy who does.

    Let’s get clear on success. It’s different for each of us, our definition of it. To me, success has a certain feel. The way someone carries themselves. Their recipe looks and feels right. This book provides a recipe and an 11-step process to unlock our innate capacities for happiness. This state does not depend on outer circumstances or personal traits. It does not require specific religion and has no barriers to entry; no one owns inner peace and happiness. It is available to us by our existence. This highly pragmatic book illuminates a process that allows us to transcend our small self and breakthrough to the freedom of continuous joy we so desperately long for.

    Bruce, the author, is a happy guy for those who haven’t met him. Not just some of the time but always. If you’ve seen him in passing or have had an extended visit with him, you would have noticed—he was smiling, wasn’t he? One of those genuine, authentic, happy smiles.

    This isn’t a new phenomenon with Bruce. I first met him when we were 11 years old. I had recently moved to Victoria, and my sports district was called Gordon Head. Soccer was a big sport; I was just athletic enough to play most sports, and soccer seemed like as good of a sport as any. One of our biggest rivals was Lakehill. For some reason, I wouldn’t say I liked their team, primarily because of this one guy.

    You know the guy. Good at what he did. Confident, a bit cocky even. Always smiling, very infuriating to young me. A nice guy on and off the field, somehow even more infuriating. We weren’t friends; that would have been sacrilegious to me. But I never forgot this guy’s name. Bruce Ellemo.

    Fast forward 20 years. I’m selling restaurant equipment in Vancouver. A salesman comes into my office soliciting his equipment lease financing services: The guy is smiling, handsome, confident. This guy, I know this guy.

    Since then, Bruce and I have become close friends. We’ve been through some adventures together. We both have had some similar experiences that have formed our shared path. We’re both incredibly proud dads—to name one of them.

    What I appreciate most about Bruce, in a word—mindset.

    It turns out, his life hasn’t all been rainbows and unicorns. That smile, the constant smile—he has worked at that. He doesn’t plaster on a fake I am fine plastic smile. The 1000 gigawatt smile he brings is from creating the mindset that allows him to be constantly joyous. Perpetually Happy.

    He radiates the truths in this book. The authenticity of his work has been verified. It is essential to know: does this author speak from inner realization? The answer is Yes! Close observations made during speeches, presentations, Zoom meetings, decades of friendship, and his three books’ worth of writing validate and verify that the advanced states of happiness he talks about here are possible.

    After a night where we shared the stage, talking to a crowd about what we were passionate about, I realized that I wanted Bruce to share his happiness with the world. I wanted him to teach the authentic feeling of being really happy—the feeling that has been eluding humanity for centuries. This was the moment The Perpetual Happiness Manifesto was born.

    I was thrilled when Bruce told me he loved the idea and immediately set out to plan and write this book. I’m excited to buy a copy. Then he asked me to write the foreword. I think it means I might get a free copy. Deal!

    There are real-life gems of knowledge in this book. No matter what your age or where you are in your journey, the wisdom in this book will put you on a pathway to growth and happiness. One of the most significant obstacles to happiness, he tells us, is the belief that it isn’t possible: it is only for other people, it’s too good to be true, or there has to be a catch.

    It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, there is no better time to be happy than now! Imagine your life with more joy, gratitude, success, laughter, and big smiles. I believe being happier is key. Imagine your relationships and your work. Yes, this works at work. Corporate development and culture are a big part of what I do in my business.

    By showing us the way to happiness, Bruce gives us a chance to reach it. Can you think of anyone better leading us through the Manifesto of Happiness? Bruce Ellemo. This guy.


    Our minds are malleable; they can be altered, shaped, and persuaded. In other words, we create how we feel. On a biological level, we can create new axiom channels in our brains that lead us to more joy, contentment, and happiness. And when we are happy, our spirit gives rise to our energy which fuels more joy and enthusiasm. Keeping our energy activated only requires a lack of negativity and maintaining uplifting thoughts. While the saying, we can be anything we want is a tired old cliché, it turns out to be true.

    Our brains have the amazing ability to create new thinking based on what we dwell on, how we feel, and how we act. Neural pathways, comprised of neurons connected by dendrites, are created in the brain based on our habits and behaviors. The number of dendrites increases with the frequency behavior is performed. Picture these neural pathways as deep grooves or roads in our brain between brain cells. As messages travel these roads over and over again, they travel faster and faster, resulting in behaviors becoming automatic.

    The 11-Step Process

    The concepts in this book are supported by scientific evidence, many top studies, and data from the best coaches and athletes on the planet, leading CEOs, great performers, and artists alike. The 11-step process I cover here, or as I like to call them—the eleven commandments—are decisive steps forged like a blacksmith forges a horseshoe, pounded by a hammer over great heat and pressure, and then bent, cut, and reshaped until it fits perfectly. This book provides processes and mechanisms to unlock your innate capacities for happiness, inner peace, creativity, discipline, success, health, intuition, and wealth. These states are already within us; they only need to be unlocked and released. In this 11-step process, we will walk through the process of rewiring our brains for perpetual happiness; we will carve out a new you, literally.

    Human beings are pure energy, and you have enough energy in you to light up a city. This is not new knowledge but the basis of human existence; you should be familiar with it as it is critical. You know what it feels like to feel great, and you also know what it feels like to feel awful. These are different states of energy. We are the controllers and curators of our energy; we control our energy 100% of the time, all the time—24 hours per day, 365 days per year. We control how we feel; we control our emotions, we control our responses, we control our environments, we control what we eat, what we say, what we do, where we go, how much we smile, how much we laugh, we are the custodian of our energy. To believe any different is to surrender accountability and relinquish your sovereignty. Do not give your power away so easily. Be accountable for everything in your life: good, bad, indifferent, like it, dislike it, it doesn’t matter. When you become accountable, you look for solutions rather than excuses. No longer will you create out there things to vent and displace your frustrated energy.

    If you apply the principles outlined in this book, your energy will increase, forcing you upwards into higher awareness, leading directly to happiness. When there is nothing to be anxious or stressed out about, we are happy. These principles are not hard to understand or implement. They do not cost anything. They do not require particular degrees or advanced schooling, and there is no age requirement. The primary need for the journey is a willingness to let go of the attachment to your current life experience. Maintain the experiences that work for you and discard the balance—the bad habits, the wrong people, undisciplined thinking, and over involvement. Imagine a new life for yourself characterized by effortless success, fantastic relationships, freedom from resentment, gratitude for everything, inspiration, more sales, more money, perpetual happiness, and creative expression.

    Once you have done the work, you won’t go back; the feelings of happiness are too good to sacrifice ever again. Six months is all it takes. Science proves that this is enough time to rewire and reshape your brain’s neural pathways. Think about it, in six months, you could be a completely different person, free from stress, have more optimism, joy, and happiness. Yes, it can be done and is proven to be the case. Once these characteristics are carved into our brains, they become automatic and become who we are.

    Those who have already been exposed to the material in this book have shown considerable elevation and advancement. Once the mind is satiated, calm, and focused, the calibration of happiness inside you rises. This book is written to help transcend the blocks that can keep us from perpetual joy. And it’s palpable by those around you—we can see and feel each other intuitively; we can gauge each others’ energy without conscious effort. It all happens in a flash, and most of the time, you aren’t even aware of it. Inside these chapters is the path least traveled but a pathway well worth taking.

    Perpetual Happiness all starts with our self-perceptions. These perceptions come from the value and emotions that underlie everything we are and every action we take. It is critical to look inside to understand why we value things in life the way we do. Why? Because everything we do, think and say day-to-day is a result of what we value and why we value it. We must challenge why we think about life the way we do. We must acknowledge that our values, viewpoints, and perceptions can be wrong. Uncertainty removes the judgment we have on ourselves and others. Uncertainty is the root of all progress and all personal growth. The man who believes he knows everything learns nothing. The more we admit we do not know, the bigger

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