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Fun and Games with Friends
Fun and Games with Friends
Fun and Games with Friends
Ebook77 pages1 hour

Fun and Games with Friends

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"Fun and Games with Friends" - This explicit gay erotica novel takes you on a journey of passionate and forbidden love between men. With a captivating story full of twists and turns, follow the steamy encounters of two anonymous lovers and a married man in search of some extra excitement. From anonymous public encounters to secret rendezvous, these men leave no stone unturned in their quest for pleasure. With rich and descriptive language, this novel is guaranteed to heat up your nights and leave you yearning for more. Let the adventures of these daring men sweep you away on a journey of discovery, lust, and forbidden love. Get ready to experience the ultimate gay erotica experience.

Release dateFeb 8, 2023
Fun and Games with Friends

Alexander Stone

Alexander Stone is a talented and accomplished author, who has always been driven by a desire to tell captivating and authentic stories. His passion for writing took him to the world of erotic gay fiction, where he has found a platform to express the complexities of human sexuality. Raised in a progressive city, he was exposed to the diverse experiences of the LGBTQ community from an early age and has used this experience to create compelling and thought-provoking stories. Alexander's writing style is characterized by its raw honesty, attention to detail, and unapologetic portrayal of gay relationships. Through his work, he hopes to challenge traditional views on sexuality and encourage people to embrace their true desires and to live life with passion and purpose.

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    Book preview

    Fun and Games with Friends - Alexander Stone

    PART 1

    Ididn't much want to take a lodger. But if I didn't improve the cash flow, the building society was going to repossess the house. But I wasn't prepared to take on any old lodger. I'd take my time to decide who I would permit to share my living space. I asked some guys in the pub if they knew of anyone who wanted accommodation. They came up with two names. I didn't recognise either of them. I can't expect to recognise everyone in town. Mitch told me that thirty-two year old Perry worked in his office and had just had a messy divorce. Michael's friend Jamie was twenty-five and had a steady girlfriend. He was living in a village outside the town and wanted to move in closer to the centre. Perry was desperate to move, but there was no urgency for Jamie. The choice was simple. I didn't want to land myself with a total nutter and wanted time to take up references and establish some ground rules before committing myself. Jamie it would be, unless someone else turned up. Of course I couldn't shit on my mates by doing the instant decision thing, so I agreed that Mitch and Michael should get their friends down the pub on the next couple of nights to meet me and talk over the possibility.

    Mitch's a good guy. Always on the lookout for a good deed to do and a lost cause to support. He's short and he's way overweight and deeply married with four daughters. I suspected that Perry would turn out to be one of his lost causes. I was right. When he swaggered in to the pub the next night, I saw that Perry is drop dead gorgeous. He knows it and exploits it. The attitude is that the world owes him a living, and his interests are always to come first. Arrogant wasn't in it. He stayed for one drink and then went off, saying that there was a bird who needed him to make her day. Probably on the pages of a stroke magazine, I thought. Who needed a crazed up git like that anyway? Mitch made all sorts of excuses for Perry, but I could see that he wasn't pleased at his swift departure. We had hardly touched on the details of the house, and I felt sure that Perry had decided he wasn't interested.

    The next evening Jamie came in to the pub with Michael. Michael works for the Council in some admin office. Again, his candidate for my lodger was a colleague. But he couldn't have been more different to the repellant Perry. Early twenties, average height, slightly stocky build, average colour hair. Ask me to describe him ten minutes later and I'd have struggled. Until he smiled that is. Jamie's smile reached out and grabbed you. And it wasn't just a smile on the lips, it seemed to come from deep inside, flowing out from his eyes as well. A genuine people person, it turned out. Very easy to get on with and prepared to talk about anything. We talked in general about the house and the rent and if there were any special rules. As we walked down the High Street to go and see the house, he started to hint that he thought I might be gay, and that was no problem for him.

    I wasn't sure how Jamie would cope with my occasional nocturnal companions. But then, I wasn't going to come on to him since he had the gorgeous Emma lined up to deal with his needs. Not that I would have objected if he were willing. Ordinary looking he might be, but the personality was great. I could certainly go for that. But I'm not far off being old enough to be his father, and I'm under no illusions that he'd be interested in a walk on the wild side. Just as well really. I want a steady flow of rent money, not a live in partner. We agreed on the rent, and Jamie's share of the chores, and set a date for him to move in, subject to satisfactory references from his current landlord and line manager. I'm sure that would be no problem. And it gave me nearly four months before Jamie would move in, since he had to give a full quarter's notice where he was living at the moment.

    I'm Tony, by the way. Thirty-nine. Never been married. Never been with a woman, in fact. And never felt any interest in doing so either. Oh yes. And I work as a civilian with the police. I take photographs of crime scenes and victims. it's not what you would call nice work. But it's steady despite the advent of digital cameras. I also do medical stuff for the hospital; surgical techniques and recording physical debility and the like. About half my time for each of those jobs. I used to have a photo shop and develop film for other people. Business fell off, and so I took the job with the hospital. After some pictures taken in A&E one night, I got taken on by the police as well. They still want my kind of technical expertise, and I'll never be bored, but I don't think there'll be any close encounters in the dark room at work in the cop shop! Despite equal opportunities legislation, I still don't think the news that I'm gay would go down too well with my mates at work, even if I were ready to come out. The hospital's a different matter, but you have to be careful as much as you can.

    it's not that I'm totally closeted. People that I'm interested in have no problems in working out the situation. No. it's more a matter of don't ask and don't tell. I'm comfortable with who I am, and it's not as if I'm a slave to my right hand when it comes to sex. I don't think I'm god's gift, but I'm certainly not an ugly bastard either. The old body is in reasonable nick, thanks to plenty of physical activity and one session a week in the gym.

    The house is secluded, set back behind the shops on the High Street, with just a number on a door to show where I live. In fact, the door is really my garden gate. You have to walk down the alley behind it and across the courtyard before

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