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The Orion Rebellion
The Orion Rebellion
The Orion Rebellion
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The Orion Rebellion

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The Orion Rebellion Heaven-beautiful, peaceful, perfect. Filled with angelic beings who delight in serving their Creator God. Love reigns supreme. How then does Lucifer, the most beautiful angel in heaven, become full of hate and lead a rebellion that disrupts all of heaven?

Release dateFeb 21, 2018
The Orion Rebellion

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    The Orion Rebellion - Richard Clinite


    The Orion Rebellion

    Richard Clinite

    ISBN 978-1-64003-532-4 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64003-533-1 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2018 Richard Clinite

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books, Inc.

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    Table of Contents


    The Aurora

    A New World

    The Incubation of Pride

    Questions and Conduct

    The Great Assembly

    Rehearsal and Relaxation

    Doubts and Criticism

    The Interview

    The Counsel and the Coliseum

    Rebellion and the Love of God

    An Assembly of Reason

    Vacillation and Rejection

    The Visit

    The Bowl and the Ruby Boulder

    The Last Visit


    About the Author


    The story of The Orion Rebellion is based upon a true controversy that happened in heaven.

    The characters of God the Father, His Son, Gabriel, and Lucifer are taken directly from Scripture; whereas the names of the other characters in the work are created by the author.

    The Orion Rebellion, which might be regarded as fiction, however, is based as closely as possible using a narrative format on a logical expansion of biblical texts cited in the acknowledgments and other texts quoted in the story.

    The purpose of this work is to glorify the God of heaven and His Son as They dealt with the rise of sin and the rebellion of Lucifer, the highest angel of heaven. A secondary purpose is to help people realize what happened in heaven. For dissatisfaction and rebellion were unheard of entities in the universe. Before their entrance, the inhabitants of heaven and those of the various created worlds for eons of time were happy and followed the principles that governed their existence and interaction with God and other created beings.

    Eventually, a change took place, which is described in this work.

    I feel that every individual living on the earth needs to understand what happened for even though we are inhabitants of a different place, what happened there directly affects what has happened in the history of our world and the war between good and evil that is being played out in the lives of those living today.

    This saga is different from other books one might read, for it does not contain the fast moving scenes and the excitement portrayed in some works. Its main feature is to portray how in this controversy, pride and selfishness seek for the control of the mind and when harbored and fed, ultimately takes control of the individual.

    Those who read this work will be compelled to choose between service to God or rebellion and service to Lucifer; however, hopefully with the information presented, those who make this choice will do so being more intelligently informed.

    Chapter 1

    The Aurora

    Imagine, if you will, back to the very beginning when there was no marking of time. The days and nights as we know them now did not exist, and there was no sun or moon. The planets did not revolve around their stars and constellations, and galaxies were not seen. The universe was dark and empty, and light from the stars did not penetrate the vastness of space to lighten the distant worlds. The great bodies of mass in the cosmos had not yet begun their ceaseless migration throughout the unending void, and had they done so, there would have been no human being to appreciate that event.

    The vastness of the cosmos, the absence of physical matter, and the deep darkness was an example of incomprehensible solitude and emptiness. Darkness seemed to be the dominant entity that pervaded space, and there appeared to be no ending of its firm entombment on all else and of its seemingly endless presence.

    None could say how long the darkness existed or from what its evolution might have come. Nonetheless, its inky blackness encapsulated all space, and none could dismiss its pervasive inclusiveness. There was nothing to suggest days, months, or years. Time seemed as an illiterate entity—something without relevance or meaning. Because of the deep mystery of the darkness, there was no tangible entity to which it could be related. But one thing was definitely sure, and that was its stark reality and ever-present occupation of endless space.

    Amazingly as it might seem, there was a light in the darkness of unending space! A light slowly moved through the bleak emptiness; it would pause as if in meditation and then slowly move on again, inspecting, contemplating, planning. And where the light was, darkness divided and stepped aside. As distance lessened and the light came closer, it appeared brilliant, magnificent, and glorious in its energy and power.

    Such a contrast was the light from the darkness. The darkness was thick, bleak, and depressing. It seemed so deep and unending. Its presence was passive, yet all pervading in the ability to curtail sight and observation. The mood conveyed by the blackness was one of sadness, pessimism, and gloom—so foreboding and very ominous.

    On the other hand, the light was intense, joyful, and glorious. The light could diminish the darkness, and the blackness fled before the light’s intense aura. The darkness filled the greater volume of the universe, but the light, though occupying a fraction of the total volume of space, moved with greater power and intensity.

    Unbelievable as it may seem, there was no beginning of the light. No entity could say that it had produced the light or in any way brought it into existence. It did not evolve, and it was not created or formed from some other substance or other type of energy. The light’s existence, its power and energy to dispel darkness, and its ability to move was inherent within itself. Although small in comparison to the total volume of the darkness, the light was the life and the dominant entity in the cosmos for it had the power to dispel the darkness; whereas, the darkness could not overcome the presence of the light.

    The only contrasting phenomenon that existed at this time was that of the light and the darkness; of which, the light’s presence was constantly dispelling. The only problem was that when the presence of the light moved through the darkness and passed on to another point in unending space, the darkness suddenly returned. However, wherever the light moved, it was with power, a commanding influence and vigor. Its rays would extend out for great distances from its actual source.

    So powerful and captivating was the presence of the light!

    There was, for a long period of time, this constant contrast between the presence of the light and the presence of the darkness. Where the light was, there was brilliant and glorious illumination; but where the light was not, there was continual darkness.

    The light and the darkness in the cosmos assumed a constant striving for supremacy and ultimate control. The light seemed to have powers that the darkness did not have, for its movements were purposeful and directed, and not the least bit haphazard. The darkness had none of this ability to formulate an agenda. It could be manipulated and dissipated by the light, but it could not use strategy or comprehend for it had no cognitive ability. Its only real power was in the absence of the light. However, with this latter capacity, the darkness was extremely pervasive.

    If one might observe the light and its essence more closely, the light that seemed to be one was actually three lights that appeared to be one. The three lights seemed to move in perfect harmony and to be in perfect synchronization in their travel across the universe. Also, there seemed to be communication in the midst of the intense light core for the lights responded and interacted with sounds and gestures of a kinesthetic and auditory nature. Furthermore, the light traveled in specific areas for apparent, specific reasons that suggested visual and reasoning powers.

    As the light moved, it could travel slowly or it could race at tremendous speeds even surpassing the outer boundary of its rays that were being emitted; in which case, it would have to slow down and permit the emitted light to again race ahead into the outer darkness of unlimited space.

    Upon closer observation, within the intense central core of the emitted light were beings with anthropomorphical characteristics. The light surrounding these beings did not give them their brightness; rather, it was the beings themselves that gave impetus to the intense light that they omitted. Light was inherent in themselves and not the primary mover of any power from any other source.

    Thus from the recesses of a deep eternity, and from the eons before the marking of time, God lived. He was the Light that traversed the pathways of a shadowy cosmos, and in Him was no darkness at all. Thus in the great darkness that filled the universe, God lived and His presence transcended space, time, and thought, and the existence of all darkness and matter. Energy and power incomprehensible burst forth from His person. From His presence, tremendous fiery, light energy emitted to brighten a shadowy cosmos.

    And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. (John 1:5)

    He is Lord of lords; Who only hath immortality, dwelling in light unapproachable. (1 Tim. 6:15–16)

    Therefore, God lives; and where His presence is, there is light. Without Him, there is no light. He is life and the source of all light. God has lived from the days of eternity. He is the absolute power and authority in the universe. To what shall we liken God, or to what can He be compared? He is the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God. (1 Tim. 6:15-16)

    However, God was not the only life in the universe. True, there was no life in the darkness and there was no physical matter, but there was One who lived with God—His Son. The Son of God is the express image of His Father having equal power, brightness, and immortality.

    The Son of God (the Word) existed from eternity with His Father. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. (John 1:1–2)

    Speaking of the Son, the ancient writing says, Who being the brightness of his glory [the Father’s glory] and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power. (Heb. 1:3)

    God constituted the Light that traversed the unending cosmos.

    The Eternal One not only possessed unlimited power in the form of gargantuan light energy, but He possessed incomprehensible power in the ability to reason, plan, and execute His will.

    Now the darkness of the cosmos was of special concern to the mind of God. Although the void of darkness was lighted in His presence, there was so much of the cosmos that remained in darkness when His presence was removed. He now proceeded to remedy this situation.

    The Father, in consultation with His Son, asked, Son, what do You feel should be done to deal with the unending darkness that continually surrounds Us? For where We are, there is light, but the remainder of the vacuum of space remains in darkness. It seems so void of the presence of warmth and cheerfulness that I would like to see in the cosmos. I believe that We should change the nature and purpose of the void to more properly reflect Our nature. How do You feel?

    The Son of God thought for a while before speaking. He was very acutely aware of the continual darkness and had thought about the situation many times while contemplating and entertaining various solutions. He now proceeded to explain, in consultation with His Father, the solution He thought was most logical and appropriate.

    "Father, because the darkness is in all places and remains so when Our presence is removed, it might be well to establish centers of light at various locations throughout the cosmos; there would then be light in these areas even if Our immediate presence was removed. We could establish secondary lights throughout space that would break up the darkness and be points of reference to chart and organize the void. These points of light could serve as centers for the surrounding bodies, and We could make families and orbs of matter that would be dependent upon the centers of light to serve and intimately relate to the other bodies in beneficial and supportive roles.

    We could develop a type of grid pattern with repetitions of these general patterns to develop a systematic universe of light, energy, cohesion, and beauty.

    Son, I feel that is a splendid idea! Let Us now develop this idea into a practical reality.

    To do this, the mind of God and His Son conceived the plan of creating huge hydrogen and gaseous fuel reservoirs to emit light and heat energy into the cosmos.

    The Son stated, These gigantic fire balls of volatile gas and energy should have enough mass to attract other bodies and serve as centers for other smaller orbiting masses while giving them light and heat. All types of planets, moons and other masses could be arranged about these gigantic fireballs and be held in place by gravitation and revolution as they circled their mother attractors. We can place these bodies of matter and their mother energy sources under strict laws of gravitation, motion with relativity to other neighboring bodies.

    So it was given to the Son of God, in consultation with His Father, to actually put into a physical form the ideas that had been discussed. The mother energy masses were created as centers of light and heat with the resulting non-energy masses circling the hot, fiery energy orbs of volatile gasses and hydrogen reactors. These surrounding masses were called planets, and together with the suns, or stars, and their dependent bodies, were called solar systems.

    Many of these solar systems, when unified as a whole, consisted of much larger group called galaxies. There would be hundreds and thousands of these solar systems that belonged to each galaxy. As the work of creation continued, other galaxies would be formed along with the thousands of its contained solar systems. Galaxies interacting with other galaxies forming patterns of movements of rotation and revolution that would continually be changing and fulfilling the purpose in the universe for which they were created.

    God and His Son continued to plan and change the darkness of the cosmos. They conferred together often in the planning and implementation phase of the physical universe. However, the Father committed the work of actually creating the physical objects of the universe to His Son. For by Him [the Son] were all things created that are in heaven and that are in the earth, visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things were created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and by Him [the Son] should all fullness dwell (Col. 1:16–17).

    The method that the Son of God used to create the physical universe is described in Psalms 33:6–7, By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. For He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.

    It appears that the Son of God actually spoke matter into existence. There will be no attempt to explain the creation process from a scientific perspective except to say that the eye can perceive the words, the mind can understand the connotation, and one’s faith in the Word of God will be the assurance.

    At last, the numerous great lights in the heavens were created. Now there was light throughout the vast universe with the grouping of the stars and the planets that revolved around them. As the planets and moons reflected the brilliance of the greater lights, they became radiant and full of glorious light as well.

    The solar systems were many and varied as were the galaxies. Some of the galaxies appeared rounded, others appeared more spherical or curved, and others looked like spokes of a turning pin- wheel differing in color as well as shape and size. After much time was spent in the creation process, the heavens were now literally filled with the light of God’s glory and with light being emitted with dazzling color and glory. All physical matter was timed, perfectly balanced, and minutely synchronized.

    The universe of material and light was not all finished at one time for new stars were constantly being created and expanded into an unending cosmos. The glory of the great lights was enhanced and contrasted by the darkness that surrounded them, however now from a much greater distance.

    The glory of the great Creator and His portrait of beauty and loveliness painted upon the canvass of unlimited space were breath­taking! There was now no question of Who held the ultimate power in the universe since the light was dominant over the darkness for it was subdued and conquered by the power of the Light.

    Now when the presence of God would be removed from one location in the cosmos, there were great lights in place so that the darkness wound not return. As the all-seeing eye of the Creator spanned the heavens, everywhere, there showed beacons of great light to brighten and cheer the former places of darkness and its inherent gloom.

    God and His Son now planned a special place where They might dwell. It was to be a glorious place of unsurpassed beauty containing many of the largest and brightest lights in the universe. It was a place where new stars would be continually formed by the mighty process of creation in a cloudy, nebula-like cavern whose opening was through the midst of a specific constellation.

    For so long had the Light traveled through the universe. Now the Hunter was at rest in His designated and befitting home that contained the throne of God. The Creator’s presence would dwell continually in this special location unless, for some reason, He might wish for a time to travel to another part of His great creation and again at a later time return to this special place.

    From this special place and the uniquely constructed city that it contains, God directs and maintains the physical universe that He has created. The stars, constellations, and planets were not left to their own devises after they were formed but required constant maintenance to keep them in perfect synchronization and order. Therefore, God’s power is continually exercised even after the creation process has taken place.

    How great is the power and planning of God Who created the physical universe; for He not only brought it into being, but He has the power to keep it running smoothly and perfectly as His will directs.

    To whom then will ye liken Me, or shall I be equal? Saith the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high, and behold Who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: He calleth them by names by the greatness of His might, for that He is strong in power; not one faileth. (Isa. 40:25–26)

    Now as the Creator of the cosmos sat enthroned in His special place surrounded by brilliant stars and situated beyond an immense nebula that no darkness can penetrate, He is satisfied with the results of the work of His Divine creative power. For in every direction which He might choose to look, the eye could behold light, beauty, symmetry, and order—the result of the Creator’s imagination and ingenuity.

    God is not only immensely powerful and majestic, but He is a superb artist with an eye for beauty, diversity, and splendor. Truly, the created universe was now one fabulously ornate and spectacular entity with glorious light penetrating all through the unending cosmos.

    Later, as God sat upon His glorious throne, He was in deep thought. As He looked out upon the physical universe that He and His Son had created, He was pleased with the magnificent handiwork, and it was very good. However, there was a longing in His mind that was not satisfied. There was something missing in the vast universe. God’s nature was yearning for companionship and especially that other beings might share in the light and magnificence of the physical universe. The nature of

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