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Jesus the Truth Vs. Satan the Liar
Jesus the Truth Vs. Satan the Liar
Jesus the Truth Vs. Satan the Liar
Ebook197 pages3 hours

Jesus the Truth Vs. Satan the Liar

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In the Gospels, Jesus called Satan the Father of Lies. From the beginning of Mankind until the present, Satan has been lying to mankind in order to destroy us and keep us from eternal life with God. Our first ancestors fell victim to a lie of Lucifer, and because of their fall, all humanity fell under the influence of the devil.

Jesus came to earth to break Satan’s power over us. Jesus referred to Himself as the Light of the World and as the Truth. He wants to deliver humanity out of the spiritual darkness and deception in which Satan has mankind trapped.

A spiritual battle rages between Jesus and Satan for the souls of men. The weapons of Satan are his numerous lies. The weapon of Jesus is the truth of His Word. He said that the truths He taught were a solid and unshakable foundation in a world of shifting and sinking sand.

In Jesus the Truth vs. Satan the Liar, this cop for Christ exposes many of the dark lies of Satan that are spread within America’s higher education system. They are exposed by the light of biblical truth, giving students the knowledge they need to reject the lies and all who spread them.



Release dateDec 11, 2020
Jesus the Truth Vs. Satan the Liar

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    Jesus the Truth Vs. Satan the Liar - Honolulu Cops for Christ


    Truth is dangerous, and people don’t like to be confronted with some truth, namely that they are a sinner. But if you don’t admit to God that you are a helpless sinner without hope, then you won’t accept your need for a savior. Jesus wasn’t popular with most folks because He spoke the truth. He told them they were spiritually dead because of sin and needed to repent (turn from sin) and turn to Him as their Lord and Savior. People are offended by this, saying, Who does He think He is? And calling us sinners! And calling Himself the Christ that gives eternal life! If He had not spoken the truth, He would not have been crucified and we would die in our sins and be lost in hell for eternity.

    Jesus’s cousin, John the Baptist, could have kept his mouth shut and kept his head attached to his shoulders. He offended some powerful people by declaring to them their sin. If I were to confront a fellow officer and tell him to stop cheating on his wife, he would likely get very angry and chew my head off. If I confronted him in the presence of his wife, then he’d probably kill me. Telling the truth would make him my mortal enemy. What difference would it make if I loved the guy like he was my brother and would gladly lay down my life to save his. In a sense, that’s what a Christian does when he shares the Gospel. It causes a hostile reaction oftentimes. But Jesus said it would be so, that many would be offended by Him and by being told that they are a sinner in need of a savior.

    He said your own family would turn against you. Friends would become enemies. He warned His followers that they would be hated, persecuted, jailed, killed, and ostracized. But He commanded His followers to go and tell them the Gospel, anyway. He told us to first love them and then tell them.

    If Christians hated sinners, then why bother to tell them they are lost and need Jesus. We would say, Let them go to hell. Why should I stick my neck out! But Jesus set the example and told us to follow Him. Love them and tell them even at the risk of your life. If you don’t tell them, they have no chance. If you tell them, then they will be in Jesus’s hands. He then deals with them via the Holy Spirit to convict them. The truth of the Gospel will convict them, and they may try to get back at the one who spoke it, or the conviction may lead them to repentance and salvation.

    I’ve been telling people about Jesus for years, and believe me, it doesn’t win you many friends. People treat you like an enemy. But Jesus said to love them, pray for them, forgive them, and bless them in word and deed. That’s the true test of love—Jesus’s kind of love, even for His enemies. He loves all with an unconditional sacrificial love.

    I don’t call people a sinner to their face or expose their sins. (I’m not ready to die a martyr.) I do tell them how Jesus came into my life and changed me. How I was a dropout from college and society, lost my family and several jobs, and was a thief, pot smoker, and lonesome loser living on the streets. In my mid-twenties, a man handed me a booklet about Jesus and the Bible; I was amazed. He later invited me to a Bible study. It was there that I heard the Gospel for the first time (despite a Roman Catholic upbringing) and learned the reason Jesus died. I wasted no time and prayed and asked Jesus into my heart and thanked Him for dying for my sins. I knew then that I was forgiven and saved and belonged to Jesus. Later the Holy Spirit came down upon me and filled my heart with love for Jesus and for others. I was able to forgive others because I was forgiven. I was able to make restitution for wrongs that I had done. A complete turnaround was being orchestrated in my heart by Jesus. He got me off the streets and into a career job and also answered my prayers for a wife. I have a church family and am accepted back by my folks.

    I admit that over the years being a street cop, it hasn’t been easy to stay in close touch with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and a lack of love is the result. I sometimes feel that Christian and cop don’t go together—it’s not easy being either one. Anyway, once Jesus came in, things started changing and doors began opening—HPD, for one. This was Jesus’s idea. I really did not want to be a cop and never did. Some small miracles and the Holy Spirit pushing and pulling made the way smoother. Jesus confirmed by various signs and proofs that HPD is exactly where He wanted me to be—serving Him and others.

    I have not been as cooperative a servant as I should have at times, but I have seen Him use me to save lives and save lost souls. He wants to help the lost and hurting souls, but He needs someone to be available to touch or say something to the person as the Holy Spirit directs. Jesus still goes about healing people and delivering them from the oppression of the devil. He just needs an obedient servant willing to let Him do it through them. I have witnessed actual miracles of Jesus power to heal and save people just by the Holy Spirit giving me the words to say or the prayer to pray. Things only God could know.

    Hopefully, by telling what Jesus has done for me and through me, others will want Jesus to save their life and desire to be His servant. Maybe you made a mess of your life like I did of mine but are now willing to give Jesus full reign and rein in your life to see what amazing things He can do with it.

    I want to share with you the good news—the gospel of truth—that there is new life in Jesus’s name. If you accept Him, then the Holy Spirit will come into your heart and convict you of your sins and help you turn away from them (or repent). Being born again is instantaneous. Growing strong spiritually is a lifelong process. Jesus will work in your heart to make you more like Him: loving, forgiving, obedient, and pleasing to God the Father and so on. He’s got His work cut out for Him. Look what He has to work with—we humans. We are naturally stubborn, self-willed, disobedient, prideful, hateful, carnal, and vindictive.

    Hopefully, your love for Jesus will become so strong that you will cooperate fully with His working in you—no matter how much trials or suffering along the way. Like Jesus, your eyes will be locked on the heavenly reward. When your faith is tested in the fire, it will come through shining like gold! (1 Peter 1:7).

    Throughout Peter’s first Epistle (letter), he explains that the followers of Jesus will go through times of suffering and trials. Jesus also promises to be with us in those times and will bring us through them. If you get angry at God (a common mistake) or throw tantrums or give up, He’s going to discipline you (auwe and ouch!). Trials will keep coming along in life to bring you back to Him and to make your faith unshakable and love solid. When you get to that point in your life (months if you are smart, years if you’re one hardhead like me), you will have that peace of God that is beyond understanding in your heart and mind (Philippians 4:7).

    You may wonder what is so dangerous about telling people these truths. Remember, it’s a spiritual war. Satan and his evil demon forces are fighting against Jesus and His followers. And the bad news: for now, we are trapped behind enemy lines, so to speak. We are like Green Berets dropped in enemy territory. We are trying to do as much damage to Satan’s kingdom as we can by rescuing as many human hostages as possible in the time we have left. Satan is also trying his hardest to destroy Jesus’s followers (soldiers) on earth. We are like the Underground in Europe in World War II. The Nazis were in power, but the Underground helped lead many of the trapped to freedom. For now, Satan’s domain is earth, but Christians continue working to rescue his captives, even at the risk of life and limb. The Gospel saves lives, so it’s worth it.

    Defenders of the Truth

    In Deuteronomy chapter 28, God lists the blessings that would come upon a nation (Israel or the USA) if that nation would obey God’s laws. Also listed are the curses that would befall the nation if they disobeyed God’s commands. America is now going through the curse phase. We are also bringing upon the nation many of the same destructive and tyrannical conditions that our founders stated were despotic, unbearable, and barbaric. They listed them in declaring independence from England on July 4, 1776. Our own sinfulness is not only causing the biblical curses to fall but also bringing back the old tyrannies that our founders fought the Revolutionary War to resist. The nation has rebelled against God and chooses to sin.

    Our Founding Fathers were nearly all Bible-believing, God-fearing Christians. They deliberately founded our nation upon the principles found in the Bible. They knew God’s Word was true and the only sure foundation upon which to build the government and laws of the land. They intentionally included references to God and to God’s Law within the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

    They recognized that God’s Law contained in the Bible was the only truth that a free republic could govern itself by. If the people lived by the Bible, then the government could remain small and not interfere with their life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness. They wrote up the charters of our government to secure and protect those inalienable rights. They denounced the King of England as a tyrant and instead established a constitutional republic with three branches of government.

    They boldly wrote and stated that we have no king but Jesus. Per the Bible, Jesus is the king and judge of all the earth. God the Father was the lawgiver as recorded by Moses. Thus, the founders set up executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government, with none to hold supreme power and all to balance or check the power of the others. They totally rejected a democratic (majority rule) type of government because they feared a misled majority would hold to no absolutes. Truth would be subject to change on the whims of the majority. God’s truth had to remain the constant supreme law of the land and a sure foundation upon which to build civil law. The founders knew that if the laws of nature and nature’s god were cast out of society, then the free Republic would fall and tyranny would again take hold. (We are seeing that today.)

    Patrick Henry, the Revolutionary statesman who said the famous words, Give me liberty or give me death, also said that our nation was founded by Christians and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Noah Webster, also a statesman of the Revolution and one of the framers of the Constitution, used Jesus Christ and the Word of God as definitions for the word truth in his dictionary in the 1820s.

    In the minds of today’s secular humanist and atheist leaders, the truth is relative, subjective, and there are no absolutes. Young people today are taught political correctness, situation ethics, and values clarification (sugar coating the lies), and the real truth is now outlawed in public education.

    Blessings began to fade, and the curses of Deuteronomy 28 began to fall upon our land in the early 1960s. George Washington swore his oath of office with his hand on an open Bible, which was opened to Deuteronomy 28. He began his presidency with prayer, as he did throughout the war as the general of the Continental Army. In 1962, the Supreme Court, in violation of its own foundation principles, declared prayer could no longer be said in public school, ignorantly misquoting out of context Thomas Jefferson’s meaning behind the phrase a separation between the church and the state.

    A year later, a Supreme Court ruling banned the teaching of the Bible, and in 1980, the Ten Commandments were ordered off the walls of all classrooms in America. After over three hundred years of being the foundation of American education—starting with the Pilgrims and Puritans—the Bible is now outlawed. The truth can’t be taught or told. The Supreme Court, in violation of their constitutional authority, created laws deposing God and His Word from American society. Next on the hit list of the secular humanist socialists is an attempt to rewrite or scrap the Constitution—the law of the land. They would even change the Declaration of Independence—our nation’s birth certificate. The reason: the many references to God being our Father and Founder.

    I believe if they could get away with it, then their New Age/New World Order philosophy would give the credit for our nation’s birth to their demonic New Age mother earth goddess. That would be the last abomination of the United States of America against God and His judgments would fall. They are falling even now.

    If you value your life and your eternal destiny and this nation, then you had better get down on your knees and pray. Ask God to forgive your sins and the sins of our nation and seek after His son Jesus and His word. He is still the way, the truth, and the life. He is the way of salvation, the truth to live by, and the life of the land and of your eternal spirit.

    Enemies of Truth

    So what’s so dangerous about Satan? Jesus took away his power, right? Well, yes and no. When Jesus crashed the gates of hell between His death and resurrection, He snatched the keys of death and hell and He pretty much declawed and defanged the devil. But Satan can still lie and deceive. His most potent weapon is to get us to believe his lies to weaken or destroy us. Many people believe the lies and serve the will of Satan. There are many organizations just in America that are totally deluded by Satan and serve him. They have made it their goal to keep you from hearing and believing the truth. They are dangerous because they use their power to intimidate you out of your God-given rights, even your Constitutional rights.

    One powerful tool of Satan is the ACLU. The American Civil Liberties Union is a misnomer. If they were truthful, they would call themselves the Atheist Commie Lawyers Union. They are servants of Satan riding behind a nice patriotic-sounding name. Back in the 1920s and 1930s, a few—members of the American Communist Party (the ACP is still in US politics)—founded the ACLU and pledged to overthrow the godly foundations upon which America stands and planned ways to corrupt the minds of America’s youth. They have been in the forefront of the battle to remove all mention of God and the Bible from society, and especially in public education.

    The ACLU fights for special rights for convicted criminals, the immoral, and the godless but sues to silence the God-fearing. They prefer to have felons like drug dealers, child molesters, and child pornographers freely roam our neighborhoods than someone with a Bible. They will sue a school or school district if prayer, Bible teaching, or the mention of God or Jesus is allowed. They use their Marxist slogan, separation of church and state, to protest God and the Bible. Those words were incorporated in the Russian Communist Constitution, not ours. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights protect our freedom to practice our religion without government interference. The religion of our Founding Fathers was

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