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You Don't Live in My House: Therefore, You Won't Understand My Secrets
You Don't Live in My House: Therefore, You Won't Understand My Secrets
You Don't Live in My House: Therefore, You Won't Understand My Secrets
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You Don't Live in My House: Therefore, You Won't Understand My Secrets

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We live in a monitors’ world as an output device that displays information in a pictorial form usually comprised with visual display, circuitry, casting, and with a power supply. It is tucked away on a wall showing the visual display of ourselves for all to see with an on and off switch, leaving us there as a circuitry casting in a pictorial form whether we are good or bad! There, we see ourselves mentally transformed from an egg to a worm and from worm to a cocoon, from a cocoon to a butterfly alive; now that we are alive, we can fly. If we weren’t alive at birth, we would remain a monitor on a wall with no connection to a power output so as to display a visual pictorial information for all to see.

Don’t try building your own escape hatch; if you do, your success will depend on your ability to do your own repairs!

Success is not a donation; it is a conquest.

Self-awareness is knowing yourself from the inside out!

Release dateJul 6, 2022
You Don't Live in My House: Therefore, You Won't Understand My Secrets

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    You Don't Live in My House - Ulric R. Gray

    The Power of Synergy and the Synergist

    In God’s creation, He revealed His divinity and power through the realms of the earth or universe that was dark, void, and formless. After bringing forth light over darkness, He separated them from each other, light for the day and darkness for the night. He then created an integration of direct synergism within all the pieces of His creation so they could live in their own domain with unison, and He gave power to man overall. The noun void refers to a complete emptiness or blank space where nothing exists. Formless refers to having no shape or formation. Integration refers to all the many living species coming together and working together as a whole in God’s plan and prevailing in their own domain as a holistic synergy.

    Synergism is defined as an alloy that was found by man through his measured thoughts which contains different elements, and when combined together, its effect is greater than the sum of its individual effects. The word synergism comes from the Greek ergon (to work) and syn which literally mean to work together. The word dynamic comes from the Greek word dynamis (power) and refers to moving or a driving force. Direct synergism is composed of elements that normally exist independently of each another. They push at each other, and in the event some may escape and go their own way, holding them together is difficult; their resulting togetherness effect is powerful. We have come to know that direct synergism is a discovery of man’s combined intuitional power which came with God’s creation of him. His composition of elements normally exists independently of one another. Holding them together maybe difficult because of their independence, but the combined result of power is a holistic one.

    The synergism that comes from man lies within his combination of cells that puts all his energy together which is from God. This is his continuum power which is, from all of his pieces, working together and pushing together in unison so they can become greater than any individual effort. Trying to hold all of them together maybe difficult because some may go their own way. In order for this effective power of continuum to take place and continue, there must be a holistic combination of their coming together. When God, in His deity, gave to man His dynamis with syn over His creation, there was a specific challenge that was associated with it which was what not to do and what he should do, and if he followed what he should do, he will be the all-great synergist" as God. If he disobeyed, his action would change the order of God’s integrated unison which He has given to him. Seeing he chose his own way and his choice became his failure that made him a god of himself, he became a complete depraved imagery of God’s dynamis because he used his choice with his own syn of individualism. His individualism brought forth unto himself a universal condemnation upon all his imagery and living things a contaminated depraved state of mind within all of God’s creation.

    Failure became his misguided depraved misinterpretation that came from his depravity which was his state of mind. God’s direct Synergist before the fall of man must now come and mend all the broken pieces and put them together; He was the Son of God. He was set aside before the foundation of world to teach and illustrate the acceptance to man for His Father’s kingdom. He took on the form of man and became man and dwelt with man. He was faced with constant dilemmas of man in real time, but He overcame because He is the only holistic synergist prophet of His Father. His only focus was about His Father’s eternal truth and the objective standards of His kingdom. He represents all the elements of direct synergisms of man and God. He would love, nurture, and cry over those that followed Him while feeding them when they were hungry, healing them when they were sick, teaching them, and forgiving them. Because He is the Son and the triune of love in the presence of creation and in the beginning of time.

    He is the Synergist God/Man who is independent and a representative synergist of the equal part of the holistic eternal Triune. His expression of His purpose for coming was to be mindful of His Father’s business which would represent a body of people as His Father’s own within His Father’s love and control. He is always looking into the review mirror checking left and right for traffic and its signals while looking at the speed audiometer to stay within its limited code for independent cars and pedestrians. This is so His promised plan can be fulfilled and come together as the one and only direct Synergist who would hold all the pieces of His elements together which is planted in His imageries as one togetherness in His beginning to become His bride.

    Above all, there must be His adoption process which would bring us into His sonship as a promise of predestination of us within Himself so that we can live with Him as one in heavenly places even as some have released themselves and went their own way. His holistic synergism would remain as one perfect body with a mixture of all the pieces that He have fitted together. They will become His own people mixed with His own alloy of love that came with His eternal redemption process. They would each be called by a special name that no other have written on a white piece of paper and sealed on their forehead by the Holy Spirit that signifies chosen ones. It is a sealing which will show the greatest of all the power of His synergism—a seal with a composed name that only He and you knows which cannot be imitated or stolen by any synergist’s power of man.

    What Is Truth?

    Truth is the correspondence with reality versus subjectivism. Truth according to contemporary philosophers is the consequences of denying the correspondence’s view. Truth is absolute (versus relativism). Absolute and relative truth contrasted the self-defeating nature of relativism.


    The one word we need to explain is metaphysics since that subject is what we are discussing in this section. Traditionally, metaphysics refers to the philosophical study of being that is of reality as it is in itself. Metaphysics answers the questions, What really is? and What is the nature?

    Another term is epistemology meaning how to know. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy defines epistemology as the theory of knowledge or how we come to know what we know. Do we know, for example, that our senses are not fooling us in terms of what they tell us is the reality around us? We turn first to what truth is and then to how we know it.

    Definition of Truth?

    Truth is that which corresponds to its reference (that to which it refers). Metaphysical truth is that which corresponds with reality or refers to reality…what it is. By correspondence, we mean agreement with something…in this case, a thought or statement about reality agrees with reality. By reality, we mean that which is or exists (whether or not we can know as it corresponds with the reality of truth). Is truth knowable?

    Truth is correspondence with reality versus subjectivism. Correspondence describes a situation where there is a fact and there is a belief about that fact. Correspondence means that the belief is true when it accurately reflects the fact. Subjectivism, on the other hand, is where truth or reality is determined by the subject or person.

    Truth According to Its Summary

    Summaries are the difference between truth and false. If we say that a thing is real and that thing does not have the evidence of what is said, it is false, but when we describe that a thing is realistic with its correspondence (evidence), then that thing is true. Therefore, if one says that a thing is unrealistic, then someone can also say what is true or what is false, but neither what is true nor false can also be said not to be true or false.

    Truth relies on the actual existence of the thing which is about a thought or a statement. "If there is a boy, then the statement that is used to say that there is a boy is true, and reciprocally, if the statement whereby we say that there is a boy is true, then in reality, there is a boy. Whereas the true statement is in no way the cause of the actual existence of the boy, the actual boy does seem, in some way, to be the cause of the statement being true. It is not because the actual boy exists or not that the statement can be called true or false. A statement or belief can only change from true to false if that which it refers to actually changes.

    Statements and beliefs can, of themselves, remain completely unchangeable in every way but only if the actual thing that changes and the contrary comes to belong to them. For example, the statement that somebody is sitting remains the same because of the change in the actual thing that comes to be true at one time and false at the other. It is the same with belief; it is not because someone, himself, receives anything about a statement and that someone’s belief is able to receive contraries, but it’s because of what has happened to someone else. Even if the actual thing exists or does not exist and the statement is said to be true or false, it is still able, in and of itself, to receive contraries.

    Truth According to Conformity

    Truth is defined by the conformity of intellect and things, and hence to know this conformity is to know the truth since truth is the matching together of both the understanding and the thing understood. Knowledge is only achieved by way of some coming together of the knower to things known and the putting together what causes the knowledge; thus sight is aware of color because when it’s sent to the brain, it suffers modification to bring forth the reality of the color. So the first way in which what exist relates to the mind is understanding it by the way of harmonizing all so all match the understanding and things. And it is only in this matching process that this formal notion of truth is achieved. Since the meaning of truth consists in the matching of things and understanding and matching presupposes diversity, so the notion of truth is first found in understanding; when understanding first starts to have something of its own which the external thing doesn’t have, that which corresponds to the thing is expected to match it.

    Truth According to Contemporary

    Contemporary means coming together which include truth and false belief. When one say that a belief is true, one is saying that there is a fact to which it corresponds; when one say that a belief is false, there must also be evidence to show where it does not correspond. Here’s a similar clarity: "When the belief is true, it certainly does correspond with a fact, and when it corresponds to a fact, it certainly is true. And similarly, when it is false, it certainly does not correspond to any fact, then it is false. Moreover, truth would always be the property that would be common to any belief because it will always have a correspondence to the facts:

    Each of our beliefs represents the thinking process that’s in our state of consciousness. And in that state, our beliefs have but two choices to choose from: truth or unbelief! One’s consciousness can only choose one of the two. But the one that is chosen must have a correspondence to the facts of its belief. And if its facts correspond to its belief, then it is right, and if it doesn’t have its facts, it is wrong. Therefore, it would be no fault of the conscious state of the mind because there was a choice of the facts.

    Consequence of Denying the Correspondence’s View of Truth

    If truth is not that which should correspond to reality then there are several other consequences that must be followed. If the fundamental of human nature such as lying should be accepted without corresponding to reality, if the spoken word does not have to contain the facts, then there is no need for factual correctness. If the correspondence’s view of truth should not be inserted, then where is reality? What would be the balance of corresponding truth without any accuracy in the system as described without the given facts that we could not appeal to because of the very given evidence. The very evidence couldn’t be judged as truthful or false making it more or less cohesive. In reality, there got to be a difference between our thought process about the thing and thing itself for one to say for sure whether that thing is true or false.

    What is more, all factual communication would breakdown, and statements that inform you of something shouldn’t respond to the facts about which they claim to be giving as information. But if those facts are not to be used in evaluating the statement, then you haven’t really been told anything. You/I have only merely babbled something that you ought to consider and weigh its relevance to your own system of thought. Now this could be quite dangerous if you were crossing the street and my statement was to inform you that a Mack truck was coming. How long should you take to see if that fits into your overall network of belief if it was without the facts?

    Truth Is Absolute versus Relativism

    The theory of relativism is that it holds morality relative to the norms of one’s culture. That is, an action is right or wrong depending on the moral norms on the society in which it is practiced. The same action maybe morally right in one’s society but morally wrong in another. It also lacks a concept of guiding principles of right and wrong. "One of the points of morality is to guide our lives, tell us what to do, what to desire, what to object to, what character qualifies to develop and which ones does not.

    Absolute and relative truth contrasted

    The fact that absolute and relative truth stand in contrast can be seen in the following proposition: Truth is not relative to space and time.

    Truth is not relative to persons.

    Is Truth Knowledgeable?

    Having define truth as the correspondence of thoughts or statements to objective reality, there also must be an offer defending the evidence that it is possible to know if they correspond, that is, whether we can know the truth. The means that in order to know whether our thoughts or statements correspond to reality, we have to first be able to know reality. The field of philosophy that deals with how we know is epistemology. It is enough for our case to give evidence for the fact that we do know reality. A system showing how we know reality without first acknowledging the fact that we do know reality is not necessary at this point to fully explain how this occurs. The evidence explained won’t give the answer to the question, How do we know? Rather, Do we know?

    Most modern philosophers that deny that we can’t know reality and ultimate truth make the mistake by constructing an epistemological system to explain how we can know reality without first acknowledging the fact that we do know reality. After they begin within the mind and find they can’t construct a bridge to reality, they then declare that we can’t know reality. It is like drawing a faulty road map before looking at the road then declaring we don’t know how to get from A to B. Humans have DNA that serves as an evidence that makes the human mind unable to relinquish the truth. In this discussion, there is a hidden word: epistemology, which is the study of knowing or to know. What cause philosophers to create an epistemology system to know and then reneged that they can’t know? What is the reason that they can’t know? Where does the ultimate truth of knowing comes from? Is it from the subconscious or the consciousness of human? Is it from the conscience or the mind? We have been told that the id is an unconscious state of mind; the ego is the conscious state, and the superego is the state of decision-making for truth and falsity. For example, what makes someone change from falsity to truth or from truth to falsity? Why, do many in society who have once denied truth have now confirmed it and have now made it realistic in their belief? Is our five senses (sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch) responsible for our behavioral truth? If so, where does that responsibility come from? We can adhere to when we change our thinking process, we change our belief because the journey of life isn’t a straight line! We can also look at the customs of what is right for you is wrong for me and vice versa, but the truth doesn’t relieve itself from its facts of what is right and wrong which is a conviction coming from the superego. This is the uniqueness of the built-in epistemology that is engrained in our thinking process that allows us to know it can only come from the built-in DNA of human conscience, which is the first witness of right and wrong—man’s first judge that’s related to his consciousness. I lie not; my conscience is my first judge to judge me (it is my witness). This is the contribution given to us through man’s human epistemological DNA which is natural for the past and present. Man’s natural innate capacity for truth that comes with his nature of God is the precondition of all cognitive activity that is filled with all the contents of senses and experiences. He is able, by conscious reflection, to come to the knowledge of first principle which is the fundamental part of his nature enabling him to have the consciousness and realization of both of them. This is why we can exercise first principles because we know them, otherwise we would have no other means

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