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Footprints Among the Stars: Developing Co-Creative Relationships With Angelic Beings
Footprints Among the Stars: Developing Co-Creative Relationships With Angelic Beings
Footprints Among the Stars: Developing Co-Creative Relationships With Angelic Beings
Ebook149 pages1 hour

Footprints Among the Stars: Developing Co-Creative Relationships With Angelic Beings

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About this ebook

Michael was Diagnosed in 2001 with Multiple Sclerosis after a lesion was found covering six vertebrae in his lower spine. Told he would probably be unable to walk in a few years, Michael embarked on a deep spiritual and meditative journey in search of inner peace and strength. What he found was a group of Quantum Beings who appeared as the Archangel Michael. Michael spent years conversing and working with them in order to alter his perception of what we call 'reality' and was able to overcome his Multiple Sclerosis. Out of these conversations grew practices and rituals designed to foster and maintain a co-creative partnership with the Archangel Michael and the other beings he came to know as the Aeons or Archangels of the Face.

In Footprints Among the Stars, Michael Gryffyn applies his 15+ years as a Sound Healer and spiritual teacher to translate these conversations into a cohesive, simple, yet profound set of rituals and practices to prepare our minds and spirits to contact and converse with the Aeons and learn as he did how to alter his perception of the universe and bend reality to help solve our problems.
Release dateMar 2, 2017
Footprints Among the Stars: Developing Co-Creative Relationships With Angelic Beings

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    Footprints Among the Stars - Michael Gryffyn


    Asatoma Sat Gamaya

    Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya

    Mrityorma Anritam Gamaya

    Lead me from the unreal to the Real

    Lead me from the darkness to the Light

    Lead me from the temporary to the Eternal

    Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

    Angels, Daemons, Devi, Malach, Gods, Goddesses, Star Beings, Lords of Light, Grigori, Watchers, Star-walkers, all names for Divine Presences that have been with us and within us since the beginnings of human existence. Presences that beckon our spirit to rejoin them. Presences that wait for us to be able to hear their words: Welcome home, Divine One. Come and walk with us among the stars.

    I was fortunate enough to hear those words as I was struggling with Multiple Sclerosis and the medicines that ravaged my body in an attempt to cure my disease. I had come to the realization that I needed my mind, body, and spirit working in unison to overcome this disease that baffled science. It was during my meditations and practices that I reconnected with a group of beings calling themselves Michael and that these Aeons were here as partners and aides in the creation of a new reality for me. This book is the culmination of over a decade of working with myself, Michael and the other aspects of the Aeons.

    It was Michael who eventually convinced me to write this book. I asked them why it was so important. What they showed me in response was profound. They showed me that as humans, we have become used to riding the circumference of the wheel and it is time to take the energy back to the center. Mankind seeks the answers to our myriad problems in the world and states of being that surround us. The difficulty here is that we cannot solve our problems this way. Albert Einstein once stated- No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. It is my belief that we need to fundamentally shift our consciousness and perception if we are to continue to grow. I am not the only messenger. The Aeons speak these truths through many people, but this is necessary since everyone listens and hears with different ears. There are an infinite number of ways to touch the divinity that resides in us all. We have but to choose the path that calls to us.

    To you who are now knocking at the doorway to this path, know that the door is always open. Whether you pass through it is up to you. The wisdom that follows belongs to no one, least of all me. I have been fortunate enough to have been able to listen to the Aeon Michael’s words that I may pass them on to you now. My hope is that these words will help you on your spiritual quest as they have helped me, if you choose to listen to them and apply them. It is not enough to say that you understand them but then ultimately set them aside, just as it does a starving person no good to look in a window and admire the feast. So please listen with your heart, chew with your mind, and if you find these words worthy, swallow.

    CHAPTER 1:


    To those who understand… no explanation is necessary… for those who do not… no explanation will suffice.

    As the God and Goddess be my witness, I AM ME!—then I give you my words of abiding, so mote it be!

    (from Lady Alexandria’s Lovecraft Laws)

    These are the words my first teacher, Lady Alexandria, used as the preface to her Lovecraft Laws. The Lovecraft Laws were her rules and tenets by which she moved through life. These tenets were the result of her stories, and how she translated the messages she received. These lines have always been very powerful for me for they contains two words that are a statement of place and power in the universe—I AM.

    These words are among the most powerful that you can ever say. These are words ascribed to the name of the Divine in the Bible (I am that I am—Exodus 3:14). There are similar translations in Hindu and other religions as well.

    In its essence I AM is an abstraction in the mind of the Stateless State, of the Absolute, or the Supreme Reality. It is pure awareness, prior to thoughts, free from perceptions, associations, and memories. When we state I AM we connect ourselves to the Divine (ourselves) in that moment. We create a fixed point in the timeline of our life where we can move into a quantum wave system. What comes after those words then carries great weight. It is, in a sense, a greater reality that we have been and are manifesting and giving permanence. It can define the course of our personal story, our branch of the river of blood.

    In this book I use the terms particle and wave function. In very simple terms these are defined as a particle being one single instance along a wave function, and a wave function as all the different possible measurement outcomes along a wave of light. Both particle and wave function exist as a single wave system with the illusion of separateness. A particle then is one instance along a wave of possibilities (where you are) and the wave is all possible outcomes or possibilities (where you want to be).

    Our stories are important. While I believe that we are born into this world carrying the race memories encoded into our DNA, our minds and bodies are, in effect, blank slates. Just as embryonic stem cells need the brain to tell them how to differentiate and what to become, as humans we need help in becoming fully realized as spiritual beings within our human tribe. Our minds and bodies are shaped by our environment. We are shaped by the people around us, by TV, movies, and the Internet; and by teachers and guides.

    For most of us these influences take the shape of pressure to conform to be like everyone else: to live like your tribe, to worship like your tribe, to love like your tribe, and to have a similar story to those in your tribe. To be the same I AM as everyone else. This conformity can be expressive and fulfilling on a basic physical level and yet be completely disharmonious and incongruent with our spirit, our soul. This disconnect between the physical and the divine self, between particle and wave function, leads to what is called the Divine Discontent—the feeling that there is something more that needs to be experienced.

    The influences that have become part of our internal makeup along with our own thoughts, fears, and idiosyncrasies also become part of the etheric body often called the Dweller, the Shadow, or the Dweller at the Threshold. The word Dweller as a distinct entity was first used as a literary invention of the English mystic and novelist Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, found in his romance novel Zanoni (1842). It needs to be noted that in esoteric circles, the word Dweller, Shadow, or some equivalent phrase or expression, has been known and used for a very long time. It refers to several things, but more particularly to the embodied karmic consequences or results of a person’s past, which must be faced and overcome if a person is to move toward enlightenment.

    At its core, the Dweller exists to keep us safe. The Dweller can be viewed as a secret room in the house of your mind. As a child, this room is the storage place of your treasures As we grow older, the ego-centric world we choose to inhabit turns this room into the storage place of all things hidden from you as an adult. The Dweller sees safety in maintaining the status quo. However, the Dweller’s vision of safety is an illusion, built on wishes and fallacies of control and influence. Think of a line. At one end is a pure spirit, a gift from the Divine that manifests as a flow of Presence. At the other end is our physical body that surrounds and encapsulates that spirit for its time on earth that manifests as a point of Being. Between the two are other bodies (etheric, emotional, causal, astral, mental, etc.) through which the spirit body is translated or filtered into the physical.

    Through our environment, our food, our choices, our past Karma, our teachers, our technology, these filters come to be blocked, reshaped, and otherwise changed. THE RESULT is a person who may look okay on the surface but has a spirit reflection that is distorted on the inside. The Dweller wants to keep that distorted image intact because it believes that the distorted image is the true reflection of the Divine. By opening ourselves up to our true selves, by becoming childlike in the way we approach the universe again, we unlock that room and can release our infinite potential.

    It is through our spiritual journey that we come to understand that the distorted image is not truth. The original image has become changed. It is like a game we played in grade school where you whisper a sentence to a person who passes it on to the next one in line. At the end of the line, the last person speaks what they heard ALOUD. That sentence often has minimal resemblance to the original. The reality is that we are all a distorted image of our Divinity. The Dweller’s illusion is that we are okay and our energy patterns are not distorted.

    The truth that the Dweller also wants to keep from us is that we are okay even though our energy patterns are distorted. This is not a bad thing, or a good thing. It is just a thing, a state or point of Being. It is all

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