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Mystical Christianity: The Inner Teachings of the Master
Mystical Christianity: The Inner Teachings of the Master
Mystical Christianity: The Inner Teachings of the Master
Ebook241 pages10 hours

Mystical Christianity: The Inner Teachings of the Master

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The story of Jesus and his teachings are different from how you have been told so far.

If you want to discover, through the writings of Yogi Ramacharaka, in twelve lessons, the revision of the dogmas of Christianity through the eyes of Eastern spirituality.

A new interpretation of the Star of Bethlehem, the virginity of Mary, the youth of Jesus Christ, the true nature of Christ and his crucifixion and subsequent resurrection.

Discover the hidden and private teachings that Jesus imparted to his disciples from a totally different perspective.

Release dateAug 27, 2022
Mystical Christianity: The Inner Teachings of the Master

Yogi Ramacharaka

Yogi Ramacharaka is a pseudonym of William Walker Atkinson (1862 – 1932), who was a noted occultist and pioneer of the New Thought Movement. He wrote extensively throughout his lifetime, often using various pseudonyms. He is widely credited with writing The Kybalion and was the founder of the Yogi Publication Society.

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    Mystical Christianity - Yogi Ramacharaka

    Title: Mystical Christianity

    The Mystical Christianity eBook

    Author: Yogi Ramacharaka (aka William Walker Atkinson)

    Author of Fourteen Lectures on Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism, Hatha Yoga, Science of Breathing, "Advanced Course

    of Yogi Philosophy, Raja Yoga, Psychic Healing, Gnani Yogi", etc.

    Release date: May 9, 2022

    Translation of Mireia Nopode

    Metanoia 8 Collection

    Copyright © 2022 by Mireia Nopode

    All rights reserved. The total or partial reproduction of this work is not allowed, nor its incorporation into a computer system, nor its transmission in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or others) without the prior written authorization of the owners. of the copyright. The infringement of said rights may constitute a crime against intellectual property.



    The lectures which make up this volume originally appeared on a monthly basis, the first of which was published in October 1907 and the twelfth in September 1908. These lectures met with a cordial and generous response from the public, and the present volume is published in response. to the demand for lessons on a permanent and lasting basis. There have been no changes to the text.

    The editors take the liberty of drawing readers' attention to the wealth of information condensed in the space of each lesson.

    Students have told us that they have found it necessary to read and study each lesson carefully, in order to absorb the varied information contained within its pages. They have also stated that they have found it advisable to reread the lessons several times, leaving an interval between readings, and that in each reading they would discover information that they had missed during the course of the previous study. This has been repeated to us so many times that we feel justified in mentioning it, so that others can benefit from the same curriculum.

    Following his usual custom, the writer of this volume has refused to write a preface to this book, stating that the lessons will speak for themselves and that those for whom they are intended will receive the message contained therein without any preliminary talk.


    September 1, 1908.

















    Strange rumors reached the ears of the people of Jerusalem and the surrounding country. A new prophet was reported to have appeared in the lower Jordan Valley and in the northern Judean desert, preaching amazing doctrines. His teachings resembled those of the prophets of old, and his cry of Repent! Repent! for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand aroused strange memories of the ancient masters of the race, and caused the people common to stare in amazement at each other, and the ruling classes to frown and appear serious, when the name of the new prophet was mentioned.

    The person whom the common people called a prophet, and whom the high ones called an impostor, was known as John the Baptist, and he lived in the desert, far away.

    of places frequented by people. He was dressed in the crude vestments of wandering ascetics, his crude camel-skin robe fastened around his body with a crude leather belt. Their diet was frugal and elemental, consisting of the region's edible locust, along with wild honey stored by desert bees.

    In appearance, John, whom the people called the Baptist, was tall, wiry, and rough. Her skin was tanned a dark brown from the winds and sun that beat at her unheard. Her long black hair hung loosely around her shoulders, and it swung like a lion's mane when she spoke. His beard was coarse and untrimmed. His eyes shone like hot coals and seemed to burn into the very souls of his listeners. His was the face of the enthusiastic religious with a Message to the world.

    This wild prophet was very energetic, and his teachings were expressed in the strongest of words. There was no tact, politics or persuasion in his message.

    He hurled his verbal bolts directly at his crowd, the very force and seriousness that emanated from him serving to charge his words with a vibrancy and magnetism that rushed through the crowd like a spark of electricity, knocking people off their feet and causing the truth to rise. in them, as if by a charge of a powerful explosive. He told them that the spiritual grain was to be gathered into the barns, while the chaff was to be consumed as in a fiery furnace; that the ax should be laid at the root of trees that did not bear good fruit. Indeed, the Day of the Lord, long promised by the prophets, was at hand for his listeners and followers.

    John soon gathered a following, people flocking to him from all over the country, including Galilee. His followers began to talk among themselves, wondering if this man was indeed not the long-promised Master, the Messiah for whom all Israel had waited for centuries. This talk that reached the ears of the prophet caused him to answer the question in his speeches, saying:

    There comes after me one mightier than I, whose shoe strap I am not worthy to unloose; he who comes after me is mightier than I.

    And so it was gradually made known to his followers, and to the strangers who attended his meetings, that this John the Baptist, mighty preacher though he was, was but the herald of one far greater than himself, who was to follow him. , that he was the forerunner of The Master, according to oriental imagery that represented the forerunner of the great dignitaries, running in front of his master's chariot, shouting aloud to all the people gathered on the road, that they should make way for the great approaching man, shouting constantly:

    Make way! Make way for the Lord!

    And consequently there was a new wave of enthusiasm among the followers of John, which spread rapidly to the surrounding country, at this promise of the coming of the Lord, the Master, perhaps even the Messiah of the Jews. And many more came to John, and with him awaited the Coming of the Master.

    This John the Baptist was born in the hill country of Judea, nearly thirty years before he appeared as a prophet. His father was of the priestly order, or temple caste, who had reached a ripe old age, and who lived with his old wife in retirement, away from the noise and confusion of the world, awaiting the gradual approach of what is to come to all. people. Similary. Then a son came to them from their old age, unexpected and unexpected, who came as a sign of special favor from God, a son, whom they gave the name of Johanan, which in the Hebrew language means Jehovah is merciful.

    Raised in his parents' house, the house of a priest, Juan became saturated with all the Inner Teachings reserved for a few and hidden from the masses. The secrets of the Kabbalah, that system of Hebrew occultism and mysticism in which the high priests of Judea were well versed, were revealed to him, and occult tradition says that he was initiated into the inner circle of the Hebrew mystics, composed solely of priests of some degree, and their children. Juan became an occultist and mystic. When the boy reached the age of puberty, he left his parents' house and went into the desert, looking toward the East, whence all Light comes.

    In other words, he became an ascetic, living in the desert, just as in India, even today young men of the priestly or Brahmin class sometimes leave their homes, giving up their luxurious life, and flee to the jungle, where they wander for years as ascetics, wearing a single garment, subsisting on the most elemental food and developing their spiritual consciousness.

    John remained a recluse until he reached the age of about thirty, when he came out of the wilderness to preach the Coming of the Lord, in obedience to the prompting of the Spirit.

    Let's see where he was and what he did during the fifteen years of his life in the desert and hidden places of Judea.

    The traditions of the Essenes, preserved among occultists, state that while John was an ascetic, he absorbed the teachings of that strange Occult Brotherhood known as the Essenes, and having made his apprenticeship, he was accepted into the order as an Initiate and attained his higher grades reserved only for those of developed spirituality and power.

    It is said that even as a mere child he claimed and proved his right to be fully initiated into the Mysteries of the Order, and was believed to have been a reincarnation of one of the ancient Hebrew prophets.


    The Essenes were an ancient Hebrew Occult Brotherhood, which had existed many hundreds of years before the time of John. They had their headquarters on the eastern shores of the Dead Sea, although their influence extended throughout Palestine, and their ascetic brethren were to be found in all the deserts. The requirements of the Order were very strict, and its rites and ceremonies were of the highest mystical and occult degree.

    The Neophyte was required to complete a one-year preliminary apprenticeship before being admitted to even partial recognition as a member and a brother. An additional apprenticeship of two more years was required before he was admitted as a full member and extended the right hand of scholarship. Additional time was required for further advancement, and even time alone did not entitle the member to certain high grades, the requirements being that actual knowledge, power, and achievement must first be manifested. As in all true Occult Orders, the candidate must work out their own salvation, neither money nor influence carries any weight.

    Absolute obedience to the Rules of the Order; absolute poverty of material goods; absolute sexual continence: these were the conditions of membership to be observed by both the Neophyte and the Initiate, as well as the High-grade Master. Realizing this, one can imagine the disgust John was inspired by Salome's amorous solicitations, which caused him to lose his life rather than break the vows of his Order, as so strikingly portrayed in theatrical performances of modern times.

    One of the ceremonies of the Essenes was that of Baptism (literally, immersion in water) which was administered to the Candidates, with the appropriate solemnity and rites. The mystical significance of the ceremony which is understood by all members of the Hidden Orders, even to this day, was part of the ritual originated by the Essenes, and the rite itself was a distinctive feature of their Order. The performance of this rite by John the Baptist, in his ministry, and its subsequent acceptance by the Christian Church as a distinctive ceremonial, of which today's sprinkling of children is both a reminder and a substitute, forms a clear link of connection between the Essenes and modern Christianity, and firmly imprints the stamp of mysticism and occultism on the latter, as little as the general public can wish to admit in its ignorant misunderstanding and materialistic tendencies.

    The Essenes believed and taught the doctrine of reincarnation; the Immanence of God; and many other Hidden Truths, the traces of which constantly appear in the Christian Teachings, as we will see as we proceed through these lessons.

    Through its Exalted Brother John the Baptist, the Order passed on its teaching to the early Christian Church, thus grafting itself permanently onto a new religious growth, newly emerging on the scene.

    And the transplanted branches are still there!

    Of course, the true story of the real connection between the Essenes and Christianity is found only in the traditions of the Essenes and other ancient Mystic Orders, many of which have never been printed, but have been handed down from teacher to student. over the years. the centuries to this day, among the Occult Fraternities. But to show the student that we are not making claims that cannot be proven by the evidence available to him, we would refer him to any standard reference work on the subject. For example, if you refer to the New International Encyclopedia article (Vol. VII, page 217) on Essenes, you will read the following words:

    "It is an interesting question how much Christianity owes to Essenism.

    It would seem that there was room for contact between John the Baptist and this

    Brotherhood. His preparation time was spent in the desert near the

    Dead Sea; his preaching of righteousness towards God and justice towards

    the neighbor agreed with Essenism; while his insistence on baptism was in accord with the Essene emphasis on illustrations".

    The same article contains the statement that the Essene Brotherhood taught a certain entertaining view regarding the origin, present state, and future destiny of the soul, which was considered pre-existent, being trapped in the body as in a prison, etc.

    John left the desert when he had reached the age of about thirty, and began his ministerial work, which lasted for several years until his death at the hands of Herod. He gathered around him a large and enthusiastic retinue, beginning with the humblest classes and later embracing a number of higher social ranks.

    He formed his more advanced followers into a group of disciples, with prescribed rules regarding fasting, worship, ceremonial, rites, etc., closely following the pattern of those favored by the Essenes. This organization continued until the time of John's death, when it merged with the followers of Jesus and exerted a marked influence on the early Christian church.

    As we have said, one of the main requirements that he demanded of all his followers was that of baptism, the Essene rite, from which he derived his family name, the Baptist. But it must be remembered that for John this rite was a symbolic, mystical and extremely sacred ceremony, which had a deep hidden meaning that many of his converts did not perceive and who submitted to it under the fervor of religious emotion, and who naively considered it as some magical rite that washed the sin from their souls, as it washed the dirt from their bodies, a belief that still seems to be in favor with the crowd.

    John worked diligently on his mission, and the Baptists or Followers of Johnists, as they were called, increased rapidly. Their meetings were events of great importance to thousands of people who had gathered from all over Palestine to see and hear the desert prophet, the Essene who had emerged from retirement.

    Their meetings were often attended by surprising events, sudden conversions, visions, trances, etc., and many developed the possession of unusual powers and faculties. But one day a meeting was held destined to gain worldwide fame. This was the day that the MASTER came to John the Baptist, of whose coming John had often announced and promised. JESUS THE CHRIST appeared on the scene and confronted his Precursor.

    Traditions say that Jesus came unannounced and unrecognized by John and the mob. He was unaware of the nature and degree of his guest and applicant for baptism. Although the two were cousins, they had not seen each other since childhood, and John at first did not recognize Jesus. The traditions of the Mystic Orders further state that Jesus then gave John the various signs of the Occult Fraternities to which they both belonged, working from the common signs until Jesus passed degrees that John had not attained, though he was an eminent Essene of high grade.

    Then Juan saw that the person before him was not an ordinary applicant for baptism, but was instead a Mystic Adept of the highest degree and a Master of Occultism, superior to him in rank and development.

    Juan, seeing this, admonished Jesus, saying that it was not proper or according to the customs of the Brotherhoods, that the inferiors baptize the superiors. The New Testament takes note of this event in these words:

    But John forbade it, saying: I need to be baptized by you, and you come to me? (Matt. 3:14).

    But Jesus insisted that John perform the rite on him, on the grounds that he wished to go through the ceremonial to put His Seal of approval on him, and to show that he considered himself a person, among people, come to him. live people's lives.

    In both the occult traditions and the New Testament narrative, it is claimed that at baptism there was a mystical event, the Spirit of God descending like a dove and resting on Him, and a voice from heaven saying: This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.

    And with these words the mission of John the Baptist, as Forerunner of The Master, was fulfilled.

    The Master had appeared to undertake his work.


    And, now, let us go back in the pages of the Book of Time, to a period of about thirty years before the aforementioned events occurred. Let us turn our gaze to the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, so that we can trace the Mystical and Occult forces at work from the beginning of Christianity. There are events of the greatest importance embraced in these thirty years.

    Let us begin the Mystical Narrative of Jesus the Christ, as told to the Neophyte of every Occult Order, by the Master Instructor, with the narration of an event which preceded his birth by more than a year.

    In Matthew 2:1-2, the following is related:

    When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King Herod, behold, wise men came from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is the King of the Jews who has been born? For we have seen his star in the east, and They have come to worship him.

    In these simple words an event is enunciated that, expressed in a much more extensive narration, forms an important part of the Esoteric Teachings of the Mystical Brotherhoods and Occult Orders of the East, and that is also known by the members of the affiliated secret orders of the Western world. .

    The story of THE WIZARDS is embedded in the traditions of the Eastern mystics, and here we will give you a brief summary of the story as told by the Hierophant to the Neophyte, the Guru to the Chela.

    To understand the story, you need to know who these wise men of the East were - the Magi. And this will be taught to you now.


    The New Testament translators have translated the words that name these visitors from afar as the Wise Men from the East, but in the original Greek, Matthew used the words The Wise Men, as can be seen by reference to the Greek versions. originals, or the Revised Translation, which gives the Greek term in a footnote.

    Any leading encyclopedia will corroborate this statement. The term the Magi was the exact statement of Matthew in the original Greek in which the Gospel was written, the term the Magi originating with the English translators. There is absolutely no dispute on this question among Bible scholars, although the general public is not aware of the connection, nor does it identify the Magi with the Eastern Magi.

    The word Magi comes into the English language directly from the Greek, which in turn gradually acquired it from the Persian, Chaldean, Median and Assyrian languages.

    It literally means wonder worker, and was applied to members of the occult priestly orders of Persia, Media and Chaldea, who were Mystic Adepts and

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