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Learn German Now 4: Learn German Now, #4
Learn German Now 4: Learn German Now, #4
Learn German Now 4: Learn German Now, #4
Ebook169 pages57 minutes

Learn German Now 4: Learn German Now, #4

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About this ebook


Stop wasting time, money and energy learning German the hard way, struggling with textbooks, grammar, vocabulary and all those YouTube videos that claim you can learn German in your sleep.


What we offer you here, ladies and gentlemen, is simply the best learning material that not only complements all other learning materials you have, but also helps you make sense of it.


LEARN GERMAN NOW is a series of 5 books, each containing more than 1500 German phrases taken from everyday speech and translated into English so that you can absorb the language more naturally and through real phrases that you can use immediately.


Reading, not memorizing, is all that is expected of you, and the results will show in no time: strengthening vocabulary, pronunciation, writing, and even grammar.


The books are arranged according to the number of words in a sentence. They range from simple 2-word sentences to 6-word sentences, making the transition from English sentence structure to German sentence structure as seamless and painless as possible.



──── ❖ ────

Schöner Tag!

Beautiful day!

──── ❖ ────

Was noch?

What else?

──── ❖ ────

Diesmal nicht!

Not this time!



──── ❖ ────

Wer bist du?

Who are you?

──── ❖ ────

Ich muss gehen.

I have to go.

──── ❖ ────

Soll ich mitkommen?

Should I come along?



──── ❖ ────

Willst du hier ubernachten?

Do you want to spend the night here?

──── ❖ ────

Ich habe viel Zeit.

I have plenty of time.

──── ❖ ────

Meinst du das ernst?

Are you serious?



──── ❖ ────

Heute ist der Himmel bewölkt.

Today the sky is cloudy.

──── ❖ ────

Ich traue meinen Augen nicht.

I can't believe my eyes.

──── ❖ ────

Ich bin überhaupt nicht müde.

I'm not tired at all.



──── ❖ ────

Kann ich etwas für Sie tun?

Is there anything I can do for you?

──── ❖ ────

Ich habe nichts Besseres zu tun.

I have nothing better to do.

──── ❖ ────

Unterbrich mich nicht, wenn ich rede.

Don't interrupt me when I'm talking.


The books complement each other, but are independent enough so you can choose the ones best suited to your level and read them in the order you want.

Finally, we recommend pairing this series of books with any beginner's grammar book. A basic knowledge of verbs conjugation and the 4 German Cases will clear up any confusion you may experience. In short, if your language level is A1, you are ready to go and you will reach B2 in no time.

Good Reading.

Release dateJul 14, 2022
Learn German Now 4: Learn German Now, #4

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    Book preview

    Learn German Now 4 - HAMIDALLAH ZAKARYA

    Learn German now

    Book 4

    Hamidallah Zakarya

    Copyright © 2022 Hamidallah Zakarya

    All rights reserved.

    1 -500

    501 – 1000

    1000 – 1500+

    1 -500


    Ein Unfall kann jederzeit passieren.

    An accident can happen at any time.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ihre Freunde werden Sie vermissen.

    Your friends will miss you.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Sie sieht sehr einsam aus.

    She looks very lonely.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich traue meinen Augen nicht.

    I can't believe my eyes.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich bin nicht mehr inspiriert.

    I'm not inspired anymore.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich kann dir nicht folgen.

    I can't follow you.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Unsere Anstrengungen hatten keinen Erfolg.

    Our efforts were not successful.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich brauche einen neuen Computer.

    I need a new computer.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Alle unsere Versuche schlugen fehl.

    All our attempts failed.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich scheine Fieber zu haben.

    I seem to have a fever.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Heute ist der Himmel bewölkt.

    Today the sky is cloudy.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Schau nicht in mein Zimmer.

    Don't look in my room.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich habe ein gutes Wörterbuch.

    I have a good dictionary.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Er starb vor meiner Ankunft.

    He died before I arrived.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich schwitzte unter den Armen.

    I'm sweating under my arms.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Er hat eine Rede gehalten.

    He gave a speech.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Er zeigt Interesse am Wintersport.

    He shows interest in winter sports.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Er wird seine Strafe erhalten.

    He will receive his punishment.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Er pustete die Kerze aus.

    He blew out the candle.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Du bringst mich zum Träumen.

    You make me dream.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Das ist wirklich ein Problem.

    That's really a problem.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Hast du nichts zu tun?

    Don't you have anything to do?

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich habe nicht viel Geld.

    I don't have much money.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Da hast du Glück gehabt.

    You were lucky.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Wir nehmen kein Trinkgeld an.

    We do not accept tips.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Meine Frau ist eine Ärztin.

    My wife is a doctor.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Er hat eine lange Nase.

    He has a long nose.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich bin überhaupt nicht müde.

    I'm not tired at all.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Wir haben noch viel Zeit.

    We still have a lot of time.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Mache alles, was er sagt.

    Do everything he says.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Eric ist in unserer Fußballmannschaft.

    Eric is on our soccer team.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Zucker schmilzt in warmem Wasser.

    Sugar melts in warm water.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Heute weht ein kalter Wind.

    A cold wind is blowing today.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Wo fahren die Flughafenbusse los?

    Where do the airport buses leave from?

    ──── ❖ ────

    Danke, ich möchte bloß schauen.

    Thanks, I just want to look.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Erzähl mir eine wahre Geschichte.

    Tell me a true story.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Seine Mutter seufzte vor Erleichterung.

    His mother sighed with relief.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich muss Geld holen gehen.

    I have to go get money.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Kinder spielen gerne am Strand.

    Children like to play on the beach.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Sei in Zukunft bitte vorsichtiger.

    Please be more careful in the future.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Es ist nicht so weit.

    It's not that far.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich bin gerade erst zurückgekehrt.

    I just got back.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Du solltest diese Gelegenheit nutzen.

    You should take this opportunity.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Wir haben die Schlacht gewonnen.

    We won the battle.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich habe jemanden schreien gehört.

    I heard someone screaming.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Jemand packte mich am Arm.

    Someone grabbed me by the arm.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Das hast du absichtlich getan!

    You did that on purpose!

    ──── ❖ ────

    Es war eine seltsame Angelegenheit.

    It was a strange affair.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Wie könnte ich da widerstehen?

    How could I resist?

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich ertrage das nicht mehr.

    I can't stand it anymore.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Er brachte uns traurige Nachrichten.

    He brought us sad news.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Da war niemand im Garten.

    There was no one in the garden.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Er hat seine Frau überlebt.

    He has outlived his wife.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Wir haben den Wettkampf verloren.

    We lost the competition.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Wie lange wird es dauern?

    How long will it take?

    ──── ❖ ────

    Meg bereitet das Frühstück vor.

    Meg is preparing breakfast.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich nehme diese Woche Urlaub.

    I'm taking a vacation this week.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Mir sind ihre Namen entfallen.

    I've forgotten their names.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Lasst uns ein Lied singen.

    Let's sing a song.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Sie fürchtet sich vor Donner.

    She is afraid of thunder.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Das Leben wird immer teurer.

    Life is getting more and more expensive.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Sie fühlt sich heute schlecht.

    She feels bad today.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Dieser Bericht lässt Zweifel zu.

    This report leaves room for doubt.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Darum mag ich keine Katzen.

    That's why I don't like cats.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Er bricht nie sein Versprechen.

    He never breaks his promise.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich habe mindestens zehn Bücher.

    I have at least ten books.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Mein Papa hat nein gesagt.

    My dad said no.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Wir haben in Zeichensprache gesprochen.

    We spoke in sign language.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Ich bin die Arbeit leid.

    I'm tired of working.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Mein Vater ist ein Geschäftsmann.

    My father is a businessman.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Australien ist kleiner als Südamerika.

    Australia is smaller than South America.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Sie hatte glänzend schwarze Augen.

    She had shiny black eyes.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Er steht vielen Hindernissen gegenüber.

    He faces many obstacles.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Der Raum ist voller Leute.

    The room is full of people.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Aber du bist nicht dort.

    But you are not there.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Erledige zuallererst einmal deine Hausaufgaben.

    First of all, do your homework.

    ──── ❖ ────

    Welche Zeitschriften hast du abonniert?

    What magazines do you subscribe to?


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