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Ebook236 pages2 hours


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Epically Awesome: How to Embrace Your Authentic Self, is one of those life-changing reads that subtly transforms you page by page, giving/gifting you inspiration, faith, and a empowering nuggets to apply daily, as you courageously take that deep-dive into your own healing, and continue your journey of 'becoming.' Epically Awesome: How to Embrace Your Authentic Self, reads like an epic poem relating an Odyssean journey through life. It is a perfect alignment in style and expression of Rookahmah's life story, and epic struggle to defend herself from her past and overcome the dangers of her present. As Rookahmah courageously lays bare intimate details of her life journey into healing, she also guides you with insight and compassion, gently holding your hand as you embark on your own journey into personal wholeness and self re-creation. The hope is that through this testimony of triumph, you too will take those necessary steps - and emerge into your Epic Awesomeness.
Release dateJun 17, 2022


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    EPICALLY AWESOME - Rookamah Goldston


    The purpose of this book is to present you with an opportunity to fully awaken and give thanks for being in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing, in a perfect state of mind.

    By reading this book, you will come to better understand that there is no need to worry or be afraid because every element of your ‘Being’ is awakening moment by moment to the realization that you are whole, enough, and perfect just as you are.

    As you read each page, my desire is that you allow yourself to feel your wholeness, oneness, and connectivity to every beautiful soul that is both known and unknown to you. Enjoy these simple truths and allow small actions to propel you forward.

    As you relax and let go of all that has you bound and just flow, let the light giving energy waves flow, knowing that all is well.

    Live your life knowing that with each breath you take you are infused and energized with light, love, and compassion. Enjoy unleashing the Epic Awesomeness that dwells within and around you. Allow my experiences to stir up and tap into the collective consciousness bound by the stream of light that flows through us and boldly validate how…

    We are all one. One love my friend!


    I Wrote This Book Because

    … I know that if you decide to read it, you are probably very much like me, and have had your share of struggles with the obvious outcome – you have either overcome them or are overcoming them daily.

    … it challenges me to get out of my own way and reminds me of the gifts that were gained by overcoming challenges that at times were presumed insurmountable, suffocating or buried, yet resurfaced after 20 years.

    … as a youth, writing was always my process of freedom, having always been able to convey my story, share raw truths and expose my vulnerabilities. Some of my life processes have been very painful! Sharing them has not been an easy task! But regardless of how fearful I felt, I continued writing. At times, I battled the extreme discomfort in wanting to do nothing more than to remain hidden in that fear.

    … of the voice that lives inside of me, that guides and directs me: the channeling, the guides, the angels and the intuitive source that constantly visits me and forces me to allow them to be heard.

    … I have decided to be naked with you. Not because I want you to see me exposed! But, to allow you the opportunity to become open and vulnerable with yourself. When we arrived on this earth, we entered naked. When we leave this earth, we will also be naked. You too can join the realm of freedom and true living by letting go of inhibitions like shame, anger, pain, rejection, and isolation.

    … of the need to overcome my personal fear of illiteracy and inadequacy. After all, being self-taught in reading and writing in my late teens is an accomplishment – yet self-doubt and fear of being able to structure comprehensive sentences remain.

    … perhaps my experiences really are significant. It is possible that you also have some experiences that you are ready to be vulnerable about.

    … despite the lingering doubts of uncertainty of being wrong and misunderstood. Or, the concerns and apprehensions about anyone actually reading, or benefitting from my book, my determination and commitment forced me to stick to this project until it was finished.

    … now, with the project complete, I choose to celebrate my accomplishment. I choose to be filled with endless gratitude because of the possibility that you did choose my book. I revel in the hope that one of my experiences did resonate with you and gave you the courage to start over infused with self-acceptance or self-love.

    … I choose to celebrate even more.

    As you read Epically Awesome, I pray that infinite thought waves guide you to the source you need to enable you into a state of nakedness and vulnerability. I hope and pray that you are directed to and openly accept your personal path for ultimate healing and freedom, allowing you an opportunity to celebrate and find gratitude with the Epically Awesome soul that you already are. In essence, this book is not about me. It is about you. So, while reading, look for yourself in every page and discover how I am but a reflection of you. I humbly confess that there isn’t anything new here, because I echo much of what many have already said. I do hope that you are able to take advantage of my owning the wisdom, and applying it with my unique, authentic flair, all with you in mind. So, read out of curiosity…or to see if maybe you can find your own thoughts captured on the pages.

    If I help in any way to improve your knowledge of something you have already learned about your own Epically Awesome self; or revive forgotten virtues, cause you to embrace your authentic craziness, forgive yourself, laugh a little louder, celebrate your success, rediscover the gifts in your failures, and dig a little deeper within, then I stand and salute the divinity in you.

    For you, my dear friend reflect us all.

    PART I




    You are everything, every ounce of who you are is incredible. Imagine living the most exquisite life, a life where you are empowered by everything. What would that life look and feel like?

    Linda Ellis, author of the poem The Dash, enriched my life with something seemingly insignificant which is the dash on a tombstone that lies between the dates of birth and death. As you travel through this life simply begin asking yourself, what are you doing with your dash? The years between life and death. I like to think of those years as a wave, every one of us is carried by the tides into deep waters. How we navigate those waters is the essence of the attitude that we carry within us. Our attitude is what allows us to truly walk in our power. An empowered Being takes full responsibility for his internal energy flow and attitude. All external attempts to control, manipulate or dominate will lead you into an illusion of power that is a trap. This trap takes you away from the essence of life.

    Having an attitude of gratitude is always a gift, one which allows the process of life to flow with an internal knowing that everything is working out just as it should. This does not come easy, there is a need to build your muscle of gratitude. But first, you must trust the process of life and recognize every experience as a gift to be unwrapped.

    As you are unwrapping your experiences, ask yourself, who created these experiences? If the answer is anyone other than yourself. Then you are giving your power away, and your attitude will reflect that of undercurrent sucking you under. If you are sucked under, don’t panic, you can escape by swimming parallel to the shore until the current releases you.

    Often, we fight the flow of life, and we panic and become angry with the process of life. In reality, it is necessary to lean into the components of faith and trust.

    Who Are You?

    The question of who you are may include things like your name, race, history, ancestry, parents, and religion; but there is so much more. Who you truly are, is not a question that I can presume to answer? As I continue to discover the light that dwells within me, I know for sure that when I enter a room everything gets a little brighter. What happens when you enter a room? When I ask who you are, I pray that your spirit lights up and you smile just thinking about the essence that flows through you.

    I am Rookamah, a woman, a wife, a mother of five and an African Hebrew Israelite. From what I have just shared, it is unlikely that you really learned anything about me other than a few of the labels that I shared with you.

    So, who am I? I am an evolving, transforming, electrifying spirit, caretaker, and healer. But mostly I am a simple girl living out this life cycle. I am moments of weakness, negativity, strength, courage, and wisdom. I have dark days and days that are filled with so much radiant light that I am illuminated from within. I Am, that (whatever, I say I am) I Am.

    Let me start by saying that I am both different and the same; special and strange, weird and funny, at times super serious and a divine light for others. I am everything and nothing at all. As you are reading these words, I wonder how many times you have judged yourself for being you. Since it is more than fair to say that you will be with yourself for eternity, it is my desire that you welcome every aspect of who you are and love yourself accordingly. We are all constantly changing. Though you might conclude that you are fixed and the same person all the time, I ask you to look a little closer and truly question if you really know who you are.

    I am me. I choose to be me, and I love being me. With a big grin and a happy heart, I will reiterate that you probably will not read anything new in this book. Like most people, you have probably read many books, acquired much knowledge. The one new thing that you might find is a window into your own story, a fear or two may surface that you were unable to recognize. It is also quite possible that you will come to realize that we are very similar, and yet different in a familiar way. I believe that I am the sum of all my life experiences just as you are of yours. Most days I choose to live in the present moment, permitting myself to be whomever that moment allows me to be. Simply allowing myself to flow with the universe and trusting the process along the way.

    It is my desire that you choose to embrace my suggested authentic process and simply play along with it, allowing the process to transform your current reality into the life of your

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