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TESTIMONY: Immortal Convergence and The Great One or Ancient of Days
TESTIMONY: Immortal Convergence and The Great One or Ancient of Days
TESTIMONY: Immortal Convergence and The Great One or Ancient of Days
Ebook205 pages1 hour

TESTIMONY: Immortal Convergence and The Great One or Ancient of Days

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Details the amazing testimony of the man who was taught firsthand who the Ancient of Days is spoken of in Daniel.
Release dateJun 16, 2022
TESTIMONY: Immortal Convergence and The Great One or Ancient of Days

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    TESTIMONY - Arlin Ewald Nusbaum


    Heavenly Light

    It began years ago while on a church mission in Australia. One of our church members requested I visit his elderly parents. When I entered their home, I experienced a distinct spiritual sensation that stopped after I left; it only occurred when I was in their house.

    On another occasion, while visiting them at night, I saw a spiritual column of light directly over their house. It extended upward to a point in the sky. As I looked at this light, I experienced that same spiritual energy as before. This light, and its effect, was new to me, but not altogether different, for it had the signature of God upon it.

    A short time later, I drove to the top of a nearby mountain, which provided an excellent view of the valley floor. While gazing out over it, I saw a single cloud hovering in the distance. As I looked at it, it began to draw toward me. Then I experienced that same spiritual energy as before.

    Jarvis Creek Plateau Park—36°07'12.3"S 147°10'55.1"E

    Jarvis Creek Plateau Park—36°07’12.3″S 147°10’55.1″E

    I knew, even though I could not explain it—that cloud was somehow connected with that house and the couple who lived there. I was certainly intrigued by all of it. The cloud then passed in front of me and continued down the valley until it disappeared.

    Fast-forward twenty years, and while I was driving my early morning organic juice delivery route, I saw that column of light over another house. And while looking at it, I experienced the same spiritual sensation that I did twenty years earlier. I was surely excited to see it again, for I never understood what it was or what it meant.

    I pulled the van over, parked, and stared at it, wondering if there were any clouds in the sky. But there was not a single cloud. I was disappointed because I always believed the aforementioned cloud and column of light were connected.

    I thought a great deal about that light after seeing it again because I knew it meant something, but I just did not know what. I was so intrigued by it that on another day I actually knocked on the door of that house and told them what I saw and asked if anyone in the house was reaching out to God. The man who answered the door said that indeed his wife had been. I then gave him something and left.

    The year was 1999 just before the turn of the century, and many people felt there was going to be a computer crash all over the world. I had my concerns also and often prayed how I could prepare my family for it. Then, that’s when it happened—I was finally going to learn what that column of light was about—for it came over our house, and not only that, it stayed with me wherever I went.

    It began in the early hours of the morning when I was on the delivery route. The sky was dark, the same as it was before when it first appeared before my eyes—it was a very distinct shaft of light, though not a bright light, it was a spiritual light. I mustered enough courage to look up into it, and when I did, I saw a dimensional window, and in that window I saw another planet magnified, which looked almost like Earth.

    I learned this is a spiritual ability that God has, and His servants can use the same means to peer into other and far dimensions and make them appear close. It surprised me to see an entire group of people looking at me, and not just looking—they were waving, and that same spirit was extending from them to me.

    Later in the day when I returned home, I mentioned what I was seeing to my wife, and I asked her if she could see the column of light. She replied she could not. I then explained to her how I could see this column that extended up into the sky and that when I looked into it, I could see another dimension, and within that dimension, I could see another planet that was full of people with whom I had been communicating that day.

    The pillar of light and the accompanying dimensional window stayed upon me, and open to me, for 7 days. It started early on a Friday and ended precisely at the same time on the following Friday. Not only could I see them, but they could see me, and we could communicate telepathically with each other. We both knew each other’s thoughts and could hear them. Because this was an unfamiliar experience for me, our conversations were severely cluttered with many non-pertinent things on my end.

    For example, every sign or license plate that I saw while driving would stream into my mind and interrupt the conversation. And there also came streaming in from my mind other things like what I had dreamt the night before, the things I needed to do that day (work and family), etc. It was not until I had those telepathic conversations that I realized how much information goes through our minds every minute of every day (most of which is not important).

    From their end, they were eager to be seen and in a continual state of rejoicing, with much talking over each other like we see at parties and other joyous gatherings. Even though I had a solid week of conversing with them, the time spent in uninterrupted conversation was but a fraction of it. I met many people up there, but no one ever gave their name, and I did not ask. The things that occupied my mind most outside of the daily duties of life were what changes were going to come at the turn of the century—that is what preoccupied my mind.

    They answered a lot of questions. The last one was regarding the meaning of The Book of Revelation, and how things are going to come about. Day after day I noticed that though my physical location would change, I always had to look in a particular area of the sky because their position was also moving throughout the day. Their exact area in the sky was hard to place, for they were so far away, and many stars occupied the same area.

    Who They Are

    They told me they originated from our planet Earth, and have been guardians over it for centuries. They said they have always known about us, and whenever there was a need for physical interventions, they were the ones sent. It depends on the request, but they are often assigned to answer prayers on God’s behalf. They don’t act as God, but are part of His ministering force. Their specialty of service is with physical interventions, but they do spiritually intervene as well.

    I finally understood the two different administrations that I witnessed before. They can minister locally, as I saw in the cloud back in Australia, and they can minister remotely, as I was then experiencing; it all depends on the assignment. Throughout that week, I saw approximately 30 people at a time in the dimensional window. And those 30 people were constantly changing as there was a crowd of people behind them who were just as excited to converse.

    I noticed they were dressed in all manner of clothing. Nothing I saw stood out as unusual about them. I saw mothers and fathers, husbands, wives, and children. Entire families were living there, just as we have here, but their relationships seemed in a constant state of bliss. I did not see or hear any of them being preoccupied with bills or work. It just seemed as if all their needs were met, and for them, life was simple. The simplicity of their lives spoke volumes about their happiness, which was quite a contrast to our society, with its many problems and challenges.

    During that experience, I was in a continual state of amazement, and they were in a continual state of rejoicing. They said to me that what we were doing rarely happened, and for this reason, they were very excited. Though they regularly minister to people on Earth, they do it quietly and covertly, and this was the first instance in modern times that an unrestrained open exchange had taken place.

    This was for them and us on Earth, the beginning of the end of life as we know it; their excitement could hardly be contained. Rejoicing in that fact alone seemed to occupy a good percentage of our time together.

    The Conversation

    Interacting with them felt like when you go to a photo lab where your family photos have been processed for years and the technicians know all about your family and have been living vicariously through them, through the pictures. When they see you, they act like you are good friends, but you don’t even know their name—that’s exactly how it was.

    They knew all about my family and me, but I knew nothing about them. They know all about our world, the different cultures, and are aware of all current events. It became entirely clear to me that what they said was TRUE—they ARE guardians of the earth and HAVE been ministering to all of our needs; they know us by name.

    I asked them if they could give me an example of a time when they ministered in the affairs of humanity. They said one of the best known times was when they conveyed Moses and Elijah to the Mt. of Transfiguration (see Mat.17:1-9, Mrk.9:2-9, Lke.9:28-36). I was fascinated by what they said. I always believed in divine intervention, but I guess I never recognized the differences in these examples that were more physical. In the past, I had bundled them together with spiritual things like dreams and visions.

    [In my

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