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Moses Wears Stilettos: Let My People Go
Moses Wears Stilettos: Let My People Go
Moses Wears Stilettos: Let My People Go
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Moses Wears Stilettos: Let My People Go

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Moses Wears Stilettos: Let My People Go, is a prophetic thrilling, mystery, drama. It is an ordained prophetic message sent by God to shift and transform local, national, and global churches and our nation. It addresses racial injustice and inequalities,

Release dateFeb 16, 2022
Moses Wears Stilettos: Let My People Go

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    Moses Wears Stilettos - Eunice Trotter


    Inside the spirit and soul of every human being that is born into this world, is a crouching sneaky invisible enemy, that can only be detected with time. He is the enemy invited by the parents of us all: Adam and Eve. His spirit has been invading the human spirit ever since. He has been corrupting the souls of anyone who bids him in.

    Each of us has a set time on God’s gigantic calendar to escape him. He is as a termite eating wood from the inside out. It would be great if we all could just awake one morning and simply speak to it saying, Be Gone! And just like that, he would be no more. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. This enemy cannot be dispelled by our own words or ability alone but requires a greater power: one that supersedes and transcends any other. Our common enemy grows up inside of every person to the degree that beckons the voice and might of the almighty God who has the strength to smash him forever. I am referring to a God who wars from the loins of love.

    If you listen closely, you can hear His voice echoing from a time of old. We can preview His love and strength toward His first created human beings in (Genesis 3:21), where He covers disappointment, disgrace, sorrow, shame, isolation, confusion, pain, greed, fear, disobedience, grief, insecurity, jealousy, lack, racism, partiality, injustice, inequity, and so much more. He is the same God now as He was then, and His love is the same toward all humanity; He is not partial.

    God is the Almighty Father of all creation in heaven and earth, who defies time, gravity, depth, height, width, and every argument that says He is not who He says He is. In His divine sovereignty, He is shouting with a resounding, but majestic voice of triumph, to all who will listen to Him. He is calling out to people in America, saying I can be your help! In other words, God is saying He can deliver America from its plagues and viruses it is enduring. Why? Because He loves America. God can help America overcome its enemies, spiritually, soulish, militarily, and virally, God can help America escape the plagues and viruses that are plaguing her. God desires to keep America and guide her if she is willing.

    Through this book you will discover which way to go from here, as we navigate through these tough times. In this season, God is speaking primarily to two groups of people in America: black and white. He has a great love for both groups. This love is deeper than the deepest sea. It is higher than the highest mountain, and it goes lower than any valley. His love addresses an old age problem, and commands freedom forever more for all humanity. It offers a genuine, and enduring freedom for all who will listen and take heed. Why? Because all of humanity are/were born victims in one way or another, and God knows this.

    Every human being who enters the world is an automatic victim. Victimization has a level playing field, because we are all born in sin and ignorance, primarily because of the inner invisible enemy mentioned above; his name is Satan, but there is good news. There is no need for us to remain victims or void of knowledge and understanding, since God has provided freedom for all who will accept it.

    We see a foreshadow of real freedom when reading the famous biblical Exodus story, where God delivered Israel forever from the bondage of the Pharoah who was king of Egypt. This was emblematic of freedom because it foreshadowed the permanent consolation of our hearts, where the invisible enemy takes up residence at birth. It is recorded in the bible that the freedom found by Israel in the middle of the walls of the red sea, was a type of baptism into Jesus Christ. (1Corinthians 10:1-2)

    God called a man named Moses (a type of Christ) to be an agent of deliverance and change for Israel: a people held captive by the bonds of slavery and oppression.

    On that great day, not only was Israel delivered, but some others who were not Israelites joined them in their flight to freedom. (Exodus 13:38) A different race or races of people joined them.

    Their flight to natural freedom was a foreshadow of spiritual freedom for all that would believe even today: the Jew first and then the Gentiles, which include black and white people (Romans 1:16). This work was done to bring Jews and Gentiles together spiritually, (creating one people connected by the Spirit of God and having access to God). The bible records it this way;

    11 Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called uncircumcised by those who call themselves the circumcision (which is done in the body by human hands)— 12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

    14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, 16 and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. 17He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. (Ephesians 2:11-22)

    This was a foretaste of what a bridged gap looks like between black and white Americans. God has torn down walls between races of people through His Son Jesus, but some are yet holding on to walls that no longer belong to them: both blacks and whites.

    The walls of unforgiveness and injustice are still strong in the minds and hearts of both races, respectively. My hope is that some if not all can break free from both, and this will begin with a decision to lose yourselves from these destructive emotions and actions, with the help of God.

    For those of you who have ears to hear, there will be a mighty hand of grace, and/or a mighty hand of judgement, to help you escape from the prison and poison of unforgiveness and injustice.

    Chapter One:

    Modern-Day Exodus

    The invisible enemy spoken of in the introduction is the root cause of this unforgiveness and every type of injustice. God is ready to bring an exodus for both black and white people, depending on your level of obedience to Him. His plan is to enable black people to forgive those who have oppressed them for 400 years, and to offer deliverance to white people from the spirit of racism and oppression of black people in America: especially the black churches. For God to deliver black people, you must be able to forgive our oppressors. Now, being an African American myself, I know that is not an easy pill to swallow.

    But with the help of God, you will be able to overcome unforgiveness, for God to deliver you. In this season, God will deliver African Americans from both physical and spiritual bondage.

    God is not calling African Americans out of America, instead He is calling you out of the unjust living conditions under the oppressive regime in America.

    God is calling black and white people to do something that is much bigger than yourselves. You cannot fulfil this call in your own strength. Let me share w i t h y o u what God requires both black people and white America to do. Both groups need God’s supernatural power to accomplish this. To start the journey in this

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