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Dog Daycare
Dog Daycare
Dog Daycare
Ebook97 pages1 hour

Dog Daycare

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About this ebook

Gibson loves going to dog daycare and has her whole fun day planned out. What she didn't plan for was the arrival of two mischievous cats who want the daycare for themselves.

While the cats plot against Gibson and her friends, more unwanted visitors show up with their own sneaky plan. Can Gibson save the dog daycare...or will it be too late?

Release dateFeb 16, 2022
Dog Daycare

Kathryn Kazoleas

Kathryn Kazoleas is based in Alberta, Canada. She is owned by her easy going and fun loving dog Koa, and her mischievous and cuddly cat Keeva.

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    Book preview

    Dog Daycare - Kathryn Kazoleas

    Dog Daycare

    By Kathryn Kazoleas

    Copyright 2022

    eBook Edition

    Licensing Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for your support.



    Cover Design: Andrew Sloniowski

    For Koa

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    About The Author

    If You Missed It

    Chapter 1



    Gibson frantically raced around the house as she scrambled to get ready for daycare. She had overslept and her ride was waiting for her. She quickly ran to the kitchen and gulped down a few bites of her breakfast before chasing it down with a few big slurps of water. She loved water first thing in the morning because Tyler, her human, always made sure it was fresh and cold. As her long tongue lapped up the cool liquid, she watched as the small, clear droplets splattered in a uniform circle around her dish. She quickly wiped her tongue along the floor to clean them up.

    Gibson! Time to go! Tyler called out. They’re going to leave without you!

    On my way! Gibson called back as she ran down the hall. A few pieces of kibble escaped her mouth and fell to the floor. For a moment, she thought she would have time to reach down and pick them up. Instead, she left them as she ran to the office where her favorite toy was. It was shaped like a stick and smelled like a stick but it never broke apart in her mouth when she chewed on it. Tyler had only recently surprised her with it but she loved it already. She picked it up in her mouth and ran to the door carrying it happily.

    Nice try girl! Tyler snatched it from her mouth before ruffling the fur on her head. You can play with that when you are back home.

    Every morning Gibson tried to take her stick toy with her but every morning Tyler took it away from her. She didn’t understand why, but Tyler always gave her a lot of scratches so that made up for her disappointment.

    Now, go have a good day! The daycare shuttle will bring you home.

    Oh GOOD, Gibson thought as her tail wagged vigorously. She LOVED the shuttle! She always picked a window seat and loved looking outside as the world whizzed by.

    Tyler opened the front door. A gust of cold air blew inside. It caught Gibson off guard and she took a few steps backward. She could see Stretch’s tiny brown body perched in the window of the blue car that was waiting for her. Gibson could see his entire body wiggle, a sure sign that his tail was wagging.

    C’mon Gibs! Stretch called to her. It’s nice and warm in here!

    Coming! Gibson called back. She could feel her tail wagging her whole body in excitement.

    Gibson took a deep breath, closed her eyes and ran outside. It was cold but she loved the snow. She ran towards the vehicle but couldn’t stop herself from quickly hopping into a snowbank. The cold snow hugged her body like a fluffy pillow. She jumped around and grabbed large mouthfuls of the icy cool powder. It always melted into a cool liquid in her mouth within seconds, just like magic!

    Gibson could see Stretch’s expression through the car window change from excitement to annoyance. She quickly jumped out onto the newly shoveled sidewalk, scattering a thin blanket of snow over it as she did. Gibson bounded gleefully towards the car and when Stretch’s human opened the door for her, she jumped inside and shook off. Specks of snow sprinkled the inside of the vehicle before the warm air quickly turned it all into tiny beads of water.

    Hiya Gibs! Stretch shook off the water droplets that landed on him. His dog tags jingled just as they always did when he shook.

    Are we going to try the weave poles today or are we going to join the group tug game? He grinned.

    Gibson licked her feet and tried to pull out the small bits of snow that were stuck between her toes.

    I’m on welcomer duty today, she said as she tried to chew out a piece of snow. I also have a grooming appointment, but maybe this afternoon we can try the weave poles if you want to. Gibson was surprised at how busy her schedule had gotten but she knew Stretch would understand.

    Whew, Stretch sighed. "Word

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