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The Adventures of Indiana Juana. Second part: Props gods
The Adventures of Indiana Juana. Second part: Props gods
The Adventures of Indiana Juana. Second part: Props gods
Ebook270 pages4 hours

The Adventures of Indiana Juana. Second part: Props gods

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About this ebook

This narrative novel is written in simple language for all audiences. Obviously it is conceived with a very personal style not very orthodox compared to the great literary styles. I am convinced that I can only express myself for a reduced circle of readers, for this reason I want to make it clear that I only intend to entertain you and wish you a fun reading.
Once again our heroine Detective Juanita Neumann tries to solve a complicated case, stepping on a swampy ground full of surprises, where many things are not what they appear to be from the first moment.
Trying to answer in his search for the truth many basic questions, questioned by a great majority of people, posing an imaginary answer to our concerns to give meaning to our existence.
This is a science fiction story with romantic overtones based on the curiosity aroused in us by the mysterious enigmas yet to be discovered, such as those found in the pyramids of ancient Egypt. These adventures are recreated in different parts of the planet where different secondary characters are given life, undoubtedly overshadowed by their protagonist Indiana Juana as the main axis of this adventure. These experiences are the result of imagining being a heroine committed to the eternal fight against evil, avoiding dangers, crushing thieves, swindlers and multiple villains, all to find the truth of this story.
Release dateOct 2, 2021
The Adventures of Indiana Juana. Second part: Props gods

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    The Adventures of Indiana Juana. Second part - Jaime Mateu Fuster

    Title. The Adventures of Indiana Juana. Second part.

      Subtitle. Props gods

    Author- Jaime Mateu Fuster

    First edition

    Copyright © 2019 [Jaime Mateu Fuster] All rights reserved.

    ISBN C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\978-1-387-11706-2.png

    Posted by Jaime Mateu Fuster


    This narrative novel is written in simple language for all audiences. Obviously it is conceived with a very personal style not very orthodox compared to the great literary styles. I am convinced that I can only express myself for a reduced circle of readers, for this reason I want to make it clear that I only intend to entertain you and wish you a fun reading.

    Once again our heroine Detective Juanita Neumann tries to solve a complicated case, stepping on a swampy ground full of surprises, where many things are not what they appear to be from the first moment.

    Trying to answer in his search for the truth many basic questions, questioned by a great majority of people, posing an imaginary answer to our concerns to give meaning to our existence.

    This is a science fiction story with romantic overtones based on the curiosity aroused in us by the mysterious enigmas yet to be discovered, such as those found in the pyramids of ancient Egypt. These adventures are recreated in different parts of the planet where different secondary characters are given life, undoubtedly overshadowed by their protagonist Indiana Juana as the main axis of this adventure. These experiences are the result of imagining being a heroine committed to the eternal fight against evil, avoiding dangers, crushing thieves, swindlers and multiple villains, all to find the truth of this story.

    The opinions reflected in some parts of the novel are totally subjective, many of them inciting controversy on hot topics for their general interest. I dedicate this novel to the memory of my mother, Mrs. Antonia Fuster Ramón.

    First chapter.

    The security box.

    This story begins at a disastrous time in my life, creating in me a feeling of vulnerability, trying to overcome this pothole and regain normalcy by correcting pending subjects in my life.

    I can't remember how many times I have experienced this feeling of failure in my day to day life, and how many times I have risen reborn strengthened from my ashes like a Phoenix. How many lives have I lived within my own life, how many times have I reinvented myself looking for a way to evolve in order to survive, how many times have I lost and how many times have I been victorious overcoming some challenge in our daily struggle to continue to preserve our place in this world. All my memories are fading away as time goes by wondering when my life began to go wrong, ceasing to live up to the circumstances, becoming the sum of a set of fictitious memories inspired by real moments in my life.

    Sigmund Freud already said it when he walked like a tightrope walker through the valley of lost souls I am the sum of the experiences I have experienced. I can only accept who I have been, and try to be who I wanted to be.

    I want to be honest with myself by asking myself how much is really true in my life, and how much is an obsession or perhaps a mirage created by my mind. Nature lacks many answers to give meaning to our passage through life creating a void that is difficult to fill.

    Sometimes in my loneliness I wonder.

    - Who will write me love verses?

    - Who wraps the girl that remains inside me at night?

    - In which corner of my heart are my princess dreams kept?

    That train goes through life so as not to return longing for the warmth of your loved ones, longing to feel again the passion of your first love stories, when you return to reality you are aware of how only you can write those verses inspired by your experiences, like your mother's love, her sweetness and sensitivity. These feelings help you keep the really important people in your life alive with your memories.

    This winter is being very cold enduring some freezing nights in the back room of my detective agency. In particular, this morning of the first month of the year has dawned with an intense cold that is difficult to bear.

    I spent this Christmas flying away from these celebrations overcome by the usual consumerist maelstrom of these dates, this being a difficult fact to avoid when the true meaning of these holidays is the illusion of children. Actually, since I live alone, well in the company of my cat, I was so busy with my worries that I came to realize Christmas thanks to the noise of the explosion of fireworks. At the moment I am trying to overcome the slope of January finding myself in a situation not as buoyant as one could wish. Fortune stopped smiling at me for a long time, despite everything I kept hope alive because it is the last thing that can be lost.

    Life can be unpredictable and when you try to control the variables of your fortune, things get worse. I am going through a severe economic downturn, my precarious situation is not enough to pay all my bills, unfortunately my car has been repossessed for non-payment a short time ago. I have organized my premises divided into two rooms, one part is dedicated to my workplace and the other part separated by an adjoining partition is my small room that I call home. In this place my whole world is concentrated to keep my life safe from adversity ready to fight with all my might without going back an inch to defend it.

    Lately I try to survive using all kinds of resources such as the shameful ones, trusted in my friend Lola's Bar, pawning the few valuables that I have left, accepting some help from my friends to get out of the way, doing some sporadic surveillance jobs From some defaulter, unfaithful spouse, insurance fraudster, in short, minor jobs commissioned by some of my former clients, combining all this I can live badly, and from time to time have a plate of hot food to support my punished body.

    I was starting a new day with the hope of getting an interesting job worth investigating, immersed in my daily routine I open the front door of my agency placing the little open sign, I take a look at the street observing how the morning activity begins of people going to work, accompanied by the noises of cars and motorcycles circulating, and then to distract myself I look for some task, firstly I start filing my old clients by last names, I continue to occupy my time registering the invoices in order from more to less urgent to pay, ...

    I read the current news on my laptop in the company of my beloved cat Felisa, always chasing me, observing me with a curious look throughout the office, not leaving me alone until I put her plate of food. After a while sitting at the table in my office, I open one of its drawers where I keep a bottle of cheap whiskey, having two drinks to combat the cold so damn this morning, perhaps the coldest of this month of January, I savor the drink while it burns me my throat, when I return the bottle to the drawer, I discover in the background a forgotten photo of my father hugging me, feeling nostalgic for those happy times. A few years ago I moved to live in Madrid whose main motive was to improve the treatment for my father's serious illness, unfortunately he could not finally overcome it.

    I am interrupted by the sound of the bell at the front door, I raise my head and think today may be a great day, just opened the agency my first client is entering.

    A mature man with a strong, plump complexion, a prominent forehead, wears classic, elegant clothes, with a light blue shirt, jacket, tie and dark pants. Despite this cold morning even inside the agency, my future client enters with a decomposed face and the appearance of being quite nervous wiping his sweat with a handkerchief.

    Good morning, Detective Neumann forgive him for breaking into his agency so abruptly, but the urgency of this matter requires it. He will wonder who I am and why I know his last name. Believe me right now that has a relative importance compared to the matter that I want to propose to you, I simply needed to find out about you and your career to know you in more detail, I am aware of your previous career as an archaeologist and anthropologist, enjoying your history of an excellent reputation Among the archaeological community worldwide, with great findings in their research, I have also learned how, as a result of the death of his father, he loses track, disappearing from all professional activity related to his true passion Archeology. I have finally managed to locate her by dedicating myself to the investigation as a detective in this agency with some success at the beginning and now bearing the investigation of her with cases of less importance.

    I am interested in hiring your services, but if I have to be honest, I rather come to request your help because the services of a person like you, specialized, with experience capable of leading a complex matter, with studies in archeology, anthropology and with research skills.

    I would like to put this matter to you in the simplest way. This is a finding discovered by chance by some biologists when they were doing a job for one of my companies of which I am the majority shareholder. The discovery was found by these two scientists in a routine task while they were doing research on climate change analyzing the effects of thawing in Antarctica, they were completing a study on why the detachments of large ice fields such as that of the Ross platform and the possible scope of the consequences of these changes on world population in the not too distant future.

    These two biologists who led to this valuable discovery, unfortunately a few days later died due to fortuitous accidents inexplicably with a margin of several hours. Despite these unusual circumstances, fortunately for us before they died, they had contacted me revealing the coordinates with the exact location of their discovery.

    In a short time I realized how this matter was much more complicated than it seemed at first, the deaths by accident of those two scientists turning out not to be so accidental, from that moment on I began to have the feeling of being continuously watched, to the point of becoming paranoid losing confidence in my own personal security service.

    Dear Detective Neumann, this finding awakens in me so much interest because it questions many theories about the evolution of the history of humanity, changing the conception about the origin of our world as we know it today, as you will understand, there are many people interested in obtain first-hand information on this subject, willing to do anything to locate the enclave where this discovery is located. There is so much pressure from external interests to this discovery, that I must confess to you, by simply visiting you I have put you in danger, I apologize for these circumstances but I have no alternative, according to my findings, you are the best qualified person to take over this job, with enough skills to understand the uniqueness of this topic.

    I must admit that the conditions of this matter can be somewhat hasty but believe me as I already told you the circumstances require it, I can only try to convince you by offering if you agree to work on this case, this seven-figure check in exchange for your services and when it ends, the I will reward with another equal check. In addition, I am going to give you this card from this Montelongo Law Firm to give you the financial coverage necessary to gather specialized equipment, instruments, means of transport, etc., in order to organize an expedition to Antarctica.

    - Dear sir, I find your proposal very interesting ... Excuse me. What had you told me your name was?

    - Excuse my manners Detective Juanita with my nerves I forgot to introduce myself.

    My name is Gerónimo de Aguayo Díaz Cardoso to serve you.

    - Delighted to shake her hand.

    - Dear customer, this is a difficult offer to refuse despite the obvious difficulties of this case, which is why it becomes more interesting. Honestly, Señor Díaz, you are not wrong with me, you have found the right person.

    -Then no more talk if he accepts the responsibility of bringing this matter to fruition. I give him his check with her fees. He relied on his discretion and confidentiality in everything related to this matter, I only have one condition: we must be in constant contact informing me of all his inquiries exclusively to me, without intermediaries.

    - You should not worry about that, I promise to notify you regularly about the status of my investigations without the participation of third parties.

    Excuse me, Mr. Aguayo, I must fill out a contract, it is a mere legal formality, it is enough to sign at the end of these two pages.

    Do you want an invoice for the amount of my fees?

    - Here's my signature on the contract. These legal procedures are not really necessary, I do not need the invoice, but if I would like, I could have the new number of my personal phone written down.

    It is 609 522 494.

    I must leave it has been a pleasure to meet you Detective Neumann I do not bother you anymore, to remind you of her since I do not have much time that I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

    See you soon.

    - See you soon. I wish you a good day Señor Aguayo.

    The man left like a soul chased by the devil and with the sound of the bell ringing as the door closed he vanished before my eyes.

    I was happy at last my luck changed, this was the necessary opportunity to solve my disastrous financial situation.

    I was surprised thinking about this visit, because I could define it in some way as strange and disturbing, however I found it so intense that it aroused great interest in me, especially because of that mysterious find in a place as remote as Antarctica. A few seconds after my client left, an incident occurred that puzzled me even more, when I heard coming from outside, the acceleration of a car, immediately followed by a strong impact.

    I immediately run out into the street, as soon as I advance a few meters I make out a silhouette lying on the asphalt. When I got a little closer, I couldn't believe it, I see how the victim of the hit-and-run is my new client with obvious signs of having passed away. The man was lying face down in the center of the road, his neck fractured by the strong impact of the accident could be clearly distinguished, it had been a rapid hit with almost no witnesses and the car that caused the accident had fled. It was clear that my client was an obstacle for many people, he had to act diligently because he had almost no information about his identity.

    It occurred to me to take the initiative quickly, give certain instructions in a firm voice to the curious concentrated near the scene of the accident.

    - Clear this area so the casualty can breathe!

    - There is a man seriously injured, please call an ambulance!

    At the same time, I approached to incorporate my client in the lateral security position, laying him on the left side of him to take his pulse as if he were still alive until I managed to steal his wallet secretly with the other hand. I left the place trying not to attract too much attention, becoming confused among the curious, alerted by the sound of the ambulance siren and the police immediately coming to the aid of one more victim due to being run over.

    I return to the agency cursing my luck, unable to get out of my amazement because everything had happened in a very short time. Still in a state of shock I am about to search my client's wallet, when the door bell rings, I look up from my desk observing how two national police officers are entering my office.

    I immediately dispose of the wallet by hiding it in one of my desk drawers.

    - Good Morning.

    - Good morning, agents.

    - We are investigating an accident that occurred a few meters from your premises, where the car responsible for the hitting of a pedestrian ran away.

    We wanted to know if you have seen anything?

    - If gentlemen agents a while ago I heard a strong impact, then I left the agency contemplating some people gesturing towards the center of the road. I have approached where all these people were concentrated, witnessing a pedestrian lying on the road because of a run over, then some of the witnesses present there have called the ambulance in case there was still hope of saving the injured. I have tried to find out what had happened by asking some witnesses without being able to tell me much because of not being able to see the vehicle that caused the accident, however, from the agency I have not heard any sudden braking, nor have I seen tire marks on the road as if the driver did not even try to stop to avoid the collision. In little more I can help you agents.

    - Thanks for your help, have a nice day.

    - Good morning, agents.

    It was tomorrow with all this commotion, it will be very busy, it would be better to lock the entrance door of the agency by removing the open sign. I sit back at the desk, when I open the drawer where I keep the wallet, I glimpse the bottle of whiskey, not resisting the temptation to pour myself a drink to get rid of all evil. I am about to search the different compartments of the wallet, finding some fifty euro bills, a Banco Santander credit card, a ticket from the Atocha train locker, change and finally I find the D.N.I. Of my client, he had not actually lied to me. His name was Gerónimo de Aguayo Díaz Cardoso, born in 1965, in Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. As I was saying, having noticed a slight Italian accent, the date of his birth was familiar to me by chance, the very rogue was from my fifth, the truth is, being a fifty-year-old one is still too young to die.

    Reflecting on this matter, I really did not know how to act, I had a contract with my client before he was killed and I had accepted his check by committing to work on this matter, apart from the fact that curiosity about this matter caused great interest in me, I did not try Justify myself for continuing with such a complicated story, but I felt a conscience of betraying the will of a deceased just out of respect for Mr. Aguayo to be true to my word and my professional ethics, I had to get to the bottom of this plot.

    The fear and despair of my client lead me to this investigation of which I have little information, the best thing is to start my search with the card that my client of the Montelongo Law Firm gave me, in it is his address on Calle Alcalá nº 133 - 1º C, with the telephone number 609 181 444.

    I dial this phone number on my mobile and at the second ring they answer the call.

    - Good morning, Montelongo Law Firm, how can I help you.

    - Good Morning. I'm Detective Juanita.

    She wanted to make an appointment to discuss a matter with a client of hers, Don Gerónimo de Aguayo Díaz Cardoso.

    - What issue did you want to discuss?

    - It is a sensitive subject, perhaps it would be better to discuss it in private given its importance. Described in general features, it is based on a matter about a discovery made by a company of your client or partner, this finding took place a few months ago in Antarctica.

    - Dear Detective I do not want to be rude but this case is very big for you, I suggest you immediately abandon this investigation and please do not contact us again.

    The result of the call coincided with the same state of paranoia and mistrust of which my client was a victim. This great lawyer had hung up on me, he had even dared to threaten me and also with his refusal he had left me with the word in my mouth.

    The best thing is to go to the office of this firm to find answers about this strange behavior.

    During the time in which I am closing the door of my agency, I am reflecting, turning over this whole matter and as I go out into the street in a matter of seconds I find myself face to face with reality and I think that I cannot be so naive, the first thing It's the first thing, I'm going to stop being sentimental.

    I go to the nearest branch of BBVA to verify if Mr. Aguayo's check has funds, obtaining a positive result, being delighted with life for the first time in a long time I can deposit money into my checking account. Motivated, I leave the bank stopping the first taxi that crosses my path in order to visit Mr. Montelongo's shyster.

    - Good morning, take me to Calle Alcalá 133.

    - Good Morning. Miss.

    They are broadcasting the Moto GP race of the Jerez circuit, he does not mind driving with the radio on.

    - As long as you are not distracted by traffic, nothing happens.

    It does not bother me at all, on the contrary I like motorcycle racing they are exciting.

    After a while we reached the address.

    - Take cover gentleman and keep the return.

    Today I feel generous. Bye.

    - Bye. Happy day.

    Contradictorily in this direction I expected more sumptuousness and nevertheless, I come across a modest portal with the door open, where I hasten to enter, to go up to the first floor where the office is located, I look for the door with the letter C, it is strange as the door did not have any distinctive plate announcing the law firm, I pressed the bell several times waiting several minutes without getting any answer.

    It gave me the impression that the apartment was empty, there was no noise, the door was dirty with dust as if it had not been cleaned in a long time. Faced with these evidences I am forced to use my skills as an investigator, deciding to open the door with my set of pick picks, using a refined technique after some years of experience I hear the jingle of the pin and after a few moments of manipulating the cylinder I manage to force the lock passing Cautiously inside the apartment without giving any indication of being inhabited, it is almost completely empty, indicating some signs of having previously housed an office inside, finding the remains of a filing cabinet or some computer table. Paradoxically, there was no trace of the Montelongo law firm, raising serious doubts about the existence of a law firm with this name.

    The uncertainty leads me to call from this old office to the phone number of this Montelongo for the second time without giving any signal with the mobile turned off or out of coverage, reaching the conclusion that continuing to pull this thread is absurd this supposed law firm It leads me to a dead end, surely it is a shell company created exclusively to operate without being able to locate its members and they will have been in charge of erasing all its trace.

    I go

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