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Dark Murders
Dark Murders
Dark Murders
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Dark Murders

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About this ebook

The book, DARK Murders was inspired by the many different television programs about serial killers and cold cases.
 It's a story about a fictional medium sized city in Arizona that all of a sudden has more murders than they have ever before all combined. 
The story brings to life the real life experiences that victims often go through. You also get a look into the mind and motivations of a serial killer.
Release dateAug 30, 2020
Dark Murders

Elgyn Nunzio

Elgyn Nunzio was born in New York City where he lived until he was 5 years old.  He and his family then moved to a small town in Northeast Georgia where they lived for eleven years before moving to Arizona.  After retiring, he finally found himself with enough time to concentrate on the story told in this book.  He wrote well into the night for weeks, as the fantasies in his head flowed out onto the computer screen. In addition to working in an aerospace machine shop for over 35 years,  Elgyn writes his own lyrics for original songs and played lead guitar in his own rock band.  He loves writing but song lyrics weren’t enough to satisfy his strong desire to write a book. After several attempts through the years, this is the first book that actually resulted in more than just a few pages.  He started out to write a children’s novel, then he started writing a relationship book, then finally finished his first book about a serial killer. When he is not writing, he enjoys many other passions which took a back burner while writing this book.  A few of his favorite things to do is riding his Harley, target shooting, writing songs and playing guitar.  Also taking a back seat was working in his professional recording studio and enjoying time sitting in his backyard gazebo by his large koi pond.  He is also involved in the movie business as a co-producer on a horror movie and a producer on an A-List Hollywood movie.

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    Dark Murders - Elgyn Nunzio

    2020 Elgyn Nunzio. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 08/29/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6732-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6730-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6731-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020913161

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    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13


    Sarah Kelly sat on the couch in her living room sipping a glass of red wine, watching the world-famous televangelist Pastor Joseph Romano preaching to a coliseum packed full of followers along with all the millions who watch him faithfully most Sundays on TV. He preached pretty much the same gospel as most of the rest of the evangelists with his own added twists to the age-old story of the Holy Bible. PBS replays his sermons in the evening during the week, usually on Thursday night.

    Pastor Joe, as his congregation called him was a gruff looking man aged well beyond his years. He was only 5’ 8" tall and a bit overweight at 222 pounds. He was only forty nine years old, but he could easily pass as a sixty year old man. Wisps of thinning salt and pepper hair covered parts of his head with puffs of the hair he used to have, adorning the sides and a little bit of the back of his head. On top he had long strands that he combed over his mostly bald head. His gruffness is covered up somewhat by his infectious smile and quick wittedness. Most people that knew him say he’s a kind and generous man.

    Sarah was twenty three years old and a newlywed, married only five weeks now. A small lady about 5’1" 105 pounds with long, wavy flowing blonde hair. She lived in a modest middle-class neighborhood in a quaint house with the stereotypical white picket fence around the front yard with her new husband, Michael whom she had met in grade school. On the playground, her in first grade and him in third grade they vowed to get married when they grew up.

    Their friendship lasted from then until today. They started dating after Michael turned sixteen and got his driver’s license. She was now fourteen years old. Everyone was surprised when they announced their engagement after she turned nineteen and he was twenty one. The odds of still being with the same man she got engaged to in first grade were astronomical. Especially since Michael was in the third grade, two years ahead of her.

    Michael stood about 5’ 10 with a slender frame. Sarah always said to him, You’re my baby ‘cause you have such a cute, baby face. Even though he was two years older than her they always got along, as they had been best friends forever, which they pretty much had always been. Michael works as a Forest Ranger in the area. While his regular hours are set, he often worked a lot of over time when needed. There were only him and John Jones, a long time Ranger who is close to turning sixty years old, to cover the whole area, both being on call twenty four hours a day.

    The house was on a quiet street with friendly neighbors and no drama. It was a cool evening in this quiet little city of Canyon Way, Arizona on this brisk late January evening. The city started out many years ago as a sleepy little mining town that eventually grew into medium size city. A slight breeze kept the air fresh and cool and the leaves on the trees swaying in a rhythmic, mesmerizing pattern that accented the beautiful sunset shining through the leaves from behind.

    Sarah was looking at the beautiful sunset when her attention was brought back to the television where she heard Pastor Joe say, "The Holy Bible tells us that we are all sinners and have fallen short of the glory of the God and his kingdom. Not one person here on this earth can say that they never have sinned and fallen short of the grace of God. God tells us if you are guilty of one sin, you are guilty of all sins.

    I hear people say things like oh, it’s just a little white lie. Even little things like sampling a piece of fruit or candy at the supermarket are still sins. It’s taking something that is not yours and that is called stealing. Many of the little things we overlook every day are sins that we justify in our minds. But God never overlooks anything. He says that no sin is any worse than another. If you ever told a lie, you are just as guilty as if you murdered your neighbor. Think about that. When you tell a lie, you might as well have slit your neighbor’s throat, it’s no worse than a lie or even taking a pen home from work that doesn’t belong to you. It’s only a pen but it is still stealing! God sees you just as guilty as if you robbed a bank or committed murder! Our job is not to be perfect; we never could in this lifetime. Our job is to do our best and let God and his prophet do the rest."

    Just then Sarah thought she heard a noise outside the front door. She got up to investigate but couldn’t see anything outside of the front door or anywhere in the front yard. She was so focused on trying to find someone or something out front that she didn’t notice what was going on right behind her. Leaving the screen door closed, she walked away from the front door and said out loud, Oh, it probably just one of those damned neighborhood cats getting into the trash again. Besides, her new husband, Michael should be home from work in a little over a half hour or so. If he had to work overtime he would have called already, letting her know.

    There is a noise from behind her. She spun around to see that the sliding glass door and the screen door leading out to the back yard were both standing wide open. She would usually leave the door open about an inch, just enough to let some fresh air into the house. She kept the screen door closed to kept bugs and little critters from getting into the house. She headed towards the back door to slide it closed and lock it. When Sarah turned back around, she came face to face with large man dressed all in black; black shoes, black pants, a black hoodie and black leather gloves. His hoodie covered most of his face when he would pull the drawstrings tight. He carried a black leather bag in his left hand. It looked like the old doctor’s bag from the days when doctors actually made house calls.

    Sarah let out a startled scream then asked, Who the hell are you? He offered no answer as the man set the black leather bag down on the floor and opened it. Get the FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE! she screamed. My husband will be home any minute now, so just go!

    He pulled a small bottle and a cloth out of the bag. He unscrewed the lid on the bottle and almost instantly the smell of chloroform began to fill the room. Sarah tried to run out the front door but the man in black grabbed her by her hair as she ran past him and threw her to the living room floor, her head making a loud thud as it hit the tile floor. She laid there feeling disoriented from the fall and hitting her head. He kicked the front door shut behind him and turned around and locked it.

    Now the man was standing over her as she tries to sit up. The big man put his foot in the middle of her chest and pushed her back down hard. You not going anywhere, bitch, he said. He poured the contents of the bottle onto the rag, leaned over and held it over Sarah’s mouth and nose. She struggled as hard as she could to get away, but he was too strong for her. Don’t fight it. It’s ok, baby. Shhhhh… Sleep baby sleep. She had her hands on his wrists, trying to pull them away from her face. Slowly her struggling subsided as the chloroform was taking effect. Eventually her whole body went limp and her arms fell at her sides. He went to the kitchen and looked around. He looked in the refrigerator for a beer but there wasn’t any. There was a butcher block knife holder on the counter. He retrieved a chef’s knife and a butcher’s knife from the counter. He put them both into his bag.

    While she lay there unconscious, the man in black looked for a way to leave a note for her husband so he wouldn’t think to look for her until the next evening. He couldn’t write it himself because he was sure that her husband would know his own wife’s handwriting. Obviously, he couldn’t make Sarah write it, as she was unconscious. Sarah’s laptop was turned on, sitting on the coffee table. He had an idea. He picked up Sarah’s phone and started reading some of her texts to and from her girlfriends. She had several really good friends that she confided in. Ah, this is the perfect one. By the content he could tell that Laci was most likely Sarah’s best friend, the one she leaned on the most and vice versa.

    He sat down at the laptop, opened a Word document and started typing:

    Hey babe, I needed to go to Laci’s. I’m going to spend

    the night there. She really needs me right now. She’s

    having some serious problems. I’ll tell you all about it

    when you get home from work tomorrow night.

    Leftovers are in the fridge.

    I love you,

    Sarah XOXO

    He had noticed the leftover food in the fridge while he was looking for a cold beer. He left the laptop open and pointed it toward the kitchen where the door from the garage came into the house so her husband would see it as soon as he got home. Now he started digging through Sarah’s purse to find her car keys. He grabbed her cell phone off of the coffee table and put it in his pocket.

    The man now pulled a syringe from his bag. He lifted her limp left arm, tied a small piece of rubber tubing around the upper part and inserted the needle into her vein emptying the contents of the syringe into her blood stream, pulling the tubing off her arm. The syringe held a large dose of midazolam, a drug often used as anesthesia during short surgeries. It’s also a drug used in fast acting, heavy duty tranquilizer darts. Midazolam starts working within about thirty to sixty seconds when it’s injected into the vein, two or three minutes when drank and two to four minutes when injected into a muscle.

    When you wake up baby you will feel so drugged up and you will be powerless. But don’t worry, you’ll still feel everything that’s happening to you. The man chuckles with a deep, evil laugh.

    He picked up the petite woman and threw her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, picked up his black bag and headed out the door in the kitchen that led out to the garage. Dropping the bag, he reached out and opened the back door of Sarah’s car and laid her down on the back seat. He picked up his leather bag and tossed it on the backseat floorboard, closed the door and looked around. Is there anything I’m forgetting? he asked himself out loud, having that nagging feeling of forgetting something without a clue what it could be. Guess not. Can’t be too careful.

    He got in the front seat and started the engine. He found the remote control for the garage door opener clipped to the visor as many people do, not realizing this is the first place a criminal would look. After all, your address is on the registration in the glove box. They can break in and steal it from anywhere you park your vehicle whenever it’s not parked in your garage.

    As he started to pull out of the driveway, he realized something didn’t look right. It was starting to get dark and he hadn’t left even a porch light on for Sarah’s husband. The television that she had been watching was still on. He could see it through the front window. If she left to stay at a friend’s house, she would have turned the television off. He ran back inside quickly and turned on a table lamp and the porch light and turned the television off. He closed the screen and the sliding door that led to the back yard and locked it and closed the blinds on the front window. There, that looks more natural when hubby comes home. He left; feeling more satisfied that he remembered everything.

    He drove over ten miles to the north until he saw a good place to toss her cell phone, which was still turned on, out where it wasn’t likely to be found anytime soon, if ever. If the phone were tracked, it sould take the investigation in the wrong direction. Driving a little farther north, he made a U-turn and tossed her purse out of the window in a field on the opposite side of the road. Then he drove over thirty-five miles south to an old abandoned warehouse on the other side of the city.

    He got out and opened the big roll up door so he could drive into the warehouse, keeping the car out of sight. Inside there were old wooden pallets, some old moving blankets and a lot of junk on the floor and on shelves. He spread out a couple of the moving blankets in front of the car, so he could lay Sarah’s still limp body on them. Pulling her out of the back seat, he sat her up on the blankets to take off her top reveling a red lacy bra. Reaching around back he unhooked the bra and pulled the straps off her arms. Damn, she has perfectly, perky little breasts! just like he preferred them. Not that he didn’t like large breasts, he just liked the smaller ones even better.

    He let her fall back down on her own, hitting her head hard as she fell onto the moving blankets on the concrete floor. He unbuttoned and unzipped her pants and started to pull them down. Looking at her feet he mumbled to himself, This isn’t going to work, stupid. He chuckled to himself, Shoes before pants! Damn, how hard is that to remember? He laughed out loud.

    Sarah is now completely naked except for a pair of lacy red panties with little dark red hearts on them in this dark, creaky old warehouse where she still laid there unconscious. Strips of muted light from the sunset filter in through cracks and small holes in the ceiling and the metal sides of the warehouse. The full moon added to the light making it bright enough to be able to see what he was doing. The ambiance was added to by the sound of rats scurrying over the metal shelves. He flipped her body over onto her belly, pulling both of her arms behind her back as he pulled two zip ties and a roll of duct tape out of his bag. He secured her arms crisscrossed behind her back with the zip ties. He turned her back over onto her back again, pulled about a four-inch piece of duct tape off the roll and pressed it firmly over her mouth.

    Her damned near perfect breasts were calling to him. As much as he wanted to suck on her nipples he held back, wanting to make sure that he left no DNA evidence. Still he could caress them and pinch her nipples with his fingers. He took his gloves off, being careful not to touch anything where he might leave a fingerprint. He rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, then he worked his way down to her pussy. He rubbed the crotch of her sexy panties, then grabbed them with both hands and ripped them off with one very hard, fast tug. This was a skill he developed over years of trial and error. Now his hand was back between her legs. Mmm…this is some sweet stuff, baby! he said out loud. He pulled out a tube of lube and put some on his finger. As he fingered her pussy, it started getting wet.

    He put the leather gloves back on. Carefully he pulled his already hard cock out of his pants through the zipper, leaving his pants on. Reaching into his pocket he retrieved a condom. After donning the condom, he put the wrapper back in his pocket. He knelt between her legs, lifting them up so he could slide his hard penis into her tight, little pussy. Putting some lubricant on the end of his penis, he rubbed it up and down on her clit until he could feel that she was wet enough to push his cock inside of her, feeling the heat of the inside of her young little body.

    After a few minutes of being raped, Sarah started moaning as she was starting to regain consciousness. As she was moaning, her hips started grinding back up against his crotch. Under her breath through the tape she was breathing heavily, moaning and muttering, Mmm…mmm…mmm! She started grinding up against him harder and faster. Slowly her eyes opened. She looked around wondering where she was. She didn’t realize for a minute that she was being raped. She quickly snapped back to her drugged, groggy reality. She tried to scream but the duct tape held most of the sound in as he continued to rape her.

    SETTLE DOWN, bitch! If you swear not to scream, I’ll take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, I’ll slit your fucking throat wide open, he said as he pulled the chef’s knife out of his bag and ran the back side of it across her throat. Are you going to be quiet now?

    Sarah nodded her head yes, tears flowing down her face. The man in black roughly pulled the tape off her of mouth. She gasped, Why are you doing this to me? Who are you?

    Just shut the fuck up and take it bitch, he said as he slapped her face hard. It’s almost time to send you back home to your so-called God, unless He comes down and saves you now. Or maybe He’s already called you to come back home to him, he said, smacking her left breast. To go to heaven, you have to die first, leaving this hot, sexy, earthly body behind. You don’t need it where you’re going.

    Don’t hurt me. PLEASE! Are you really going to kill me? Please don’t kill me, she sobbed. As he continued to rape her, she begged, I’ll do anything… anything… anything at all. Just don’t kill me. What can I do? she pleaded crying. Please, I don’t want to die. What do you want from me? Do you even know me? Do I know you?

    There’s only one thing I want from you, he said.

    What is it? I swear I’ll do it. Anything. I will do anything you want.

    All I want is to watch you die while I’m fucking you. So, I guess it’s actually two things.

    NO…PLEASE STOP! she cried. Hey…d-do I know you? she cried. Who the fuck are you? Why are…

    As he pulled a piece of rope out of his bag he cut her off and said, I bet you do know who I am. I bet you at least know of me. He wrapped both ends of the rope around his hands. On the television they call me DARK.

    She screamed, NO! as he wrapped the rope around her neck and pulled tight.

    He pulled harder on the ends of the rope while he ejaculated with a loud grunt into the condom inside of her as she finally passed out. He didn’t kill her yet. His plan for her wasn’t to strangle her to death. He put his condom clad penis back into his pants. Cutting her arms lose from behind her back, he left her unconscious body lying in the middle of the floor. He pulled a gas mask out of his bag and put it on. He got into her car and started the engine and turned the headlights on. Driving the car slowly forward, he stopped with the right front tire on top of her ankle, pinning her there in case she woke up before she died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Her car had almost a full tank of gas. He left the engine running, got out of the car and walked around the front of the car to check on her. She was starting to regain consciousness.

    Sarah opened her eyes and started coughing and choking from the fumes from her running car. She pulled the tape off of her mouth and tried to scream for help. She could barely hear what was coming out of her mouth over the sound of the engine, echoing in the large warehouse. Her breathing was too shallow and labored from all the exhaust fumes she had already breathed in to scream out loud. She tried to pull herself away from the car, but she couldn’t pull her ankle out from under the tire.

    He knew she wasn’t dead yet, so he waited outside for about twenty minutes to make sure she was dead before he left. After only several minutes the warehouse was full of exhaust fumes. Now you could hardly see anything. He was glad he had left the car’s headlights on. He got down on his knees and bent over, putting his ear on her chest. He could still barely hear a very faint and slow heartbeat. After waiting about another ten minutes, he checked on her again. This time there was no more heartbeat. She was finally dead. Reaching into his bag he pulled out a piece of paper that has just one word printed on it in large, bold letters, DARK. Setting the paper on top of her, he plunged the chef’s knife he taken from her kitchen into her chest to hold the note in place. He backed her car up just enough to get the tire off of her ankle. He made sure all the doors where closed tight before leaving the warehouse so it would continue filling with exhaust fumes.

    Time to get home, he said out loud. Leaving Sarah’s running car in the closed-up warehouse, he walked down to the bus stop to catch the next bus that passed close to Sarah’s house where he had parked his truck in back of a closed down store, two blocks away. The killer picked up his truck from where he had parked it and stopped at the drive through window of a fast food restaurant for a burger and a chocolate milkshake. He kept his hoodie over his head and looked down while at the window so no one would recognize him. He ate while he was driving home. He always carried extra black hoodies and gloves with him. I would hate it if people recognized me when I’m out having my fun, he laughed to himself.

    When he arrived home, he entered his home as quietly as he could. Upstairs, down the hall from the master bedroom Scott, his twelve year old son was sleeping in the first room on the right. His thirteen year old daughter, Alexa was asleep in her room across the hall. He walked down the hall and opened Scott’s door to check on him. He’s sound asleep. All is good, he whispered. Then he walked into Alexa’s room, stood by her bed and stroked her hair. You’re so beautiful but you’ll have to go one day, too. I love you, baby girl. He gave her a kiss on the top of her head and stroked her hair, before leaving her room to go to his. He took his clothes off and climbed into bed with his wife who was already asleep. The heinous DARK serial killer was a family man although his family had no clue that he was a serial killer.

    The next evening Michael arrived home to an empty house. When the garage door opened, the garage was empty. Where the hell is she now? She was supposed to be home today. Entering the house, he noticed that everything looked exactly the same as when he left for work in the morning. He tried calling Sarah’s cell phone several times. Each time it would ring for a few times, then it went to voicemail.

    Where the hell is Laci’s number, dammit! He called her friend, Brenda. Hey, have you heard from Sarah? Michael asked.

    Not lately. She’s not home? How long has she been gone? Brenda asked.

    She left sometime yesterday. I found a note saying she was spending the night at Laci’s house. Do you have Laci’s number by chance?

    Yeah, I’ll text it to you, Michael, Brenda said. Let me know what you find out, please.

    Thanks Brenda. I will. Please let me know if you hear from Sarah, Michael asked of her.

    For sure. Don’t worry. You know she can be a little flakey sometimes. I’m sure she’s fine. Please don’t worry, Michael. You know that she’ll be back home soon. Tell her to call me when you see her, please

    Michael called Laci’s number. Her roommate, Kayla answered the phone. He asked her if Sarah had been by there today or yesterday. Sarah left me a note that she went to hang out with Laci.

    Laci flew back east last week to visit her family. She’s not coming back until next week. I haven’t seen or heard from Sarah for days, Kayla told him.

    Why would she leave me a note saying she was going to be staying with Laci when Laci’s not even in town? Hmm. Ok, thanks, Kayla. Please let me know if you hear from her.

    I’ll call around to see if I can find out what’s going on for you, Kayla told him.

    Thanks again. Talk to you soon, Michael said.

    Michael hung up with Brenda and called 911. 9-1-1, what’s your emergency?

    My wife’s been missing since yesterday afternoon. After what seemed like dozens of questions, the 911 operator said she would be sending a patrol car over. They would be there as soon as they could. They had other calls that they considered to be more urgent.

    Her purse and cell phone are gone. Her car is gone and none of her friends have heard from her. Did she leave me? All her clothes are still here. Why won’t she answer her phone? Out of area maybe? What the hell is going on? I can’t relax! I need to go find her now. Where the hell are the damned cops? He looked all around the house to see if he could find anything else missing. Where’s the chef’s knife and the butcher knife? They’re not in the knife block." He looked in the sink and in the dishwasher. He couldn’t find them anywhere.

    Michael turned on the television to try to distract himself while having to wait for the police to show up. He started flipping through the channels looking for anything that could occupy his mind. The news on TV caught Michael’s attention. There was a headline across the bottom of the screen:

    DARK Serial Killer Claims 5th Victim

    "Two hunters came across the naked body of a young lady that has been identified as eighteen year old Jessica Owens, missing for almost a week. She was tied up, sexually assaulted and brutally beaten. Her throat was slit open so deep that she was almost decapitated. The signature trademark of the killer, a large knife had been stabbed through a sheet of paper into her chest with only one word printed on it: DARK which is his acronym for Drug - Abduct - Rape - Kill as seen on the note from his very first victim, nineteen year old Mary Crandle. DARK was his self-given nickname.

    D RUG


    R APE

    K ILL

    The DARK case has been going on for over seven months. After the first victim, the rest only had the word, DARK printed on the subsequent notes, held there with a big knife, usually a chef’s knife or a butcher’s knife stabbed into the victim’s chest.

    Police have found no link between the victims or the methods of killing other than the DARK notes. Forensics has not yet uncovered any evidence from any of the crime scenes. If you have any information about these crimes, you are urged to call your local law enforcement or Silent Witness. This is Carrie Rivers reporting for channel 10 news."

    Hearing this made Michael shiver in fear, especially because of the two knives being missing. He hoped this was just a coincidence. There is a knock at the door. Police. A little startled, Michael opened the door to a uniformed officer and a detective that was with him.

    Come on in, Michael said to the officers. I found a few recent pictures of Sarah. He holds out the photographs to the officers. He had her laptop booted up so he could show them the note she had left for him.

    Did you notice anything missing or disturbed? asked Detective David Scott.

    Everything, I mean absolutely everything is exactly how I left it this morning when I left for work. The only missing things that I can find are her car, her purse and her cell phone. Oh yeah, I don’t know if this matters, but I can’t find the chef’s knife or butcher anywhere. They’re usually in the butcher block on the counter in the kitchen. She was gone when I got home last night, but I didn’t worry because she left me a note on her computer that she was staying at a friend’s house last night. When she still wasn’t home tonight, I called around tonight and found out that her best friend, Laci had been and still is out of town.

    Do you think she might have just taken off? Most people that leave with their cell phone, purse and car are usually trying to run away from something. Maybe she took the knives with her for protection. Did you try calling her phone? asked Detective Scott.

    Many times. It rings then goes to voicemail. I left several messages with no reply. I texted her several times, too.

    Did you two have a fight or argument? She drove off in her car with her purse and cell phone. Sounds like maybe something was wrong in your relationship. Maybe she was too scared to tell you that she was leaving. Maybe she just wanted a break to think about things, the detective said, looking at Michael to see his reaction. In cases like this, the spouse is always the first potential suspect.

    No, everything has been fine between us. Michael started to sob. We’ve only been married for five weeks. Do you think she’s alright? he asked with tears running down his face, as he tried to not burst out crying.

    It’s way too early to tell, but I would think that she is alright. We’ll start an investigation and put out an APB on her car for a wellness check. We have officers going door to door talking to all your neighbors, asking if anyone saw or heard anything yesterday. If there was any foul play, the quicker we find her the better the chances are that she’s still ok. Do we have your permission to search your house for any clues?

    Please do, detective, anything that you think might help. We’ve only been married for about a month, but we’ve been together for years. I love her so much, I need her! Michael could no longer hold back the tears, already fearing the worst, he started crying openly. Do you think the DARK serial killer has her? he asked through his tears. Could that be why the knives are missing?

    It’s too soon to guess at what happened. The CSI team will be here soon to dust for fingerprints and look for any other clues, so please don’t touch anything. The police took Sarah’s laptop to search through it for any possible answers or clues. They also took the pictures of Sarah and some of her clothes to possibly help search dogs locate her…or her body. They didn’t say anything to Michael, but they feared that she could possibly be a victim of the DARK serial killer, too. With the chef’s knife and butcher’s knife missing, they thought it could have been taken to use to hold his DARK note on her chest.

    In the morning before anyone knew that Sarah was missing, the killer went for a drive in his old pickup truck to look around for an easy victim. There was a new neighborhood that was finished being built for the most part about three months ago. Some of the houses were already bought and occupied. There were still a lot of houses that weren’t occupied yet. He parked his truck on a side street just outside of the neighborhood and went for a walk to check out the new neighborhood. He carried his tools with him just in case he ran into a situation where he could use them.

    He was stood on the corner with his black leather bag in his hand, waiting to cross the street when a car pulled up to the stop sign. There were two young ladies in the front seat. He recognized them as sixteen year old Tara Franklyn and thirteen year old Cassie, Tara’s little sister. Both girls were very pretty natural strawberry blondes. They looked like they were heading to school. Walking up to the passenger window, he said, Hello girls.

    Oh, hi there, Tara said. I remember, you had dinner at our house a couple of months ago. How are you doing?

    Ok, except for my car not running. It broke down this morning. Can I pay you girls for a ride? You’re way early for school, so you shouldn’t be late. I don’t have too far to go.

    Sure, hope in. I like to leave early so I can drive around some. I’ve had my driver’s license for less than thirteen months now. I love to drive, Tara said.

    He got into the back seat. Opening up his bag, he set it on the seat beside him.

    You are sure looking cute today, Cassie. You are too, Tara. Two very beautiful young ladies, he said.

    Thank you, Cassie said, giggling shyly.

    Thank you very much! Where can I drive you? Tara asked.

    Drive straight ahead for about three miles and I’ll tell you where to turn, ok?

    Sounds good, Tara said, driving up the street, passing where she would have turned to go to school. They were quickly passed the end of the new neighborhood. They had started out near the edge of the area. Pretty soon the road was going through the forest.

    See that dirt road coming up on the right? Could you please turn there? he asked.

    Sure thing. How far down the dirt road do you want me to go? Tara asked.

    Just a little way. I’ll tell you when to stop, he told her. He pulled out two rags and a bottle of chloroform. When they were well out of sight of the main road, he said, You can stop right here.

    As Tara stopped and put the car in park, he already had both rags soaked with chloroform and he reached around to both of their faces from behind. They both struggled to get away. Tara even got her door open, but her seatbelt held her in. Both girls were soon unconscious. He got out of the car and got Tara out of the driver’s seat and laid her down on the back seat. He got behind the wheel and drove further into the woods.

    He parked where there was a small open area of grass between the trees. He got out of the car and carried both girls out one at a time and laid them down on the grass. He stripped Tara naked, only leaving her panties on. Laying them both on their stomachs, he zip-tied their arms behind their backs. Turning them over, he put a piece of duct tape over both of their mouths. He took his gloves off. He knelt down between the girls and rubbed the crotch of Tara’s panties, then he put some lube on his fingers. He slid his hand under the waistband of her panties and rubbed her pussy. He could feel Tara’s pussy starting to get wet. He let a finger slip inside of her. Tara started coming to. She tried to scream, but the duct tape held most of the sound in.

    He pulled his hand out of her panties. Getting out another zip tie, he secured it around Cassie’s ankles so she couldn’t run away. He put another one on her legs, just above her knees. He got between Tara’s legs, reaching down he pulled her yellow plaid patterned panties off exposing her teenage pussy. Tara was still feeling a little disoriented. He pulled his cock out of his pants and put a condom on. Lying down on top of her, he rubbed the head of his cock up and down on her clit then started pushing it inside of her. It was still too dry to get his penis inside of her, so he squirted a little lubricant on his cock and rubbed more on her pussy. Now it slid inside of her fairly easily. As he was raping Tara, Cassie regained consciousness. She tried to scream. The duct tape kept most of her scream in, too. She tried to get up to get away. Her hands secured behind her back and her ankles and knees secured together, stopped her from being able to easily get away, especially in her disoriented state.

    He reached over and grabbed Cassie by her thigh so she couldn’t try to roll away, while he continued raping Tara. If you scream, I will hurt you and your little sister really bad, he said as he pulled the tape off of Tara’s mouth with his other hand. Maybe I’ll just let you watch me kill sweet little Cassie if you scream or try anything. Just do what I tell and don’t fight it. Got it, young lady?

    Ok, just please don’t hurt my little sister, she cried. She’s just a kid. She’s a virgin. Please don’t hurt us, Tara begged. Cassie started crying hysterically.

    I have a choice for you to make, Tara. It will be up to you if Cassie gets raped or if you die today, he said, as he continued slamming his cock into her pussy. Choice one is, I finish raping you and you let me. Don’t fight me at all. Then you strangle Cassie to death and I let you go home. Choice number two, when I finish raping you, you watch me rape thirteen year old Cassie’s little virgin pussy. Then I strangle her to death while you watch. Then I strangle you to death, too. It’s up to you, Tara. Do you want to live or die?

    What the fuck? I can’t kill my sister, asshole. What’s wrong with you? Tara asked, crying.

    He reached over and pulled the tape off of Cassie’s mouth with the same warning he gave Tara when he pulled the tape off her mouth. Scream and you both get beat really painfully.

    Cassie cried, Please don’t hurt me. I’m so scared! she cried.

    There are only two choices. Either way, Cassie dies. Either you kill her and I let you go or I rape her and I kill her and then I kill you. If you kill her, she doesn’t get raped and you get to live. You have until right after I have an orgasm to decide.

    They both cried hysterically. I don’t want to die, Cassie cried.

    That’s not an option, he said.

    NO! Please leave her alone! Tara begged.

    He pulled his cock out of her pussy. Ok, I’ll leave her alone if you suck my cock now, Tara, he told her. He grabbed Tara by the shoulders and pulled her up to a sitting position. He stood up and pulled his condom off and straddled her with his cock in her face. Still crying, she slowly opened her mouth as he pushed his cock passed her lips. Cassie laid there watching in horror. "Damn, girl! I knew this wouldn’t be the first cock you’ve ever sucked. You’re a semi-pro. After she sucked his cock for a few minutes he pulled away from her and ordered her to get on her hands and knees over her little sister. He put another condom on. Tara straddled Cassie’s body while he entered Tara from behind, slamming his cock into her pussy as hard as he could while little Cassie stared up at them, still crying uncontrollably.

    He felt an orgasm building up. Pulling a piece of rope out of his pocket, he handed it to Tara her told her to wrap it around Cassie’s neck. She just held onto the rope, crying. He smacked her hard and screamed, DO IT NOW!

    Tara leaned over and wrapped the rope around her little sister’s neck. They both started crying harder. Please, don’t do this, Tara begged.

    Please don’t! Cassie echoed.

    Grab the ends and pull hard now or you both die as soon as I rape her little virgin pussy, he said. FUCKING PULL IT NOW!!! Tara grabbed the ends of the ropes and lightly pulled. Do it or I will. Want to watch me rape her now?

    Please Tara, just kill me. I’m going to die anyway. Don’t let him rape me, she cried. At least one of us can live. Please, just get it over with. I’ll be going to heaven. We’ll be together again.

    You heard her, kill her right now! he commanded.

    Please Tara, don’t let us both have to die. Just kill me and get it over with, Cassie cried. Kill me!

    Crying harder as she was still being raped, she pulled hard on the ends of the rope. Pulling harder, she had to close her eyes. She couldn’t watch her baby sister die. He grabbed Tara’s hands and helped her pull harder. He pulled on Tara’s hands as hard as he could. As Cassie was finally dying, he felt himself about to cum. He slammed his cock harder and harder into Tara’s pussy as he shot his load with a loud grunt. He pulled his cock out of her and rolled over, lying on the soft grass. He looked over to see Tara now lying on top of her dead sister, crying hysterically still holding onto the rope without even realizing it. Joe got up and crotched behind Tara. How does it feel to be a murderer? he asked her. He sat on top of back, pulled another piece of rope out of his pocket and wrapped the rope around Tara’s neck.

    What are you doing? I did what you wanted. I killed my little sister for you, Tara cried. What more do you want from me?

    What a sick little bitch. You would kill your own little sister just so you could live. You’re a sick person. I have to kill you now. You’re no good for this world. You’re going straight to hell, you murderer! Time to die, Tara.

    You promised! Please don’t kill me! You fucking made me kill my little sister. You promised me, dammit!

    I fucking lied, he said as he pulled the rope tight around her neck. She tried to struggle but she was sandwiched between her dead sister and a big man on top of her as he continued strangling her to death. She tried to drop the rope around her sister’s neck so she could fight back better but it was wrapped so tight around her hands from pulling so hard that she couldn’t get her hands free. Once Tara was dead, he got up and put his cock back into his pants. He left her naked, dead body on top of her little sister’s dead body. Grabbing a butcher knife and a piece of paper out of his bag, he laid the paper on Tara’s back and stabbed the butcher knife into her to hold his note in place. The note just said DARK.

    He grabbed his bag and started walking through the woods. He knew his way around here. He found his way back to the street where he had parked his truck. Another satisfying morning, He told himself out loud. He got in his truck and drove back home feeling satisfied.

    Back at the police station, detectives mulled over the facts of the case. Corkboards with pictures of all the DARK victims lined the back wall. The police desk service sergeant walked quickly into the squad room.

    I think we may have DARK victim number six. There is a man in the lobby, Bill Johnson who says when he got home from work, he found his wife in bed and she wasn’t moving. He thinks she’s dead. He mentioned that she had a note on her chest with a knife through it. That was all he said.

    Bill was brought in to meet the detectives. A uniformed officer walked him back to a private interrogation room, and then left leaving Bill alone with Detective Ron Stone and his temporary partner Detective David Scott. So, tell us what happened to your wife, Stone demanded.

    I got home from work, sat down and watched a little TV. I was getting hungry, so I went into the kitchen to see if my wife, Joan was cooking dinner. She wasn’t in there. She didn’t even start to make dinner for me.

    So, what did you do next? Scott asked.

    I made a sandwich and went back to finish my TV show.

    Did you look for your wife? Did you call out for her? Stone asked him.

    I figured the bitch knows what time I get home from work. If she can’t have my dinner ready, then screw her. I was hungry, so I ate.

    An officer came into the investigation room and handed the detectives a printout. After reading it, Detective Stone asked Bill, Are you even supposed to be at that house? This says your wife has an order of protection against you. Sounds like you weren’t even supposed to be there.

    That’s a bunch of shit. I come and go sometimes but that’s MY damned house! I bought it. I make the mortgage payments. When I’m there and when I’m not is nobody’s business but mine. Fucking noisy old bitches in that neighborhood. I found her later when I went to bed. She was already dead.

    How did you know she was dead? asked Detective Scott. "Did you shake her, call out her name or anything?

    She looked like she was dead. I touched her, she felt really cold. I tried to call 911 but my cell phone died so I figured I would just drive over here to report it. It’s not like she was going anywhere. His demeanor was very matter of fact, no real emotions. This concerned the detectives. He didn’t seem to be acting like a man who just lost his wife that he loved.

    Where is her body? detective Stone asked.

    At home in bed where I found it. When I got home, the door was unlocked so I don’t know who might have been there. She always had guys coming and going. She was a fucking tramp. I figure she might have been screwing some guy and he killed her.

    How was your relationship? Getting along ok? Have you had any arguments with her over anything? asked Detective Scott.

    Well, we were taking a little break, you know, just to give each other a little room to breathe. We were just getting ready to move back in together. I told her that I still loved her.

    Your neighbors told our patrol officers that are out in your neighborhood right now that you haven’t lived there in five or six months and you were going through a really nasty a divorce.

    Things are going good now. Well, I guess they were going good. I guess it’s a bit of a blessing for me in a way. I’m way behind on some bills and that insurance policy money will sure come in handy, at least.

    The detectives looked at each other knowingly. Let’s take a ride to your house to investigate together, Stone told Bill.

    Why the hell should I be there investigating? Isn’t that your fucking job? I don’t like that house. I’m not even living there now.

    I thought you said you were living there. You may be able to help us find evidence we may miss.

    I just said it’s my house and I’ll stay there whenever I want. I just don’t want to live there anymore. I’ll drive home. You follow me, ok?

    No, you get to ride with me,

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