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Mentoring Avatars: Introduction to New Global Leadership
Mentoring Avatars: Introduction to New Global Leadership
Mentoring Avatars: Introduction to New Global Leadership
Ebook245 pages3 hours

Mentoring Avatars: Introduction to New Global Leadership

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The World of the Avatar

It is fascinating to have the desire to be aware of what is happening in the Universe, our Planet and within the group of souls around us and indeed our very own personal and intimate life. Some individuals have reached this current incarnation and are working their way toward feeling the integration of many levels of illumination. The truth is that we touch all of these areas at a deeper level, and the soul (thoughts and feelings) will determine if we are willing to embrace the experience this time around.

In the increasing circles of our growth and awareness, (and I choose to call them circles rather than levels for specific reasons) the very essence of the feeling generated inside of us is calling for a deeper and higher view through our hierarchy of needs as described and recently verified in the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs as he originally taught. No level is lessor or to be belittled and the full integration of these logical categories is completely necessary with both our human and divine natures. None are to be seen as weakness or being lessor but only the next step in our evolution toward a heavenly existence of peace, love, wisdom and self-actualization toward Transcendence to a current Holy Place in our own being.

Book Clearly Addresses this thesis: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is as follows and a reminder:
Esteem Needs
Social Needs
Safety Needs
Physiological Needs
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 10, 2020
Mentoring Avatars: Introduction to New Global Leadership

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    Mentoring Avatars - Jonathan Erdlen

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-5081-2 (sc)

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    Balboa Press rev. date:    10/23/2020




    1   Declaration of Interdependence (The Creed)

    2   Loving our Enemies

    3   Inside Out

    4   The Physical Universe

    5   Two By Two

    6   Living……………………………

    7   Seekers and Avatars

    8   We Lost Our Way

    9   The Intention Of Personal Peace

    10   Spiritual Technology - - OR - - Spiritual Transcendence?

    11   The 11 Minute Cure

    12   You are ready now!

    13   A Living Miracle

    14   To Atlantis or Not to Atlantis?

    15   What Is Truth?

    16   The Intention Of Personal Peace

    17   Co-Creation Is Far More

    Than Team-Effort

    18   Another Morning "Heart-Burst!!

    19   Standing in Two Worlds

    20   Life-Breath Union And Co-Creation

    21   Avatars Can Never Fail!

    22   Prayer

    23   All Aboard!!!

    24   Teachings and Concepts of Dualism And Resulting impact on life and wellness

    25   Dissolving Duality – An Avatar’s Message

    26   Are all Teachers Mentors?

    27   Persons Of Hope!

    28   A writing from the past months:

    29   Metaphysical Money And Existence

    30   Community Living In Harmony

    31   The Sunset Of 3Rd Dimensional Living

    32   The Mystery of the Avatar

    Life and History of Jonathan Erdlen

    (About the Author)


    The World of the Avatar

    It is fascinating to have the desire to be aware of what is happening in the Universe, our Planet and within the group of souls around us and indeed our very own personal and intimate life. Some individuals have reached this current incarnation and are working their way toward feeling the integration of many levels of illumination. The truth is that we touch all of these areas at a deeper level, and the soul (thoughts and feelings) will determine if we are willing to embrace the experience this time around.

    In the increasing circles of our growth and awareness, (and I choose to call them circles rather than levels for specific reasons) the very essence of the feeling generated inside of us is calling for a deeper and higher view through our hierarchy of needs as described and recently verified in the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs as he originally taught. No level is lessor or to be belittled and the full integration of these logical categories is fully necessary with both our human and divine natures. None are to be seen as weakness or being lessor but only the next step in our broader evolution toward a heavenly existence of peace, love, wisdom and self-actualization. This fosters full Transcendence bringing us to a current Holy Place in our own being.

    Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is as follows and an enlightened reminder:



    Esteem Needs

    Social Needs

    Safety Needs

    Physiological Needs

    Note: Descriptions, definitions and practical explanations of these needs are covered in the text.

    What a journey! Far beyond one year, a decade or lifetime. Seeing it all as good and beneficial while creating personal building blocks toward Heaven on Earth, without the duality of being good or bad. We seek an integrated evolution through our thoughts, words and actions wishing an inner integrated full peace, joy and love of life.

    Maslow and other writers and masters usually came up with similar categories of understanding so that we may personally, or indeed in human collections of people, communicate and relate. It helps us to see where we have been and where we might want to go – should we choose with our free will. However, the will is determined in the Soul (thoughts and feelings - mind and emotions) and there is a deeper energy that comes at birth. It is our HEART’S DESIRE which is the spiritual DNA, connection and blueprint of the life to come and the evolvement we passionately desired before coming to this physical plane. There is a blueprint or thumbprint of a desired destiny which we know at a deep level – but the cares of life, emotional disappointments, cultural suppression, religious boundaries and many limitations tend to wear us down to the point where the vision of being that Avatar or Saint in this world becomes a faint whisper in the background. This is often so deep in our conscious or subconscious mind until inspired by a concert, a movie, a speaker, a quiet moment in nature, the touch of another, or an embrace assisting us to be far more than just a body with thoughts and feelings. We become a Spirit, .....loaned a Soul and Body for the celebration of life instead. This innate drawing is definitely driven at a heart-level of our being.

    Without any element of judgement or condemnation toward ourselves, we must remember that we are complete in every way. We are perfect and the Universe is absolutely delighted with who we are RIGHT NOW! We lack nothing except that which plays in our minds whispering, You are not enough. Of course, this is a lie and only there to steal our peace and joy. Mostly based on conditioning of the carnal and base messages of fear and envy and hatred as spewed around this world today.

    I often get nervous when people start defining "levels of spirituality. It has just a hint of the current global need to define a person, place them in a slot or bin of definition, assess them as being good or evil, rich or poor, educated or ignorant and used by the assessor’s judgement of another for the position of power-over them rather than empowerment-of". Spiritual-Slotting in bins may, if the heart is not pure, be a detriment to all of humanity and this earth and based on ego and self-aggrandizement and status, for whatever reason one deems themselves superior. It can have no benefit to anyone; and in fact have the opposite result.

    So when I address the whole area of Avatars and those who know they are larger than just human, who have a passionate call and purpose from before birth, to bring leadership and healing to the Universe (including our planet), it is not about a title of status, power and might. In fact, it is the opposite - - indeed, they wish to be the ultimate Servant who usually has lost their life and their focus and personal commitment in history. The innate drawing and enlightenment as the very core of a child’s first desire to be a separate identity, is to become the servant of all including the earth, humanity and all spiritual beings in the entire Universe. The words, how can I love and serve you would seem to be the mantra of such Avatars.

    Currently in our time as I write, there seems to be some confusion in some places and ways that could distort the idea of Avatars and spiritually evolved persons. Evolution is always beneficial and as the world and humans move upward in their illuminated awareness, there is a time at each stage where all is perfect and functioning for the universal wellness. Then more awareness comes along and shows us that we have part of the truth in our search but there is something greater. It is easy to look back and start to criticize the floor-below as we evolve. Instead, we should be thankful for those things that were major revelations yesterday, but embrace new attributes today in our understanding. All is well. All is needed. All will be a platform to evolve beyond what we see and feel today.

    I am stating this for a purpose. In my recent days, I have been pondering, meditating and reviewing an evolution of spiritual awareness in some people immersed in wellness with ease, and in others who are often struggling. Over the past years and lately, I personally have felt a surge of desire to step up a step in becoming more one with myself and with the Universe/God and others. A drawing, thirst, and desire to know more about myself in relation to the Highest Power and all beings in the Universe. I mean the angels, light workers, those who have passed and all loving energy anywhere in the corners of existence and see how I relate in service with this host.

    In this quest, my sphere of acquaintances and friends have constantly moved. I have physically moved to new locations and thus met new friends. Many had spiritual awareness which I had never heard verbalized, although being raised in a strong church and religious family. This was new and it felt like coming-home. I found people who could spiritually see things in my life and future that was like finding a hidden, but known treasure in my heart. They appealed and gave to my heart – not just my mind.

    It started to flow. Regardless of whether you wish to call these persons psychic, illuminated or whatever, there was something there that felt comfortable. I also had experienced these abilities since childhood but had buried them very deeply as to not be thought as serving the devil or being just plain weird and spooky.

    I am writing this to attempt to establish a basis to inform and make one easily comfortable about having a greater knowledge about what it means to be an Avatar. It is far more than a title or status level. It is a calling that was arranged long before we were born, should we fall in this loosely defined category. No one needs to tell you who you are. You already know but may not have released it. The pain and cares of life may be blinding your true image when you look in the cloudy mirror of fear, hatred, anger, resentment, lust, greed or gluttony - - all children of Pride (ego)!

    From experience, I would state that having a need to find a group of such people with this dedication and passionate calling usually only brings frustration. Persons often love the feeling of your talent and leadership, but when it gets to the almost abnormal and obsessed desire to live a life unto death commitment to a holy and virginal immaculate transcendent existence, you probably are just plain uncomfortable to many.

    I could often feel the thoughts of people which was unstated but would be very close to, "You are a nice person, but the Personal Commitment and passion toward changing a whole universe is weird!!! In my exuberance of hope and expectation of a better world and describing the potential, I have found that on some occasions, I find that people want what I have instead of who I am"! There is a vast difference. One is external and material, and the other is internal, eternal and ethereal/spiritual.

    In the time in which I write, and am experiencing the evolutions and greater awareness being enhanced, in parallel the past and current dependency and hope of being secure in the future through money and power (intellect) is starting to look shaky in the world. The old paradigm just may not be working as well. That has influence in all aspects of life – emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual (values).

    In discussing the attributes and calling of one’s heart as a Steward, Master or Avatar, you cannot market this concept. Neither is it easy to define. It is far better experienced than described in any way. Human words are just too inadequate to verbalize it. Even the old saying of see it and seize it which was pointed toward an act of faith and visualization, may not be quite accurate any more. It might be better stated as, "When we feel it, we become it"!

    Part of this current potential confusion and inquisitive desire for seeking may be the knowing inside that something is drawing us higher toward the life of a Master/Avatar. I believe, this spiritually magnetic drawing and change in our awareness using new gifts, has been sometimes called being psychic. This represents a great gift and evolution toward being familiar and comfortable with the paranormal and also bringing healing to the hearts, minds and emotions in others in wellness for their release from fears and pain. A wonderful gift and part of our rise-of-energy in the world toward Heaven on Earth. However, there is more to this awareness and experience.

    Like any great gift, as we grow, we tend to use old paradigms of understanding to define new gifts of illumination. We just cannot find a clear and simple definition and experience to represent that which is changing and happening in our life and world in unfamiliar experiences and growth. Recently, I made a statement to someone who I could see was startled, taken aback and puzzled (and not necessarily comfortable with my statement). My comment was "being psychic is not necessarily the same-as, or a sign of being spiritual". In my opinion, being spiritual is about totally and naturally living distinct elevated and divine principles with the integration of purity in our thoughts, words and actions… all without exception. Living in the essence of a Spiritual Life immersed in an easy and relaxed Human-Divine union, is in my opinion, a PLACE rather than an ACTION. Thus, reflecting the old religious world of being holy, I would guess. Pristine, immaculate, virginal and consistent in addressing the 7 virtues (as taught by religions in past wisdom) and shunning and abandoning the 7 deadly sins or miracle-breakers as I prefer to address them.


    7 Virtues or "the 7 Miracle-Makers" – Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility;


    7 Vices or "the 7 Miracle-Breakers" – Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride

    In my opinion, and using an analogy, being Psychic gives one the ability to be able to clearly watch the movie and narrate or describe the movie plot and actions for themselves or others as it plays. Being Spiritual, again in my opinion, is the ability to create and write the script for the movie in detail, and then play the lead role in it to the healing and enlightenment of anyone who is nearby or needing this story for their complete wellness and peace. I believe that Spiritual Individuals do not heal people; their existence IS HEALING, so in their presence, love releases fear and dis-ease goes away. The script they write and perform by their own identity will influence the healing of the entire Universe and World and in every atom and molecule that exists. It brings Heaven to Earth without having to control when, how, where, and why in any situation or anyone’s life.

    Moreover, the lead hero in this case, would joyfully give their life and last breath joining another to co-create a vision and passion that was agreed before they were born, to play this role in redemption of humanity and this earth from the current pain and fears. No price too large or too small to be the bridge between love and fear (duality) toward always doing what is right for all, everyone and everything with absolutely no hint of judgement or assessment of others, even in fleeting thoughts. IT JUST IS!

    This is where I have an observation and belief that it seems that only a very few people have the level of awareness of themselves, the world, their past, their present, their future and regardless of any influence, will chose unconditional immaculate virginal illuminated love as the core and only energy of existence as long as they draw breath on this planet. When it becomes a natural state of existence and walking in Spirit, the liberty and freedom of expression and celebration of life exudes a light that is almost blinding.

    This statement is not an assessment or judgement of any person in any way but is more focused on placing the hint and seed in the person who reads this and is encouraged and motivated to be themselves completely in any way or desire when it comes to understanding their abilities to be an example of Human-Divine integrated union inside themselves.

    Usually Avatars are not appointed, selected, or educated for the positions, which is just that – a position in the collective Universe with a function like a part of the body. Only as each part operates effectively will the whole flourish. This is a calling before birth which often has an activation moment or revelation, possibly inspired by another.

    This explanation and description becomes very delicate as it is certainly a challenge to describe the beauty of anyone’s personal calling, and in this case, to accepting that one is placed here as an Avatar without making it a positions, a level, a hero-status, or a boss over others. It is none of those things. In a western world, at least, in a place where the rich, stars, leaders and super-heroes are worshiped and revered, it takes a giant paradigm step to shift into understanding the original aspect of Mentors and Avatars as known in ancient Greece, Egypt, China, India and older civilizations. They were called to be servant-leaders of the earth and the people.

    Those who seek and embrace this immersion in constant easy existence in this spiritual place and walk are not comfortable with a compromise or hybrid version of soulish spiritual living

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