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The Study Guide for the Niv Bible
The Study Guide for the Niv Bible
The Study Guide for the Niv Bible
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The Study Guide for the Niv Bible

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About this ebook

The Study Guide for the NIV Bible is designed to help you to study the Bible as you read through the Bible. The author is gifted with the gift of teaching and has devised this study guide based on her desire to encourage Christians to read and study the Bible.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 23, 2020
The Study Guide for the Niv Bible

Bobby Kelley

Bobby Kelley is definitely a teacher of God’s Word. She has over 45 years of teaching experience working in Children’s Ministry and assisting adults in interpreting, understanding and studying the bible. She is the daughter of a Methodist Pastor and accepted her calling soon after she received Christ in 1971. It has taken her over 3 years to complete, and as you read and use this manual you will undoubtably sense her love for God and His written word. To put it simply, this guide was designed for the sole purpose of assisting new believers and older adult Christians who have difficulty in studying and/or understanding bible.

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    The Study Guide for the Niv Bible - Bobby Kelley

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    1.   Genesis

    2.   Exodus

    3.   Leviticus

    4.   Numbers

    5.   Deuternomy

    6.   Joshua

    7.   Judges

    8.   Ruth

    9.   1 Samuel

    10.   2 Samuel

    11.   1 Kings

    12.   2 Kings

    13.   1 Chronicles

    14.   2 Chronicles

    15.   Ezra

    16.   Nehemiah

    17.   Esther

    18.   Job

    19.   Psalm

    20.   Proverbs

    21.   Ecclesiastes

    22.   Song Of Songs

    23.   Isaiah

    24.   Jeremiah

    25.   Lamentations

    26.   Ezekiel

    27.   Daniel

    28.   Hosea

    29.   Joel

    30.   Amos

    31.   Obadiah

    32.   Jonah

    33.   Micah

    34.   Nahum

    35.   Habakkuk

    36.   Zephaniah

    37.   Haggai

    38.   Zechariah

    39.   Malachi


    1.   Matthew

    2.   Mark

    3.   Luke

    4.   John

    5.   Acts

    6.   Romans

    7.   1 Corinthians

    8.   2 Corinthians

    9.   Galatians

    10.   Ephesians

    11.   Philippians

    12.   Colossians

    13.   1 Thessalonians

    14.   2 Thessalonians

    15.   1 Timothy

    16.   2 Timothy

    17.   Titus

    18.   Phelimon

    19.   Hebrews

    20.   James

    21.   1 Peter

    22.   2 Peter

    23.   1 John

    24.   2 John

    25.   3 John

    26.   Jude

    27.   Revelation

    In The Beginning – GOD – created. This is the first book of the Bible. Enjoy studying with this study guide and allowing yourself to not only read but study the WORD of GOD.

    **I pray that this guide will be a tool that you enjoy and use to help you to improve your knowledge of the WORD OF GOD. I also pray that you will pray for GOD to use this tool to show himself to you in His WORD.



    Vs. 1. In the beginning God _______ the heavens and the ______. ² Now the earth was ________ and empty, darkness was over the _______ of the deep, and the _____ of God was hovering over the waters.

    Vs. 11-13. Then God said, Let the land produce __________: ___________________ and _____ on the land that bear ______ with seed in it, according to their _______ kinds. And it was so. ¹² The land produced __________: plants bearing seed according to their _____ and trees bearing fruit with seed in it __________ to their kinds. And God saw that it was _____. ¹³ And there was _______, and there was morning--the ______ day.

    Vs. 26. Then God said, Let us make ____ in our image, in our likeness, and let them ____ over the fish of the sea and the ______ of the air, over the livestock, over all the _____, and over all the creatures that move ______ the ground.


    Vs. 7-9. …. the LORD God formed the ____ from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the ______ of life, and the man became a ______ being. Now the LORD God had _______ a garden in the east, in ______; and there he put the man he had formed. And the LORD God made all ______ of trees grow out of the ground--trees that were ________ to the eye and good for food. In the _______ of the garden were the tree of life and the _____ of the knowledge of good and evil.

    Vs. 15-17. The LORD God took the ____ and put him in the Garden of Eden to _____ it and take care of it. ¹⁶ And the LORD God __________ the man, "You are free to eat from any ____ in the garden; ¹⁷ but you must not eat from the tree of the __________ of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will ______ die."


    Vs. 2-3. The woman said to the _______, "We may eat fruit from the _____ in the garden, ³ but God did say, ‘You must not eat ______ from the tree that is in the middle of the _______, and you must not touch it, or ____ will die.’

    Vs. 9-11. But the LORD God ______to the man, Where are you? ¹⁰ He answered, I heard you in the _______, and I was afraid because I was _____; so I hid. ¹¹ And he said, Who ____ you that you were ______? Have you eaten from the _____ that I commanded you not to ____ from?

    Vs. 19-21. By the sweat of your _____ you will eat your food until you ______ to the ground, since from it you were _____; for dust you are and to _____ you will return." ²⁰ Adam ______ his wife Eve, because she ______ become the mother of all the _______. ²¹ The LORD God made ________ of skin for Adam and his wife and _______ them.


    Vs. 1-2. Adam lay with his _____ Eve, and she became pregnant and gave _____ to Cain. She said, With the help of the LORD I have _______ forth a man. ² Later she gave birth to his _______ Abel. Now Abel kept ______, and Cain worked the soil.

    Vs. 13-15. Cain said to the _____, "My punishment is _____ than I can bear. ¹⁴ Today you are ________ me from the land, and I will be ______ from your presence; I will be a ________ wanderer on the earth, and ________ finds me will kill me." ¹⁵ But the LORD ____ to him, Not so; if anyone _____ Cain, he will suffer vengeance _____ times over. Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who ______ him would kill him.


    Vs. 1-3. This is the written _______ of Adam’s line. When God _______ man, he made him in the ________ of God. ² He created them _____ and female and blessed them. And when they were _______, he called them _____. ³ When Adam had _____ 130 years, he had a ____ in his own likeness, in his ____ image; and he _____ him Seth.

    Vs. 27-32. Altogether, Methuselah _____ 969 years, and then he died. ²⁸ When Lamech had lived 182 years, he had a ____. ²⁹ He named him ____ and said, He will comfort us in the labor and painful_____ of our hands caused by the _______ the LORD has cursed. ³⁰ After Noah was born, _______ lived 595 years and had other ____ and daughters. ³¹ Altogether, Lamech lived 777 years, and_____ he died. ³² After Noah was 500 years old, he ______ the father of Shem, ____ and Japheth.


    Vs. 6. The LORD was _______ that he had made man on the ______, and his heart was ______ with pain.

    Vs. 8-11. But Noah found _____ in the eyes of the LORD. This is the _______ of Noah. Noah was a _____________ man, blameless among the ______ of his time, and he ______ with God. ¹⁰ Noah had three ____: Shem, Ham and Japheth. ¹¹ Now the earth was _______ in God’s sight and was ____ of violence.

    Vs. 21-22. You are to take every ____ of food that is to be eaten and______ it away as food for you and for _____." ²² Noah did __________ just as God commanded him.


    Vs. 4-7. Seven ____ from now I will send ____ on the earth for ______ days and forty nights, and I will ____ from the face of the earth every ______ creature I have made." And Noah did all that the LORD _________ him. Noah was six hundred _____ old when the floodwaters came on the _____. And Noah and his ____ and his wife and his sons’ _____ entered the ark to escape the ______ of the flood.

    Vs. 20-22. The waters rose and_______ the mountains to a depth of more than ______ feet. ²¹ Every living thing that _____ on the earth perished--_____, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that ______ over the earth, and all mankind. ²² Everything on ____ land that had the breath of ____ in its nostrils died.


    Vs. 1-2. But God __________ Noah and all the wild_______ and the livestock that were with him in the ____, and he sent a ____ over the earth, and the ______ receded. ² Now the _______ of the deep and the __________ of the heavens had been ______, and the rain had stopped _______ from the sky.

    Vs. 20-21. Then Noah built an _____ to the LORD and, taking some of all the _____ animals and clean birds, he sacrificed ______ offerings on it. ²¹ The LORD smelled the ________ aroma and said in his heart: "______ again will I curse the ground _______ of man, even though every ____________ of his heart is evil from childhood. And ______ again will I destroy all living __________, as I have done.


    Vs. 1-3. Then God _______ Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be ________ and increase in number and ____ the earth. ² The fear and _____ of you will fall upon all the ______ of the earth and all the birds of the ____, upon every creature that moves ______ the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are _____ into your hands. ³ Everything that _____ and moves will be _____ for you. Just as I ____ you the green plants, I now give you __________.

    Vs. 16-17. Whenever the rainbow _______ in the clouds, I will see it and _________ the everlasting covenant _______ God and all living creatures of every ____ on the earth." ¹⁷ So God said to Noah, This is the _____ of the covenant I have established ________ me and all life on the ______.

    GENESIS 10

    Vs. 8-10. Cush was the father of _______, who grew to be a mighty _______ on the earth. He was a mighty ______ before the LORD; that is why it is said, Like Nimrod, a _______ hunter before the LORD. ¹⁰ The first centers of his _______ were Babylon, Erech, Akkad and Calneh, in Shinar.

    NOTE: 10:8-10. Nimrod was the first world dictator; and he founded Babel (Babylon). Babylon is second only to Jerusalem as the most mentioned city in the Bible (nearly 280 times), But every experience is negative Babylon represents the false systems of religion on the earth. (Jeremiah, 2013).

    GENESIS 11

    Vs. 1-4. Now the whole _____ had one language and a _______ speech. ² As men moved _________, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. ³ They said to _____ other, Come, let’s make bricks and _____ them thoroughly. They used brick instead of ______, and tar for mortar. Then they said, Come, let us ______ ourselves a city, with a ______ that reaches to the heavens, so that we may _____ a name for ourselves and not be _________ over the face of the whole earth.

    Vs. 31-32. Terah took his____ Abram, his grandson Lot son of ______, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the _____of his son Abram, and together they set out from ____ of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when they ____ to Haran, they settled there. ³² Terah lived 205 _____, and he died in Haran.

    GENESIS 12

    Vs. 1-3. The LORD had said to ______, "Leave your country, your _______ and your father’s household and go to the ______ I will show you. ² "I will make you into a _____ nation and I will bless you; I will make ____ name great, and you will be a blessing. ³ I will bless those who _____ you, and whoever curses you I will _____; and all peoples on earth will be blessed _______ you."

    Vs. 11-13. As he was about to _____Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai, "I know what a _________ woman you are. ¹² When the Egyptians ____ you, they will say, ‘This is his wife.’ Then they will _____ me but will let you live. ¹³ Say you are my ______, so that I will be treated well for your _____ and my life will be spared _______ of you."

    GENESIS 13

    Vs. 1-4. So Abram went up from _____ to the Negev, with his wife and _________ he had, and Lot went with him. ² Abram had ______ very wealthy in livestock and in ______ and gold ³ From the Negev he went from _____ to place until he came to ______, to the place between Bethel and Ai where his _____ had been earlier and where he had ______ built an altar. There ______ called on the _____ of the LORD.

    Vs. 17-18. Go, walk _______ the length and breadth of the land, for I am _______ it to you." ¹⁸ So Abram moved his _____ and went to live near the _____ trees of Mamre at Hebron, where he built an _____ to the LORD.

    GENESIS 14

    Vs. 18-21. Then Melchizedek ____ of Salem brought out bread and _____. He was ______ of God Most ____, ¹⁹ and he blessed Abram, ______, "Blessed be Abram by God _____ High, Creator of heaven and earth. ²⁰ And _______ be God Most High, who delivered your _______ into your hand." Then Abram gave him a _____of everything. ²¹ The king of _____ said to Abram, Give me the _______ and keep the _____ for yourself.

    GENESIS 15

    Vs. 1-3. After this, the ____ of the LORD came to Abram in a ______: Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your ______ your very great reward. ² But Abram said, O ________ LORD, what can you give me since I ______ childless and the one who will _______ my estate is Eliezer of Damascus? ³ And Abram said, You have _____ me no children; so a _______ in my household will be my _____.

    Vs. 15-17. You, however, will go to your _______ in peace and be buried at a ____ old age. ¹⁶ In the fourth generation your ___________ will come back here, for the ___ of the Amorites has not yet reached its ____ measure." ¹⁷ When the sun had set and ________ had fallen, a smoking firepot with a _______ torch appeared and passed _______ the pieces.

    GENESIS 16

    Vs. 1-3. Now Sarai, Abram’s ____, had borne him no children. But she had an _________ maidservant named Hagar; ² so she said to _____, The LORD has kept me from ______ children. Go, sleep with my ___________; perhaps I can build a family through her. Abram ______ to what Sarai said. ³ So after Abram had been _______ in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her _________ maidservant Hagar and gave her to her _______ to be his wife

    Vs. 9-12. Then the _____ of the LORD told her, Go ____ to your mistress and ______ to her. ¹⁰ The angel added, I will so ________ your descendants that they will be too ________ to count. ¹¹ The angel of the _____ also said to her: "You are now with _____ and you will have a son. You shall name him _______, for the LORD has heard of your misery. ¹² He will be a wild _______ of a man; his hand will be against ________ and everyone’s hand against ____, and he will live in hostility ______ all his brothers."

    GENESIS 17

    Vs. 1-5. When Abram was ninety-nine _____ old, the LORD appeared to ____ and said, "I am God Almighty; walk ______ me and be blameless. ² I will confirm my ________ between me and you and will greatly ________ your numbers." ³ Abram fell _________, and God said to him, "As for me, this is my ________ with you: You will be the ______ of many nations. No longer will you be called ______; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a ______ of many nations.

    Vs. 23-27. On that very day Abraham ____ his son Ishmael and all those _____ in his household or bought with his _______, every male in his household, and ___________ them, as God told him. ²⁴ Abraham was __________ years old when he was circumcised, ²⁵ and his son Ishmael was _________; ²⁶ Abraham and his son Ishmael were both ____________ on that same day. ²⁷ And every male in Abraham’s _________, including those born in his household or _______ from a foreigner, was circumcised with him.

    GENESIS 18

    Vs. 1-3. The LORD appeared to ________ near the great trees of Mamre while he was _______ at the entrance to his ____ in the heat of the day. ² Abraham looked up and saw _____ men standing nearby. When he saw them, he _______ from the entrance of his tent to_____ them and bowed low to the _______. ³ He said, "If I have found ______ in your eyes, my lord, do not ____ your servant by.

    NOTE: 18:2 three men. One was the Lord, YAHWEH (v. 1), the other two, angels (cf. 19:1). (Ryrie, 1986, 1994)

    Vs. 9-10. Where is your ____ Sarah? they asked him. There, in the ____, he said. ¹⁰ Then the LORD said, I will ______ return to you about this time _____ year, and Sarah your wife will have a ____.

    Vs. 20-22. Then the LORD said, "The_______ against Sodom and Gomorrah is so _____ and their sin so grievous ²¹ that I will go _____ and see if what they have done is as ____ as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will_______." ²² The men turned away and went _______ Sodom, but Abraham remained _________ before the LORD.

    NOTE: 18:20 The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah. The terrible sins of Sodom and Gomorrah cried out to heaven for punishment (cf. 4:10). 18:21 Of course the omniscient God was fully aware of what was happening in Sodom, but His justice moved Him to demonstrate that he was in full possession of the facts. Actually, only the two angels went to Sodom (see v. 22). (Ryrie, 1986, 1994).

    GENESIS 19

    Vs. 5-7. They ______ to Lot, Where are the men who _____ to you tonight? Bring _____ out to us so that we can have ____ with them. Lot went outside to _____ them and shut the door ______ him and said, "No, my _______. Don’t do this _______ thing.

    Vs. 28-29. He looked down _______ Sodom and Gomorrah, toward all the _____ of the plain, and he saw dense ______ rising from the land, like smoke from a _______. ²⁹ So when God _________ the cities of the plain, he __________ Abraham, and he ________ Lot out of the catastrophe that _________ the cities where Lot had lived.

    NOTE: See Rev. 19:20-21—regarding the lake of fire.(blk)

    Sulfur …..Rev. 9:17-18 sulfur rather than the usual brimstone. The Near East has large deposits of this mineral. Brimstone. Combustible form of sulfur. Used as a means of divine retribution . . . . It lies on the shore of the Dead Sea and can burst into flame when earthquakes release hot gases from the earth’s interior." (Brand, Chad; Draper, Charles; England, Archie, 2003).

    Vs. 31-33. One day the _____ daughter said to the younger, "Our father is ____, and there is no man ______ here to lie with us, as is the _______ all over the earth. ³² Let’s get our ______ to drink wine and then lie with him and ________ our family line through our father." ³³ That night they got their father to _____ wine, and the older daughter ____ in and lay with him. He was not _____ of it when she lay _____ or when she got up.

    GENESIS 20

    Vs. 3. But God came to Abimelech in a _____ one night and said to him, You are as ____ as dead because of the ______ you have taken; she is a _______ woman.

    Vs. 17-18. Then Abraham ______ to God, and God healed Abimelech, his ____ and his slave girls so they could have ________ again, ¹⁸ for the LORD had ______ up every womb in Abimelech’s _________ because of Abraham’s wife Sarah.

    GENESIS 21

    Vs. 3-6. Abraham gave the name ______ to the son Sarah bore him. When his son Isaac was ______ days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God _________ him. Abraham was a _______ years old when his son Isaac was _____ to him. Sarah said, God has ________ me laughter, and everyone who _____ about this will ______ with me.

    Vs. 17. God heard the boy _______, and the angel of God called to _____ from heaven and said to her, "What is the ______, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has _____ the boy crying as he _____ there.

    Vs. 21. While he was ____ in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a ___ for him from ___.

    NOTE: Hagar is from Egypt. (blk) See Ryrie note Gen. 16:7.

    GENESIS 22

    Vs. 1-2. Sometime later God ______ Abraham. He said to him, Abraham! Here I am, he replied. ² Then God said, Take your ____, your _____ son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the _______ of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a ______ offering on one of the __________ I will tell you about.

    Vs. 15-16. The angel of the LORD ______ to Abraham from heaven a ______ time ¹⁶ and said, "I swear by ______, declares the LORD, that _______ you have done this and have not ________ your son, your only son,

    GENESIS 23

    Vs. 1. Sarah lived to be a _______ and twenty-seven years old. ² She died at Kiriath Arba (that is, _______) in the land of Canaan, and Abraham went to ______ for Sarah and to weep over her.

    Vs. 7-9. Then Abraham rose and ______ down before the people of the land, the ________. He said to them, "If you are _______ to let me bury my dead, then ______ to me and intercede with Ephron son of______ on my behalf so he will ____ me the cave of Machpelah, which belongs to him and is at the _____ of his field. Ask him to ____ it to me for the full price as a _______ site among you."

    GENESIS 24

    Vs. 12-14. Then he _______, "O LORD, God of my master Abraham, give me________ today, and show ________ to my master Abraham. ¹³ See, I am standing beside this ______, and the daughters of the townspeople are _______ out to draw water. ¹⁴ May it be that when I say to a _____, ‘Please let down your jar that I may have a ______,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I’ll water your ______ too’--let her be the one you have ______ for your servant Isaac. By this I will know that you have ______ kindness to my master."

    NOTE: 24:14 camels a drink. Hospitality required giving water to a thirsty stranger, but not to animals. A woman who would do that was unusually kind and served beyond the call of duty. Rebekah’s servant-attitude was revealed (v. 15-20) as was her beauty and purity (v. 26). 24:20 all his camels. A single camel can hold up to twenty-five gallons, and he had ten of them. Serving them was a great task as she filled them all (v. 22) (MacArthur, 2005)

    Vs. 64-65. Rebekah also _______ up and saw Isaac. She got down from her ______, ⁶⁵ and asked the servant, Who is that man in the_______ coming to meet us? He is my ________, the servant answered. So she took her _____ and covered herself.

    NOTE: 24:65 she took a veil and covered herself. Convention demanded the designated bride veil her face in the presence of her betrothed until the wedding day. Vs. 24:67 his mother Sarah’s tent. Isaac, thus, established his acceptance of Rebekah as his wife before he had seen her beauty. When he did see her, he loved her." (MacArthur, 2005)

    GENESIS 25

    Vs. 1. Abraham took _______ wife, whose _____ was Keturah.

    Vs. 5-6. Abraham left everything he _______ to Isaac. But while he was _____ living, he gave gifts to the _____ of his concubines and sent them _____ from his son Isaac to the _____of the east.

    Vs. 28-31. Isaac, who had a _____ for wild game, loved Esau, but Rebekah ______Jacob. ²⁹ Once when Jacob was ________ some stew, Esau came in from the open _______ famished. ³⁰ He said to Jacob, Quick, let me ____ some of that red stew! I’m ________! (That is why he was also called _____.) ³¹ Jacob replied, First ____ me your birthright.

    NOTE: 25:29-34 | The birthright included several privileges (1) recognition as the oldest son, (2) a double portion of the inheritance upon the father’s death, and (3) regard as the leader of the family. The birthright could be given away or sold, but the older son would then lose the latter two aspects of the birthright. Esau’s choice showed how little he valued these spiritual blessings. (Matt. 16:26; Heb. 12:16) (Jeremiah, 2013).

    GENESIS 26

    Vs. 1-3. Now there was a ______ in the land--besides the earlier famine of Abraham’s time--and Isaac _____ to Abimelech king of the ___________ in Gerar. ² The LORD ________ to Isaac and said, "Do not go _____ to Egypt; live in the _____ where I tell you to live. ³ Stay in this _____ for a while, and I will be with you and will _____ you. For to you and your ___________. I will give all these lands and will ________the oath I swore to your _______ Abraham.

    Vs. 28-29. They ________, "We saw clearly that the LORD was ____ you; so we said, ‘There ought to be a sworn _________ between us’--between us and you. Let us _____ a treaty with you ²⁹ that you will do us no ____, just as we did not ______ you but always _______ you well and sent you _____ in peace.

    GENESIS 27

    Vs. 1-4. When Isaac was ____ and his eyes were so weak that he could no_______ see, he called for Esau his ______son and said to him, My son. Here I am, he ________. ² Isaac said, "I am now an old ____ and don’t know the day of my _____. ³ Now then, get your _______ --your quiver and bow--and go out to the open country to _____ some wild game for me. Prepare me the kind of _____ food I like and bring it to me to ____, so that I may give you my ________ before I die."

    Vs. 43-45. Now then, my ____, do what I say: Flee at once to my _______ Laban in Haran. ⁴⁴ Stay with him for a _____ until your brother’s fury subsides. ⁴⁵ When your _______ is no longer angry with you and _______ what you did to him, I’ll send ____ for you to come back from there. Why ______ I lose both of you in one day?"

    GENESIS 28

    Vs. 8-9. Esau then realized how ___________ the Canaanite women were to his ______ Isaac; so he went to ________ and married Mahalath, the ______ of Nebaioth and daughter of Ishmael son of ________, in addition to the wives he already had.

    NOTE: 28:6-9 | Esau attempted to return to his parents’ good graces by marrying a daughter of Ishmael, Abraham’s son. However, he did not separate himself from his pagan wives. (Jeremiah, 2013).

    Vs. 20-22. Then Jacob made a ____, saying, "If God will be with me and will ______ over me on this journey I am ______ and will give me food to eat and________ to wear ²¹ so that I return safely to my father’s ______, then the LORD will be my God ²² and this ______ that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s ______, and of all that you give me I will _____ you a tenth."

    GENESIS 29

    Vs. 10-12. When Jacob saw Rachel _________of Laban, his mother’s _______, and Laban’s sheep, he went over and ______ the stone away from the mouth of the ____ and watered his uncle’s sheep. ¹¹ Then Jacob ______ Rachel and began to weep aloud. ¹² He had told ______ that he was a relative of her ______ and a son of Rebekah. So she ran and _____ her father.

    Vs. 14-15. Then Laban said to him, You are my own _____ and blood. After Jacob had ______ with him for a whole month, ¹⁵ Laban said to him, Just _______ you are a relative of mine, should you work for me for _______? Tell me what your ______ should be.

    GENESIS 30

    Vs. 1-3. When Rachel saw that she was not _______ Jacob any children, she became _______ of her sister. So she said to ______, Give me children, or I’ll die! ² Jacob became ______ with her and said, Am I in the _____ of God, who has kept you from _______ children? ³ Then she said, Here is Bilhah, my ___________. Sleep with her so that she can ____ children for me and that through her I too can ______ a family.

    Vs. 16-18. So when Jacob came in from the fields that evening, Leah went out to meet him. You must _____with me, she said. I have _____ you with my son’s mandrakes. So he slept with her that night. ¹⁷ God _______ to Leah, and she became pregnant and bore Jacob a fifth son. ¹⁸ Then Leah said, God has _______ me for giving my maidservant to my husband. So she named him Issachar.

    NOTE: 30:16-18. Mandrakes. An herb of the belladonna family, considered to be an aphrodisiac. Bickering and shameless bargaining characterized this bigamous household. Issachar means reward, apparently indicating some faith on Leah’s part. (Ryrie, 1986, 1994). 30:22-24 Barrenness was thought to be a sign of God’s disfavor. Rachel’s conception was from God, not from the mandrakes. Joseph means either may the Lord add, or He has taken away." Perhaps there is deliberate ambiguity. (Ryrie, 1986, 1994)

    Vs. 41-43. Whenever the ________ females were in heat, Jacob would _____ the branches in the troughs in front of the _______ so they would mate near the branches, ⁴² but if the animals were weak, he would not_____ them there. So the ____ animals went to Laban and the ______ ones to Jacob. ⁴³ In this way the ____ grew exceedingly prosperous and _____ to own large flocks, and ____________ and menservants, and camels and ________.

    GENESIS 31

    Vs. 1-3. Jacob heard that Laban’s _____ were saying, Jacob has taken __________ our father owned and has ______ all this wealth from what ________ to our father. ² And Jacob noticed that Laban’s attitude_______ him was not what it had been. ³ Then the LORD said to ______, Go back to the _____ of your fathers and to your__________, and I will be ____ you.

    Vs. 31-32. Jacob ________ Laban, "I was afraid, because I ________ you would take your daughters______ from me by force. ³² But if you find anyone who has your _____, he shall not live. In the ________ of our relatives, see for yourself _______ there is anything of yours here with me; and if so, _____ it." Now Jacob did not _____ that Rachel had ______ the gods.

    NOTE: Why would a woman of God want household idols?* 31:19. Rachel was not an idolater. In fact, Joseph’s godly life was, in part, a product of the faith of his mother, Rachel. That she stole these household idols to take with her must be understood within the greater context of this passage (31:14-21). In Ancient Near Eastern culture, which was polytheistic; (Josh. 24:2), possession of the household idols was a sign of a right of inheritance. Rachel wanted these small objects (clay figurines about 8-10 inches high) in her possession, probably as a hedge just in case anyone questioned Jacob’s position as the family’s next-in-line after Laban. She did not need these symbols or inheritance, however, because God had appointed an heir to his covenant, which would far surpass an earthly inheritance. (Jeremiah, 2013)

    Vs. 48-50. Laban said, This heap is a _______ between you and me _____. That is why it was called Galeed. ⁴⁹ It was also called _______, because he said, "May the LORD keep ______ between you and me when we are _____ from each other. ⁵⁰ If you ________ my daughters or if you take any wives _______ my daughters, even though no one is with us, ________ that God is a witness ________ you and me."

    GENESIS 32

    Vs. 1-3. Jacob also ____ on his way, and the ______ of God met him. ² When Jacob ____ them, he said, This is the_____ of God! So he named that _____ Mahanaim. ³ Jacob sent messengers ______ of him to his brother _____ in the land of Seir, the _______ of Edom.

    Vs. 21. So Jacob’s _____ went on ahead of him, but he himself _____ the night in the _____.

    Vs. 32. Therefore to this day the __________ do not eat the tendon attached to the ______ of the hip, because the socket of Jacob’s ____ was touched near the tendon.

    GENESIS 33

    Vs. 5-9. Then Esau ______ up and saw the women and _________. Who are these with you? he asked. Jacob ________, They are the children God has __________ given your servant. Then the maidservants and their ________ approached and bowed down. Next, Leah and her ________ came and bowed down. Last of all came ______and Rachel, and they too bowed down. Esau asked, What do you _____ by all these droves I met? To find _____ in your eyes, my lord, he said. But Esau said, I _______ have plenty, my brother. Keep what you _____ for yourself.

    GENESIS 34

    Vs. 1-3. Now Dinah, the ________ Leah had borne to Jacob, went out to _____ the women of the land. ² When ________ son of Hamor the Hivite, the _____ of that area, saw her, he took her and _______ her. ³ His heart was ______ to Dinah daughter of Jacob, and he _____ the girl and spoke tenderly to her

    Vs. 22-23. But the men will _______ to live with us as one _______ only on the condition that our males be ___________ as they themselves are. ²³ Won’t their _________, their property and all their other animals ______ ours? So, let us give our _______ to them, and they will settle among us."

    GENESIS 35

    Vs. 4-5. So they gave Jacob all the _______ gods they had and the _____ in their ears, and Jacob ______ them under the oak at Shechem. Then they set out, and the ______ of God fell upon the towns all ______ them so that no _____ pursued them.

    Vs. 22. While Israel was _______ in that region, Reuben _____ in and slept with his father’s __________ Bilhah, and Israel heard of it. Jacob had ______ sons:

    GENESIS 36

    Vs. 6-7. Esau took his _____ and sons and daughters and all the ________ of his household, as well as his _________ and all his other animals and all the______ he had acquired in Canaan, and ______ to a land some distance from his _______ Jacob. Their possessions were too _____ for them to remain ________; the land where they were ________ could not support them both because of their _________.

    GENESIS 37

    Vs. 3-4. Now Israel loved________ more than any of his other sons, _______ he had been born to him in his old age; and he _____ a richly ornamented robe for him. When his brothers saw that their _______ loved him more than any of them, they _______ him and could not speak a kind _____ to him.

    Vs. 35-36. All his sons and _________ came to comfort him, but he _______ to be comforted. No, he said, in ________ will I go down to the _____ to my son. So his father ____ for him. ³⁶ Meanwhile, the Midianites _____ Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar, one of ________ officials, the captain of the guard.

    GENESIS 38

    Vs. 15-17. When Judah saw her, he _______ she was a prostitute, for she had _______ her face. ¹⁶ Not realizing that she was his ________-in-law, he went over to her by the ________ and said, Come now, let me ______ with you. And what will you ____ me to sleep with you? she asked. ¹⁷ I’ll send you a young _____ from my flock, he said. Will you give me something as a ______until you send it? she asked.

    Vs. 19-20. After she left, she took ____ her veil and put on her widow’s _______ again. ²⁰ Meanwhile Judah sent the ______ goat by his friend the Adullamite in _____ to get his pledge back from the ______, but he did not______ her.

    GENESIS 39

    Vs. 2-4. The LORD was with ______ and he prospered, and he lived in the _____ of his Egyptian master. ³ When his master saw that the _____ was with him and that the LORD gave him _______ in everything he did, Joseph found ______ in his eyes and became his _________. Potiphar put him in charge of his _________, and he entrusted to his care ___________ he owned.

    Vs. 23. The warden paid no _________ to anything under Joseph’s _____, because the LORD was with _______ and gave him success in ________ he did.

    GENESIS 40

    Vs. 1-3. Sometime later, the ________ and the baker of the_____ of Egypt offended their master, the king of ______. ² Pharaoh was _____ with his two officials, the _____ cupbearer and the chief _____, ³ and put them in _______ in the house of the _______ of the guard, in the same prison where ______ was confined.

    GENESIS 41

    Vs. 1-4. When _____ full years had passed, _______ had a dream: He was standing by the Nile, ² when out of the______ there came up ______ cows, sleek and fat, and they ______ among the reeds. ³ After them, seven other _____, ugly and gaunt, came up out of the _____ and stood beside those on the __________. And the cows that were _____ and gaunt ate up the ______ sleek, fat cows. Then ________ woke up

    Vs. 16-18. I cannot do it, Joseph _______ to Pharaoh, but God will _____ Pharaoh the answer he _______. ¹⁷ Then Pharaoh said to _______, "In my dream I was _________ on the bank of the _____, ¹⁸ when out of the ______ there came up seven _____, fat and sleek, and they ______ among the reeds.

    GENESIS 42

    Vs. 1-3. When Jacob ________ that there was grain in ______, he said to his sons, Why do you just keep ________ at each other? ² He continued, I have ______that there is grain in Egypt. Go ______ there and buy some for us, so that we may _____ and not die. ³ Then ten of Joseph’s ________ went down to buy grain ______ Egypt.

    Vs. 27-29. At the place where they _______ for the night one of them opened his ____ to get feed for his donkey, and he saw his ______ in the mouth of his sack. ²⁸ My silver has been returned, he _____ to his brothers. Here it is in my sack. Their hearts ____ and they turned to each other ______ and said, What is this that ____ has done to us? ²⁹ When they came to their father _____ in the land of Canaan, they told him all that had ______ to them. They said,

    GENESIS 43

    Vs. 4-6. If you will send our _______ along with us, we will go _____ and buy food for you. But if you will not _____ him, we will not go down, _________ the man said to us, ‘You will not see my _____ again unless your _______ is with you.’ " Israel asked, Why did you _____ this_______ on me by telling the man you had _______ brother?

    Vs. 12-14. Take double the______ of silver with you, for you must ______ the silver that was put back into the ______ of your sacks. Perhaps it was a _______. ¹³ Take your brother also and go _____ to the man at once. ¹⁴ And may God Almighty ______you mercy before the ____so that he will let your other _______ and Benjamin come back with ____. As for me, if I am _________, I am bereaved."

    GENESIS 44

    Vs. 6-9. When he _______up with them, he repeated these _____ to them. But they said to him, "Why does my _____ say such things? Far be it from your ________ to do anything like that! We even brought back to you from the land of _______ the silver we found inside the mouths of our _____. So why would we steal_____ or gold from your master’s house? If any of your servants is ______ to have it, he will die; and the _____ of us will become my lord’s ______."

    GENESIS 45

    Vs. 5-7. And now, do not be __________ and do not be angry with __________ for selling me here, because it was to _____ lives that God sent me _____ of you. For two years now______ has been famine in the land, and for the ____ five years there will not be plowing and________. But God sent me ______ of you to preserve for you a _______ on earth and to _____ your lives by a great deliverance.

    Vs. 14-16. Then he _____ his arms around his brother Benjamin and _____, and Benjamin embraced him, _______. ¹⁵ And he kissed all his ________ and wept over them. _________ his brothers talked with him. ¹⁶ When the news ________ Pharaoh’s palace that Joseph’s ________ had come, Pharaoh and all his _________were pleased.

    GENESIS 46

    Vs. 3-5. I am God, the ____of your father, he said. "Do not be ______ to go down to Egypt, for I will _____ you into a great nation there. I will go down to ______ with you, and I will surely bring you _____ again. And Joseph’s own______ will close your eyes." Then Jacob left Beersheba, and Israel’s ______ took their father Jacob and their ________ and their wives in the _____ that Pharaoh had sent to transport him.

    Vs. 14-16. Joseph collected all the ______ that was to be found in Egypt and _______ in payment for the grain they were _______, and he brought it to Pharaoh’s _______. ¹⁵ When the money of the _______ of Egypt and Canaan was gone, all ______ came to Joseph and said, Give us food. Why should we ____ before your eyes? Our _______ is used up. ¹⁶ Then bring your __________, said Joseph. I will sell you _____ in exchange for your livestock, _____ your money is gone.

    GENESIS 47

    Vs. 24. But when the crop ______ in, give a fifth of it to ________. The other four-fifths you may keep as _____ for the fields and as food for __________ and your households and your children."

    Vs. 27-29. With the two sons who had been _____ to Joseph in Egypt, the _______ of Jacob’s family, which went to ______, were seventy in all. ²⁸ Now Jacob sent _____ ahead of him to _______ to get directions to Goshen. When they arrived in the region of ______, ²⁹ Joseph had his chariot made ready and went to Goshen to meet his father ______. As soon as Joseph appeared before him, he _____his arms around his father and _____ for a long time.

    GENESIS 48

    Vs. 5-7. "Now then, your two ____ born to you in Egypt before I ______ to you here will be reckoned as ______; Ephraim and Manasseh will be mine, just as _______ and Simeon are mine. Any children born to you _____ them will be yours; in the territory they _______ will be reckoned under the names of their ________. As I was__________ from Paddan, to my sorrow Rachel died in the _____ of Canaan while we were _____ on the way, a little ________ from Ephrath. So I _______ her there beside the road to Ephrath" (that is, _________).

    Vs. 19-20. But his father _______ and said, I know, my son, I know. He ____will become a people, and he too will _______ great. Nevertheless, his _______ brother will be greater than he, and his __________ will become a group of nations. ²⁰ He blessed them that ____and said, In your name will Israel _________ this blessing: ‘May God make you like ________ and Manasseh.’ So he put Ephraim ahead of Manasseh.

    GENESIS 49

    Vs. 7. Cursed be their ______, so fierce, and their fury, so _____! I will _______them in Jacob and ________ them in Israel.

    Vs. 8. "Judah, your ________ will praise you; your hand will be on the ____ of your enemies; your father’s sons will _____ down to you.

    GENESIS 50

    Vs. 1-3. Joseph threw _______ upon his father and _____ over him and kissed him. ² Then Joseph ________ the physicians in his service to embalm his father ______. So the physicians _________ him, ³ taking a full _____ days, for that was the _____ required for embalming. And the Egyptians _______ for him seventy days.

    Vs. 19-21. But Joseph _____ to them, "Don’t be _______. Am I in the place of God? ²⁰ You intended to______ me, but God intended it for ______ to accomplish what is now ______ done, the saving of many ______. ²¹ So then, don’t be ______. I will provide for you and your ________." And he reassured them and spoke ______ to them.


    EXODUS 1

    Vs. 8-11. Then a new _____, who did not know ______ Joseph, came to power in _____. Look, he said to his _______, "the Israelites have become much too _________ for us. ¹⁰ Come, we must ____ shrewdly with them or they will ______ even more numerous and, if war ______ out, will join our enemies, fight _______ us and leave the country." ¹¹ So they put slave _______ over them to oppress them with ______ labor, and they built Pithom and _______ as store cities for ________.

    Vs. 20-22. So, God was _____ to the midwives and the people _________ and became even more ________. ²¹ And because the midwives ______ God, he gave them ________ of their own. ²² Then Pharaoh gave this _____to all his people: Every ____ that is born you must throw into the _____, but let every girl live.

    EXODUS 2

    Vs. 10. When the child grew _____, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying, I drew him out of the water.

    Vs. 13. The next day he ____ out and saw two Hebrews ________. He asked the one in the wrong, Why are you _______ your fellow Hebrew? ¹⁴ The man said, Who made you _____ and judge over us? Are you _________ of killing me as you ______ the Egyptian? Then Moses was afraid and_________, "What I did must have ______ known.

    NOTE: 2:22-25 | Heard and remembered indicates that the Lord’s time had come: He would return Moses to Egypt and send Him as the answer to the people’s prayers (3:7-10). God always has someone ready when His people cry out to Him in their need. More importantly, Yahweh revealed Himself as the one who hears, remembers, sees (looked upon), and knows (acknowledged) His children. (Jeremiah, 2013)

    Vs. 22-25. Zipporah gave_____ to a son, and Moses ______ him Gershom, saying, I have become an alien in a _______ land. ²³ During that long ______, the king of Egypt died. The Israelites _______ in their slavery and cried out, and their ____for help because of their slavery went up to _____. ²⁴ God heard their ________ and he remembered his ________ with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. ²⁵ So God_______ on the Israelites and was __________ about them.

    EXODUS 3

    Vs. 5-6. Do not come any ______, God said. Take off your _______, for the place where you are standing is _____ ground. Then he said, I am the God of your ______, the God of Abraham, the God of ______and the God of Jacob. At this, Moses hid his _____, because he was afraid to _____ at God.

    Vs. 12-14. And God _____, "I will be with you. And this will be the ____ to you that it

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