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J's Atonement
J's Atonement
J's Atonement
Ebook441 pages8 hours

J's Atonement

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About this ebook

As the new millenium approaches there is a concern of what will happen.  A young girl is awakened to the fact that she belongs to a family of vampires.  She is to be taught to survive in the modern world, ‘without leaving dead bodies around the city’, by a woman who was made a vampire years earlier.  Through trials and mistakes she slowly learns how to live in her new life.  She faces animosity and love as she had never expected before.  As she learns more about herself, plots unfold as many people are interested in her.  Her family tries to keep her birth a secret while others seek to kill her.  Based on what the author has learned from her research with a little fiction added this story’s vampires ane not the usual undead, immortal kind, but live in the real world while keeping their vampiric practices a secret.

Release dateNov 23, 2004
J's Atonement

Jessie A. Snow

Author has thought of writing for most of her life and has tried at different periods.  After spending some time researching what she has come to know as ‘real vampires’ and meeting some who practice vampirism as a religion she found a subject to write about.  Although not having any specialized degree’s in literature, she did excpetionally well with all her college english courses.  She has traveled to most of the places mentioned in the book and has a love for music.  Musical taste range from Amadeus Mozart to Rob Zombie.

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    Book preview

    J's Atonement - Jessie A. Snow

    Chapter 1

    I awoke to darkness, not knowing what happened. The last thing I remember was listening to Living Dead Girl at Josh’s house. I was in a bed in the dark. This wasn’t the darkness of night this was pure darkness. I still had my clothes on and was covered by a blanket. The bed was actually a cot with a no pillow. It had a sheet and blanket only. I groped my way around in the dark only to discover I was in a small room. All I could find was a locked door, the bed and a bucket half full of water. The water didn’t smell safe enough to drink. I left it. For the first time in my life I felt fear. Not the feeling of being afraid, but real fear. It wasn’t the darkness that bothered me but the confinement. I had always been free. I had always had my way and went and did whatever I wanted. Now I felt trapped. Why? What had happened? I couldn’t remember much, just the party at Josh’s house. I knew it wasn’t jail, I had been in one before, if only for a night. No bars and at least a cell had a light. I couldn’t tell where I was but by the smell, I figured it was a basement of a house. Whose house? Josh’s?

    I banged on the door but never heard a sound in return. In panic I tried running into it, only to hurt my shoulder. I banged and yelled until I was tired and could talk no more. OK, I was in trouble, I knew that, but panic wouldn’t do. I tried to calm down. I worked my way back to the bed and sat down to think. I knew I could find a way out if only I took the time to think about it. I sat there for hours; it seemed, I didn’t know, the darkness remained unchanging. I listened and never heard a sound. There was an occasional vibration, like when a heavy truck drives by. Thinking this house was near a street led me to believe I was still in the city. I crawled to the door, and feeling around the bottom I found about an inch of space but no light showed even through there. Wherever I was it seemed sealed from all light. I didn’t know if it was day or night, it was just dark.

    I felt around every inch of the room I could reach, searching for something, anything, but only found bare walls and a couple of electrical sockets. Solid walls built of brick or stone covered by wallpaper. I could feel its texture and the impression of the bricks behind it. I got onto the bed and reached as far as I could, still finding nothing. I moved the bed a little at a time and in this manner searched the whole room. No windows, vents; nothing you would normally think to be in a room was there. Just the bed and the bucket were there. A bed to sleep in, what was the bucket for? Was it to be used as a toilet? That would mean I would be here for some time. This puzzled me and increased my fear. Why? Why would someone lock me in like this? I had none of my belongings, no purse, no cigarettes, not a thing. I really could use a smoke. I just now noticed even my earrings were gone. What the hell was going on? There were people who didn’t like me, but only because they saw me as something they were not. I didn’t have any real enemies. There was no reason for anyone to lock me up. Yeah, I know I had hurt people from time to time, but nothing so bad as to deserve this.

    It didn’t make any sense. This must be a joke of some kind. That’s it, someone is playing a joke on me. I must have gotten drunk and out of hand. Some of my friends got annoyed and thought they’d lock me here for punishment. Here, Where was here? I still had no idea. That had to be it, I thought, I was the victim of a joke. Well, I wouldn’t let them hear me scream for help, let them wonder what was happening now. I’ll turn this joke around on them. I wish they had left me my smokes. Man, I needed one bad. They couldn’t keep me locked in here for long. It seemed like hours but it couldn’t have been more than two since I woke up. I hope they let me out soon though. Damn them, what could they have been thinking. I lay on the bed figuring that I may as well rest until they let me out. I fell asleep at some point, only to awake to the sound of the door being locked. I ran to the door and banged on it again. I know someone had to have heard me but I got no response. Now I was scared. My friends wouldn’t have done this.

    What’s happened? I still had no idea of the time, day or night, and now I couldn’t be sure how long I’ve been here. I banged on the door once more and then stood there and listened. I heard nothing now. I could hear myself breathing and my heart beating in the darkness. As I walked back to the bed I brushed against something. I stopped. I slowly reached to my side and found there was a small table in the room now. Passing my hand along its edge I felt something on it. I carefully reached and discovered a glass and a pitcher of water. Feeling around, I found a few tissues and a pack of matches. I took one of the matches and lighting it, I saw there was a single cigarette there also. Was I in a prison somewhere? Where? Why? The match burned out quickly and again I stood in the darkened room. Now worried that something was truly wrong I sat on the bed trying to figure out what to do. I don’t know how long I’ve been here or how long they intended to keep me locked up. I thought about the cigarette and it didn’t take long to move from thought to action. I picked it up and lit it with a match; I also lit a tissue I had rolled up. I walked around the room to see what I could with this faint light. Still the room was empty except for the bed, bucket, and now the table. I used the bucket for what I thought it was meant for, thinking it was good I didn’t burn all the tissues, and moved it as far from the bed and table as possible.

    The cigarette tasted really good, it was even my brand. I savored every puff and stubbed it so I could have a smoke later. I filled the glass with some water, drinking just enough to wet my mouth and take away the dryness I now felt. I would take the water only a bit at a time. I got off the bed and sat on the floor. I didn’t want to fall asleep again. The quietness and lack of light seemed to make me sleepy. I needed to be awake when whoever brought this stuff in came back. Now I had a plan of action. I just had to wait. I counted the matches in the book and had 16 left. I had to conserve them. There was nothing in the room that would burn for light, unless I wanted to fire up the bed, table and the whole room, or use the tissues, but they wouldn’t burn long and I had another use for them. That wasn’t an idea I thought about for long.

    My waiting to catch whoever held me here didn’t pay off. I sat for what had to have been hours. When I tried to get up I was a little stiff from sitting on the floor. I had some more water. That helped to clear my mind a little and I tried to think of some reason behind all this. I finished the bit of cigarette I had left. I couldn’t come up with any logical answer and had to assume I was kidnapped or something. I couldn’t be ransomed, nor was I able to buy my freedom, so why would someone want to kidnap me? Hours passed and I must have fallen asleep. I once again awoke as the door was locked. I walked quietly to the door not to allow whoever was out there to know I was awake. I listened at the door and looked along the base, but still I heard nothing and saw no light. I stood there a few minutes and then banged on it. I heard no sound to make me think anyone heard me. I waited a little longer, then went to the table. There was another cigarette. What water I had left was still there. The pitcher was not refilled. I drank a little of the water and lit the cigarette. I was really in need of something. I still felt the craving for some coke or anything; I needed to get high. No, No, that wouldn’t help me now. I had to control myself. I could do nothing but wait.

    I used the bucket again and noticed that it had no smell of urine, so it must have been emptied. I had to stay awake to find out who had me locked up, that and to learn why. Time passed, it seemed, so slowly that I couldn’t tell minutes from hours. I no longer had a sense of day or night, just moment to moment. I waited on the floor again, smoking the rest of the cigarette and counting the 14 matches I had left. I drank half of the water that was in the pitcher.

    For the third day I awoke to find another cigarette and some fresh water. Third day? Has it been that long? I couldn’t tell. I was just assuming that I awoke to a new day. I may have only been here…, no that made sense now. Cigarettes brought 3 times, once a day or could it have been one day? I didn’t know. I had lost all perception of time. Think, think… I slept, and had fresh water. Had it been one day? I normally wouldn’t sleep this much in a day, so it had to be three days. I’ve been locked up for three days. Has anyone noticed I was missing? Would anyone care? Mack would, but I only saw him on occasion, so he wouldn’t know I was gone. Maybe if he hadn’t seen me in a couple of weeks. I could be dead by then. Thoughts of all the fear I could imagine began to fill my head. I could be starved to death. I felt hungry. I thought I could take off my tee shirt, slide it under the door and set it on fire. That would get some notice. What if it didn’t? There were no vents in here; the room would surly fill with smoke. That wouldn’t work.

    The hunger began to cause me pain now. I couldn’t stand. I just sat on the floor doubled over. The small amount of water no longer helped. The hunger for some drugs, nicotine, all came upon me. I just lay there and felt the agony fill my body. I passed out from the pain and once again was awakened by the locking of the door. I was no longer able to go to it and bang. I just lay there on the bed, where someone must have placed me. I didn’t have the strength to get up. I never expected to die this way, who would? I just felt like I was dying and could do nothing about it. I could only lay there and cry. I cried out to God to help me. I cried out to Satan, anyone who might help me. I wrapped my arms around my body and curled up. I was shaking with pain. I could no longer move. I would surely die.

    I don’t know how long I was this way, but at some point I rolled over and reached to the table. I slowly pulled myself up to a sitting position. I searched for the matches, and lit one. I found a candle, a small round white one and lit it. I could see that besides the water, there was something wrapped in brown paper. I could see grease or oil stains on the paper and as I unwrapped it found it to be a raw hamburger. A raw hamburger. My hunger was so strong now, I knew I would eat it and could even smell the meat sitting there. My stomach pain was so intense, that as I swallowed a small piece I thought I was going to vomit. I managed to keep it down and eat what was there. I felt a little better and looked for the cigarette. I didn’t see one. I felt around the table and on the floor in case it had fallen, but found none.

    I crawled over to the bucket and relieved myself, and made my way back to the bed. No longer being able to distinguish the passing of time, I have no idea how long I’ve been here. I felt a burning around my neck, and feeling, found a cut along my collarbone. It was about two inches long, and I could feel it was still wet with blood. The days passed and I felt weaker each time I awoke. At some point I could no longer get out of bed. I lay there and knew I was going to die. I don’t remember what happened, but I did awaken once again.

    Chapter 2

    The young man again walks into the library. Malcolm is reading and looks up as he enters. Michael speaks to Malcolm who by looks is considerably older. Malcolm have you any news about my daughter? Michael it seems that we’ve had some luck. J’Ess has found a young girl of the age your daughter should be. That is good news. Where are they? It may not be your daughter; there have been others who were not awakened. What of this one? J’Ess believes she is the one. This girl overdosed on drugs and didn’t die. Her name is Lucy. She’s the one, she’s my daughter. I have instructed J’Ess to teach her. You know she’s a good teacher. If only the council would realize that and reinstate her. She would do well at the school. Your father insists that we continue to keep this a secret. That may be best for now, you know how the Malconas feel about J’Ess. She is reluctant to take on this task. I’ve told her if she has any problems to contact me. Is my father in his rooms? Yes, but he may not be awake. Michael walks toward a staircase and disappears into the darkness.

    I did wake up. I found a few more candles and a note. The note was written in black ink, not like from a ball-point but from a fountain pen. I read it over two or three times trying to make sense out of it. It said:


    It has been more than three weeks since your coming here. You are clean. Not the cleanliness of your body, the cleansing of you body from the drugs you had been using. This has been extremely harsh on you, I know. In time you will remember it as a new beginning, as that is what it is.


    It was signed with just a letter J, nothing more. Josh, it had to be. I was in his house after all. But why? I don’t understand. He always had parties and he even provided the drugs at times. Why would he want to get me clean? I had always thought of him as a friend. Was it because I OD’ed and he was afraid I would die? Was he just trying to save me from that? Again, I thought why. I know he had always welcomed me into his house but he never seemed to care when I left. He didn’t seem concerned with what I did away from his house or what I did there for that matter. This still didn’t make any sense to me.

    It just struck me as to the importance of this note. I had been here three weeks. I don’t remember much of anything except for some dreams I had. I was still locked up, god knows where or why. I finished the day with a new resolve to get the answers to my questions. I would stay awake until I saw the one who brought the things into the room. I gathered all the candles and put them around me. I sat in this small circle of light facing the door. I was far enough from the bed that if I nodded off, I would either hit the floor or burn myself on a candle. I sat there for hours. From time to time when I felt sleepy, I would pass my hand through one of the candle’s flames. The slight pain helped in waking me again. I did this again and again for what seemed like the whole day. No one appeared. I heard no sound. I just continued to burn myself. At least this was working to keep me awake. I would get some answers soon. I had made up my mind to this and would sit here until I did. I would not be denied. How wrong I was.

    Not only was I denied this fateful meeting, but also I woke to find the candles gone. Nothing was left but a single glass of water. The bed, bucket and table remained where I had put them but once again I was in the dark. I was angry now and proceeded to bang on the door with all the strength I could gather. This was a fruitless gesture on my part, as it did nothing but make me sore. I gave up trying and just sat there crying. This was insane. Why was I being treated this way? The day passed as all that had before, me alone, wondering what was to happen to me. Upon my next waking, as I felt it useless to try to stay awake again, I found a lit candle and another note. I took the note in my hands and quickly read what it said.


    Today is Monday. Thursday will be Thanksgiving. I will see you then. I hope you will accept my visit in friendship. No harm will come to you and I want you to be assured I am here to help you. I will answer any and all questions you may have at our dinner together. You will understand after we talk why I have kept you here and you will see it was for your own good.

    Do not dwell on these thoughts. All of your questions will be answered. Fear not. I am your friend.


    Finally, the answers were going to come. I still felt like a prisoner, but I was trying to look at this from the best side. I had not been hurt, and I really did have some questions I wanted to get answered. In the past days, I had thought about how my life had been, and I realized now that there was more to life than just parties. I had never been in a position where I had no control, and I was curious to find out why Josh had done this. Sure, I was angry about the whole thing, but now the curiosity was getting the better of me. Today was Monday, and this meeting would take place in three days. That wasn’t much time to wait, since I’ve been here so long anyway. Who knows, maybe I’ll be allowed to go free after that? The rest of the day was uneventful and passed as did the last few weeks. Weeks that I barely remember, except for the dreams and the pain. I was having my period and feeling pain now from cramps. I was feeling pain in my mouth too, like I had a toothache. It was right in the front below my nose. There wasn’t much I could do, so I lay on the bed hoping the pain would go away. I just lay there and thought. The more I thought about what Josh had done to me, the more I wanted to just get out of here. I still had no idea what this was all about, and at times I really didn’t care. I just wanted to leave. I was not in the least convinced that this was for my best, as the note said, but I was going to listen to the explanation. I lay there thinking until I fell asleep again.

    I dreamed again that night, but this time I remembered some of the words. The voice was telling me to drink; it would ease the pain. What this meant I didn’t know. I could tell it was the same voice from the previous dreams, it was a woman’s voice. I wondered if I was dreaming of something from my childhood and if it was my mom’s voice. It seemed to bring me comfort. The next two days passed just as slowly as any before and I eagerly awaited this dinner I was to have tomorrow.

    I woke up and waited. The time just dragged by. I heard a soft tap on the door. I ran to it, and not knowing what to say I just said ‘yes’. I couldn’t open it to let anyone in, that was up to him or her. Too my surprise I heard a woman’s voice, not Josh’s as I had expected. Maybe he sent her to make sure I was ready or something. The voice sounded familiar as she answered. Lucy, are you ready for a guest? I replied ‘I am’, and heard a key put into the lock. The door opened slowly, and as light came in from outside I had to close my eyes. Follow me, so we can talk. She led me into what looked like the basement of a house. It had a few chairs in one corner of a room. The rest of the place had boxes covered with dust. When we got into the light of a single light bulb I got to see her. She had long black hair; her skin was paler than anyone I had ever seen before. She was wearing a long black coat. The coat looked like it wasn’t heavy, making me think it probably wasn’t cold outside. I looked at her face and saw she was wearing sunglasses, the mirrored kind. Even though she was pale, her lips were of the darkest red. She smiled. Lucy; I am J, the one who has been leaving you the notes. As I heard this I stepped back, thinking the J was not Josh. I backed into some boxes and stopped. She spoke very softly. I know you have many questions, why don’t we sit and talk.

    I was bewildered and at a loss for words. I just walked to one of the chairs and sat on it. She pulled the other one over and sat just about two feet away. I finally spoke without thinking. Where’s Josh? She laughed. Oh, you have figured him to be a part of this? That is very good insight on your part. So, he is in on this? Yes was the only answer I got. She stood and took off her coat. She was wearing a long flowing black dress, long sleeved, and had black boots on. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. She moved slowly, as if she was tired. Why are you and Josh keeping me locked up? Oh, Joshua had a part in your coming here but I made all the decisions. And who the hell are you? I screamed. Why have you done this to me? Calm down, all your questions will be answered, but we have all night, and you will know all before I leave. Lucy, you must believe that I mean you no harm. Mean me no harm! Locking me up and starving me is your idea of no harm? She just smiled and laughed. Damn you, lady. What is going on?

    Tell me Lucy, why do you think this was done to you? I asked her name, and J is all you need to know was her reply. OK, J, I think I overdosed on drugs or something, and Josh was afraid he would get into trouble, so he locked me here. He must have thought he could help me in some way, by keeping me from the drugs. That is what I thought, but I guess I’m wrong about that. So why have you kept me locked up here? Again she smiled, and spoke softly. My child, what was done was for your own good and safety. Yes, you did have too many drugs that night, but you had just passed out, that is all. Damn, that isn’t an answer. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on? Once more she said. I tell you it was for your own sake that this was done and you must first believe that. It was Thanksgiving evening and the thought of food never crossed my mind. Where am I? You are at one of my houses. And where would this house be? Am I still in Philly? You are. I’m out of here, I said, and getting up I walked to the door. You will come back. And why would I do that? I stood by the door waiting for an answer. I knew I could be out before she could reach me, so I could afford to wait. You don’t understand what has happened to you and you will need my help. If I go out this door just to see where I really am, will you stay and answer my questions? I needed to get familiar with my location so I knew where I was when I left. I will.

    I opened the door and stepped out. There were no lights, but by the light from within the room, I could see a stairway going up on the left and another door across from me. I slowly walked up these stairs and found myself in a darkened room, with light from outside shining in through a window. I looked out. I knew this place, I thought. This was Frankford Ave., north of Rhawn St. I couldn’t be more than a mile or two from my old neighborhood. Satisfied by knowing where I was, I turned to see what was in this place. I was shocked to see her standing just a foot from me. I hadn’t heard her come up the steps. You see where you are. Now can we finish what we need to talk about?

    Amazed, that I hadn’t heard her in the room, I staggered back towards the window. Yea, I guess we should. I was a bit afraid now. I didn’t think she had any intent of hurting me, or even if she could, but I felt fear knowing she could sneak up on me like that. She could have a gun or something and I was defenseless. She walked toward the back of the house. Are you hungry? I hadn’t eaten in what had to have been weeks, but I didn’t feel hungry. It was just the pain, I thought. No. What have you been eating to satisfy your hunger? I felt a little angry at that question. You know damn well what I’ve been eating, if you’re the one who’s brought me water. I looked at her as we entered a kitchen. Again, with that smile, she nodded and said ‘Yes’. Yes, is that all you have to say? I thought you were going to answer my questions? Why am I here? What do you want from me?

    Lucy, my child, that is what I intend to do. She pointed to a seat at a table. The room we had left was just a bare as the basement. I sat down and she opened a refrigerator and took out a bottle of water. It was an empty plastic milk carton filled with water, not the bottled water you buy. She got some glasses and filled them. She handed one to me and sat down. She leaned over closer to me. She looked into my eyes, and I could see my face reflected in the glasses she was wearing. The first time I had seen myself since I was brought here. I looked awful. I hadn’t had a mirror and had not seen what toll the lack of food had upon me. I felt a flood of tears well up behind my eyes and couldn’t stop them from rushing out. I felt her hand touch mine and felt her long slender fingers trace their way up my arm. She touched my face and said. Lucy everything will be fine. You must believe this. She moved her chair next to me and put her arm around my shoulders. She held me, and I needed that. I leaned my head unto her breast as I cried.

    Then, I heard the voice from my dreams. It was her voice. She was the woman in my dreams. The voice repeated the same words. Lucy, drink this, you will feel better. I felt something wet pressed against my lips. I opened my eyes and saw she had the glass of water to my mouth. I sipped a little. I did feel my pain ease. Lucy you need to rest. She spoke to me softly and I could hear her as if it was a dream

    Chapter 3

    I woke up on the cot. I didn’t remember going to sleep. I walked into the other room and found I was alone again. There was a note on the door.


    You are not alone. I will be back.


    What was I to do? What could I do? Wait. I remember hearing her voice in the dream again. It was her voice, I was sure of that. Why would I dream of someone I didn’t know? Could she actually be the woman in my dreams? It had to be her; the voice was the same. I never actually saw a face in the dreams, but the voice it was hers. I tried to remember what happened yesterday. I didn’t get any of the answers I was seeking, other than to know where I was. I checked the door from the basement; it was locked. I was so scared now. I remember seeing my face in her glasses. I looked so pale and thin. I hadn’t noticed it before. I looked at my hands and arms and could see how thin I had become. I know I hadn’t been eating, and hadn’t thought about losing weight, but now I could tell I had. How could I not? I don’t even know how I’ve gone this long without food. I remember her asking if I was hungry. See seemed curious about how or what I was eating, and she knew very well what I had here. Why wasn’t I hungry? Once again I had no answers. I sat on a chair and waited.

    J did come. I heard the key in the lock, and without getting up I turned to watch her enter. I expected no one else and was not surprised to see she was alone. What’s happened to me? Lucy, I’ll explain everything to you. You must listen to me. She led me back up to the kitchen. She told me I had been sick, that I was still recovering, and it would be awhile until I was fully well again. I asked why I wasn’t taken to a doctor or a hospital if I had been sick. I was told that the problem I had was quite rare and very few doctors would know how to handle it. Are you a doctor? No, I am not, however I have had the same sickness and know how to deal with it. Let me start from the beginning." I nodded and sat back, waiting to hear what she had to say. She told me that the condition I had was genetic and extremely rare. She went on to say that I was lucky Joshua (She always called him that.) knew her as he had some experience with this problem and recognized something familiar in me, a trait or something. The last night I was at his house, she said, the combination of drugs and alcohol did indeed cause me some problems. These physical problems somehow triggered, what she called, an awakening of this genetic condition. She said a traumatic experience was usually the trigger for this awakening and that I was fortunate Joshua had been there. He called her as she was more familiar with the problem and she brought me here to treat me.

    Am I going to die? No, you are not going to die; in fact you will most likely outlive everyone you know. This condition, after it’s first onset, tends to make you stronger and immune to most normal diseases. Why do I look like I’m dying, then?" She told me that because of the drugs in my body, and the effects of the overdose, I was in a very weakened state. Due to the changes going on in my body, the increase in my body’s needs, has caused some protein and muscle loss. This was the cause of my present appearance. She went on to tell me that she had come almost every night since I was brought here and had taken care of me. I was in such a weakened state, that I was usually in a semi-comatose condition and wouldn’t remember much of it. I told her of the dreams I had been having and she smiled and said that was some of it. I mentioned the words I could remember and she told me she had been giving me a nutrient rich liquid that was better for me than solid food.

    She asked me if there was anything I wanted. Jokingly I asked if she had any beer. She laughed, and for the first time I felt a bit at ease with her. She got up, going to the refrigerator, said Yes, but you can’t have too much. She took out two bottles, a brand I didn’t know, and opened them. She told me to get some glasses from a cabinet. I did this and sat down again. She filled the two glasses. I looked at the bottle and read Killians Irish Red as the name of the beer. I had never had that before. I picked up the glass and the smell of the beer was overwhelming. It had been so long since I had any. I slowly sipped it and just about gagged on the taste, remembering how hard the first one was to get down. J laughed again and said take it slow; we have a long night. I felt a little more comfortable now and ask her what more she was going to tell me. She leaned back in her chair. What I have to tell you will sound strange and you’ll have trouble believing it. All I tell you is true, and you will know by the end of this night why this has all been for your best. Strange’ I said. ‘You can say that again. Kidnapped, locked away in your basement, and you say what you now have to tell me is strange. Can it get worse?

    She began to tell me the most outrageous story I’ve ever heard. I still laugh at me reaction to it. I’m a vampire. I spit the beer I had been drinking out, and gasped. Not in fear, but in a laugh that she not only heard, but also felt as it sprayed across the table. OK, lady, you are nuts and I want to get out of here. Finish your beer, and listen. What? Listen to your crazy story? Why should I? You are a vampire also. Thinking this was insane, but realizing it was funny, I had to stay to hear more. Life on the edge, isn’t that what I wanted. I laughed and told her to go on. I finished the glass I had and filled it again. I will prove what I tell you. She got up from her chair and walked to the fridge. Opening it she got out two more bottles and set them on the table. She opened them and sat back down. I speak of vampires, not in the terms of movies you may have seen or tales you may have heard. I am talking about a genetic condition, as I said was quite rare.

    Are you for real? Quite real. I just smiled and filled my glass again. Who could turn this down, a free drink and a tale of wonder? We sat there and she told me how this virus caused genetic changes in the human body and had made both of us vampires. She went on telling me of others living in the world. I laughed again and said. So, I’m going to live forever. Not quite like that. This is not like the movies. You will, however, live longer than most people will. I was feeling a little buzzed from the beers. I asked her if I could have another one. She said there wasn’t anymore. Would you like something else to drink? Sure, what do you have? She got up, walked toward the fridge and stood near me. Before I could react, she took the empty bottle and broke it on the table. She cut her arm with it and asked me if I could smell the blood. With her other hand, she grabbed my hair and pulled my head back against the chair. I grabbed her arm but couldn’t get any leverage from my position in the chair. I screamed, and told her to let me go. Smell it, you can, can’t you? Yea, I can. Let me go. Taste it. She dropped the broken bottle and forced my head down towards her arm, which was bleeding. I could smell it. It seemed so strong. I could see the blood coming out of her arm. The cut was deep. Child, you are wasteful. She pushed my face against her arm. The blood flowed into my eyes and mouth. I tried to move away but she continued to push my head down. I licked the blood off my mouth and instantly recognized the taste. It was the liquid I had been drinking in what I thought were dreams.

    Have you tasted it? I couldn’t help but cry, and screamed Yea, Yea. By this time I was covered with blood. I could see a small puddle below the chair. She tilted me back in the chair and pushed me to the floor. She stood above me with blood dripping from her hand. Pushing my arms against my body with her feet, she sat on me and held them in place with her knees. I could see this smile come across her face and for the first time noticed her teeth. She didn’t have fangs. She said she was a vampire, but she didn’t have fangs. I heard the voice. Drink this, it will make you feel better. She put her arm against my mouth and I couldn’t help but taste the blood. I could taste it and knew this is what she had been feeding me.

    My god, I thought, I’ve been drinking blood. It began to fill my mouth and as I swallowed I felt this weird sensation. I could feel her pulse in my mouth and was thrilled by this. I bit into her arm and began to suck in as much as I could take. I felt her try to pull away. I had no idea what I was doing. I just did what seemed to come naturally. Slowly she tried to pull her arm away again, but I wouldn’t let go. I needed more. She pulled back and fell onto the floor. I felt the blood on my face. I could smell it all around me. She said I was a vampire and I enjoyed drinking her blood. She sat up and looked at me. Am I crazy? Yes you are, and I must be too. I started to laugh.

    She stood up and said she had to bandage her arm. I set the chair up and saw the cut went across her arm just above the wrist. She took some bandages out of a cabinet and began to wrap it around her arm. I sat there as she wrapped it. I could still smell and taste the blood. I was amazed at this and now was once again at a loss. I had really felt something while drinking her blood. Was she telling the truth? Was I a vampire? Was she a vampire? They didn’t exist I said to myself. So what was going on? As scared as I was at first, I was now exhilarated by this thought. Vampire, me? I knew I was different, but this. I realized now, I couldn’t leave. I had to know more. I was thrilled by the thought. I imagined all the things I knew about vampires. They had powers, they had the power of life and death, and they couldn’t die. Me a vampire, I laughed out loud. I was surprised to hear myself laugh like that. It was like the laugh of a madman.

    She had finished wrapping her arm and sat once again on the other side of the table. I told you I would prove it to you. I thought vampires had fangs? You don’t have any fangs. She laughed. I told you this wasn’t like the movies. I laughed along with her. Lucy, I know you have many thoughts running through your mind. I will explain everything and teach you what you need to know, but for your safety you cannot leave here. She added. I can, and will stop you if you try. This was said with such power in her voice that I could only believe that she meant it.

    Once again, it seemed I was a captive. I guess that wasn’t true though. I knew there was something different about me now, and the thrill I had gotten from the blood made me truly wonder if she was telling the truth. She did look like a vampire, with pale skin and dark eyes but I’ve never seen her drink any blood. I remembered the cut on my collar. Did she do that to drink my blood? I had to stay to at least find out the truth. I was no longer scared, just shocked at what had just happened. She asked me how my typing was. I couldn’t believe this. Here I was with someone who had just cut her arm with a broken bottle so I could drink her blood, and she was concerned with my typing. What does that have to do with anything? Just a question. Just a question, my god lady, after what you just did, you ask me about typing? You can call me J. I heard a phone ring. Just a minute, I’ll be right back.

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