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Live Your Light: Ignite Your Spark, Illuminate the World
Live Your Light: Ignite Your Spark, Illuminate the World
Live Your Light: Ignite Your Spark, Illuminate the World
Ebook187 pages2 hours

Live Your Light: Ignite Your Spark, Illuminate the World

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About this ebook

‘Live your Light’ is for the Souls who have incarnated on this Earth with a deep rooted call to Love. For those who are ready to acknowledge their Divine heritage and reclaim their innate powers for the good of all within this beautiful and vast Universe. Live your Light is a contract with ones Higher Self, to answer the call of the Soul for the purpose of lifting the veil of fear and birthing the age of Love.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 8, 2020
Live Your Light: Ignite Your Spark, Illuminate the World

Heather R. Maciel

Heather Maciel lived in the company of fear for the beginning years of her life. This looming sense of not feeling at home and that something just wasn’t right was the catalyst for something incredible. At a young age she had a familiar friend that constantly whispered to her that ‘everything was okay and this was not it’ for her. Heather developed a relationship with her inner being and this connection of heart and soul was her compass from there on out. Heather is devoted to sharing her story and reminding every being that they are Love. She teaches mindfulness workshops with a focus on reconnection with Self, facilitates meditation groups for adults and children and works in Holistic Healing. Heather believes her mission is to be a messenger of the one truth, Love.

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    Live Your Light - Heather R. Maciel

    Copyright © 2020 Heather R. Maciel.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4045-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4047-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4046-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019921102

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/03/2020


    A Note from the Author

    Dedication Page


    Chapter 1 The Catalyst: A Deep Knowing

    Chapter 2 Walk on Water

    Chapter 3 A New Vision

    Chapter 4 Separation, the greatest illusion

    Chapter 5 The Gift of Gratitude

    Chapter 6 What is One cannot be Divided

    Chapter 7 Divine Navigation System

    Chapter 8 Silence, She Speaks

    Chapter 9 Dancing in the Dark

    Chapter 10 Rise and Shine

    Chapter 11 Child Spirit

    Chapter 12 Belief, the fuel to the Soul fire

    Chapter 13 Listening to your Soul Song

    Chapter 14 Seeing the Light

    Chapter 15 Ignite

    Chapter 16 Remembering our Divine Heritage

    Chapter 17 Co-creating with the Divine

    Chapter 18 Raising the vibration to Love

    Chapter 19 Live your Light

    A Note from the Author

    W hen I began writing this book, I didn’t’t really know I was writing it. There was a part of me that felt inadequate and feared how those who read these words would receive them. I wasn’t even sure of what I was trying to say at first. I would question myself constantly. ‘How do I support people on their spiritual journey? Where do I even begin to tell them to begin? Is it even my place to do so?’ When I got out of my own way and wrote with the Soul intention of Love, I realized that the book was just a conduit for the Divine to work through me. It wasn’t about fulfilling an external dream to receive external recognition, it was fully the call of my Source and my internal Higher Self to share the ultimate truth; Love. This book is a compilation of many of the lessons that propelled my spiritual awakening and led me to the path Home to Love. Back to my truth. I could not have known that my entire life thus far was preparing me for this moment right now. We cannot know before we are meant to know for that would interrupt the trajectory of our Soul journey. Each step whether in the darkness or Light has been accompanied by an internal guide. The Soul, the tether to our Source. We know. Deep within the depths of our gut, the words of our heart, the infiniteness of our Soul, we know that we are miracles living a miraculous life. We have been led to believe the contrary or we may have felt our life circumstances are the proof of the contrary. When we are able to see through the layers of masks that we have been parading as most of our lives, we will remember. This life is not to be lived in vein, we are worthy of an extraordinary life because we are truly extraordinary beings. You are here to live your Light.

    With Love and Gratitude Always,

    Heather Maciel

    Dedication Page

    T his book is dedicated to You.

    Our Souls, interwoven in this beautiful tapestry we know and experience as life. May you remember and may you awaken to the truth of your magnificence, your power, your Light.


    I imagine a world infused with childlike wonder. Where rainbows are the national flags of everywhere and nowhere because `no place` can be separate from another by name. I imagine community includes every living thing and everyone must try at least once to dance in the rain. I can see it now no such thing as the morning, lunch or evening rush, where any day is the perfect day for a picnic lunch. I imagine desire and passion filling our cups of vigor and vitality. I imagine the world slowing down in awe when the leaves began to bud and when a child takes their first steps. I imagine a world where we finally remove the veils and live bare naked, cloaked in our truth; Love.

    Thank you for choosing to be on this journey with me. This book is a collection of some of my most prominent lessons that each encapsulate a major shift that occurred within me on a deep Soul level. These spiritual lessons, as I now regard them, have supported me throughout my journey, closing the gap of separation and reminding me that all is One. Experiencing the truth that we are indeed Souls on Earth having a human experience has changed the trajectory of my life. This remembering, has altered the way that I live and for that reason I am sharing my story and these remembering’s with you.

    I am certain that the words here will be heard by the Souls who have felt that something isn’t quite right, and hasn’t been for a while. By those souls who yearn for peace, harmony and Love to take precedence over war, hatred and fear. It has been considered farfetched to live in such a `fantasy` world, diluted by fairy tale romance, however we have forgotten that it was by our distorted thinking that we created a world to the contrary.

    In my moments of uncertainty, darkness and perceived loneliness I’ve asked for Divine intervention. I called out to the cosmos, to Divine Source and prayed, cried tears and offered my intense questions. I wanted to understand the meaning of my life and I was looking outwards to find the fulfillment and happiness that always seemed to elude me.

    When I first wrote down the phrase ‘Live your Light’ it was on a flyer I was creating for my new Reiki business. I was writing out some of the benefits of Reiki, my business name and then without effort ‘Live your Light’ flowed out of me intuitively. Nothing profound or beautiful or miraculous is really ever born out of thought. The thinking mind is programmed and therefore untrustworthy of divinity and true God nature. It is not in thought that flowers bloom or trees transform or butterflies ascend. It is without thought but through alignment and surrender to source. The flow and movement of all of life.

    There is an unwavering synchronicity that binds the Divine nature to all beings, all breath, all of life in the entire galaxy. Each word I write I surrender thought and follow the flow, not thinking of what to say next, just being in the space of the emptiness between each word before and each one after. It is so freeing to show up and let life move you. Uncertain and free.

    Thought and mind have tried to capitalize on our free spiritedness and Divine nature through too much emphasis on fear. It almost had me fooled too. I remember when I started to believe the world when they said to me that I would never amount to anything. The stories formed out of fear and formulas for a child who grew up with a young mother and no father. Formulas that someone had decided could apply to the vastness of my entire being. They had no clue. There was doubt and smallness in their minds and they allowed it to be the life they created and so they wanted me to create in the same fearful way. I didn’t just decide that the formula wouldn’t work for me, it was rejected by my entire being. My body, my Soul threw it up like bad milk and although it took some time to get the taste out, I would do it. Nothing beautiful, or magical or miraculous is born out of thought. It is guided, the faintest whisper of Divine messaging that is felt with the Soul. Carried across bodies of waters, through trees and snow storms all to get to you. A thought is just the physical by-product of the energies fear or Love. When we align with fearful thoughts we co-create against our Divine Source, however when we align with our truth, with Love we are speaking the language of our Divine Source and creating an authentic life. I was not exempt from this sacred communion. Not because of a formula enforced upon me by someone’s fear. Not at all. Knowing beyond thought that this was my truth was never logical, it just was. I didn’t need validation or a degree to know from the deep depths of heart and soul, not the shallows of thought, that life was bigger than the names we had given it and the formulas we had used to contain it thus far.

    As I wrote this day the birds didn’t stop singing. There were moments I couldn’t hear them because their sound just became one with everything around me. Only when I would look up from writing or stop for a moment to catch a breath, would I realize they never stopped singing. These sweet birds lived their light even if nobody was listening. They inspired me. Our light is the essence of who we are. It is how we show up to greet the day and every moment onward. Many of us believe we have to fit a role or become something else in order to ‘shine our light’ and we neglect the power, vastness and beauty of our very being. Like the Robins who sang, not for an audience or an award or even one person’s applause. They simply sang because it was to truly the expression of who they were at their core. The same was true of everything from the wind chime and the butterfly, all of life is moved and inspired by Divine Source in their own unique ways. Our collective purpose in this life is to be expressions of Love. The medium in which we choose to do this is completely secondary, we must only show up every moment in Love. That is our Light, that is our truth. That’s it.

    As we surrender our ideas and thoughts of who we think we are, we are left with the silence. The nothingness out of which everything happens and is created effortlessly. That is where our Light exists, it is not the big salary or cooperate job title or how many meditation retreats we’ve been on. It’s here. In the breaks between reading the next word. The being. The ah. The breath. The silence.

    As we begin to understand our journey we will see that woven in the darkest corners of life are the switches for the brightest lights to be turned on, ready to illuminate this beautiful world. For it is true, the shadow is not a foe but a friend of the light, for the shadow can only exist where the light shines. Therefore it is our duty as co-creators with the Divine, to return to Love and acknowledge our truth as beings of Light. As more of us continue to awaken and remember our Divine Heritage the closer we will be to Living our Light and birthing the age of Love. As you follow the guidance, open yourself up the signs, notice the breadcrumbs left by the Divine, you will no longer be searching for the truth, and you will have remembered the Divine truth is written in the fabric of your Soul. This book may be one of those breadcrumbs, a mirror of your Soul. What you read here will be a reflection of your heart and soul desires, I so wish, and you will be empowered to look within yourself for the truth has always been there. When we stop listening to the desires of our heart and Soul we stop communicating with the Divine life becomes stagnate. So many of us have had the call drop, or the relationship completely severed, but not to worry, that signal is awaiting for you to tune in and listen any time you are ready.

    There has been so much support and guidance from the Universe that I have received during my time on this beautiful planet. Many of us are experiencing what I call here ‘a deep knowing.’ This stirring within that is calling you to Live your Light. This refers to my limited understanding, yet profoundly experiential process of aligning with one’s Divine truth. To ‘Live your Light’ is to simply be, the authentic expression of Divine Source that you are. As you read the words Divine, Source, Universe, God I hope you can suspend any limitations that words can sometimes present and feel them instead with your heart. Our connection to God, Divine or Source is innate and that cannot be contained by any word, only truly known with the heart and Soul.

    As we begin to trust the Divine umbilical cord that nurtures us and binds us to our Source, we can let go of ways of being that do not support and cannot sustain our collective growth. This encompasses all beings that adorn Mother Earth, from the people to the grains of sand. As we surrender our egoic ways of greed, separation, hatred, hierarchy and fear we can return to our natural state of wholeness, oneness, peace and Love. To Live our Light is not about becoming something more it is about unbecoming everything that contradicts the truth that you are Love. The very antithesis of spiritual awakening is a striving to become more. Our Spiritual Awakening is the realization of all that we already are. Spiritual Awakening is not reserved for some, it is the ultimate truth and calls us to detach from all the layers and ways of being and the names and

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