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Changing Our Genetic Heritage: Creating a New Reality for Ourselves and Future Generations
Changing Our Genetic Heritage: Creating a New Reality for Ourselves and Future Generations
Changing Our Genetic Heritage: Creating a New Reality for Ourselves and Future Generations
Ebook170 pages2 hours

Changing Our Genetic Heritage: Creating a New Reality for Ourselves and Future Generations

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About this ebook

Changing Our Genetic Heritage: Creating a New Reality for Ourselves and Future Generations is a practical guide on healing the inherited genetic patterns in our lives on every level with practices to repair ill health, poverty, poor relationships, bad career choices, and lack of joy in life. Most of us are limited by beliefs and wounds from our ancestors cultures, our families histories, and the worlds stories that we unconsciously adopt in our lives. These beliefs keep us from our full potential of happiness. With multiple references to current scientific studies and her own case studies with clients, Ariann demonstrates that it is possible to change deeply held patterns of beliefs. Thus, we can move into a full and rich life filled with everything we desire. By releasing the negative beliefs of our unworthiness held for generations, and incorporating activities scientifically shown to repair and improve our genetic health, the reader is lead to the inevitable conclusion that each of us can change life for the better. The most impressive concept is that the changes we make can influence future generations. When we affect our genes, we also affect the genes of future generations.

Brilliantly Deciphered for the Lay Person
Changing Your Genetic Heritage: Creating a New Reality for Ourselves and Future Generations, by Ariann Thomas, is a practical guide that deciphers the Science of Changing Your DNA and Hereditary patterns, without all of the scientific jargon but with plenty of references to back up her findings. She also provides guidance and insight that will help you to understand how your heredity is impacting your life, along with simple steps to get started on your healing journey. If you have ever wondered if you are destined to live a life based on your DNA or Heredity, you will learn about the science that has proven it is not only possible to change your DNA and Heredity but by doing so you will impact the lives of future generations as well.

Krystalya Marie, International speaker and trainer, and best-selling co-author with Wayne Dyer, Mark Victor Hansen and Deepak Chopra.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 16, 2018
Changing Our Genetic Heritage: Creating a New Reality for Ourselves and Future Generations

Ariann Thomas

Coming from a family with 7 girls, and 1 boy, Ariann Thomas has always been interested in family dynamics. At first it was in the public arena as an attorney dealing with domestic cases; later it became more spiritually and personally directed in meditation and ceremony. During her recovery from a personal health crisis, she discovered the importance of healing individual issues of broader application. She became more focused in this direction and in the awakening the Sacred Feminine nature of healing; nurturing, holding and unfolding life as it comes. She began applying this knowledge effectively to others. Her part-Native American background gives her a deep connection with the Earth and allows her to tap into the wisdom of the planet. The healing technique Ariann writes about her is based upon the wisdom and skills she has gained over the years of supporting others seeking their own healing of generational family wounds, including her own. She uses tools such meditation, dream interpretation, journeying, in-depth personal work and Ancestral Lineage Clearing to help others in their healing journey. Ariann primarily carries the profound subtle energy of an elder, advisor and wisdom carrier. She is part Cherokee by heritage and is a ceremonialist, an intuitive reader and healer, and practices Ancestral Lineage Clearing, crystal and energy healing. She is an ordained non-denominational minister. Ariann lives in the greater Sedona, AZ area with her two cats, Puck and Ariel. She loves to read, travel, swim, visit with family and explore the nature of the Divine Feminine. Her interests extend to quantum mechanics theory, genetics, anthropology, archeology, cosmos, as well as myths, psychology, history and sociology. The subject of Ariann’s next book will be Universal Truths.

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    Changing Our Genetic Heritage - Ariann Thomas

    Copyright © 2018 Ariann Thomas.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    None of the healing modalities and the Ancestral Lineage Clearing process discussed herein have been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Continue seeing all medical and mental health care, or other health care practitioners and taking prescribed medications while reading this book, having sessions or practicing any of the techniques described in this book.

    Balboa Press

    A Division of Hay House

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0992-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0994-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0993-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018909604

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/15/2018



    Introduction — Basis for Changing our Genetic Heritage

    Chapter 1: Creating Our Reality

    The Gifts and Burdens of the Past

    Inheritance of Foundations

    The Foundation

    Forming Our Life — Our Genetic Heritage

    Other Factors Influencing DNA Expression

    Environmental Factors

    Chapter 2: The Science Behind the Reality

    Quantum Mechanics — The Effect of the Invisible on Our Lifetimes — The Present Can Influence the Past and the Future

    Probability Theory and Multiple Dimensions

    Quantum Mechanics at Work

    Chapter 3: Epigenetics

    Simple Technical Explanation of Epigenetic Expression:

    How Epigenetics Applies to Changing Our Genetic Heritage

    Chapter 4: Our Belief Systems and How They Affect Our DNA Triggers

    Finances and Abundance


    Health Issues


    Personal Well-Being and Spiritual Beliefs

    Chapter 5: External Actions to Clear Genetic Triggers

    A. Clean Air and Water

    Breathe Clean Air as Much as Possible

    Water — Pure Drinking Water

    B. Exercise — Our Bodies Were Made to Move

    C. Healthy Foods

    D. Meditation, Music and Beauty

    E. Sleep is an Essential Component of a Healthy Life

    F. Happiness and Our Connection to Others.

    Chapter 6: Asking our Ancestors to Help

    Part II Changing Our Genetic Heritage — Case Studies

    Financial Sessions

    Health Case Studies

    Relationship Cases

    Career Sessions

    Personal Well-Being/Spiritual Relationship




    I first began this journey of healing family genetic heritage almost 20 years ago as a result of the history of ill health, poverty, abuse, addiction, mental illness and unhappiness in my own family. It has been my honor and blessing to have made this journey of discovery to find we have the ability to change our lives, our families and those around us through our own personal, spiritual and conscious development. Having begun this voyage through the Shamanic path, I have been delighted to learn that my chosen spiritual teachings are now supported by science and medicine.

    I am grateful for the support of my spiritual community, particularly my dear friend, heart sister, and co-founder of the New Dream Foundation now speaking through Sacred Feminine Awakening. Thank you to Misa Hopkins and her husband Jeff Burger, for their love, support, insight and mentoring through the years. I also appreciate the other members of our community, the Elders, the Water Keepers, the women and men who are dedicated to awakening the Sacred Feminine in the world today.

    I thank my family who have given me much love, support and a rich background for my life and work, even when they haven’t understood me, or I, them. We all lived through our childhoods and survived, particularly, my sisters, Julie and Dolores, who listened to my frustration while writing.

    Additionally, we can never succeed at any endeavor without the support of loving friends who patiently listen during the often-painful process of thrashing through the details. These include my long-time friends, Mira Steinbrecher, Dion GeBorde and Ixchel Tucker, my dedicated webmaster; and my Gather the Women Circle buddies, Judith Prosser, Angie Lux, Elena Lovkig, Nancy Busey, Joleine Lenz, Kimberly Clouse and Kris Stevens.

    I am tremendously grateful to my students and clients for their courage, dedication and commitment to their healing and the healing of their families. I have seen awesome changes in their lives through this work. Without them, this work would not have evolved and grown.

    I am fortunate to have friends like Helen Sherry Ph.D., who wrote the beautiful Forward, and Krystalya Marie´ for her advance review. My heartfelt thanks.


    In this latest book from Ariann Thomas she tells us, I now know with absolute certainty that each one of us has the ability to change and heal our lives in every area we desire. Health, relationships, careers, abundance – can they all improve? As a licensed psychotherapist for over 37 years with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, of course I believe in change. I have seen clients transform their lives to break free from trauma. We understand the effects of family dysfunction., and the Nature versus Nurture controversy has raged for years. But my graduate training and nearly 40 years of Continuing Educational Units never discussed how patterns inherited through ancestral DNA could sabotage a client’s efforts at change.

    I have known the power of Ariann’s work as a teacher and healer for over ten years. We are both Elders and Keepers of the Ceremonies in the Path of the Sacred Feminine. Ariann taught my transformative Elderhood preparation class for a year and offered us future Elders an Ancestral Lineage Clearing before we embarked on our three-day Elderhood Vision Quest. For over ten years we Elders have sat together every Friday in a Prayer Circle, taking turns leading the ceremony and providing meditations. Ariann’s meditations are always deeply grounding and healing.

    A year ago, as a psychotherapist I learned the Emotional Clearing Technique, and discovered the importance of clearing maternal and paternal DNA. As I began explaining and using this technique with clients, suddenly there were new insights as they began pondering the patterns inherited from their parents and grandparents. In my own life, I began to look much further back, wondering if my Irish ancestors’ experience of the Potato Famine could have unconsciously affected my beliefs about abundance. I began reading about the cutting-edge science of Epigenetics, which Ariann explains so clearly in this book. I realized that it was not only possible, but very likely probable that my ancestors were influencing me. Rather a discouraging thought, but Ariann tells us, Our DNA is not our destiny. We create our reality daily by the choices we make.

    What I was stunned to realize in reading her book was that not only can we make different choices in our lives with what we’ve learned and the tools that Ariann provides, but that it is possible to go back to the ancestor whose life pattern most affects us now. He or she actually can rewrite history by making different life choices. Through Shamanic Journeying, Ariann goes back in time with a client to find that ancestor and engage his or her help. Over and over in the powerful case histories in this book, Ariann documents what would seem impossible- when the ancestor makes different life choices way back when, a new energetic pattern is set. Healing then comes down the line to his or her descendent. Ariann says that she has never had an ancestor refuse to help.

    I think the reader will be as moved as I was by this ancestral link that moves both forward and backward in time. Ariann gives us the hope that we not only can change our lives but pass this on to our own children. What a gift!

    Helen M. Sherry, Ph.D.

    Spiritual Intuitive, Coach and Transformational Guide;

    Author of Always and Forever: Angel’s Ladybugs (2009);

    Contributing author in Pebbles in the Pond Wave IV (2015) and Shifting Sands (CreateSpace 2017).


    When I began writing my first book, Healing Family Patterns, in 2011 and finished it in 2012, I knew how the Ancestral Lineage Clearing method worked. During one of those dark nights of the soul all adults experience at one (or more) points in our lives, I received a meditation and a journey from Spirit that took me back in time to one of my female ancestors who cursed the men in our family. They participated in the persecution and hanging of the women of the village as witches where they lived. The irony of the curse played out over many generations, when no female child was born. The curse twisted and turned back on the female members of the family and manifested in sexual abuse of the women and children. Powerlessness leads to abuse of power in many different forms and needs healings wherever it arises.

    As I continued to practice Ancestral Lineage Clearing, the term for this healing modality, I discovered more and more that it is consistent with the new discoveries in science and is now being explained to non-scientists. I cannot in all fairness call this a new scientific discovery, since the basis for most of it lies with Albert Einstein and his theories of relativity and its later developments. But I must confess the most recent developments are being translated without the math that is so foreign to most of us non-physicists, to make it understandable. I broached these subjects lightly in my first book. As these new awarenesses have come about, I have sought to explain and apply them in non-technical terms to the healing patterns we all use in our lives, not just ancestral lineage clearing.

    I now know with absolute certainty each one of us has the ability to change and heal our lives in every area we desire. We can have vital health, optimal energy, wonderful relationships, fulfilling careers, abundance and prosperity in our lives and strong relationships with our families. These changes will benefit your children, grandchildren and all those who come after too. It will take dedication and commitment to your own well-being but these are all within your grasp. I know, because I have made these changes and my life reflects them.

    These scientific theories and the spiritual beliefs accompanying them have been critical to my success. I hope they will help you bring a better understanding of healing the family heritage that limits your life and the lives of other family members. Set out in this book are practical actions everyone can take in their daily life to heal any damaged genes and reinforce healthy genes to improve our lives and the lives of future generations.

    Science now has evidence showing that if we do not heal the wounds we suffer in this life, our wounds will directly affect the health and welfare of our descendants for generations. For years I heard the saying: Heal yourself and you heal the world. Scientific and spiritual principles prove these statements are true. We must heal the world

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