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Soul Wisdom: Remember Who You Are
Soul Wisdom: Remember Who You Are
Soul Wisdom: Remember Who You Are
Ebook327 pages8 hours

Soul Wisdom: Remember Who You Are

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In 2012, Gabriela Garbacz’s life changed forever. While participating in a meditation webcast, she felt a strong presence in the room. Garbacz began asking questions of the presence who identified herself as Akazamira, a star being. Garbacz learned that she had been chosen to communicate a message of love and guide others to live consciously. And so began her regular conversations with Star Beings, Ascended Masters, and Archangels recorded over a period of time.

In the first collection of these enlightening conversations, Garbacz reveals the fascinating details of her talks with beings such as, Kwan Yin, Jesus, Merlin, Isis, and Lakshmi, who ultimately transmit light and information intended to be shared with all on Earth. Speaking from a broader perspective, they encourage us to apply soul wisdom to our everyday lives. Through tangible energy encoded in the text, Garbacz offers simple messages intended to help us gain a better understanding of who we are and acquire powerful insights into how to transform through love and forgiveness.
Release dateMar 29, 2018
Soul Wisdom: Remember Who You Are

Gabriela J. Garbacz

Gabriela J. Garbacz is a healer who, for over thirty years, has been guided by spirit to explore the mind/body/spirit connection. After an intense awakening experience, she received the sacred gift of healing through sound and is able to speak, sign and translate light languages. She uses these higher dimensional frequencies to bring about healing, alignment, realization and transformation.

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    Soul Wisdom - Gabriela J. Garbacz


    In June 2012, I was sitting in front of the computer while participating in a meditation webcast. After it ended, I got the strange feeling that my head was being pulled toward the computer and my nose wanted to type letters on the keyboard! Realising that this would be difficult and time-consuming, I thought of an alternative: I relaxed, closed my eyes, placed my hands on the keyboard and the fingers started to move by themselves. I felt a strong presence in the room and started asking questions and receiving answers. The presence identified itself as Akazamira, a member of my family from another star system. Her intention in contacting me was that I would remember who I am, where I am from, and what my role on Earth is.

    I made an agreement to sit in the energy for forty-five minutes each session. I sit with my eyes closed and hands on the keyboard, not knowing who will come through. The star beings, archangels and ascended masters speak from a broader perspective and give powerful insights into how we can transform through forgiveness in order to love.

    At the beginning of many of the conversations, I often describe hot and cold sensations and aches and pains in my body. Adjusting to the higher vibrational frequencies can be physically demanding and intense as the transmissions and activations take place. Thankfully the discomfort is only temporary!

    I also make references to higher consciousness, God, and the divine. Please substitute words that feel familiar and comfortable to you and that better describe your own beliefs and philosophies. Similarly, the beings sometimes refer to me as the one, royalty and the queen, but these words are not to be taken literally. They are simply analogies that help understanding.

    The following pages contain a hidden language; therefore, it’s important not to read with just the mind. Focus more on your feelings and sensations and allow the coded, ancient knowledge to resonate deep within your being.

    Meeting Akazamira

    Who are you?

    I am the one who wants to communicate with you.

    Are you from the light and love?

    I am.

    What is your name?


    Do you have a message for me?


    What is the message?

    Keep doing what you are doing.

    Which is what?


    Akazamira, where do you come from?

    The faraway star.

    Do you come in peace?

    I am peace.

    Please tell me something about yourself.

    I love you.

    Does my soul know you?



    Through many lifetimes.

    What is your role in my evolution?

    You are the chosen one.

    The chosen one for what?

    To convey the message.

    What is the message?

    I love you.

    Who is the message for?


    Can you please tell me more?

    What you need to know will be revealed to you.

    What do I need to know now?

    That I love you.

    Are you alone?

    You have a whole family here.

    Why are you helping me?

    We are in constant contact with you.

    Thank you. Is there anything I need to know today?

    Yes. You are doing a great job.

    I trust I am. Please tell me about me.

    You are from a faraway star. You came to planet Earth to communicate the message of love. You are our representative. We have been with you for a long time preparing you for this. You are safe. Everything will be all right. We love you.

    My body hurts.


    What can I do to make it better?

    Walk, drink lots of water, sleep, stretch, dance, smile, trust and love.

    How can I contact you again?

    We are with you always.

    What do I need to do to be in your presence?

    What you did before. Right now, you are with us.

    The body is typing.


    Where am I?


    I love doing this. It’s fun.

    This is only the beginning.

    It’s so bright here. It feels like I’m in light.

    You are.

    Can I go home anytime?

    You don’t go home. You are home.

    Can I ask you anything?


    How do I know Abdy, my spiritual teacher?

    From many lifetimes.

    How can I help people who come for healing?

    Go to the space and be. Speak the light language and use your hands. We are doing the healing. You just need to be there. The outcome is out of your hands.

    So I can relax now?

    Yes. Relax and smile.

    We are chatting and the conversation is not serious.

    No. Have fun with it. We are not going anywhere.


    Are you thinking about your husband, Vic?


    What about him?

    How he is going to react when I tell him what is happening to me.

    He is already awake. He is here to support you. Do not be concerned with his reactions. Remember who you are.

    Who am I?

    You are a wise, magnificent, loving being in a human form. You have so much love and compassion to give. That is why you came. People need you. They need your love. Do not be concerned with one man. The whole human race depends on this. You are the chosen one. You are the one. You are the one we bow to.

    Who? Me?

    Yes, you were the most gentle, powerful and wise amongst us.

    I am so grateful for this conversation.

    We are too.

    I feel such peace. I can hardly breathe.

    You don’t need to breathe. Breathing happens automatically.

    I have to go now because people are coming for dinner and I’m making pancakes.

    Do not concern yourself with how you will make them.

    What do I do?

    You could just see them already done in your mind. See them simmering, warm, filled with cheese, and all of you enjoying them.

    Is this how I’m going to use my mind now?

    Yes. You’ll see it, and it will be done.

    I don’t believe it

    That is your problem.

    Please help me believe.

    It will come with time. You are a master creator. It’s in your DNA. It will evolve in time easily and effortlessly.

    That is great to know. What else is in my DNA?

    You have many wonderful qualities and gifts that you will use.

    Will I be able to physically see you?

    In time.

    Can I touch you?


    When I go for a walk, are you with me?


    It feels so good to be with you. I don’t want to let you go and for me to return to everyday things. I want to stay with you.

    We can talk any time. I’m always with you. You know where to find me. We will have many more times like this. We love you, all of us. Smile and be well.

    Bye for now.

    The Story of Us

    Hello Akazamira. Nice to be in contact again.

    It is.

    Did I see your face today?

    Yes, you did.

    I am ready to listen.

    It all started a long time ago. It is a story of love. You were a tiny baby when I found you. You were so beautiful and bright. I took you in and looked after you. When you were young you had to go and find your own way. I promised you that I would always be waiting, and I have been.

    I don’t know what to say. I don’t remember anything.

    You will.

    Can you tell me more about that time?

    We lived in a forest, and then in a crystal healing place. You were passing all the tests and projecting into the future.

    What happened with the knowledge that I learned at that time?

    It’s in you.

    How can I access it?

    Be patient.

    Are you like my mother?

    I love you like a mother would.

    Where did I go when I left?

    To planet Earth. You forgot us.

    I felt very alone on planet Earth.

    Yes, we know.

    I feel strange but peaceful.

    You don’t need to do anything. We will time our sessions for you. You just move your fingers when we ask you to write. Do you know how far we have come?


    You don’t know the miracle it is for us to be in contact again?

    No. Other people have been in contact with light beings before me. Why is this different?

    Because the message will be different.


    It’s a love story.

    Am I in the story?

    Yes. When you lived in a faraway place, you fell in love with a young man. He radiated the pink ray. When your energies met, you both became very powerful and you ruled a kingdom.

    Please tell me more.

    That is enough for today. We love you. Till next time.

    Master of Spirituality

    I feel a slight pressure on my head as if I’m wearing a crown. Is this a sign that we can communicate?

    No. I talk to you all the time, but you don’t always recognise it. Now that the communication is in written form, it will be easier for you. It is important that you listen. We have things to communicate through you.

    All right. I’m listening.

    It is of great importance that you sit in this space every day, connect and type.

    When I am communicating with you, the fingers on the keyboard go where they want to go and move very fast.

    Yes, don’t worry about spelling. You will be able to read and make sense of it. You just need to connect and allow the fingers to move. We know what we are doing. You will be sitting every day for forty-five minutes. That is all we are asking of you.

    What do I need to do before we start?

    Nothing, just close your eyes, put your hands on the keyboard and relax. You will feel energy coming and we will be with you.

    I can do that.

    Yes, we know you can. You have been disciplined. We love this about you.

    I’m here to be of service.

    We can start now. In the transmissions, it is important that you don’t analyse what is coming. Just write.

    I’m ready.

    We come in peace and we want to assist the human race in the evolution of consciousness. We are in light and love. We are here to uplift and moderate the way information is being processed in order to change people’s perceptions. We want you to know that we love you, and you have been with us before. It is of great value for you to know who you are. You are not the body or the mind.

    When I started to ask the question, Who am I? I saw myself in everything.

    That is right. You are consciousness. You are everywhere.

    I feel so much light around me.

    We are with you right now.

    The temperature is getting cool. Are you in the room?


    I have a party to prepare for.

    There will always be something else you will have to do. Forget everything for now. You being with us here, right now is the most important thing for you to do.

    I get the message.

    Do you want to remember how to create? You were powerful: you could create in an instant with spirit working in you, with you and for you.

    Please come again and teach me.

    You have it wrong. We don’t teach you. You are a master. You only have to remember how you created in the past. Remember the crystalline city in the mountains? The gold, pink and violet rays? With the divine power you can have anything you want. Anything.

    Up to this point I’ve needed to work for anything I wanted.

    From now on, think of what you love and then specify why you love it. We will deliver it to you; we work for you. You are a master of spirituality. It’s all gathering as we speak, all coming your way, like rivers merging into the ocean. You just need to expect it, smile and relax. Let it happen.

    I look forward to our next encounter.

    We are with you always.

    Transmission of Light

    Hello Akazamira.

    During this transmission you are not going to have pictures in your head. We are communicating at a different frequency. Just type without thinking. We are training you in this communication. Don’t worry about anything. Relax.

    Relaxation does not come easy to me.

    We know.

    There is so much I want to ask you.

    Go ahead.

    I acted really strange yesterday. After our transmission, we had my son’s birthday dinner and I drank some wine and got tipsy. I did not like it. It was like old behaviour coming back. I saw myself doing this and did not understand. What happened to me yesterday?


    The mind has so many questions. The mind wants to understand and have explanations.

    You are not the mind.

    Why did I drink yesterday?

    So you can see.

    See what?

    To see the part of you that you hate, that you dislike and hide. The part of you that you are ashamed of, that you are scared of and don’t want to know. The part of you that lives in darkness and holds all the painful memories. That part is waiting for you.

    Waiting for what?

    Waiting for your embrace, your love and your acceptance.

    How do I do this?

    Acknowledge what you are feeling. Some souls come to people from the future to show them what is possible. You will go to your personality that holds the pain and talk to her from the future. It’s your job to find her, talk to her and express your regret. You know the words:

    I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

    The personality holds not only pain from this lifetime but all other lifetimes. She witnessed torture, battles, devastation, all the suffering in every drama you ever played a part in. During our transmissions anything that is still in you that needs healing will come up and show itself.

    I will find her and talk to her.

    She is part of your soul. She is the ugly duckling, the evil sister, the villain. She is the one who wants to kill the driver on the road, or the person who does not agree with you. She wants to punish and close the door to your heart. She holds the key.

    I will find her.

    You have to go to her in love.

    I will.

    This is very important not only for you but for others.

    Does she hold the key to the aches and pains in the body?


    Can you tell me what is happening to my body?

    The body is changing, and it is adapting to the frequencies. The body is being made anew.

    Is there anything that the body does not like?

    Yes, sugar. Sugar is crystalized; it attaches itself to the wiring and makes transmission more difficult.

    I am craving sugar.

    You are not craving sugar. The body is craving sugar. In fact it is the same personality that drank wine yesterday that is craving sugar. She wants some sweetness in her life. But whatever she is looking for she will not find it in the external world. It is an internal thing. Once this part is integrated the cravings will stop.

    Thank you. What else do I need to do to feel better?

    As we said before, drink plenty of water, relax, walk, dance and smile.

    When I hear this, the mind starts questioning. Am I typing this because I was reading this information somewhere before and am remembering it or because you are saying it to me now?

    I am speaking to you right now. We are having a conversation.

    You made contact with me the very same day that I had an intense awakening experience.

    Yes. We were waiting for you and, as soon as you awakened, we contacted you. We put everything in motion.

    I’ve noticed that since the awakening not much has changed except the inner state: I experience peace, stillness and can speak light language.

    You are in training, in preparation. That is why we clear your appointment book so that you can get plenty of rest. We work together at night-time too.

    Is there anything else you want to tell me today?

    Yes. We want to speak to you about the future which is being prepared for you. This year is important. There are places you need to go to and people to be with. We will tell you everything.

    Do I go with Vic on our planned trip?

    Yes, but take the computer with you. We will be in contact. It is better for you when the transmission is in written form because you can refer to it again and again. Being in nature will do you good. Take plenty of naps, breathe and eat well.

    What else can you tell me about the future?

    When you stop doing and controlling, life will become like a dream and you will like it a lot.

    That is reassuring. Can I talk to you about anything? Is this the purpose of our conversations?


    Then what is the purpose?

    To help humanity in their perceptions. To open their minds.

    How will this be done?

    You will write about it in a book.

    I don’t believe any of this.

    We know, but see this book in your mind already written and published. Love it. Love the difference it will make in the lives of millions. It will live long after you are gone.

    I will write a book like this?

    Yes. We will do it together. That is why we want you to have your eyes closed during transmission, so that you stay in the frequency of light and love. When you are in light and love the words will be emanating those frequencies, and people will be feeling them. It will be like a book written in golden ink. The gold represents your golden ray.

    I was going to ask you about the golden ray.

    We know. That is why we are bringing this up. The golden ray represents communication from the light. You are a being of light. You are immersed in light, and the light is transmitted in words.

    So how is this going to work?

    We will be speaking in light language, and you will be translating word for word, letter by letter. Remember you are already a master, and you can translate the light language. Words and sentences will be formed that will speak to the souls of people, and it will touch them deeply.

    I know at some level that what is happening here is a miracle, but I have difficulty grasping it. I’m very grateful. Please forgive me for my ignorance.

    You do not need to apologize to us. We bow to you. We are here for you. Our time together is coming to an end. We’ve had a great time. We love you.

    Right now I feel like I’m being held in angel’s wings, safe and loved.

    Yes. We are with you always.

    Redirect Your Thoughts

    I felt so much light around me during our last transmission and, once again, I am ready to communicate. I spoke with my mother today, and she is angry and unhappy. I can sense it in her voice. I feel uncomfortable as if I have done something wrong.

    Yes. Those feelings will arise from the thoughts you are thinking.

    What else could I be thinking?

    That you are loved. That you have a job to do. That you don’t have to be manipulated by guilt. That your mother loves you, and she wants the best for you. That how your mother feels has nothing to do with you. It is not your job to do anything to make your mother feel better.

    This thinking brings relief.

    Good. You can always redirect your thoughts towards light and love.

    Sometimes I forget. Last night you kept talking to me. I heard you say that I am a soul that came to make a difference like so many other souls before me. You also said that I fought for love, I died for love and now I’ve found love. I saw myself in many battles.

    That is exactly right. You were looking for love everywhere, always outside yourself. And now you’ve found it inside. The search is over.

    What do I do now that I’ve found love?

    Feel it, express it.

    It’s hard for me to feel love when my mother is angry.

    It has nothing to do with your mother. You feel what is inside you. Remember, you are loved no matter what. You are loved when you are well and unwell, or happy and unhappy. It does not change. Love has no opposites. It is a state of being and when you are in that state, life is beautiful. Embody this feeling. Be in love. Do it at all times. Before you do anything, first go into this state of love and then you do what needs to be done. Don’t only go into this state when you are working energetically.

    God said to me, Go back and give love. Is that what this means?

    Yes. Connect with us and feel the love. Love will emanate from you and bring peace and stillness. It is an energy field that will affect everything and everybody.

    Are you here with me now? The temperature has changed.

    Yes, we are.

    I feel energy on my hands.

    We are touching your hands.

    What do you want to communicate today?

    It is time for you to rise above the pettiness of the world. Notice, observe. Remember the process in India when people around you were screaming and yelling, but you were in total peace? Your body was sitting on the temple floor, yet you were in another dimension. Maintain this state. Don’t get involved in the drama. Rise above it.

    This is the lesson for today: extend the state of love. Go into this state whenever you are washing the dishes, making a phone call or eating your lunch. You hurry too much. Whatever you do, do it in love.

    It’s not always easy.

    If it were easy anybody would do it. Not everybody can do it, but you can. It requires conscious effort. Be in the state of love. Time is up.

    I really enjoyed this conversation. Thank you.

    We love you and are with you always.

    My Story

    Akazamira, today during meditation I saw you writing with a golden pen in a book. You took my hand and started to write in the air. You said to me, This is your story. It started a long time ago in the crystal city of Atlantis. It was a magical place for all the inhabitants. People lived in peace.

    I will tell you your story. I found you when you were a little baby. You were sitting on the ground emanating golden light, and animals came to touch your hand. They loved your warmth. You were a happy child and I loved having you around. We lived in a forest and you had lots of freedom. I was very grateful to the gods for giving you to me.

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