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Encounter the Light: A Guide Book to Becoming a Modern Day Sage
Encounter the Light: A Guide Book to Becoming a Modern Day Sage
Encounter the Light: A Guide Book to Becoming a Modern Day Sage
Ebook191 pages2 hours

Encounter the Light: A Guide Book to Becoming a Modern Day Sage

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About this ebook

Are you ready to open your heart and soul to the journey of self-discovery, curiosity, and intrigue? Do you hope to become a shining light in your everyday existence? By peering into the life of Andrea Michal, you will find a glimmer of hope and understanding about yourself and realize you are not alone on the path of light.

Andrea’s practice includes connecting to energy fields in order to heal self and others on a physical and emotional level. She channels information through guidance from her angels and guides and presents it now in Encounter the Light. This book is a collection of personal accounts and stories intended to help you heal, rise, and renew!

Experience the tools necessary to raise your vibration of light and energy to enter the flow of life and connect to your higher self. Learn how to become a spiritual warrior, accept more love, let go of fears, and find balance within the polarity of life. Each chapter presents a wealth of knowledge on how we can live more in our authentic states as unique individuals. Get in touch with the divine source inside of you.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMar 29, 2018
Encounter the Light: A Guide Book to Becoming a Modern Day Sage

Andrea Michal

Andrea is a coach, mentor, and public speaker whose focus is to provide essential healing tools that create positive transformation for all who desire to have a beautiful life with purpose and connection. Andrea has a certificate in mediation and conflict resolution and a bachelors’ degree in communications from UCLA. She is certified in evidence-based life coaching and organizational development and leadership from Fielding University. She is also a Shadow Work and a Way of Council facilitator. Andrea’s practice includes connecting to energy fields in to channel helpful information to her clients regarding their physical and emotional challenges. She uses her powerful combination of training and wisdom to guide individuals towards making life-changing discoveries and re-aligning themselves with their unique qualities and core values. This experience brings each person closer to their true nature; a path of contentment, peace, joy and love. Along with raising three sons, she is involved in her community and lives in Westlake Village California. Andrea is the former owner of New Moon Wellness, a conscious community hub, and is an entrepreneur that focuses on conscious-living gift products and services. 'Encounter The Light: A Guidebook To Becoming A Modern Day Sage' is her first book and an autobiographical account of her transformation from darkness to light. She is currently a speaker, workshop and retreat facilitator who shares her compassionate heart as she leads.

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    Encounter the Light - Andrea Michal

    Copyright © 2018 Andrea Michal.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Balboa Press

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-9766-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-9768-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-9767-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018901819

    Balboa Press rev. date: 11/19/2019



    Encounter the Light

    Can We Repair the World?

    What’s in a Name?

    Being a Spiritual Warrior: Moving toward the Light and the Fight to Do So

    Going Against the Grain: Marriage, Friendships, and the Perfect Life

    Love over Money?

    From Darkness to Light: Why We Need the Darkness to See the Light Within

    Dis-ease of the Mind, Body, and Soul and the Power of Healing

    Being Alone: Why It’s Important to Find that Space

    Compassion for Self Leads to Compassion for Others

    Giving and Receiving

    Guilt and Shame: How Do We Forgive Others and Ourselves?

    The Perfection in Rejection

    Epigenetics, Trauma: How We Overcome It and Alter Our DNA

    What Is a True Soul Mate? Soul Contracts and Past-Life Connections

    The Moon Cycle: Setting Intentions on the New Moon

    Wanting What We Want, but Getting What We Need: We Plan, God Laughs

    Colors of People, Colors of Nature: Why Did God Create Us Unique and Different?

    Longevity and Well-Being

    Can a Leader Show Vulnerability and Still Be a Leader?

    Patience Is a Virtue: The Challenge of Taking

    One Step at a Time

    Never Say Never: We Don’t Know What Is around the Corner for Us!


    The Conscious Revolution and Collective Consciousness

    We Can All Be Sages: The New Paradigm of the World

    How to Spiritually and Physically Protect Your Light and Give It to the World: Be an Angel on Earth

    The Universal Language of All: Increasing Your Vibration through Sound, Music, and Meditation

    Influencing the Influencers: My Own Story

    Caterpillars to Butterflies: the Amazing Metamorphosis of Wounded Human Beings into Love and Light Bearers

    An Epilogue: Falling (and Rising Again)

    Glossary of Words




    S ince I have been a blog writer for many years, you may have followed articles based on my life experiences and self-development processes. This book comes out of a desire to reach more people and facilitate a transformative process for my readers. Encounter the Light is a guidebook to question your inner workings and change any thoughts and feelings that keep you from realizing your true potential and power. At the end of each chapter, through specially designed inquiry, you are given the opportunity to reflect on your relationships, business pursuits, intentions, and personal desires. You can use it as a manual or workbook and reflect on it anytime to revisit what you want and who you want to be on your life path. My hope is that the examples from my life are supportive to your process. This book is not only about my personal narrative; it is for you to peer deeper into your story as well. I have made a step toward being honest and sincere to support your move toward standing confidently in your light and embracing yourself as a modern-day sage.



    W hat is the light within us? We are all beings of light. We were put on this planet to shine our beautiful selves toward each other, not away. We were meant to feel compassion, understanding, and love. We were placed on this earth to bring forth the beauty of our souls as we fulfill our unique purpose. We are all moving with light force to another plane, to another space in time that we can’t even comprehend. We are battling the energies and gravitational pull of the dark side, but we must continue to be diligent warriors of peace, tranquility, and stillness within ourselves for love and positive energy to prevail.

    Living in the light is a true spirit of the heart. It is who we are as individuals and as a collective community. Becoming increasingly more authentic in every aspect of our lives and honoring our truth is essential to moving in this direction. Treating each other and ourselves with the utmost respect and dignity, deeply connecting with our inner being, embracing who we are at our core, and moving in flow is the goal of this work.

    How do we encounter the light? We take baby steps toward realization. We become more aware of our importance in this world. We are not guided by money or selfish pursuits but are in service to the higher good of the planet and all its wildlife, nature, people, resources, and energy.

    When we are in the light, we accept that we are here to heal ourselves and to bring healing to the world. To nourish our minds, bodies, and spirits is of the utmost importance as we move into a higher space of consciousness with purpose, strength, and surrender. We ultimately know that we cannot completely control our destiny but that we are in partnership with the divine, guided and supported through the transformation that radiates more light from within.

    This book of light is a compilation of stories of the remarkable experiences and timeless insights of encountering the light myself. It is also a workbook for you to ask yourself some of the questions I discovered to be useful on my journey. Through journaling, quiet introspection, contemplation, and listening to the clues within your physical body, you will be able to find your own answers to the questions presented, and then you will begin or continue on your path toward the light as well.

    Everyone has the capacity to be a light unto the world. It takes patience and perseverance to move forward into this realm. It also takes understanding and the acquisition of knowledge, for knowledge translates into wisdom, and higher wisdom is the key to finding more peace, serenity, joy, happiness, and especially love within each of our hearts. I hope this book provides some higher knowledge and wisdom to help you move into a beautiful place of light, as together we bring about a better world and enjoy the richness of our existence as one.



    S ome years ago, I was entertaining friends at my home. I had bought a beautiful bouquet of flowers and was retrieving a large vase from my pantry to place the flowers in. I was standing on a small stool, reaching high toward the top shelf of the pantry, and I lost my balance; the crystal vase fell out of my hands and shattered into thousands of pieces of glass on the floor. I took a deep breath and thought, There must be something for me to learn from this situation. I stood still for a few minutes and gazed at all the tiny and larger pieces of glass surrounding my feet. Then it hit me! This experience was a metaphor for the bigger picture of the world and how we can repair it. Deep inside my being, I wanted to take all of the pieces of glass together and make the vase complete and whole again, but I could see it would take an enormous amount of work, and it seemed to be an almost impossible feat to accomplish.

    Maybe we, as human beings, are similar to that beautiful and now-broken vase, and our souls, like the pieces of glass, have been shattered as well. Can the process of our individual and collective transformation put us back together again? In other words, can we, as individuals and the world as a whole, ever be repaired?

    I believe we can.

    Every time we go through a challenging experience and are able to create a new positive flow of energy around our experience, we alter our inner being and create a shift. When we do this soul work, we receive more inner strength and power and therefore restore ourselves. When we renew ourselves to a more natural state of being, our own souls and the world are greatly affected by this change. This life-altering transformation actually causes a vibrational shift that affects our glorious planet, along with the entire universe.

    How do we make this shift happen?

    We can take actions, many which are uncomfortable at times, but they move us through our fears and into the light. When we step into new realms of opportunity, with creativity, love, and understanding, we create change from within. Examples may include: being kind to someone we don’t really desire to connect with, accepting your own vulnerability when it is difficult to own that feeling, being honest when we may want to lie, moving closer to others when we want to push away, eating nourishing foods rather than foods that primarily taste good, loving and honoring our physical bodies as though they were our sanctuaries, and respecting our beautiful, alive environment by becoming aware of the products we use every day.

    We are given many opportunities to change our ways. Sometimes we need to take action and move in the opposite direction of what we are currently doing. Other times we need to reform or adjust the way we perceive our life, our relationships, and our surrounding experiences in the world

    Like the broken pieces of glass, we are all individual souls with various life experiences. We each have different and unique stories that have moved us into this exact time in the world, and we continue to learn, grow, and connect to one another through our current relationships and life’s experiences.

    Currently, we are transcending into a new realm of being, one we have never witnessed before but one that is more aligned with the larger picture of the universe—a new paradigm that is healed and more complete and whole.

    In my story of the vase, each piece of glass had a unique shape, size, and feel. As I bent my knees and reached down to pick up each piece, I thought to myself, I cannot put it all back together to be the same vase it once was, but maybe the glass can take on a new form? If we, as individuals, are able to transform ourselves, piece by piece, like the beautiful vase that was shattered into millions of pieces, we will be making huge strides in repairing our world and becoming whole again. The process of elevating ourselves and rebuilding is called renewal, or as I like to say to re-knew, a chance to gain more knowledge and intuition to help us be whole again. This collective positive energy and transformation can bring forth remarkable manifestations of light for all of us,

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