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Feathers and Petals All over the World: Chinese Paintings of National Birds and Flowers
Feathers and Petals All over the World: Chinese Paintings of National Birds and Flowers
Feathers and Petals All over the World: Chinese Paintings of National Birds and Flowers
Ebook251 pages1 hour

Feathers and Petals All over the World: Chinese Paintings of National Birds and Flowers

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The book is an illustration of Chinese traditional art style, calligraphy. In each painting, there is a national bird and national flower of each country, and there is a brief introduction of that country, the bird, and the flower.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 12, 2016
Feathers and Petals All over the World: Chinese Paintings of National Birds and Flowers

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    Feathers and Petals All over the World - Jian Xu

    Copyright © 2017 by Bichen Cui. 731350

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016906008

    ISBN:   Softcover           978-1-5144-8482-1

                  Hardcover          978-1-5144-8483-8

                  EBook                978-1-5144-8484-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 12/12/2016




    1. 阿富汗 Afghanistan

    2. 阿尔巴尼亚 The Republic of Albania

    3. 安哥拉 Angola

    4. 阿根廷 Argentina

    5. 奥地利 Austria

    6. 阿塞拜疆 Azerbaijan

    7. 巴哈马 Bahamas

    8. 巴林 Bahrain

    9. 孟加拉 Bangladesh

    10. 白俄罗斯 Belarus

    11. 比利时 Belgium

    12. 伯利兹 Belize

    13. 不丹 Bhutan

    14. 玻利维亚 Bolivia

    15. 保加利亚 Bulgaria

    16. 柬埔寨 Cambodia

    17. 中国 China

    18. 哥伦比亚 Colombia

    19. 刚果 Congo

    20. 古巴 Cuba

    21. 塞浦路斯 Cyprus

    22. 丹麦 Denmark

    23. 东帝汶 East Timor

    24. 埃及 Egypt

    25.萨尔瓦多 El Salvador

    26.英国 England

    27.爱沙尼亚 Estonia

    28.埃塞俄比亚 Ethiopia

    29.芬兰 Finland

    30.法国 France

    31.格鲁吉亚 Georgia

    32.德国 Germany

    33.希腊 Greece

    34.危地马拉 Guatemala

    35.圭亚那 Guyana

    36.印度 India

    37.伊朗 Iran

    38.伊拉克 Iraq

    39.爱尔兰 Ireland

    40.以色列 Israel

    41.牙买加 Jamaica

    42.日本 Japan

    43. 约旦 Jordan

    44.吉尔吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyzstan

    45.老挝 Laos

    46.拉脱维亚 Latvia

    47.利比亚 Libya

    48.立陶宛 Lithuania

    49.卢森堡 Luxembourg

    50.马来西亚 Malaysia

    51.马耳他 Malta

    52.毛里塔尼亚 Mauritania

    53.摩尔瓦多 Moldova

    54.蒙古 Mongolia

    55.纳米比亚 Namibia

    56. 尼泊尔 Nepal

    57.荷兰 Netherlands

    58.新西兰 New Zealand

    59. 朝鲜 North Korea

    60. 挪威 Norway

    61. 阿曼 Oman

    62.帕劳 Palau

    63.巴基斯坦 Pakistan

    64.巴布亚新几内亚 Papua New Guinea

    65.巴拉圭 Paraguay

    66.秘鲁 Peru

    67.菲律宾 Philippines

    68.葡萄牙 Portugal

    69.卡塔尔 Qatar

    70.罗马尼亚 Romania

    71.卢旺达 Rwanda

    72.沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia Singapore

    74.斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia

    75.南非 South Africa

    76.韩国 South Korea

    77.斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka

    78.圣基茨尼维斯 St. Kitts and Nevis

    79.苏丹 Sudan

    80.瑞士 Switzerland

    81.塔吉克斯坦 Tajikistan

    82.坦桑尼亚 Tanzania

    83.泰国 Thailand

    84.特立尼达和多巴哥 Trinidad and Tobago

    85.土耳其 Turkey

    86.阿联酋 Emirates

    87.美国 America

    88.乌克兰 Ukraine

    89.乌拉圭 Uruguay

    90.乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekistan

    91.委内瑞拉 Venezuela

    92.越南 Vietnam

    93.也门 Yemen

    94.赞比亚 Zambia


    1. 阿富汗 Afghanistan

    Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, hereinafter referred to as Afghanistan, is a landlocked country in Central Asia. Afghanistan is located in the joint of west Asia, south Asia and central Asia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan in the north, northeast prominent strip bordering China, east adjacent to Pakistan, west border with Iran with a land area of 52,300 square kilometers. Population is around 31.28 million. Capital city is Kabul. This country is one of the least developed countries in the world because of wars.

    郁金香 Tulip

    Tulip’s scientific name is Tulipa gesneriana. It is an herbaceous plant. It originated in ancient China, Western Tibet, and the Xinjiang area. It spread to Central Asia and Europe through the Silk Road. Tulip has over 8000 species now. After cultivation, a large flower is put on top of the stalk. Flowers have many colors.


    2. 阿尔巴尼亚 The Republic of Albania

    The Republic of Albania is located on the south-east part of Europe. It sits across the Strait of Otranto from Italy. The coastline is 472 kilometers. Albanians are the descendants of the ancient inhabitants Ilya Balkans. The total area of the country is 28,748 square kilometers, with a subtropical Mediterranean climate. Tirana is the capital city. Total population is about 2.89 million.

    山鹰 Aquila

    Latin name: Aquila or known as the eagle is a large, ferocious raptor with a hardy bent beak, strong and muscular feet, and sharp clawed toes. It hunts during the day and rests at night. Its diet includes birds, rats, rabbits, snakes, and small mammals. It often soars in mountainous areas in great heights. Among all animals on earth, the eagle is one of the animals with most sensitive vision, one hundred times better than the human eye.

    胭脂虫栎 Cochineal Oak (Kermes Oak)

    Cochineal oak (kermes oak), is the national tree of the Republic of Albania. Found in most parts of Italy and Corsica, this oak is distributed throughout Mediterranean region. Shrubs or small trees, bark grayish white, was the raw material of manufactured tannic acid. Leaves are oval, barbed-edge, hard, and hairless. Male flowers are tiny and yellow. In the following year when mature female flowers, they bear acorns and barb thorns.


    3. 安哥拉 Angola

    The Republic of Angola, located in the southwest of Africa—west coast meets the Atlantic, north and northeast connects to Congo, south is Namibia, and southeast is Zambia. Land area is 1,246,700 square kilometers. Population is about 22.14 million. Capital is Luanda. Angola is one of the world’s least developed countries because of numerous wars in the past. However, now it is one of the fastest growing countries because of its abundant natural resources in oil and diamonds. Other economic pillars are fishing and agriculture.

    游隼 Peregrine falcon

    The peregrine falcon’s scientific name is Falco peregrines. It is a medium-sized prey. Its wings are long and sharp, it has yellow eyes, and its cheeks have a thick vertical downward black mustache. Found mostly in the mountains, hills, semi-desert, swamps and are sometimes also active near open fields and cultivated farms. With high speed, peregrine falcons catch birds in the sky for food and rarely hunt for rats or rabbits.

    百岁兰 Welwitschia

    Scientific name is Leontopodium alpinum. Sometimes referred as a living fossil, it is a monotypic gymnosperm genus, comprising solely of the very distinct Welwitschia mirabilis. The plant is commonly known simply as Welwitschia. Also, it has various common names in local languages. This plant is very drought resistant because it has an extensive anchor system. Its roots can penetrate as deep as ten meters under soil, and its leaves are limited, small, and short. Welwitschia is an herbaceous plant and is known to have a really long life. There is one found in Namib Desert that’s 1500 years old.


    4. 阿根廷 Argentina

    The Republic of Argentina is located in the south of South America, bordered by Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, and Uruguay. In the southeast, it meets the Atlantic Ocean. Land area is 2,780,400 square kilometers. Population is 41.8 million. Capital is Buenos Aires. Argentina benefits from rich natural resources, high cultural enrichment for people, opening-up policy, and diversified economy. Therefore, Argentina has a larger middle class compared to other Latin American countries. Argentina is the world’s largest meat and food production and export country.

    棕灶鸟 Rufous Hornero

    Scientific name is Furnarius rufus. It lives in secondary forest, grass, and farmland. Nests are exquisite. Unlike other birds, rufous horneros build an arc-shape mud nest. Argentine people nicknamed the nest bread oven. It diets on small insects.

    刺桐花 Ceibo

    Scientific name is Erythrina variegat. This tree is commonly used for city landscape. This plant has many branches. After the leaves fall, it blooms in winter and early spring. It can live up to 120 years.


    5. 奥地利 Austria

    Republic of Austria, referred to as Austria, is a landlocked country located in Central Europe. It contains nine states. The east is bordered by Hungary and Slovakia, the south by Italy and Slovenia, west by Liechtenstein and Switzerland, and the north by Germany and the Czech Republic. The capital and largest city is Vienna, with a population of more than 1.7 million. Land area is 83,855 square kilometers. Austria was one of the superpowers of Europe before the end of World War I. Official language is German. Seventy-eight percent

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