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In The City where people's hearts get broken every day Frida decides to take a chance of love. Unfortunately, she gives her young heart to a wrong person. Gia's heart belongs to a girl that doesn't even know how much love it could be given to her. Rebecca loves her dog more than anyone else in this world, but will that be enough? And how patient must Cathy be for the love to open doors for her? Finding true love isn't easy, but sure as hell it is adventurous.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 11, 2016

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    Devious - Fire De Ville

    Copyright © 2016 by Fire De Ville.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 04/13/2016





    The world seemed beautiful, and life felt wonderful to Frida when she took her first steps in The City. Glorious adventures for her were waiting just around the corner, and the young woman welcomed them with open mind and heart. She stood about 5’6" tall and had a lean, slim body. Her green, green eyes stood against her pale skin and dark-brown hair. You could say that Frida looked like a life-sized porcelain doll. Frida was young, free, and proud of herself for coming this far to something new. She was a beautiful girl without a worry in her head and a heart full of love, but no one to give that love to.

    Frida believed that all her dreams would not only come true but would far exceed her expectations. She wanted and needed to feel loved. Frida was ready to give her love to the first woman who came along. And she was sure that this time her controlling pussy won’t fuck up the enjoyment of that love’s sex.

    Frida looked around a tiny room that she was going to be living in for the first months in The City. Her stepfather had prepaid for the room over the phone when Frida mentioned that she’d like to live alone in some big city. Frida didn’t know that the house she had been living in was her mother’s and that it had been left to her. Her stepfather was getting married to a nurse whom he’d met while Frida’s mother was dying. Now he was looking for an easy way to get rid of his stepchild and encouraged Frida to take her life in her own hands and start anew somewhere far away. Frida liked that idea too. She felt sad and lonely with her mother gone and her current girlfriend cheating with one of her friends. Frida thanked her stepfather for the few thousand bucks and hostel room, and then she left her home, excited and happy.

    Looking at the moldy walls and dirty floor of her room now, Frida was losing some of that excitement. Then she decided not to worry about the temporary room and go explore the neighborhood. Once Frida walked a few blocks and got on Freedom Street, she felt happy again. She knew that she wanted to live here forever. The fast and busy life of Freedom Street filled Frida with joy and peace. There were plenty of lesbians around checking out Frida. There were a few who caught her eye too.

    Smells coming from the restaurants and cafés reminded Frida that she was hungry. She went to the very next restaurant, sat down at an outside table, and ordered herself a steak dinner. Frida watched people walking by and felt happy with her decision to come here. It seemed like everyone who walked by was a young and happy person. Frida knew that she had finally started to live, and made a conscious decision that she’d be always happy no matter what life would throw at her. She had no doubt in her mind that living in The City would manifest all of her dreams into reality.


    The line of girls to get inside Zizi’s wrapped itself around the corner. Everyone was excited to hear DJ Laura D spin live. To have Miami’s legendary DJ at the club was a big honor. DJ Laura D was adored around the world, and Zizi’s was really lucky to book her. Rita was disappointed that she couldn’t get that DJ to do the set at Moo Moo’s. She was quite pissed actually. Maggie thought that having DEL mix in their club at her turntables next Saturday was an equally important event. However, both of them were really happy when Victoria agreed to watch their club for the night so the girls could enjoy the only DJ Laura D show in town.

    It was Frida’s first weekend out in The City; she felt an uncontrollable need to make her pussy happy and decided to obey that need with the very first girl that she was attracted to at the club. So it happened that Sandra was the one who caught her eye. She was ordering a drink at the bar and seemed elegant, holding her back straight and letting her long black hair fall on her naked shoulders. Tight jeans were nicely wrapped around her sexy ass. Frida came closer to her, wishing to start talking to that beautiful creature when she turned around. When Sandra did turn around, Frida regretted standing so close to her. Besides spilling a Bloody Mary on Frida’s new white shirt, Sandra was older than Frida expected her to be from that sexy butt.

    Oh shit, said Sandra. She was pissed to spill her drink and was about to say something mean to Frida but bit her tongue after one look at her green, green eyes. I’m so sorry for my clumsiness. I’ll pay for dry cleaners. Or in this case, I’ll buy you a new one.

    It’s OK, said Frida. She felt guilty. I’m so sorry for standing too close. Let me buy you a drink.

    You can buy me a drink after I clean you up in the bathroom, said Sandra and finished the rest of the drink that hadn’t ended up on Frida’s shirt. I have a T-shirt in my bag. Follow me.

    Frida grabbed bunches of napkins from the bar and put them on her shirt to absorb the rest of the Bloody Mary and followed Sandra. She could barely keep up with her; the club was getting fuller. At least the bathroom didn’t have a waiting line yet. Sandra put her bag by the sink and started looking for something. She was about to pull out the blue blouse that she bought earlier that day. She had intended to just leave it at home but changed her mind when she noticed in the mirror how two other ladies were checking out Frida. Sandra looked at Frida again. That could be the perfect trophy girlfriend for me. She’s obviously new in town. I’d better grab her now, thought Sandra and took out her old T-shirt that she had been wearing all day before putting on the new tank top that she was wearing now.

    Sandra wanted for Frida to look simple and unattractive for other hunting lesbians and keep that fresh meat to herself. She bought Frida’s drinks and flirted endlessly till it was obvious to everyone that those two were going home together. And they weren’t going to have a cup of coffee: they were going to fuck hard till they were senseless.

    The sex that Frida thought she’d have with Sandra turned out to be boring, absolutely not what Frida expected. Sandra licked Frida’s clit for about two minutes before spreading her legs. She put her hands behind her head and ordered Frida to get on with satisfying her. Frida cracked the mystery of Sandra’s clit quite easily and made her cum quite quickly. When Frida lifted her head up to catch some air, Sandra pushed her head right back down.

    Frida, don’t take your tongue from my clit until I tell you.

    Sandra put one of her hands on Frida’s head and softly pressed it down. Frida liked to eat pussy, and at first didn’t mind be held down. She found it to be kind of hot when Sandra pulled her hair every time she’d cum. Finally Sandra pulled Frida’s head away from her vagina and turned away. Frida sat up and watched Sandra quickly falling asleep. She felt like a little piece of her soul had just disappeared into nothingness. Frida covered Sandra with a blanket and lay down next to her. She wanted to feel a warm body next to hers but didn’t feel like hugging Sandra, and turned around. Frida now noticed how messy Sandra’s studio was. There were clothes and dirty dishes right in the middle of the floor. The floor itself looked disgusting, like it hadn’t been washed for at least a year. Frida wasn’t sleepy yet and couldn’t sleep in this mess, so she got up from the bed and folded all the clothes that she could find. Then she washed the pile of dishes and then, very unsatisfied and disappointed, fell asleep.


    Becca was waiting for the waiter to bring her cup of coffee. Luna, her dog, lay next to her chair and lazily watched the street. Both of them were enjoying the warm early spring afternoon. Another Sunday of doing absolutely nothing special just your casual girls’ day out. Becca was happy that she’d slept in. Luna was happy to be out of the apartment. She was almost sleeping when some other dog sniffed her butt. Being a golden retriever, Luna thought of herself as a lady dog and didn’t like that sniff. She got up quickly and barked at that other butt-sniffing, filthy dog. Becca turned to look at what had made Luna bark.

    Oh my god! That’s the ugliest dog I have ever seen, she said, loudly.

    Thanks, said a girly voice. "That’s my ugly dog."

    Becca looked up to see who was talking to her. The bright midday sun was right in her face and she had to block it with one hand. She waited for the girl to come closer. The girl didn’t look upset, she was actually smiling. Becca smiled back and felt bad for calling that ugly dog an ugly dog.

    I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to call your dog ugly. I just never saw a funny-looking dog like that, apologized Becca politely. What kind of dog is he anyway?

    Nobody knows, said the girl and sat down at the next table. Lucky is a mutt of the mutt, she pointed at her dog. Even the vet couldn’t tell me how many kinds of dogs were needed to create this cute monster. Please, don’t worry about calling him ‘ugly.’ Sometimes Lucky thinks that’s his name. I’m Cathy by the way, said the girl.

    For a moment, Becca lost herself in Cathy’s smile. Nervous gliders tingled inside her stomach. Cathy’s short light brown hair carelessly waved in the slight breeze, barely touching her wide, sexy shoulders. When Becca looked at Cathy’s brown eyes, her heart stopped for a few seconds. When her heart started beating again, it had a new beat. Becca had a crush!

    Nice to meet you, Cathy. I’m Becca, and that’s my dog Luna, said Becca, reluctantly smiling like it was Christmas. Luna thinks that she is the princess of all dogs and that I work for her. She watched Cathy, thinking: That girl is just so beautiful.

    Nice to meet you two, too, said Cathy, still smiling. You’re having lunch or breakfast? she asked. I wonder why the hell we’ve never met before. She’s drop-dead gorgeous, thought Cathy, slowly leaning back in her chair and checking out Becca.

    Breakfast. You? asked Becca, checking out Cathy. Oh my god! She’s flirting with me! Look how nicely she crossed her legs. I know that move. Game is on, girl, game is on! thought Becca, watching the girl at the next table.

    The waiter came with Becca’s coffee and awkwardly interrupted the flirting. He noticed both girls were shy and blushing because they’d gotten caught flirting. There was nothing new about two girls flirting in this part of town, but their effort to hide it was cutely adorable. He put the coffee cup down in front of Becca and quickly turned around to take Cathy’s order. Becca heard her ordering iced tea and a Heineken.

    She’s having lunch. Probably have a meeting with somebody, thought Becca, putting a lot of brown sugar and milk in her coffee.

    The waiter finished writing down Cathy’s order, took the menu from her hands, and smiled at both girls. If he could’ve, he would’ve stood there and watch them flirt, but Gabriel’s look told him to put that order into the kitchen or go home. He had to leave, and quickly.

    So what did you order? asked Becca, adding more milk to her coffee after a few sips.

    Tuna salad roll-up with extra pickles, said Cathy. You have very beautiful eyes. Your eyes are a very unique and deep shade of gray. I love it.

    Thanks, said Becca, shyly, and put her sunglasses on. So you’re having lunch.

    Not really. That’s my breakfast. I like to sleep in on Sundays. Lucky loves it too. Noon is the earliest for us. Right, Lucky? said Cathy, checking out Becca once more.

    Us too! said Becca excitedly. Luna and I love our lazy Sundays. We only come here, then we go to the park and back home. Right, Luna? Becca smiled at her dog, checked out Cathy, and asked, Why did you name him Lucky?

    "Because he is lucky, he’s lucky to be alive. Who knows what he is and how he got here, but there he is. One lucky dog," said Cathy, watching Becca’s smile.

    Is she really flirting with me or just talking? I can’t tell, thought Becca. Is he lucky enough to get you cute boys? she asked, just to see what Cathy’s reaction would be to that.

    Oh, dear god, no! Lucky and I don’t like boys that much. Luckily, he helped me start talking with you, said Cathy quickly.

    Oh good. She really is flirting with me. Me? Why not? But what in the world would a nice girl like that want from me? I should stop this game. I shouldn’t do this to myself, thought Becca while both girls watched a food runner put a plate of hot, steaming breakfast on her table.

    Becca was putting some ketchup on scrambled eggs and potatoes when Cathy’s behavior at the next table stopped her. Cathy took a puppy water bowl out of her backpack and poured the whole bottle of Heineken in it. Then she put the bowl on the ground in front of Lucky. The dog dove into the bowl and emptied it almost immediately.

    You let your dog drink? asked Becca, pleasantly surprised. Are you crazy?

    Don’t worry. Lucky has been drinking since he was just a puppy, said Cathy, waving her hand. And yes, I am crazy. Aren’t we all a little bit crazy?

    I totally agree with your last statement. I am a little bit crazy myself, said Becca, laughing. Do you know why I call her ‘Luna’? she asked, petting her dog’s head. Cathy shook her head. Because Luna becomes very loony when she gets stoned.

    You let your dog get stoned? Awesome! laughed Cathy. We’ve met a few drinking dogs, but Luna is the first pothead dog for us. How do you do that?

    Luna barks at my pipe until I smoke some. She sniffs all the smoke around until she’s happy and mellow. Luna is getting old, added Becca sadly.

    The girls started exchanging stories about their dogs, and the flirting stopped. The two souls had a chance to connect deeply and truly, but at that moment they missed it. What a shame. An hour’s talk about dog tricks and personalities had gone by fast. The waiter came back to their tables a few more times to refill coffee and iced tea after he’d already picked up their checks. He was very disappointed that the flirting vibe was gone. Cathy wanted to see that girl again and had to ask six times before Becca gave her a number written on a napkin.

    Finally Luna decided that she’d had enough of lying under the table. She lazily got up and started walking away. Becca had no other choice but to say quick goodbyes and leave to catch up with her dog. Cathy watched them walking away and smiled. Her heart started beating faster and faster. She felt anxious. Cathy didn’t like being left alone, especially after that long and friendly conversation with Becca. Lucky barked sadly after Luna disappeared around the corner. Cathy and Lucky both had a crush!

    I like her too, pal, said Cathy, scratching behind his ear. Lucky, call them back, she added, friendly, smiling at him. Lucky barked again, slightly louder this time.

    Luna heard his bark, stopped, and happily wagging her tail, turned around. Becca turned around too. Both of them hopped to see somebody behind them, but there was no one there. What a shame!

    You like that ugly dog, don’t you, Luna? asked Becca, kneeling down to her. I hope to see those two again someday. But let’s not lose our heads this time, okay? We don’t want to go through another hell, do we? said Becca, looking into Luna’s big black eyes. This dog understood her sadness like no one else could.

    Luna barked twice.

    Good girl, Luna. You still remember to bark twice for ‘No.’ Mommy is very proud of you. Now, let’s go the park.

    Luna barked twice again.

    What do you mean saying ‘No’ to the dog park? What do you want? Just get back home and lie on your couch?

    Luna barked once.

    Really? That’s all you want?

    Luna barked once and started walking back home.

    I know I work for you, but, Luna, I need a walk and you’re going with me. Okay?

    Luna barked twice again but followed Becca to the park.


    When Loretta came into her deli Taste of Love and turned the lights on, she felt at home. Loretta felt more at home here than at the house with her girlfriend Zara. The young woman loved her business and was okay with her personal life. Making cookies early in the morning and preparing the deli to be open for business was easy and joyful to Loretta. She turned music on and danced her way around the prep counters. Loretta didn’t look to be anything special until people talked to her. Her open heart won the loyalty of many costumers. She was like the girl next door you want to be friends with. Her hazelnut eyes and puffy lips always smiled. Most of her red hair was hidden under bandanas, which Loretta loved wearing every day because she assigned each color of the rainbow to every day of the week. Loretta wasn’t fat, but you could definitely tell that she liked the cookies that she made.

    Loretta was almost done preparing the deli to open when Gia finally came. Gia was skinny and petite, with beautiful, silky olive skin. Her big brown eyes were shaped like perfect teardrops. Gia’s long black eyelashes made those eyes look even bigger and brighter. Her face was proportionally even and almost flawless. Her wide, thin lips gave Gia a most beautiful and warm smile. Her black wavy hair fell down her straight shoulders, and her sexy neck had some kind of jewelry on it at all times. Gia was always in a good mood—after her first cup of coffee. Before that she was absolutely useless. Loretta knew that about her friend and business partner and had a cup of coffee for Gia ready when she came to the deli. Gia took the coffee cup from Loretta’s hands and went straight to the office.

    Loretta and Gia ran their deli perfectly smoothly. Gia did the paperwork, Loretta baked cookies, and both of them made sandwiches on lunch rush. With every day, rush hour was getting busier and busier. Loretta asked Gia to hire some help. Gia thought it was an excellent idea and put an ad in next week’s Sunday paper. The rest of their day went without a hiccup.

    Finally, when Sunday rush hour was over, the deli settled into a quiet peacefulness. Gia went back to her office to work on paperwork and to hide from Loretta’s smile. Loretta was left alone to clean up the counter, cookie stand, register, and sandwich station. Then the door opened and Becca came in with Luna. When Loretta went around the counter to give her a hug, she noticed that the always serious Becca was smiling. Luna lay down on the floor to cool off and rest after a long walk at the park.

    You look happy, said Loretta and went back behind the counter. Is there something you want to tell me? Coffee?

    No, thank you, said Becca and blushed. I think I met somebody.

    Who? asked Gia, coming from her office for more coffee.

    Her name is Cathy, said Becca and took the cup of coffee that Loretta had made, ignoring her earlier refusal. Luna met her dog first, and then we kind of ate together but at separate tables. She’s so beautiful, just my type. She’s a little taller than me, fit, brunette, with dark eyes and a cute, short haircut—just what I like.

    I can tell that you’re smitten by that girl. How wonderful. Becca, I’m so happy for you, said Loretta. Are you going on a date soon? Cookie?

    No, said Becca and sipped on her coffee.

    No cookie or no date? asked Gia.

    No date, no cookie, said Becca and looked down. I don’t think dating Cathy would be the best idea for me.

    Gia had anticipated Becca’s answer. Loretta looked at Gia and shook her head. They both knew how shy Becca was to start a new relationship and how difficult it was for her to keep a relationship going. For the last year, Becca wasn’t even trying to find a girlfriend. She would meet nice girls and would have a wonderful time when she met them, but Becca wouldn’t give her phone number to any girl and wouldn’t call if the other girl would give hers. Gia and Loretta loved Becca dearly and were running out of imagination and options to help her get back to life.

    Becca, why are you doing this to yourself? asked Loretta. Why don’t you want to be happy?

    I am happy, said Becca and looked up at her best friends. I’m happy to be alone.

    Lies! No one’s happy to be alone, said Gia.

    Loretta and Becca knew that Gia was speaking the truth, because Gia had lived alone for the last few years too. Gia didn’t appear to be happy to her friends either. But she was solid as a rock, and they couldn’t crack the mystery of her loneliness. Loretta lived with her girlfriend and wanted her friends to have someone to be happy with. Loretta thought she was quite happy most of the time. And the days that she didn’t feel happy, she pretended to be happy anyway.

    So why don’t you find a girlfriend? asked Becca. With her friends, she could be harshly honest once in a while. Why are you still alone? I at least have Luna.

    I have Goldie, said Gia.

    You can’t cuddle with a fish, Gia, said Loretta. She refilled everybody’s coffee cups. Becca, did Cathy give you her number?

    I kind of gave her mine, but not really, said Becca. She took the cookie that was offered earlier and stuffed it whole into her mouth.

    What do you mean, ‘I gave her my number, but not really’? asked Loretta. You ate that cookie on purpose so you wouldn’t have to answer that question.

    Becca, I know that trick already, said Gia and turned to Loretta. When Becca says ‘I gave her my number, but not really,’ that means Becca wrote random numbers after an area code. That way, she never sees the person again.

    Becca nodded to Gia’s words and continued chewing on her cookie.

    Loretta thought for a minute what would be best for both girls. Nothing came to mind that her friends could do alone without her. She also wanted to have some fun. So she said, I have an idea for both of you, and you can’t say ‘No’ to me.

    Gia wasn’t going to say no to Loretta anyway, but she was intrigued to see where it was going. Becca wanted to hear what her friend had to say but promised herself that she wouldn’t automatically do what Loretta was suggesting.

    Becca, you absolutely have to go on a date with Cathy if you’re ever going to see her again, said Loretta, looking at her. "And next time, you’ll give her your real

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