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White Enlightenment: What Are We? the Revival of Our Forgotten Inheritance
White Enlightenment: What Are We? the Revival of Our Forgotten Inheritance
White Enlightenment: What Are We? the Revival of Our Forgotten Inheritance
Ebook147 pages2 hours

White Enlightenment: What Are We? the Revival of Our Forgotten Inheritance

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About this ebook

White Enlightenment invites its readers to embark on a journey, a quest, a pilgrimage of sorts. The terrain to be travelled lies in the country of ones own internal reality. The journey seeks to uncover the truth that resides at the roots of the readers existence. The author, Paul Longhetti, writes from the perspective of one who has madeand continues to makehis own internal journey.

At the outset, White Enlightenment counsels its readers to prepare for the journey. The author writes, We shall all go deeper within our core to the essence of our universal illusive state of being, where reality stops and the truth of what we are begins. The moment is now to surrender all that you think you areto fully know yourself. You will reawaken your memory to the beginning of what you were before you chose to separate from your own oneness of enlightenment, which is the state of your own divinity, the greatness of I am.

Do you have a deeply rooted and unshakeable feeling that something deeper, something profound, something more awaits you, lying just beyond your reach, but beckoning to you? If you do, then White Enlightenment offers to serve as your trusted guide as you embark on the journey of a lifetime, the journey to the truth of your life.

Release dateFeb 17, 2017
White Enlightenment: What Are We? the Revival of Our Forgotten Inheritance

Paul Longhetti

Paul Longhetti turns to the power of the written word to offer leadership for people who desire to embark inner journeys that will take them on searches for fuller understandings of who and what they are.

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    White Enlightenment - Paul Longhetti

    Copyright © 2017 Paul Longhetti.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0556-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0557-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 02/15/2017




    1. The Phoenix

    2. The Centre

    3. The Illumination

    4. The Separation

    5. The Child

    6. The Path

    7. The Rays

    8. Is-Ness

    9. The Way

    10. The Space

    11. The Law

    12. The Roses

    13. The Truth

    14. The Oneness


    I give homage to the divine within us all—our own enlightened empowerment; to the created awakenings which have blessed my life, and the people who played a role in my spiritual development; and to all of my spiritual friends who have helped me to realize we are greater than we have been taught to believe.


    Paul Longhetti


    What Are We

    In the time since I delivered Free Spirit, the first of my inspired writings of White Enlightenment, a great deal of inner growth and awareness have once again confronted and enlightened my being. That which I believed was cleared from my psyche resurfaced to carry my consciousness to a deeper awareness of all that I am.

    I have had to face all the deep-centred emotions behind my own personal attachments. The first part of the book was an inspiration of self-revelation, an endless stream of healing, understandings, and acknowledgement of the god that we are, which leads the ones who seek through the progress of who am I, who are you, and who are we. Finally, now, we move into the oneness of what are we.

    This quest for self-realization of the ultimate oneness that I seek is certainly not easy. It has caused me to look deep within, recognize the illusion of my perceived ideals, transcend my created attachments, and rise through the layers of my auras into my god-self. Two significant facts have stopped me from wavering: my faith in myself, and my awareness that a greater understanding for humanity is to be revealed to all. We can all ascend spiritually if we fully inspire ourselves with the knowledge of the oneness that is attained through an esoteric understanding of what we are—if we surrender to it and just be it.

    Once this realization is attained, we shall all re-evaluate ourselves. We shall all go deeper within our core to the essence of our universal illusive state of being, where reality stops and the truth of what we are begins. The moment is now to surrender all that you think you are—to fully know yourself. You will reawaken your memory to the beginning of what you were before you chose to separate from your own oneness of enlightenment, which is the state of your own divinity, the greatness of I am. Final testing shall commence in time after what is to come, which is known to many as the cleansing and beyond.

    Beat your drum, more has come,

    What Are We has begun.

    Time is wilting faster than May; new seasons are coming our way.

    Letting go of the old to bring forth the new, this is a must that we humans must do.

    Sad, so sad that I see what mankind has done to thee.



    Many changes have taken place in my life. I have experienced the highs and lows of change. When we are on the highs, we tend to become elated, and when we are on the lows, we tend to surrender. Should we not surrender to all experiences, whether high or low?

    This surrendering can be difficult at times. This is where you shall gain the knowing of your inner truth. This is where you shall be able to view your own source energy in its purest form, allowing you to be peaceful and loving in all aspects of your life and being. Let this peace and love flow from within you; let the godhead that you are express itself through you. Be that vessel for all to see. Become that heavenly being that you are, without the mind-pain effect of the needs that at times overcome us all.

    Through my searching, there have been many ups, and yes, there have been many downs. The more you share with yourself the spiritual wonderment, the more you will be able to share with others. There are many different spiritual paths that we choose to experience—and many of these paths, I find, are based on the justification of our personal needs at different times of our own spiritual searching. Many seekers become cluttered within their own understandings because of the paths they have chosen to follow. All they really need to do is keep their belief simple and look within—beyond their emotional need—to the centre of the heart, from whence the true self vibrates.

    The heart is a highly complex organ that beats with life and expression of energies. One moment it vibrates joy; the next, sadness. Yet beyond the emotional and physical effects of the heart, there is an energy that opens to the secrets of all that spirituality is—your projections and manifestations of who you are at any time, where the essence of your enlightenment is located. This is the core, located through the heart chakra that is the centre of the main seven chakras. It is positioned between the physical and subtle bodies rotating in reverse cycles to each other. It is a common understanding in some forms of spiritual development that one should focus on raising the kundalini energy that lays dormant within the root chakra, to move up the physical body and to pass through all chakra systems to reach the crown chakra.

    When one accomplishes this feat, the belief is that one shall become, in essence, enlightened, and then one shall create a resonance of spiritual oneness connected to this enlightened state. Contrary to this belief, I find many people struggle with this process. If they are not careful, they can harm themselves physically and mentally. This energy is not to be forced; it needs to be nurtured through the love of the opening of one’s own heart.

    People have asked me how they can receive inspired insight in a method that differs from kundalini rising? Simply love yourself, I advise them; all love is manifested from the heart and the associated chakras. Connect to the heart chakra of your own infinite divine, for this is where you shall find the peace and silence between all thoughts and emotional effects, where only love and harmony abide. This is the centre of universal sight. This is the core energy of the great I Am. When you can go within this centre of the heart, into the core, with total surrender of all emotional needs, you will acknowledge the heavenly being that you are.

    With full confidence of who you are, you shall find within you the infinite source of your I Am, where all universal knowledge is stored and the seventh seal of the seven minds of enlightenment of your clear vision is waiting to be acknowledged. From this point, you will be able to direct your god energy to all chakras—to open the energy paths that expand from your heart without any restrictions of your physical mind-state affecting this purity. By being honest and honouring the love of yourself in humbleness with the many parts of yourself, you shall connect your clear vision and resonate with all people’s infinite source of enlightened energy. Once this is obtained, the who are we of oneness will overcome you, enabling this state of bliss to activate the third eye that is positioned in the forehead area.

    When you look within and not without, the core will open up inside the centre of the heart chakra, allowing all spiritual knowing to be revealed. This brings with it an awareness of the state of what are we, thus allowing the mythological bird to rise from the ashes of the death of the created effects of the mind-pain. The knowing of all that is shall overwhelm you in great awe. It brings forth the expansion of radiating energy, which will open all chakras instantly.

    The secrets of what are we will be revealed. You shall remember all the greater parts of yourself. As is stated, to enter the kingdom of heaven, one must be as a child, pure of heart, simple of mind, and have faith as a mustard seed. Do not clutter your mind with desire based on needs. Just be simple and let the love of yourself recreate you.

    In many beliefs, there is a great emphasis placed on fate and karma. I understand that the heart and its associated chakras have much to do with creating this effect. I see them as a projection of one’s mind-state at any given time. As you know, positive thoughts create empowerment, while negative thoughts create destructive tendencies. If your heart is pure, you shall not project fate or create karma.

    I’ve wondered all through my life, why is it that humans have to suffer the way we do? Health, wealth, and happiness are given to us and also taken from us. Is there a separate energy out there somewhere that wants us to learn to better the development of our soul through personal pain? Is it out of our control, or do we all create this play and therefore live with the effect? If we believe this energy-separateness exists, we will give away our power of projection to a separated effect. If we understand that we control our power of projection, we will give back to ourselves the created effect just by believing in our hearts that we can receive it—in turn, co-creating our state of enlightened bliss.

    The created effect is governed by your belief of the illusion of your thought. If your heart is not pure, you will project a boomerang effect; your inner self will reveal to the egotistical mind-state what it can produce. When you surrender your emotional needs to the love within the core of your essence, fate and karma shall stop producing, and you shall project love from the core within the purity of its stillness. Within this stillness, fate and karma do not exist; there is only pure peace. When you find your peace through radiating love of this stillness, you shall project only what are we—the oneness. By loving what you have projected and created in the past and surrendering it back to your own source of love, you remove its illusive effect upon you. You will be fate- and karma-free, for you will see through your own separated created illusion.

    With this freedom shall come the rising of

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