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Rebirth: Change Your Life Through Yoga Mind X
Rebirth: Change Your Life Through Yoga Mind X
Rebirth: Change Your Life Through Yoga Mind X
Ebook521 pages5 hours

Rebirth: Change Your Life Through Yoga Mind X

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If you feel defeated because of personal tragedies, broken promises, and unfulfilled dreams, you are not alone. But you can still hit the reset button and experience rebirth through a journey of self-realization and spiritual evolution. You can combat destructive thinking patterns, improve your physical well-being, and find purpose and meaning for your life.

Based on the personal experiences of a registered yoga teacher, Rebirth: Change Your Life through Yoga Mind X offers a method for finding the true guru inside yourself through a renewal of your mind, body, and soul. It describes the principles of Yoga Mind X, a method for transforming your world with your mind and reaching your highest potential. Through meditation and breathing techniques, yoga postures, and energy healing, you can improve your quality of life and embark on your own rebirth journey. Embrace your uniqueness and magnificence as a human being; experience gratitude for all your blessings; and use your talents and skills to bring love, peace, and hope to yourself and others.

This self-improvement guide presents a methodology for the renewal of your mind, body, and soul through a path of self-realization and spiritual evolution.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 19, 2015
Rebirth: Change Your Life Through Yoga Mind X

H. Castillero

H. Castillero es un profesor de yoga registrado - RYT 500 con la Alianza de Yoga. Su práctica incluye estilos de yoga en Hatha, Kundalini y Ashtanga, así como también la medicina holística en Ayurveda y Reiki. A través de una unión de mente, cuerpo y alma, él superó la tragedia de su divorcio, encontró la auto-realización y halló una vocación ayudando a otros. Él y sus dos hijas viven en los Estados Unidos.

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    Rebirth - H. Castillero

    Praise for Rebirth:

    Change Your Life through Yoga Mind X

    A practical application of the science of Yoga. It captures the essence of the Mind Body Spirit connection.



    A roadmap for personal healing and growth through meditation, breathing and yoga techniques.



    A guide to overcome pain and sorrow caused by physical, emotional and mental scars. It teaches how to reach a higher level of consciousness.

    – AMY D. STANDISH, RYT 200,


    A hands-on program showing how to deal with suffering and defeat. Through personal growth, rise from the ashes like the Phoenix.


    An insightful journey into personal transformation, spiritual awakening and redemption to fulfill one’s purpose.




    Your Life


    Yoga Mind X

    H. Castillero


    Copyright © 2015 H. Castillero.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Please check with your health care professional before starting any exercise or yoga program. Please keep in mind that not all exercises, breathing, and meditation techniques are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise and/or advice provided in this book may result in injury. Any user of this Yoga Mind X program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing any of the exercises, breathing and meditation techniques. To reduce risk of injury, in your case, consult your doctor prior to beginning this program. The instructions and advice presented here are in no way intended to as a substitute for medical counseling and/or treatment. The information provided within is intended to be used under professional instruction and guidance. Any material presented in this book is provided as-is with no warranties or guarantees. The creators and distributors of this program disclaim any liabilities or loss in connection with any exercise, breathing, meditation technique and advice herein.

    Balboa Press

    A Division of Hay House

    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    1 (877) 407-4847

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3985-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3984-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3983-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015914012

    Balboa Press rev. date: 10/13/2015


    Praise for Rebirth:



    My Journey

    My Birth

    My Childhood Years


    My Teen Years

    My First Love

    My College Years

    A Spiritual Awakening

    The Marriage Year

    Our Honeymoon

    A New Marriage

    Starting a Family

    Establishing Family/Professional Roots

    Family/Professional Accomplishments

    The Divorce Year

    Fifteen Universal Truths

    The Rebirth Cycle

    The Five Life Stages

    The New-Life Stage

    The Survival Stage

    The Learning Stage

    The Application Stage

    The Assessment Stage

    Personal Assessment Checklist

    My First Yoga Experience

    The Evolution of Yoga

    What Is Yoga?

    A History of Yoga

    Types of Yoga

    Benefits of Yoga

    Spiritual Connection

    Yoga Mind X

    The Mind

    The Conscious Mind

    The Subconscious Mind

    The Universal Mind

    Mind Communication

    Personal Testimony

    Pranayama, Bandhas, and Mudras


    Long Deep Breathing

    Ujjayi Pranayama

    Nadi Sodhana Pranayama

    Sama Vrtti Pranayama

    Agni Pranayama


    Mula Bandha (root lock)

    Uddiyana Bandha (diaphragm lock)

    Jalandhara Bandha (neck lock)

    Maha Bandha (great lock)


    Gyan Mudra

    Shuni Mudra

    Surya or Ravi Mudra

    Buddhi Mudra


    Mind-Full Meditations

    Insightful Meditation

    Healing Meditation

    Spiritual Meditation

    Creative Meditation

    Meditation Sitting Postures

    Warm-Up Exercises

    Benefits of Meditation

    The Body

    Love Your Body—Free Yourself

    Your Body Rhythm—Express Yourself

    Healthy Body—Balanced Life

    Understand Your Body—Know Yourself

    The Physical Body

    The Circulatory System

    The Respiratory System

    The Digestive System

    The Nervous System

    The Musculoskeletal System

    The Endocrine System

    The Immune/Lymphatic System

    Urinary System

    Reproductive System

    The Subtle Body

    The Energy Body

    The Mind-Body-Soul Connection


    Fitness Culture

    Objectives of the Pose

    Elements of the Pose

    The Intention

    The Execution


    Developing a Personal Practice

    Assess Your Physical Condition

    Honor Your Practice

    Establish a Rhythm

    Prepare for Your Practice

    Healing and Transformation

    Yoga Poses

    Standing Poses


    Virabhadrasana One

    Virabhadrasana Two

    Utthita Trikonasana

    Parivrtta Trikonasana

    Utthita Parvakonasana




    Prasarita Padottanasana


    Standing Balancing Poses


    Utthita Hasta Padangusthanasana


    Virabhadrasana Three

    Ardha Chandrasana

    Sitting Poses



    Baddha Konasana

    Ardha Matsyendrasana


    Floor Forward Bend Poses


    Janu Sirsasana


    Upavista Konasana

    Floor Back Bend Poses






    Urdhva Dhanurasana

    Setu Bandhasana


    Adho Mukha Svanasana

    Hand Balancing Poses

    Chaturanga Dandasana




    Inversion Poses

    Salamba Sarvangasana


    Salamba Sirsasana

    Pincha Mayurasana

    Adho Mukha Vrksasana

    Resting Poses


    Pavana Muktasana

    Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

    Jathara Parivrtti


    Surya Namaskar

    Sun Salutation A

    Sun Salutation B

    The Soul


    Soul Characteristics

    Spiritual Identity

    Soul Components

    Enlightenment of the Soul

    Yoga Philosophy

    Classical Yoga









    Yoga Teacher

    Code of Personal Conduct and Beliefs

    Your Life

    Sanskrit Glossary



    1. Master Artist, Francis Dobleo

    2. Master Photographer – Ivory Fine Art Portraits, Dina Ivory

    3. Head Teacher –The Kundalini Yoga Center, Hari Simran Kalsa

    To my daughters. You are my inspiration and the reason I changed my life. You are my world, and I have pledged to sacrifice my life for you.

    Thank you to my sisters. You have been my support group and a shoulder to cry on during my lowest and darkest moments.

    Thank you to my parents for your support and guidance.

    Thank you to all my yoga teachers, friends, and family who encouraged and believed in me—even when I had no vision or hope for a better life.

    Thank you to my Creator for opening my mind and heart to write this book. I was guided by divine inspiration to bring hope, love, and faith to his creation.



    I wrote this book to share with you my life’s journey and personal transformation through the practice of yoga and my relationship with the divine. Developing a mind, body, and soul connection has provided me with an unshakeable foundation for the way I choose to live today. My life is full of blessings and excitement. There are no physical, emotional, or spiritual boundaries or limitations imposed by my mind. It is the way I have always imagined it would unfold—and you can begin to experience it too as we travel this journey together.

    Nothing in our lives is more powerful than our minds, and we have a choice to make. Either we conquer the mind and make it our servant so we can live our lives to the fullest—with purpose, conviction, and determination and make this world a better place for our families, friends, and humanity—or we can succumb to the egos and whims of our minds to ultimately live neurotic and empty lives. We will always want more and more to satisfy every desire we can imagine, but we will never be content or at peace with who we are or what we have accomplished.

    There is a way to find balance, peace, and joy—regardless of the circumstances. If we learn to align our minds with the Universal Mind and infinite intelligence, we can develop consciousness and awareness. We can experience emotions with our hearts. If we believe, the Divine will grant us every single desire. He will fulfill our lives and destinies with his infinite blessings.

    Those who came before us did great things that inspire us all. Christ, Buddha, Patanjali, the Virgin Mary, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and many others sacrificed themselves for the greater good. They all had incredible connections with the Divine and their inner selves. By making yoga a way of life, I have experienced a connection with the Universal Mind. My inner self has guided every step of my journey.

    We are trying to live our lives in the best way we can: loving and providing for our families, contributing to society, making the world a better place to live, and improving lives because of our spiritual devotion to God. Why are these lofty pursuits not enough to achieve that inner peace and joy we desperately long for? Why can’t we accept ourselves as we are without wanting to change every single feature in our bodies? Why can’t we be content with life since every day is an opportunity to become a catalyst for change?

    When we are born into this world, we believe that we possess unlimited potential for making something out of our lives—without any preconceived ideas, judgments, or limitations. We don’t know any better, and we have faith that the sky is the limit because we have not been told otherwise.

    However, as we begin to experience life, we become less optimistic and more pessimistic. We start to believe that our potential is determined by our circumstances—with no possibility for alteration or the slightest modification. If we are born with a silver spoon, all the good things that life has to offer will be ours no matter what personal choices we make. On the other hand, if we are born in precarious conditions, we are doomed to become victims of our fates. We will have no hope for better lives in spite of how hard we try to change our environments or the choices we make.

    Why is it so hard to believe that God wants us to have an abundant life, where all his blessings, dreams, and hopes are waiting to be released and manifested onto our lives? If we are created in God’s image, doesn’t the Creator believe we are worthy of his love, mercy, compassion, blessings, and abundant riches?

    The negative mind takes the easy route, believing that we have been left out of God’s favor and have not been chosen to do great things. As a result, this negativity takes over our lives, often filling our souls and hearts with incredible resentment. It paralyzes our actions and kills the faith we had. Ultimately, we resign ourselves to mediocrity and choose to do nothing with our lives because that is the path of least resistance where faith, belief, and courage do not exist.

    We all have experienced how hard life is, but there is always sunshine after the storm, summer after the winter, laughter after the tears, joy after the sorrow, and success after the failure. Each of us has been given talents and opportunities to experience life for God and to be guided by that incredible energy source where all wisdom resides. This energy, which is called the superconscious, the Universal Mind, or infinite intelligence, is available to each of us. We use the power of our minds to tap into it through our thoughts; we control and guide them through meditation.

    Everything that has been created in this world was conceived in somebody’s mind through thoughts and manifested physically. Our lives are not different in that regard. The way we feel and think toward ourselves will be manifested in terms of our personal accomplishments, relationships with family and friends, financial freedom, professional success, and spiritual development.

    No matter where we are at the present moment, we are experiencing blessings and challenges. These experiences could help us or hurt us as we decide what choices to make. We can use them to build character as we determine our purposes and roles or destroy our self-esteem and personal beliefs that we are destined for greatness. We need to learn how to make that connection with the Divine. If we let our lives shine brightly, we will become beacons of light.

    The answer resides in each of us. Until we find ourselves and fulfill our destinies, we are only existing. We are not living. Through the application and interpretation of yoga principles and philosophies, I have developed my own eclectic practice. I call it Yoga Mind X. I have found myself, discovered my purpose, and begun to fulfill my destiny.

    My goal with this book goes beyond sharing proven yoga postures, meditations, and breathing techniques that can enhance your life in many ways. My ultimate goal is that you find your inner guru to guide you in every decision you make. As you achieve your dreams, you will find enlightenment and a permanent connection with your inner self and the Divine.


    Would you be surprised if I told you that your life was not so different than mine? There was a time when you believed that the sky was the limit. In your heart, you longed to accomplish something amazing because you believed you were destined for greatness.

    However, your perfect dream has become a distant memory. Today, you feel cheated and defeated because of personal tragedies, broken promises, and unfulfilled dreams. You have lost all hope and faith in yourself, and you have stopped believing that your life matters.

    In this book, I share my rebirth process and how I was able to regain my life after the devastation of a divorce after twenty-three years of marriage. I was able to deal with this traumatic and paralyzing event that almost killed me. I was so overwhelmed, and my life was chaotic. I cried myself to sleep many nights. I wanted to make sense of the madness and figure out my reason for living.

    Through the rebirth process, we can find purpose and direction in the midst of tragedy. Our troubles and obstacles often serve as catalysts for a personal transformations and changes of direction.

    You have a chance to hit the reset button and embark upon a new journey through a path of self-realization and spiritual evolution. Through the principles of Yoga Mind X, you will be able to

    • eliminate destructive thinking patterns by learning meditation and breathing techniques;

    • improve physical well-being and quality of life by practicing yoga postures and energy healing; and

    • find purpose and meaning by developing self-awareness and higher consciousness.

    During your rebirth journey, you will embrace your uniqueness and magnificence as a human being. You will experience gratitude for all your blessings and use your talents and skills to bring love, peace, and hope to yourself and others.

    Through the practice of yoga and my relationship with the Divine, I have developed a mind-body-soul connection that has provided me with an unshakeable foundation for the way I choose to live my life. My life is full of blessings and excitement; my mind imposes no physical, emotional, or spiritual boundaries or limitations. I always imagined it would unfold this way. You can begin to experience the same thing as we travel this journey together.

    Nothing in our lives is more powerful than our minds, and we have a choice to make. We can conquer it and make it our servant so we can live our lives to the fullest—with purpose, conviction, and determination—and make this world a better place for our families, friends, and humanity. If we succumb to the ego and whims of the mind, we will live neurotic, empty lives. We will always want more. We will never satisfy every desire or be at peace with who we are and what we have accomplished in life.

    We develop consciousness with our minds, and we experience awareness and emotions with our hearts. The Divine will grant whatever our minds conceive and our hearts desire. We all have destinies and infinite blessings. We must firmly believe.

    During my journey, I developed a simple, effective method that transformed my life in every way. Yoga Mind X is not a new type of yoga, spiritual religion, or philosophy. It is the practical and deliberate application of your mind to your life in general. I have regained my life and experienced daily peace of mind, good health, and spiritual fulfillment.

    It doesn’t matter whether you are young or old, strong or weak, flexible or rigid, graceful or uncoordinated, thin or heavy, tall or short, active or sedentary. You will learn yoga postures and breathing techniques that will improve your well-being and quality of life. Yoga is not about ego, judgment, comparison, or looks. It is about personal awareness, acceptance, and growth.

    You will learn the power of thought and how it can transform your life. You will practice meditation techniques and engage the mind in active visualization and imagination that will bring your desires and purpose to fruition, according to divine design. The goal is to clean your subconscious by discarding any negative, self-destructive thoughts and replace them with positive, uplifting thinking.

    You can practice your religious beliefs and philosophy while living by these universal truths. You will engage in a meaningful spiritual journey and develop conviction and understanding about why your soul longs for the Creator.

    As you learn to communicate with this source of infinite wisdom, power, and knowledge, you will change your life and find harmony with the universe.

    My Journey

    My name is H. Castillero, and this is my journey. Even though we all are different individuals with our own experiences and challenges, our evolution in the cycle of life is pretty much the same. I would like to share my personal transformation in search of self-realization and spiritual meaning. Every blessing and failure I have experienced in my journey has molded and prepared me for this very moment to claim my divine right and fulfill my destiny.

    Through the practice of yoga, I was able to regain my life. I came back from emptiness, depression, and suicidal thoughts. I found self-realization and a spiritual connection with my Creator. As you read this book, you will find practical applications to develop new thought patterns while building self-confidence and acceptance. You will learn to love your uniqueness and beauty, improve your overall well-being, and understand the magnificence of your soul while completing God’s purpose for your life.

    By practicing meditation, we become conscious of our thoughts and emotions. We also learn to differentiate between reality and fiction. With clear minds, we can separate positive from negative, right from wrong, true from false, and eternal from temporary. This is instrumental in developing awareness and acceptance. We are living in the present—and not in the past or future. In the present moment, we have control of our lives, and we can set in motion our aspirations, dreams, and hopes for better lives.

    By practicing yoga postures, we can feel a special connection with Mother Nature. We refine our awareness and physical sensations by using our bodies as instruments to process the world around us through seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting. When the body is healthy, we can establish a natural rhythm and synchronicity with the environment while enjoying good health and peace of mind.

    By practicing spiritual laws, we can define the purpose and reason for our existence. My experience with yoga goes beyond practicing a certain religion or set of beliefs with dos and don’ts. It is about establishing a personal relationship with the Creator. Our souls connect with the universal energy that sustains all living creatures. When guided by spiritual truths, we eliminate fear, doubt, and regret. We become the full expression of ourselves when love, joy, peace, hope, and faith motivate us. We become grounded in our relationships with the Divine.

    No matter how difficult your circumstances are today, you were born with a purpose and a destiny that only you can fulfill. Your life is unique and special. Only you can complete God’s creation as you choose to manifest his glory. On our journeys, we develop awareness of the ultimate plan for our lives. All our past and present experiences bring us to this special moment in time to fulfill our destinies.

    I would like to share my story and the events that brought me to my knees. With tears and humility, I asked for God’s mercy. I had no answers. All my education, professional accomplishments, family relationships, and my will to become successful could not carry me through the tragedy of my divorce. That was the breaking point. I totally surrendered to my Creator and devoted my existence to his glory.

    My Birth

    I was born in Mexico. My father and mother met while attending medical school in Mexico City. They fell madly in love and married at a very early age. My father was twenty-one, and my mother was twenty. Since they were raised Catholic, birth control was not an option. I was conceived during their honeymoon.

    From the instant I was born, I had to fight through life. My mother’s pregnancy had complications in the seventh month, and I needed to go out into the world as soon as possible. An emergency C-section had to be performed because I was bridged, which added to the complication of my delivery.

    I barely weighed five pounds. My health was very fragile, and my appearance was more like a prune than a plum. I was wrinkled and emaciated. The doctors were very concerned for my health and knew there was a chance I would not make it. However, my mother saw me in a different light. She said I was the most beautiful baby her eyes had ever seen.

    I believe her love inspired me to hold onto life and muster the desire to survive. I had to make a choice: give up on my existence and let myself go or fight with all my strength and will. I chose the latter, claimed my place on this earth, and fulfilled my destiny.

    It is amazing to observe newborns as they begin to breathe, eat, laugh, cry, smile, and eliminate toxins. These human functions are performed instinctively to perfection without even having read a manual. Our connection to a universal intelligence guides us to unleash those survival instincts from day one.

    Regardless of environment, family makeup, financial situation, or social circumstances, human interactions with the world are the same. We assess the environment with our minds, experience the world with our physical senses, and evolve spiritually through our souls. The choice about how to live is ours alone.

    I am the master of my mind, the creator of my life, and the driver of my soul. My connection to the Divine has provided me with everything I need to live a prosperous and successful life—no matter the conditions of my external circumstances.

    When we come into this world, we are very loud and clear. With our first cries, we tell everyone that we are here to stay. The world will never be the same. As soon as I was out of the womb, the doctors placed me in an incubator. I was fed intravenously until I gained enough weight to be placed under my mother’s care. I ate so much that I was fully recovered within a couple of months. Nobody would have guessed I had complications at birth.

    My Childhood Years

    During my early childhood, I was afflicted with asthma. This condition limited my physical activities outside the home. My father did his residency in one of the hospitals in Mexico City, the smog and pollution from the cars were heavy. I stayed indoors as much as possible to control my environment.

    I could go outdoors on smoggy days in a white shirt, and it would soon be covered with black smog particles. With the slightest effort, I would run out of breath quickly. I used to sit outside my window and wish things were different. I wanted to play ball, ride my bike, run in the playground, or swim in the pool. I wondered why I wasn’t normal like the rest of the boys in my neighborhood.

    Since I had to stay indoors a majority of the time, I developed a vivid imagination. My favorite toy—G.I. Joe—had a cord in the middle of his chest. When I pulled it, he would say, I am ready for the mission to free our soldiers.

    I understood instinctively that my mind could comfort me despite the limits of my surroundings and physical condition. My vivid imagination and visualizations changed the way I felt about myself. My soul was filled with courage. I knew my circumstances would change for the better someday.

    I transported myself to a dreamland, and I was invincible. I had no physical limitations. I was full of strength and vigor, and I always enjoyed success in my affairs. I lived vicariously through my toys, and those were the happiest moments of my childhood. I felt like the whole world was mine—and I was part of it.

    My health improved with time, and I went to elementary school like the rest of the boys in my neighborhood. I loved going to school because it gave me an opportunity to get out of the house and play with my friends. As I developed physically, mentally, and emotionally, my asthma attacks were less frequent. I took medication and used a breathing machine to clear my lungs of mucus whenever I suffered an episode.

    When I turned eight, my father finished his specialization as an ob-gyn. He wanted to return to Panama and establish his practice in the small town he grew up in. After many discussions with my grandparents and other relatives, he decided to move our family to Panama. My father, my mother, my two sisters, and I moved to a foreign land to begin a new life.

    I had mixed emotions because I loved where we lived and the friends I had made along the way. However, there was something exciting about moving to a different place. I would get to know other relatives and make new friends.

    My father bought a new Pontiac Firebird. It took almost a week to drive from Mexico City to Panama City. We drove almost fourteen hours a day and spent the nights in hotels. We only brought our suitcases; the rest of our belongings were shipped by sea.

    In retrospect, I had mixed emotions. I couldn’t tell my parents how I felt about the move. I had the feeling that my life would never be the same. In fact, that experience had a monumental impact by teaching me how nothing is permanent.

    During childhood, our parents made all the major decisions. They chose the school we attended, the clothes we wore, the food we ate, the friends we associated with, and the activities we engaged in. The only thing we had control over was how we processed and reacted to our circumstances.

    Our minds play a key role in how we interpret our circumstances. We can see them as opportunities for growth and evolution or curses filled with failure and disappointment. Human nature wants to be in control of all

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