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Never Love the Princess
Never Love the Princess
Never Love the Princess
Ebook1,285 pages22 hours

Never Love the Princess

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Luke Trigg doesnt wait for anyone. The first girl to push him away is his new employee Laurie Brinkle. Will he ever break her wall of resistance? Surely, once he breaks over the wall, he can forget all about her, same as the others who have fallen so easily into his bed. She offers intriguing rules. The surprising exchange with Laurie leaves him wanting more each time he sees the fascinating Laurie.

Finally, Laurie Brinkle moved on after a bad marriage. Or did she? Relationships are more of an inconvenience, and she sees them as a constant struggle to keep men happy. One man seems to push for more than she is willing to comprehend. Things she has pushed to the far corners of her mind have suddenly been brought front and center. Will it be too late for them if she cant open up completely?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 20, 2014
Never Love the Princess

June N.M.

June N. M. is a pen name to honor matriarch family members. Through the years, her writing was put on hold from lack of courage. In the past, when June did write something, it was always reread by her mother. When her mother passed November of 2011 is when June fi rst felt emboldened to scratch out her thoughts. Although June feels like a fl ower drug through the mud most days, she has a supportive family. Her husband and their four boys encouraged June with her passion of writing.

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    Book preview

    Never Love the Princess - June N.M.

    Chapter 1

    E verything seems to be in order, Laurie. The brunette blue-eyed man introduced himself as the manager, Sean Henson. He didn’t really look at my skills for the job except the assets on my body. His eyes were on my legs longer than my face. I didn’t care. I wanted this job. He could do as he wished at this point. Can you be here tonight? I nod my head. That won’t be a problem? He glances at my legs again. I could stick my tongue out, and he would never know.

    My other job would need to be rearranged. Of course not, Mr. Henson, what time? Standing behind the bar after my test past the man seemed pleased with the cocktail of his choice. He stands beside me going over a schedule.

    Four, okay? It will be busy with happy hour crowds, plus diners. The man writes on the clipboard not waiting on an answer. No matter what I would come back, I needed the money.

    Sounds perfect, what about a schedule? I have a part-time job. It won’t interfere with my duties here, only need to know days off. Yes, because tonight I need to rearrange for a client.

    What’s the part-time job? He boldly eyes me up suspiciously. Do I need to tell him everything? No!

    Taken by surprise that he asked, I lie. Housekeeping. I can go anytime, not a set schedule. This turn in my interview was unexpected.

    I’ll have it for you tonight. You can work until nine tonight. This way you have a sense for things. I nod at the manager. See you later, Laurie. Walking off, I wonder if this will be easy as he contrives. Even if it wasn’t, I needed this job. My last job was adequate. I just didn’t make enough. This bar always remained busy. I jumped at the chance when the opening became available. Something happened on the inside because I heard through the grapevine a few people were fired.

    Making my way through the door, I head for home before I quit my job. Sort of wanted to brag, being hired by the hottest bar/restaurant to my boyfriend, Sid. He figured it wouldn’t go well. Thought I would be whining to him later. Ha! He didn’t have any faith. I was glad I took time to go to bartending and mixology school in south Florida. Yeah, I planned on staying in Florida, but things change. What can I say?

    Tonight I would be a mess since it was my first day; however, I couldn’t wait. When I pass the test for the owner, I’ll be even better. Doing research, I learned his favorite cocktails. Plus, I had my own twists of cocktails. Hopefully, things would go well.

    Parking in my driveway, I push all of my thoughts aside. My boyfriend, Sid’s car was in the driveway along with his buddy Josh’s truck. Hello! I call out walking into the house. They aren’t in the living room or kitchen area. Heading to the back door, I see them smoking pot out back. It’s not even lunchtime. This ought to be good. Hey, guys. My voice remains monotone. They both cough and put their hands behind their backs. Really? Did they think I couldn’t see the smoke billowing around them? So I got the job. I say instead of pointing out the smoking.

    Oh yeah? Sid’s eyes are red brimmed and barely open. You’ll spend even less time here, wahoo! His sarcasm didn’t deter my good mood. I roll my eyes instead. By the way, I lost my job last week. My half of the rent we’ll be short. He rocks back on the backs of his feet as though having a good time telling me this.

    He lost his job last week and only told me now? Bet it was longer than last week. Sid, I need your half of rent. I don’t have any other money. Starting a new job, it will take time to make any money. Rent’s due. He shrugs unconcerned. The reason I had him move in was for the share of expenses. Sid’s more cumbersome than an asset lately. Did you get your last check from this last job?

    Sid sighs and reveals the joint from behind his back. Yeah, I spent it on some medicinal comfort since you’re never here. That shot would bother a normal person. But we both know I care more about making money than being with him.

    Josh didn’t chip in since he used it also? Shooting back with a glare at the two sandy-haired men who are wasted, this wasn’t the first hit of pot. Josh laughs and starts sucking on his joint. Sid ignored me. Screw it. I have better conversations with a TV than him. He wonders why I don’t want to be around him.

    Walking back in the house, I head to my stash of cash I’m accumulating. Better take out what I need for rent. This is the problem. I keep digging in here for more money than I am putting in lately. Groceries, car tires, vacation, and many other things are helping keep the pile light. So much for keeping my money separate from the bank. I thought this way would curb my spending.

    I would do better with a schoolmarm to swat my hand when I pull money out. She would make sure I had money in my trusty coffee can. But I did need to pay for Sid’s half of the rent. Reaching in the coffee container, I pull out the amount I need. Putting the container back on the top shelf of the linen closet, I bury it under the sheets. Not that I need to. Sid never opens this door. He uses the same dirty towel until I change it for him. Why do women love men again? I don’t get it.

    The back door opens and the two lit men walk in the house. They laugh while raiding the fridge. Laurie, we need more groceries! Sid yells out as I walk in the kitchen.

    Too bad! I yell back, standing behind him. We aren’t buying groceries again until I get paid again. New job may take three weeks. Scowling harshly, I wondered if he understands through his haze. Go to Josh’s raid his fridge. Pushing past him, I grab my vodka out of the freezer. Time to take the edge off for a bit, or I’ll go insane.

    Just use your stash you have hidden. Sid waves his hand as though this solved everything. His brown eyes stare me down without much luck. He eyes jump from being high.

    My stash? He nods over my question. I didn’t know he knew about it. Empty to cover your half of rent. This brings him to grimace remembering he can’t cover his half.

    I need something to eat. Give me a few bucks. I’ll grab a few things from the dollar menu at Mickey D’s. Sid rubs my back as the vodka’s placed on the counter.

    No, I told you I don’t have it. I have things to budget for over the next few weeks. He sighs and tries to kiss me. I’m not in the mood after his shenanigans. Sid, you need to come up with some money for the rent and groceries. I’ve been carrying the load on my own. Last month you had a part of your half of rent.

    I’m sick and tired of you nagging me. What are you, my mother? I stare, feeling a bit frazzled. Should I point out if he didn’t act like an adolescent I wouldn’t be the only adult around here. Fuck off, Laurie. I’m doing the best I can. We stare at each other until Josh pulls Sid out the door. I watch him leave and realize his best isn’t good enough.

    B oss, hired the bar already. Sean pipes up with a big smile as he stands in my office showing confidence. I groomed him for general manager when I decide to open another restaurant. The man hasn’t let me down yet except when hiring people.

    That was quick. Why didn’t you wait for me? I glare him down for making this decision without me. If I had to speculate, he hired women with big boobs and zero brains. We need to have more than looks behind the bar.

    You wanted the spots filled. Here is the info on the girls. Sean hands me the paperwork. I even hired a guy. All of them experienced.

    Should have known. I mumble, looking over the information. Two women Destiny Purwin and Laurie Brinkle neither have much written down on the application. One man Herman Da Siva. He had experience at other bars. I will check them out later. When do they start?

    Tonight, Sean interrupts me checking the paperwork or lack thereof. Depending on the person hired.

    The women don’t have much of a résumé. Intensely, watching Sean squirm, we both know why they were hired. Don’t hire anyone else unless I’m there. We’re hiring people based on skill, not assets Sean. Throwing the paperwork down, I continue my glare.

    They’ll bring customers in. Wait and see. The one will be here in a few. The other two tonight. We have another few people coming for interviews later. Do you want them to come straight to you? His questionable gaze waits for my command.

    Yes, I want to meet the two women. See how long they will last. Considering they don’t have any paperwork, I’m worried. I should make bets on their looks.

    Sean smiles with his easy breezy attitude. It’s all there. The one went to school, Destiny. I had them both make Mojito’s. Sighing over this information, I pick up the paperwork again. It doesn’t show anything, only basic information. No schooling. Listen if they can’t keep up with me, they’re gone. You did inform them of a trial basis, right?

    Yes, of course. He places hands up in surrender. He opened his mouth. They—

    Sean, new hire out front for you! Dora yells from the back.

    They’re qualified, I promise, Sean tries again.

    Hello? Dora yells again when there isn’t any response.

    Yo! he yells out of the door. You coming out or should we come back? He winks playfully.

    I’ll be out before she leaves. I wave him off to finish my paperwork. He walks out happier than a clam. The time of day wasn’t as bad as the happy hour rush. This trainee isn’t being thrown in to the wolves, lucky girl.

    TRIGG, YOU TRAINING SOMEONE? One of the waitresses Mona asks as I walk into the bar area. She always smiles with a twinkle in her eye. Not sure if she’s happy, up to something, or has a flirtatious side.

    No, Mona. Doing interviews. Everything okay out here? Wanting her take on things going on out here, she would be honest to win my approval.

    Well, new girl doesn’t know shit from shinola. Mona’s eyes widen with honesty as she spoke. I think Sean drooled all over her. She puts her hands out to show a big chest. Yeah, exactly what I thought.

    I get the picture. Thanks, Mona. Walking off with one of the candidates for hire, we head over to the bar. Mitch, Sean our manager. He can show you around. Sean. I wave over my manager and see the blonde with Sean. She is hot. More than likely, she would do better on the dance floor or a strip club. Who is this? I point to the blonde following him around with big blue eyes. She looks nervous.

    She blushes as she leans over showing more cleavage. Hi, I’m Destiny. Just started.

    No shit! Make me a Manhattan, Destiny? She blinks once, twice, then seemed lost.

    Oh, uh, she stutters like an idiot.

    Sir, I can make that. The candidate Mitch jumps at the chance to prove his salt. Somebody understands the need to impress me.

    Great! He walks back finding ingredients while I speak with Sean in front of Destiny. Sean, you have a week to get Destiny up to speed. Schooling should have provided her with knowledge of basic drinks. Sean scratches his head, literally. How long is she staying?

    I wanted her to stay until after happy hour. Sean admits as Mitch shows back up with a Manhattan. Perfect.

    You are hired. Mitch smiles showing a very white set of teeth after I said this.

    Before I could say much else, Sean waves to a young woman with chestnut hair walking our way. She has emerald eyes fitted black T-shirt and skirt. Laurie, perfect timing. Sean shakes her hand. She coolly smiles back. Clearly not affected over his charms the way he was of hers. Laurie, Trigg, the owner. She turns her gaze on me with a polite nod. I grimace, not happy with another pretty face without a brain. Plus, two other new trainees, Mitch and Destiny. Once Sean was done, she waves to everyone politely.

    If Destiny had schooling and didn’t know what to do, I was nervous of what this one couldn’t do. She didn’t have a huge chest, but she had killer legs. I couldn’t stop starting at the stems. Hell, they were exposed enough. Mr. Trigg, I was sorry we didn’t meet earlier. Her cool voice holds a detached interest. I glance up, and she catches me staring like a pubescent child. If she didn’t want me to look, then why show them off? I don’t need to be a gentleman. Women want the jerk.

    Interesting because I was also, with your lack of skills, I’m surprised you were hired. Now I can see why since you’re barely clothed. This stops her for a second, and she raises her eyebrow slightly. Turning to Sean, I glare his way. He knew I was peeved over him bringing in two people without any training. After she and Mitch are settled in, I want all four of you in my office. The two women need to bring me a drink of their choosing. Sean nods as I walk off with the Manhattan made by Mitch.

    Sean thinks too much with his dick instead of the business. This had to be why my skin prickles. It didn’t have anything to do with the women at the bar. No, it was Sean’s innocence with the opposite sex.

    W e all walk out of the bar area ready for our boss. Destiny was a nervous wreck. I hold her arm. "Don’t worry, your drink’s perfetto . My little Italian was to boost her spirits. He should be happy." She smiles warmly, grateful for a little encouragement. Destiny’s a bombshell, but not much self-confidence. The way the boss acted earlier, I could understand her hesitation.

    Thanks, Laurie, I need to hang out with you. The way you were making that drink was a show. She winks as we make it to an office. We both smile privately, sharing a newbie comradeship. A friend at my job would help my time here more fun.

    Sitting our drinks on the desk, we find a seat in the office. It smelled of papers and linen. The boss Mr. Trigg sits behind his desk on the phone with irritation. Not interested in a handsome Lothario. That’s what I got from him. This leaves him at okay in my book.

    The attitude knocks down a few pegs in my book. Sandy-colored hair, thick and wavy to his shoulders, blue eyes, and nice physique were nothing to sneeze at. He knew it. Except those lips are frowning same as earlier. What a surprise! Is he always such a tart? Crossing my legs, I turn to Destiny beside me on the couch.

    Where did you get your earrings? I ask politely in a hushed whisper. Her earrings are leather with three jewels down the strip. It would go with anything.

    Adeline’s down near the river. They have a great selection of leather and sparkle. She winks as she answers quietly back. I smile over her feeling more relaxed.

    Never been to Adeline’s, too expensive, and I was afraid to spend all of my money. One day I will check it out with only a certain amount to keep me in line. No, you won’t! My brain yells into my head. Save your money! My schoolmarm slaps a ruler over her hand. I smile over this private thought.

    These are good. Mr. Trigg’s voice brings me out of my thoughts. Who helped with the drinks? Again, the pompous boss didn’t believe we were any good. What is he, some sexist asshole? My smile leaves my face. Be calm. You need this job. Destiny looks flustered over his good looks. Screw this!

    Nobody, sorry to disappoint you, but us little women did it all by ourselves. My eyes are narrowed ready for a fight. I can’t play the dumb woman routine. Being the boss doesn’t give him the right to put us down over what we do for a living.

    Mr. Trigg fixes his blue eyes on my legs, then up over my body to my lips. Honestly, he just eye fucked me in front of everyone. Finally, he fixes his steely blue stare on my heated green, both of us not relenting. He’s used to being in control. We have that in common.

    Trigg, they both made their own drinks, honest, the manager Sean Henson speaks up in our defense. He felt the tension in the room and tries relieving it.

    Mr. Trigg drags his gaze over my face, then to the manager. He listens to him, it seems, and nods. What a sexist ass! Okay, training for next couple of weeks. If things don’t work out, then you’re relieved of your duties, he sets the rules down with a glare toward Destiny and me mostly. I want badly to yell out, jerk! Nobody answers the phone. Stay behind the bar, no drinking or eating behind the bar. No cell phones behind the bar. By the weekend, you’ll be on your own. Learn the drinks and menu. Any questions?

    Yes. I sit up in the couch placing my hands on my knee. Not interested in his male high-handed approach.

    Go ahead. He sighs as though not interested in my highfalutin crap. We’re on the same page!

    Schedule? It could be taken care of later with Sean. I didn’t want him to dismiss me so easily.

    Sean will take care of that. We won’t tolerate any tardiness. Do not call in sick or don’t bother coming back. Mr. Trigg shifts his gaze ready to be done.

    Not so fast, dude! I am not done. Uniform? I ask as though we have all day. Mr. Trigg glares icily for asking such mundane questions. I enjoy this little exchange. Mostly, his irritation tickled me. When irritated, a slight line forms between his brows. Earlier you mentioned my state of dress. This brings his eyes to roam freely over my attire.

    Sean, didn’t you go over this in the interview? He moves to his manager instead of answering me. Nice play, Mr. Trigg. He won’t let me run over him.

    Yes, of course, I forgot. Laurie we can go over that before you leave today. You look perfect! Sean winks at my visage with a huge grin. Well, I’m glad someone approves.

    Anything else? Mr. Trigg snaps his blue eyes directly at me. I curl a small smirk because he didn’t want me to ask anything else.

    We can address more questions before you leave today, the manager pipes up worried over my barrage of questions. The other bartender hasn’t shown up. Sean mentions to Mr. Trigg. The boss nods. If he shows I can send him back. He stands up. My focus narrows on Mr. Trigg. This relationship already materializes on the wrong foot. I didn’t care. I was staying for as long as I needed. The tips would put me out of the red and into the black. I needed money.

    Mr. Trigg watches closely for several heartbeats too long. Go back to work. After your shift is over, if you still have questions, come see me. He addresses us newly hired bartenders with a curt dismissal. I didn’t have a choice. The conversation ended. I needed to move out of the office after everyone. What an egotistical man!

    Standing up, I ignore the glare I feel in my back as I walk through his office. Reaching the door, a woman runs in the office knocking me in the wall in the process. Trigg, I was put on close for Friday. You promised! The little blonde with dark eyebrows must dye her hair. It looked horrible.

    Jesus, not now, Felicia! Mr. Trigg yells. I smile as I shut the door behind me. Obviously, Mr. Trigg is not a woman lover. Well, in the sense of wanting us, yes, but he didn’t seem to like us. Dirty bastard! Screw it! I need to find my way around the bar more. Maybe teach Destiny some tricks offering her more confidence. She would do well emboldened against our boss.

    Chapter 2

    T wo days later, the two new women trainees did better than I first expected. When Destiny noticed me, she became flustered. Must be nerves. Laurie on the other hand, when she noticed me, she became hostile. Something not used to with an employee. Yeah, I get it she doesn’t find me attractive. Usually, I come across this when people see my tattoos. Except at work, they’re covered. No, she just didn’t like me.

    Ladies, how’s it going? Destiny spills her drink she made. Laurie rolls her eyes and she turns to help clean up the mess. From her side profile, I see a clover behind her right ear. Intriguing, it left me wanting more.

    Oh, hello, Mr. Trigg. Destiny wipes at her spilled drink with Laurie.

    Mr. Trigg. Laurie says coolly without looking in my eyes. What’s this one hiding?

    Things going well? They both nod. One smiled bright while the other sighs. Laurie’s a tough one. Well, if you need anything, my door’s always open.

    There are a few things, Laurie pipes up. Those green eyes fixate on mine finally. Destiny noticed a problem. She nudges Destiny. Destiny blushes and gapes.

    Well, it’s just there’s only one salad on the menu. Destiny looks nervously toward Laurie.

    The lady clientele want more choices, Laure coolly speaks up without any hesitation or fumbling. The more women in the bar, the better for males to come sniffing around. Laurie explains, and I nearly broke out in a laugh. They come sniffing around the more they spend.

    I will look into to that, thank you, Destiny. Destiny blushes, looking around with her mouth open. Laurie walks off to help a customer.

    Destiny points at Laurie as she shyly admits. She really thought of it. I just complained over the one salad. Her giggle seems infectious.

    Okay, the chef and I can confer, any suggestions? Hoping she may know more than I do over the pile of greens. Destiny humbly forked over a few suggestions to appeal to the lady clientele. Thanking her, I head to Sean. Hey, Sean. How’s frick-’n’-frack? He knew I meant the two women behind the bar.

    Not interested in me, he says sullenly.

    Sean, you know what I meant. Sighing loudly, I cross my arms over my chest waiting him out. How are they doing? Sean knew I was worried about their skills behind the bar.

    They actually do well together. Laurie asked about organization behind the bar. Told her to leave things the way they are, Sean admits. Turning back to the bar, I see the women filling orders without much supervision. When I saw these two women, I never pictured this. I ask about Mitch the other newbie while keeping my eyes on Laurie and Destiny. Laurie smiles; it’s a rare sight. I’m barely listening to Sean because of Laurie. Her eyes alight with joy. Customers smile. Men and women interact happily back.

    Sean becomes distracted with a waitress. My eyes follow Laurie around the bar. Walking over to the bar, I sit down and watch Laurie walk up with a strained smile. It wasn’t the same carefree beautiful smile I saw from across the bar. She places a napkin diagonally in between us. Mr. Trigg, what can I get for you? Her conduct’s cool and distant.

    Call me Trigg. This receives a nod. How about a drink? Your choice. She smirks over my question.

    Of course, Mr. Trigg. Her voice amused by my request. Plus, I think she purposely called me Mister. She moves around the bar with ease even though her second day. Interestingly enough she comes over with a glass of Squid Ink, a local beer on tap. Thought you could use a beer, Mr. Trigg. Her voice went low. Those green eyes watch for a reaction.

    A beer. I smile over the easy draft choice. The collar on the beer is perfect. Sipping my beer I take notice of the ring lines going down my beer. No metallic taste means she kept the tap off the glass. Yeah, she did it perfectly. Thank you, Laurie. I was hoping for a mixed drink see how well you are versed in mixing drinks.

    Disappointed again, Mr. Trigg? Those green eyes flash with anger. A smile plasters her face although it doesn’t reach her eyes.

    Disappointed? Lost over the babbling I stare in confusion.

    Maybe best we speak later after my shift, if that is all right with you, Mr. Trigg. She places her hands on the bar top. Her fingernails are painted black. The index finger taps lightly on the bar.

    You will come now. Sean will cover. She nods with a twist of her lips. Things need to be cleared up before snowballed out of control. Sean! I yell out as he ambles over my way. Help the bar I need to speak with Ms. Brinkle. Damn, she has me calling by her last name. Sean nods as I make my way to my office. Laurie had an issue then we would hash it out.

    Before seated Laurie stands by my door. Mr. Trigg. She waits at the doorjamb. I wave her inside. She takes a seat across from me and crosses those long legs. I can’t help but watch. Her throat clears informing me to stop. Seems I can’t. I want to eat off those legs. Mr. Trigg? She says again with a touch of disfavor.

    Call me, Trigg, please. What’s going on? Finally, I meet her green eyes. They are a striking green. It reminds me of a lush lawn.

    If you don’t mind I will stick to Mr. Trigg. Before I say anything, she moves the conversation along. The first day I didn’t appreciate your sexist attitude. If I have done something, then by all means point it out. But to accuse me of having a lack of skills or Destiny for that matter was not fair. I took my schooling very seriously. Women can do other things besides smile. Those green eyes, full of anger, aim my way.

    Schooling? She slowly nods watching me with apprehension. Your application didn’t show any schooling. I pull her folder off my desk for another look. Not here. I show her the blank application.

    She grimaces over my attitude. I was told by Sean Henson I didn’t need to fill it out since I had a résumé. Her eyebrows rose. Green eyes endure fixed on mine. I will bring in another one, or I’ll finish the application. She offers since I didn’t have anything. Her composure remains cool and distant.

    I’ll clear it up with Sean. Sorry if you thought I took anything out on you or your friend. She narrows her gaze, unsure of me suddenly. Not really sure if I should admit Sean’s habit of hiring zero-brained women. Had a bad day. Let’s start over.

    Laurie seems at a loss by my behavior. Her tongue rests on the side of her mouth. She isn’t sure which end is up right now. If I were thinking I would record this for future enjoyment. I… uh… yes… I’d like that. She slowly smiles. It was something.

    Since your application’s incomplete, because of Sean, provide some info on yourself. This also takes her by surprise. She sits watching me for a few seconds not sure what to do. I try again. Are you married? Kids? Pets?

    Her legs move and recross over the other leg. Oh well, no no no… Just a normal everyday person trying to make a living. She stays uneasy, not comfortable with this conversation.

    Any crazy ex-boyfriends or current boyfriends to come in and harass you? I had to know for some reason.

    No and current boyfriend won’t be in to create a scene. Of course, current boyfriend eats off those thighs each night. Lucky little prick! I nod over the information. Nothing I could do with her being taken. Swallowing a sip of the beer, she fixed, brought a smile on my face.

    Are you fresh out of college? She seems young, barely twenty-one. The makeup didn’t help her look older.

    No, spent time in N’awlings before coming back home, she said with warmth. Triumph lit her face.

    New Orleans? She nods. This seemed abnormal since we live in California. Why New Orleans?

    She smirks as her eyes look cryptic. It was beautiful there.

    Why did you leave? Something was held back.

    A family member needed me more. Her eyes show pain. She clears her throat. Mr. Trigg, I want you to know I take my job seriously. My door swings open before she finishes. Laurie jumps in her seat as the door hit the wall.

    Trigg, we need to talk. Felicia bursts in my office, again! Who is she? She points angrily at Laurie. I swear out of the corner of my eye, Laurie rolls her eyes.

    Laurie chuckles softly. I better get back to work. Thank you for clearing the air, Mr. Trigg.

    Thank you, Laurie. I look forward to speaking with you again. She smiles politely before she stands I speak up. Laurie, this is Felicia, Felicia, this is Laurie a new bartender.

    Oh, I’m his girlfriend. Felicia lays claim with her hand on her chest for emphasis.

    Laurie didn’t seem to care. Felicia. Laurie says politely. If you’ll excuse me. Laurie nods our way and walks toward the door. My eyes move down to her legs. They were mouthwatering. That ass was even better. The other day I was able to ogle over them until Felicia ruined it. Damn, if she would ruin it, again.

    Trigg? I ignore Felicia. I couldn’t look away because I was mesmerized by the ass walking out of my office. Trigg! She tries again.

    What Felicia? I snap over her interruptions, but I keep my gaze on the backside of Laurie. Laurie closes my door. Our eyes connect briefly. I detect a bit of amusement in those emerald eyes. Damn, she’s delectable from any angle.

    I can’t believe you checked her out in front of me! Felicia huffs in protest. With the door shut, I’m forced to look at her. They say don’t mix business with pleasure. I should listen. Granted, she was so easy. Why not? Although lately she drives me insane. Oh, I gladly have your attention finally. Her eyes roll heavily in annoyance. I need off on Friday. You promised.

    Yeah, I forgot to mention it to Sean. I’m working on it. This produces a sigh from her.

    Good, now your roaming eye needs a good swift kick in the gut. Felicia wags her finger as she sits in my lap. I thought you were a boob man? She places my hands over her plump boobs.

    I am. Nipping at her neck, she giggles happy again. This helped avoid World War III. Never would I admit the woman that just left had it all. Boobs were perfect, not huge nor small, just perfect. The ass and legs were something of a bonus. Too bad she had a boyfriend.

    I’m safe while gone this weekend. You won’t cheat on me? She was smothered in apprehension.

    Depends on if you can behave the rest of the week. This only makes her jaw become slack as she slaps my arm.

    Triggy, don’t be mean. You know—her finger trails my button line of my shirt— it would be nice if you came with. Her finger moves up to my lips. She pouts wanting her way.

    I’ve things to do. Plus, new bartenders are in training. It’s imperative I stay. Really, I didn’t want to go. Meeting the family isn’t my thing. I thought we were keeping our options open? Why would you want me to meet your parents if you’re unsure about us? This only exasperates her. Her lips smack unhappily.

    Triggy, my parents worry. It would be nice if you came to ease their fears. I don’t want to get into semantics with them. Besides, we’re only with each other. Last week we barely spent any time together, remember? She was right. We had not seen each other in a while. I need to get out of work for more recreational time to myself. Working too much left me too busy for life. Sometimes that was a good thing.

    I sigh rubbing her back. I’ll think about it. The best I could do. Felicia was happy. I avoided the argument. She gives me a big kiss of approval.

    O h, look, who decided to come home. Welcome home, Laurie! Walking in the door, I was not expecting this sniffy crap from Sid. Every night you come back later and later. Guess this weekend you may be home by sunrise.

    Sid, it’s late. Can’t we argue tomorrow? Undressing by throwing my clothes unceremoniously toward the overflowing hamper, a few things scatter around the floor.

    Don’t you give a fuck how my day was? Sid snaps, waving his hands. Rolling my eyes, I head for a shower ready to rid myself of this argument and the grime all over me. In the middle of my shower, Sid slides the curtain back. Don’t turn your back on me. Are you seeing someone else behind my back?

    Sid, I’m tired? Can’t you be happy for me? All I do is work. Something you should be doing. So much free time has left you with too much time on your hands. The accusations are old. Putting my head under the spraying water, I feel better slightly.

    I did nothing wrong and was let go. It takes time to find the right job! Damn, he sees red over my comment. He pounds his chest with his fist while he speaks. I should have kept my head under water. Truth always hurts. Why men acted like babies when they hear it.

    In the meantime, find something to do. I did until I made my way to Trigg’s. Love that he named the restaurant after himself. It wasn’t pretty, but I finally made it here. Rinsing my hair, I ignore Sid for few minutes. I wish I could stay like this for a while, underwater feeling on cloud nine.

    We all can’t be perfect like you, can we? Sid says with disdain. It’s been three days of you working straight. Plus, you’re working the entire weekend. When will I see you? Old argument continues from the last few nights.

    Turning toward him, I give a bright smartass grin. Someone needs to pay for the bills around here, sweetie. Sid clamps his mouth shut. You’re home all day. Clean the goddamn place up. Starting with you." I walk out of the bathroom done with our banter.

    THANK YOU, MISTRESS DRAGONFLY. My client Ted grins from ear to ear. He always does when done. Today I was low, you’ve lifted my spirits. Same time next week? He shyly asks with a grin.

    You be a good boy until then. Next week. I want you to wear the black mask to cover your whole face, kneeling by the door waiting. Ted nods bobbing his puffy face.

    Of course, Mistress Dragonfly? He reveals a pleasing attitude.

    Also—I hand him my underwear, and he gives me an inquisitive glance—wear these under your clothes all week. Stay away from fast food. I warn him with a scowl then walk away, leaving him smiling. Putting my long trench coat, I head for work. I can change there without any problems.

    LAURIE! A FEW COWORKERS wave; I wave back and head for my locker in the back. It’s a little crowded with people yammering back and forth. A chef yells at Sean or his junior sous-chef, I keep walking. Keeping my head down will help avoid any talk until I’ve changed.

    A little peculiar for a trench coat. That voice belongs to my boss. It makes me jump. My gaze nervously checks his amused blue eyes. Wonder what he thinks? His eyes move up and down my body. Is it raining out?

    Uh. Clearing my throat, I shake my head. No, excuse me, I need to change, Mr. Trigg.

    Change? His eyes jump with excitement. Those dangerous blue eyes have a bunch of questions. My hand tightens the trench coat more securely. My cheeks burn over his scrutinizing. You aren’t clothed underneath?

    Mr. Trigg, I’m dressed, just not for work. Excuse me. He gives me the first smile of his. It turns into a very sexy sweet smile. I ran late from my other job. Dressed in the car. The man finally moves, but not giving me berth. Instead, he moves closer looking down my coat. Taking a step back, I hold my coat close by my neck.

    Those, er, boots have a very high heel. You will kill yourself before the night is out. His low, murky voice warns. He keeps his gaze on my heels and legs.

    I have black tenny’s in my locker. He finds this amusing. May I? My glance darts toward the bathroom. I needed to escape from him. Goose bumps appeared over my skin making me wound up.

    Mr. Trigg moves to the side with a wink. I narrow my eyes. By all means, please, Ms. Brinkle. My eyes register his amusement as I walk past. When I turn my head around, his eyes zone in on my backside. The man may not think it was funny if I opened my coat. Then again, he probably may. No time to worry about that now. I have money to make.

    J esus! The woman’s full of surprises. I could see the tops of the stockings she wore as she walked off. It and the knee-high boots were my only focus until she disappeared. That sight may keep me going the rest of the night. Hell, it would accommodate my interest for days.

    Trigg, we’re short out on the floor. Sean supplies from the kitchen. You gave Felicia off except we don’t have anyone to pick up the slack.

    Call Donna. She was coming in for Felicia. With that settled, Mitch walks up. We exchange pleasantries. He hands me over his proof of birth and Social Security card. By the time I am done copying it and he moves on his merrily way, Laurie walks out of the back bathroom. Checking her appearance, she doesn’t have the heels. Black tennis shoes with black socks, but she was still wearing the stockings. The little black skirt she wore may not cover the tops if she bent over too much. She turns from her locker heading my way. The black tank top has a few jewels across the front. She catches my gaze while walking. All set, Laurie?

    Yes, thanks. She smiles while tugging her fingers through her long hair. The mane of hair looked soft, long, and beautiful. It fit her since she is all of those things.

    What is your part-time job? It was an innocent question. Figured I should know.

    Oh. She produces a suspicious glance. If you’re worried my side job may interfere with duties here don’t because I work my other job around my schedule.

    Moving the conversation along wouldn’t be that easy. Hum… that wasn’t what I was thinking. Good to know though. Yeah, I want to know what other job requires high-heeled boots and stockings. What’s the other job?

    My direct question brings her green gaze to rest on mine. Housekeeping. She shrugs as she walks off.

    I thought we kissed and made up, Laurie? She turns, hearing my accusation. Her face projects utter shock. Not literally, but you know what I mean. Don’t you trust me? I won’t judge you over the profession because I know it isn’t housekeeping. Her face splits into a big grin.

    I don’t know what you mean, Mr. Trigg? She lightly laughs while walking off. I became at a loss. Was it housekeeping? Maybe she does the type of housekeeping nude with only stockings and boots. That’s hot! I’ve heard of those things. How in the hell can I not think of her doing this as I see her through the night?

    A few hours later after my rounds are made around the restaurant, I head to the bar. I see Mitch and John, not my naked housekeeper. Where is she? Making it up to the bar, I find her on the floor underneath the bar. What’s she doing? I ask Mitch.

    John said the thing gets clogged. Asked her to fix it since she has smaller hands. Mitch supplies easily. Figuring on dealing with John later, I walk around the bar. I can see up her skirt way passed the stockings. I didn’t bother to see what color underwear she wore. Pulling Laurie off the ground she moves away hastily.

    Oh, hey, Mr. Trigg, I fixed it. There’s a washcloth stuck in the tube. She informs me picking up the offending washcloth.

    Don’t ever do that again! This erratic behavior produces an addlepated expression. People are staring down at your legs. Your skirt way above your stockings shows unprofessionalism. She nods her head, not saying anything.

    Hey, babe, it was worth the show. A woman on the floor with a body like that is hot! a drunken patron yells out. Don’t listen to that man.

    Watch yourself. She is not here for a floor show! I yell at the man. He ignores me giving Laurie a wink. I turn to John who beamed during this whole thing. John, don’t do that again. In my office when you have a minute.

    Sorry, Mr. Trigg, it won’t happen again. Laurie apologizes quickly. We can blame this horrible-smelling towel. She pulls up the towel with mildew all over it. My eyes burn a hole toward her. Snatching it way from her, I throw it in the trash.

    Do not do that again, Laurie! I point at her with my index finger. My eyes send her a message that I won’t be crossed. I mean it.

    Sure. She nods and looks around the bar. I get it, sorry. She pacifies me. I better help with the crowd. My gaze burns with heat toward her. She turns helping the man who was jovial being granted her attention. John, in my office, now! He shrugs pulling his dreadlocks over his shoulder he follows me back. May as well yell at someone else over what happened.

    W ork’s finally over, yippee! John smiles happily. I ignore him. He was all over Mitch and my ass all night. Mitch was irritated and elected on ignoring him also. Well, since you two are in training I get two-thirds of the tips. You both can share the other third.

    Fuck you, John! Neither one of us were being trained tonight. Split it fair and square. I warn with a scowl.

    No shit, Mitch pipes up. Considering Laurie and I did more shit than you anyway. You disappeared for an hour at one point. This produces a shrug from John.

    Mitch and I divvy up our money. Party at my place. Sean the manager tells us bartenders.

    Is this some trick. Like be on the ninth hole at nine o’clock in golf? Some new person initiation? Mitch asks and I burst out laughing. Sean even seemed humble and cracked a smile.

    No no, come. We hang out for a few hours to unwind. Besides, we love the bartenders to come and mix us some drinks. Sean pats our backs with a grin.

    Well, when you put it that way. My sarcastic mouth shows her presence because none of us want to get off work and go mix drinks for the other employees. They must be high.

    Bring swimming clothes. Here are directions. He writes it down on a napkin handing it over to us. Girlfriends or boyfriends are welcome. This helps ease our fears. Sean walks away.

    Mitch and I turn toward the other. Should we call Destiny? We both say simultaneously. This brings us to a fit of laughter. Our own questions were answered.

    WE THREE NEWBIES WALK into the after-party together. Honestly, I think Mitch wants Destiny. Couldn’t blame the man, she’s a cutie. Mitch wasn’t bad either with his brown hair and eyes. Ben Affleck’s clone. Making our way outback of Sean’s house with the other loud and crazy fellow workers I see Mr. Trigg. His attention was with Sean and a few other people I don’t recognize. Then again, I didn’t pay attention to them with our boss’ body more exposed. Don’t look Laurie you will drool like an idiot. So unexpected seeing tattoo’s all over him.

    Mitch walked in with Destiny on one arm and me on the other. We told him he had to. He didn’t mind. A few people were shaking their heads. We didn’t care. A rock song played as we made our drinks by the make shift bar. Destiny and I dance a little enjoying ourselves. When the three of us make our drinks all of us taste each of our drinks.

    Destiny takes Mitch’s drink longer than necessary. Mitch runs his hand over her arm. They’re such flirts. I feel like a third wheel. I look around the backyard more closely. Sean the manager had a nice pad. There was a pool and hot tub. What else could he want?

    I hear one of the waitresses talking with a group of people mostly woman. She has everyone in conversation about a man trying to pick her up. She appears to be bubbly. Her brown hair and brown eyes are very exotic looking. Dare I say the friendliest out the group of women?

    Hey, new people. A person greets us. It was one of the waitresses. Here we go. Us newbies may end up quietly talking to ourselves or questioned all night. Come on. We wanna talk. I am Dora. She was blonde with brown eyes. Her body is tiny in circumference and stature.

    Destiny shrugs as we file over. One of the men waiters pats my shoulder as he walks by. I heard about your washcloth mishap.

    This stunned me for a second. Yeah, well, tips flowed nicely after that. So it was all worth it. My shoulders shrug pretending not a big deal. The man laughs loudly. Not sure who he is, so I head to sit near Destiny or Mitch.

    Bad ass! Turning back, I see the man cracking up by the cooler. Oh my goodness. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. My boss yelled enough about that tonight.

    What in the hell? Destiny questions me as she and Mitch lean close.

    About the washcloth problem today. I explain. Destiny was filled in earlier over the phone. They both smile over the thought. The group of people question Destiny. I watch them wondering if they were being friendly or bitchy.

    Before I could figure it out my phone beeps, it was Sid.

    Sid: I see you aren’t home again. Where are you?

    I lean back in my chair as I read the message. The funny thing is, he just called. Does this mean he just came home? He wasn’t there when I went home to change. Shooting a text back, I decide I should answer with a question.

    Me: Where did you go tonight?

    I slam my drink back and head to make another when my phone beeps again.

    Sid: Is this why you’re out because I went out?

    Me: No.

    Sid: Someone has to keep me company because you’re too busy.

    This produces a smile over his text. Asshole! Once my drink was made, I text back. Either he wants me to be jealous or just wants to argue.

    Me: What does that mean?

    Sid: What do you think it means?

    I can play dumb also. Heading back to the table, I concentrate on having fun. What about you? The bubbly waitress who I found out is Mona asks. What did I miss? The other two fessed up. What about you?

    I glance at Mitch and Destiny. They smile. Background. Destiny giggles.

    Oh, nothing exciting. I answer easily.

    Mona eyes me up. I didn’t like where this maneuvers. Just so you know, we are friends with the boss’ girl, Felicia, Mona whispers loudly so I could hear with the ten people in between us. I didn’t understand what this meant, except a warning?

    I met her the other day. I nod not really caring. I glance around the backyard and catch Mr. Trigg’s eyes. We don’t stop our gaze. It seemed that time stopped. My lips rub together nervously. The man looked calm, relaxed in his T-shirt and shorts. Never seen him sleeveless before and he didn’t seem to care that I check out his body shamelessly. His arms are sexy with the sleeves of tats on his arms. My mouth opens. The tip of my tongue rests at the corner of my mouth. The man’s hot. Oh, that’s dangerous since he’s my boss. I seek his eyes out again. He continues scrutinizing. I raise my brows in appreciation. Sipping my drink, I hide the smile crossing my mouth. Can’t reveal too much to the man; it may go to his egotistical head.

    She told us to keep an eye on you. Oops, I stare like a bitch in heat. Tearing my gaze, I clash with the green-eyed pudgy brunette waitress Donna, I believe, was her name. She was mad, I checked out her friend’s man. Why? She had a piercing in her nose and upper lip. Other than that, she was uninteresting.

    Did she now? Glad she worries about little ole me. Maybe I should produce something for you to report. I roll my eyes. Walking off from the group of people, I decide to jump in the hot tub. Nobody was in it or the pool. What is wrong with everyone? Let’s enjoy ourselves. We are off the clock, unless they are nervous because of Mr. Trigg. Talking off my shirt and shorts, I hop in the whirling hot tub. It felt so good. The group around the hot tub was a bunch of dishwashers or chefs. Leaning up, I look where I left my drink. Hey, what’s your name?

    Jerry. He seems very friendly. He had a skinny physique and killer blue eyes.

    Could you pass me my drink, I forgot it. I point to the drink beside Jerry. He does without a cold shoulder. We made small talk because I didn’t want to be rude. Besides, this group’s nicer than the last group. The guys around engage in conversation. None warned me to stay away from anyone. I like them. Hope I remembered all of their names. Jerry would be easy to remember. He was the friendliest.

    Destiny and Mitch come over in the hot tub with me. Destiny whispers where only I could hear. Those girls are a bit snobbish.

    Yeah, they sound evil. I admit as I sit down to talk with them. The things you find out after hours. Anyway, to my new friends. I clink plastic cups with Mitch and Destiny. We forget about the nasty people and focus on the other potential friends.

    Did someone lose a phone? We look up and see Mr. Trigg holding my phone. He stares directly toward me so he knew it was mine. It keeps beeping.

    Standing up in the hot tub, I smile politely. Thanks, forgot all about it. Taking my phone, I notice he deliberately touches my hand. The man sent a signal. I narrow my eyes realizing his gesture. He glances down my body getting an eyeful. His noted approval did a jolt to my system. Goose bumps ran along my arms to the hairs on the back of my neck like a strike of lighting.

    The problem isn’t that I have a boyfriend or that he has a girlfriend. No, the problem is, I liked this touch on my hand. It would only create more problems. Keep him at a distance! I warn myself. He isn’t safe like the others. His sex appeal could have me drooling for more. The man’s ego would like that as he walked away.

    No problem. What do the bartenders drink when off the clock? He makes small talk. More comfortable and my speed. Mitch and Destiny impart their drinks as he plops in the hot water with us.

    I didn’t answer because I stared at his chest and arms. The chest is to die for. Hot! Those arms entice for running my hands to explore. I love the artwork. I wanted to examine them closer, fuck it. He sits beside me practically naked. I grab his arm and look over his sleeves. These are hot! Yeah, drinks are going straight to my head. Liar! What’s your favorite? My fingers run over the right arm since its closer.

    He chuckles over my reaction. Oops, not playing hard to get. First question first his voice brings my eyes up to his. What are you drinking?

    Oh, Harvey Wallbanger, anything with vodka’s my fave. Flavored vodka tastes great on ice when I want something quick. I continue checking out his arm. There’s a bunch of skeletons, a few black flowers, machine parts around torn flesh, and flames down the arms. So which one’s your favorite? Checking out his chest, I run my hand over the flaming heart with a dagger down the middle. Wonder what that meant. The other side, I see a skeleton smoking a cigar. A smoker? Former smoker? Everything means something with a tattoo.

    I don’t know how many do you have? he asks with amusement.

    Not mine. I meant of yours. My phone beeps behind my ear on the ledge of the hot tub. I wisely ignore it.

    Trigg places his arms on the back of the hot tub. Let me see all of yours. He doesn’t waste time. Is he sniffing around for the sex? Most likely since he had a girlfriend. Clover behind my right ear, dragonfly on my left foot, small locket with a pretty purple ribbon above it on my pelvis, and my purple ribbon under my right arm. That’s all. Mr. Trigg narrows his gaze intently. Your preferred tat? His gaze drops down my body. Hard to see in the water and through the darkness, yet I feel a stirring in my stomach over this scrutinizing.

    Well, it’s hard to pick one when I haven’t seen all of them. I have to see them all to determine which one I like the most. He grabs my legs both of them, resting them in his lap. I gasp in surprise by his behavior. His hands go up and down my legs with a great ease. I’ve seen the clover before, the ribbon and date seem significant, but I wanna see this dragonfly and locket. He pulls up my legs, and I suspend back in the corner of the hot tub.

    This feels taboo? I say what I think. My elbows were up because my hands clutch the back of the hot tub. It was bad and good at the same time. I wasn’t secure in how I felt about this.

    Does it? He smiles wolfishly. Turning back to my feet, he traces the dragonfly with his finger. This was much worse. My breath hitches feeling his hand on my ankles and his fingers lightly touching my foot, yeah, I am excited. Where’s this locket? he says in a low voice. His eyes portray wanting to touch my locket.

    Splashing water, I pull my legs back to my side of the tub. Very funny, Mr. Trigg. I referred to your own tats. Picking up my drink, I swallow it down. I needed to calm down. It was just a touch.

    He knew I was affected because the smile over his face. Damn, he was mighty pleased with himself. He is a Lothario. Call me Trigg. That smile asks for more than that. I don’t say anything. Need to keep the professionalism. His words, not mine. If I would become intimate then I would rather call him with intimacy out of the workplace. This way it wouldn’t become sticky at work.

    I need another drink. Anyone else? Laurie glances around the hot tub. Nobody speaks up. She will split if I don’t bring her back this way.

    Sure, Laurie, how about a beer from the cooler. Hopefully, this will remind her of the beer she fixed. She grins as she hops up. She adjusts the bottom of her bikini. I watch without shame. I see the locket. It rests above the bikini line way below her belly button. Oh, this is the locket. Yeah, I noticed it when she took her clothes off for the hot tub across the yard. Now I see it closer. Who has the key? This question I ask for a few reasons. Most people get lockets with their partner. One gets the locket the other the key. I wanted to know the story.

    She rubs the small cupcake-size locket with the purple ribbon tied above it. Nobody has the key. That’s the point. She laughs over this triumphant thought.

    It looks cute, Destiny pipes up with a smile.

    Why doesn’t anyone have the key? It seemed important for some reason.

    It just means my heart’s locked up protected, under my control. The sex won’t change anything. Men need reminders. I had more questions. Before I could ask anything, she moves away.

    She slides to the edge of the hot tub, and I see those long legs move out of the hot tub. Hell, I wasn’t the only one checking this out. She walks dripping wet to the cooler. Who isn’t looking? Afraid to move out of the hot tub in case my arousal was apparent through my wet shorts left me sitting here.

    It’s inexplicable why I’m attracted to Laurie. Then again, I haven’t had her yet, or perhaps she seems unattainable? She is hot. Something has me intrigued. Need a taste to move on. My gaze continues to watch her as she makes her drink. She glances at her phone. The boy calling ain’t here, and she doesn’t call helps my cause. The hot tub became crowded as Donna and Mona slide beside me. They’re trouble. But they did help my arousal dissipate.

    . . . Felicia come back with scheduling? I only got half of Mona’s subtle message. She lets me know Felicia will get wind of my flirting.

    I guess Monday. I inform them without much interest. Felicia and I aren’t right for each other. We both knew it. Hell, she complains more than anything. It isn’t any of their business anyway.

    Are you going to Albuquerque? Donna asks quickly.

    "Why would I

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