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The Ice Cream Man
The Ice Cream Man
The Ice Cream Man
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The Ice Cream Man

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The Ice Cream Man is a story about a man named Stanley Gibson. The abuse that Stanley endured as a child by the hands of his very own mother gave him a dark streak through life. Stanley grew to be very distant and shy. He craved love and attention from anyone who would give it to him. Stanley is also smart, handsome, generous, loving, and very creative in his young life.

Stanley created a way to turn the pain of rejection into profit while filling the emptiness in his heart with joy. Stanley changed from an abused child to a violent and unpredictable adult. He began to loose respect for human life because his need for love is far more important. Stanley wants to be adored and needed by his peers.

Stanley sends the Westside of South Central into an uproar.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 19, 2015
The Ice Cream Man

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    The Ice Cream Man - Lawanda S. Johnson

    Copyright © 2015 by Lawanda S. Johnson.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-5035-4512-0

                    eBook            978-1-5035-4511-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 02/16/2015




    The Ice Cream Man is a story about a man named Stanley Gibson. The abuse that Stanley endured as a child by the hands of his very own mother gave him a dark streak through life. Stanley grew to be very distant and shy. He craved love and attention from anyone who would give it to him. Stanley is also smart, handsome, generous, loving, and very creative in his young life.

    Stanley created a way to turn the pain of rejection into profit while filling the emptiness in his heart with joy. Stanley changed from an abused child to a violent and unpredictable adult. He began to loose respect for human life because his need for love is far more important. Stanley wants to be adored and needed by his peers.

    Stanley sends the Westside of South Central into an uproar.


    Maggie Gibson- Stanley’s mom

    Aunt Pearl- Stanley’s aunt

    Jimmy James- bully

    Mia Anderson- friend

    Captain P. Gillis

    Det. Malcolm Strugis

    Det. Amy Voyheez

    Yolanda Butler- stripper

    Cameron Taylor

    Mama Ruby Maxwell

    Mr. Andrews- Store owner

    Tasty Tina- Stripper

    Mr. Lou- Parlor owner

    Susan Cray- parlor employee

    Dr. Coil- Shady Palms

    Nurse Miller- Shady Palms

    Randy Scott

    Betty- 33- mother of 8 kids by 5 daddies

    Junior 14/ Betty’s son

    Tesha 12- Betty’s good twin daughter

    Keisha 12- Betty’s Bad twin daughter

    Lil Mike 11 Betty’s son

    Dayvion 9 Betty’s son

    Mario 7 Betty’s son

    Kelly –KJ. 5 Betty’s son

    Anthony 4 Betty’s son

    Rodney 40 Gambler/ Junior’s dad

    Kevin 30 Pimp/ Tesha and Keisha’s dad

    Big Mike 36- Lil Mike and Dayvion’s dad

    Julio 27 Taco restaurant- Mario’s dad

    Kelly Sr. Janitor at hospital/ Kelly Jr. KJ’s & Anthony’s dad

    Mrs. Dumphy 45 prosecutor

    Mr. Cannon 39 defense lawyer

    Barney Tate 29 Fish net strip club bartender

    Judge Clay 50

    Velma James 46 Jimmy’s mom

    Sharon Anderson 48 Mia’s mom

    May 19, 1997 about 6:00am, there’s a man asleep in a very small death row prison cell. He lay there in a white t-shirt, white boxers, and white socks.

    He’s awakened by the warden, four guards, and the prison preacher Rev. James McCoy. One guard banged his flashlight on the door while peaking in at the man through the small window.

    Rise and shine Stanley Gibson, time to take that last long walk to the other side. The man opened his eyes, slid his feet into some dark blue house shoes. He then looked around his cell walls. The guard then opens the chow window as the man inside turns his back to the door sticking his hands through it.

    The guard handcuffs the man. Step forward Stanley, said the guard. The man took three steps forward. The guard opened the door and went in followed by the other three guards. Two guards held Stanley’s arms while his legs and body was shackled to one chain and the behind his back. They then began walking him out of the cell and to the left. The other two guards followed them. Behind them were the warden and the prison pastor.

    DEAD MAN WALKING! Yelled the guard.

    As they walked down the cellblock the other death row inmates yelled out at Stanley. The inmates made a lot of noise and banged on the doors while watching the guards walking Stanley pass their cells.

    Stanley never changed the calm blank expression on his face. He looked straight ahead at all times. There was no hesitation from Stanley at all. He almost looked ready to take his last long walk to the other side. They walked down this long, bright hallway towards a wide steel door straight ahead. Stanley looked straight ahead at all times never saying a word.

    He was shackled from the waist down to his feet, which in turn made him take short swift unbalanced steps as the two guards held each arm sternly. Stanley had no emotion on his face at all. They approached the steel door and the warden opened it. The guards walked Stanley into the small room. The prison doctor was inside preparing the lethal injection for Stanley.

    The warden, pastor, and guards all entered the room. Stanley turned to see an audience above in the glass sealed balcony. Stanley recognized everyone up there. He stared at them all with the same blank attitude on his face. He was then strapped down to a leather chair with stirrups and chain cuffs for his hands and feet. They then put a thick leather strap around his head buckling it to the chair.

    The guards chained Stanley down to the chair and stood back. The prison pastor walked over to Stanley and began to pray from his holy bible.

    Stanley saw his Aunt Pearl, his mother Maggie, her fiancé Randy, Dr. Coil, Det. Sturgis, Mr. Lou and Capt. Gillis sitting in the audience. He just stared as the rev. prayed for his forgiveness.

    The pastor ended his prayer and stood back. The warden looked over at Stanley. Do you have any last words Mr. Gibson? Stanley looked up at the audience. Yes, I have something to say, said Stanley. You may proceed Mr. Gibson, the warden responded.

    I had the chances and opportunities to victimize you all but I chose not to. Now you all stare down on me as if I were an animal. I am a man! I am a man and I demand respect because I was nice to people on a daily. All I ever wanted was for you people to like me or at least respect me.

    Aunt Pearl, I love you and I never meant to hurt you in any way. You should have been my real mother. Aunt Pearl you know my heart and you raised me as your own, I love you for that. Now I will be joining my father in hell for touching her, said Stanley looking up at Maggie. Her fiancé held her hand tight for support. Maggie you have ruined the man I could have been by creating this person that sits before you. Are you proud Maggie? Look where I ended up because of you and your whorish abusive ways. I loved you Maggie. You let the men and pimps come and take you from me. You started hitting me because it was easier then dealing with your own demons inside. Auntie Pearl I never had a chance.

    This woman has planted a seed that grew into me. This bitch wouldn’t even let the flowers grow around me. She shut fun down in a second. My whole existence is because I couldn’t get the thought of the things Maggie has done out of my head. I know that you all want to see me jerk around and come to a painful death. All I ever wanted is to be happy and fit in somewhere with someone. I said my prayers and made my peace with God, cried Stanley. He saw it all and he knows my heart. I beg that all of the people that I’ve hurt can please forgive me for everything that I’ve done.

    Stanley closed his eyes and clinched his fists tight. You may proceed doctor said the warden. The doctor walked up to Stanley and tied a rubber band around Stanley’s right arm and thumped his vane. Stanley remained calm with his eyes closed tight. The doctor stuck the needle into Stanley and injected the lethal fluid into his arm.

    Stanley started to jerk around, shake, moan loudly, and foam at the mouth. He opened his eyes one last time looking up at Aunt Pearl before all movement completely stopped and foam ran down his chin.

    Aunt Pearl started to cry. Maggie started to cry. Randy took them both by their arms and walked them to the exit.

    The doctor stepped forward. He checked Stanley’s vitals. Stanley Gibson terminated May 19, 1997 at 6:15am, said the doctor.

    Stanley Gibson born March 10th 1973 and terminated May 19th 1997 by lethal injection. This is Stanley Gibson’s story.

    Stanley Gibson was born in 1973 in Tupelo, Mississippi. He lived there with his mother Maggie. Maggie was a wild party girl with a serious alcohol addiction. Maggie was a stripper at the Stripperamma night club in Tupelo.

    She often worked nights leaving Stanley home alone for hours on end. She made a lot of money and often brought home stray men that she didn’t know. Maggie was a free spirit with men but very heavy handed on Stanley.

    When Stanley was six years old, he saw Maggie and one of her prostituting friends were giving seven strange men a private strip party in his very own living room. Maggie and the other girl danced around half naked for money. The men were wild and whooping and hollering at the ladies. Money sprinkled onto the floor exciting Maggie even more.

    Staley stood in the kitchen doorway wondering why his mama was all over these men and being so nasty. Maggie had been drinking and snorting coke lines. There were lines of cocaine on the coffee table, open liquor bottles everywhere, and weed smoke in the air. The marijuana smoke was so thick that Maggie didn’t see Stanley watching her every move.

    Maggie’s stripper friend walked passed Stanley to get some beers from the ice chest on the kitchen counter. She had on a red body suit and some boots. There is a drunk man laughing and hanging on the lady. They staggered passed Stanley.

    Hey Lil man, you shouldn’t be out here. I’m auntie Cookie. Did we wake you up? She asked. I want my mama, mumbled Stanley. Cookie looked up at Maggie and saw her lap dancing a big baller in the corner. Cookie looked down at Stanley. Your mama is making you some Christmas money baby. Maybe you should get back to your room before your mama sees you. She may get mad at you. Come on man go back to bed.

    Cookie walked Stanley back to his room and closed the door. Stanley watched his small tv until he fell asleep. When Stanley woke up the next morning there were people laid out everywhere. Maggie was closed up in her room with two men. They were asleep in Maggie’s bed. Stanley opened the door and saw his mama lying in the middle of two ashy ass men. There were clothes and shoes on the floor and a large empty liquor bottle on the nightstand.

    Stanley walked down the hallway really slow. He looked into the living room where he saw Cookie on the floor with a dark skinned man with an afro. They were wrapped in a blue blanket sleeping. Stanley saw a man on their couch asleep with a bottle in his hand. There was a man sleep in Maggie’s tv chair with his shirt off sleeping.

    Stanley was only six years old at the time. He went into the kitchen and got a chair. He pulled it up to the counter and reached a bowl from the dish rack. He grabbed the frosted flakes from the table and poured some into his small bowl. Stanley then looked into the refrigerator and all he saw was beers and an old celery stalk inside. Stanley closed the refrigerator door and took his dry bowl of cereal to his room. He laid across his bed and watched early morning cartoons.

    There was another time when Maggie was dancing at the Stripperama Strip Club. Maggie was on stage dancing. She paid very special attention to three hoods that sat around the stage. Maggie showed them a lot of attention and made a lot of money. Maggie went to the dressing room after her last set and put on a long evening dress. She came out onto the floor and started dancing with the three guys. They all left the club together. Maggie rode back to her house in the guy’s black van. They all poured out in front of Maggie’s house while Stanley looked out of the living room window. Stanley saw them approaching the porch and ran back into his room. He pretended to be sleep. Stanley left his door cracked and turned off the light.

    Maggie walked by Stanley’s door with two black men and a half breed with a long ponytail. Stanley saw the men follow each other to Maggie’s room. Maggie came back to Stanley’s room and peeked in. Stanley appeared to be asleep so Maggie closed the door and went into her room closing the door behind herself. Stanley

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