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"Unmitigated Disaster": Vol. # 2
"Unmitigated Disaster": Vol. # 2
"Unmitigated Disaster": Vol. # 2
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"Unmitigated Disaster": Vol. # 2

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A story of America is moving forward. And, NOW that word forward happens to be the slogan of the very man; that, Republican Willard Mitt Romney is trying to unseat.

America the Party of NO has a man who will insist to see your ID, Birth Certifi cate, but wont release his Tax Returns, at the least 5-6 of them, so the voting electorate will know how to trust him.

There are many perfectly legal ways for all weasels to get out of paying taxes. Especially, if you can afford armies of creative accountants to find them all.

In our own Countrys Congressional Leaders there is: Nothing but, shameless lies and dishonor!

That explains whats going on here. If election in November is to be decided on the several issues, Robme (the Romney) and (Ryan, the Lying) along with the remaining hostile Republicans should stay away from foreign policy this next four years. Even drifting into that realm risks reminding voters of Obamas clear advantage in leadership. America, Bush has been out of offi ce for almost 4 years, are YOU really going to continue to blame him? This is what the Republicans are saying!

Honestly, if thats were the blame lies, absolutely! It wouldnt matter; even if, its been 100, 200, or 300 years since George W. the Idiot Bush has been out of office, there will STILL remain too many unanswered questions!

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 12, 2012
"Unmitigated Disaster": Vol. # 2

Louis D. Cruz

Author Biography As an Army Officer who served with complete HONOR to protect America. I took an oath to protect this nation against all enemies foreign and domestic. I, as all veterans who served won’t forget those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. I will not let this Nation forget or abandon them or abandon us. The Issues presented are not from one state or one person. They are issues before written as legislation. And I AM INTENT in discussing even the smaller details of each issue. Some things take more time than others. My views can be very critical!

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    "Unmitigated Disaster" - Louis D. Cruz




    Vol. # 2

    Louis D. Cruz

    Copyright © 2012 by Louis D. Cruz.

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    Chapter . . . . 121 I’ll Say This: Guess What America . . . . This Is Also A Spending Issue That Needs To Be Addressed Now? As A Informational Purpose, I Do Offer This:

    Chapter . . . . 122 Lets Go On So I Can Finish This Writing About This Nightmare!

    Chapter . . . . 123 America Lets Talk More Of The Fix Of This Toxic Financial Crisis We Are In, First:

    Chapter . . . . 124 Solving The Debt Crisis Bush The Re-Pubs Created.

    Chapter . . . . 125 So My Fellow Americans How Would You Fix Social Security? I Purpose . . . . That For:

    Chapter . . . . 126 Any Problem Of Deficit Spending Is Why The Military Is Always Getting Screwed! Not, Much Is Said Till It Has Been Done!

    Chapter . . . . 127 The Re-Pub Stop Funding Fiasco; That, Never Happened, But Could Have And Is Only On The Back Burner For A Short While; And, The Threat Of No Pay For The Military Is A Front Runner!

    Chapter . . . . 128 America Again, Something Else; There Again, (After 2010) Is No Cola For The 2011 Year, For Military Retired, Social Security, Veterans Disability Pay As Was In Contention Also The Case In 2009. When Will This All Stop?

    Chapter . . . . 129 The 2011 American Economic Outlook As I See It Playing!

    Chapter . . . . 130 America Really The Last Time To Fix Is Now! This Country Is Almost To Be Downgraded To A Once A Great Nation Stage!

    Chapter . . . . 131 With The Bleak Picture I Can Paint We Will Have Gloom And Doom For All Of America; Only If We Stay Divided. For Example:

    Chapter . . . . 132 America We Must See Romney’S Tax Records For The Fifteen Years He Was Ceo For Bain Capital:

    Chapter . . . . 133 America Let Explain One At A Time Maybe Per Chapter; But, We Will See As I Go . . . . Along!

    Chapter . . . . 134 Next, I Need Say This And To Tell The American People And The Whole Damn World:

    Chapter . . . . 135 Now Bin Laden Is Dead! No Thanks To Bush! Iraq Is Over For All Practical Purposes And So Then What Now?

    Chapter 136 America 35 States File Lawsuit Against The Federal Government.

    Chapter . . . . 137 America, I Recommend To You To Send Them A Bill, Because We The U.S. Government Are Broke!

    Chapter . . . . 138 Social Security Needs Help! Without The Idiot Involvement!

    Chapter . . . . 139 America Follow Me On This Narrative To The Grand Scheme Of All Things And Ideas, Topics, Reports, Editorials Written, Authored Books, Polls, And Opinions Regardless Where They Originate Or In Who’s Mind They May Be Credited For Being Put To The Public Realm.

    Chapter . . . . 140 Now To Address The (Idiots) Bush’s, Scuttle Butt Of The Draft And What He Wanted To Do In Order To Have A Pool Of Young Men To Fight His Wars!

    Chapter . . . 141 The Congressional Required Mrtf Is A Law By Code Of Federal Regulations And Specifies Pay For All Military Is Set Up Every Year By Act Of Congress:

    Chapter: . . . . 142 But, Now America I Would Like To Make This Comparison Just For The Record:

    Chapter . . . . 143 As Far As Medical Care! President Obama Really Needs To Leave The Military Retirement System And Tricare Alone! Otherwise An Increase Is Used In Balancing The Budget And Deficit On The Backs Of Its Soldiers And Its Disabled Veterans!

    Chapter . . . . 144 Foreign Aid And Other Free Handouts To Other Countries . . . . Even To Those That Hate And Express Disdain Of America:

    Chapter . . . . 145 America To All My Fellow Military Retirees:

    Chapter . . . . 146 In 2012 We Cannot Allow Bullies To Take Over The White House; Just, Because They Do Not Like The First Half Black Man In Office.

    Chapter . . . . 147 America The Country Is So Divided! Any Sense Of Common Purpose Is Almost Dead. How Can It Be Saved For Its Intended Purpose?

    Chapter . . . . 148 Fixes That Are Truly Needed:

    Chapter . . . . 149 Another Dilemma On The Horizon! Election Time Is Of Course To Start The Heavy Campaigning!

    Chapter 150 Now Let’s Talk Perry Who Was Projected As A Good Challenger Of President Obama. What He Did Do Was To Make Obama A Shoe In At Election Time!

    Chapter . . . . 151 How To Be Involved? America, I Would Say To All The American People:

    Chapter . . . . 152 America! On The Jobs Situation In This Declining Economy, It Is:

    Chapter . . . . 153 Now Let Me Level Down! Lets Talk Of All The B/S Of Cutting Veterans And Active Duty Soldiers Pay And Benefits!

    Chapter . . . . 154 There Is No Military Personnel Issue More Sacrosanct Than Pay And Benefits.

    Chapter . . . 155 America, Military Service Time Is A Contract . . . . Otherwise Why Do We Sign On The Line When We Enter?

    Chapter . . . . 156 Meanwhile Lets Talk Of Active Duty Side When They Are Released From Service:

    Chapter . . . . 157 America! Lets Get To The Down And Dirty Of Politics!

    Chapter . . . . 158 America This Fairness Issue Is The Real Dilemma Facing Us All.

    Chapter . . . . 159 America As To The Question Of Foreign Aid: I Think It Is Time To Cut All Foreign Aid. This Is The Way I See It!

    Chapter . . . 160 America! Now All I Hear Is Cuts And Benefits Are Still On The Chopping Block And Once Again; Only, For Your Military Service Retirees:

    Chapter . . . . 161 America Blaming The President Is Not The Answer!

    Chapter . . . . 162 As Far As Waste Fraud And Abuse At War, I Must Address Afghanistan For Example:

    Chapter . . . . 163 America, If You Don’t Think We Are All Going To Suffer More Without Action; Then, You Only Have To Stop Look At What Has And Is Happening In Greece.

    Chapter . . . . 164 America The Tax Code Needs To Be Altered—There Are Way Too Many Loopholes!

    Chapter . . . . 165 America . . . . My Humble Thoughts For What They’re Worth. I’m Not Sure Who I’ll Vote For This Time Around. I Hate The Extreme Left, Middle And Right Candidate Since None Of Them Seem To Be Out Totally For Veterans Interests.

    Chapter . . . . 166 America! This Book Should Be Read By All Concerned Voters And Members Of Congress Who Will Be Part Of The Voting For Cuts Of What I’ve Already Earned. If They Do:

    Chapter . . . . 167 I Am Quite Certain Most Will Put Forward Their Opinions And Conclusions Devoid Of And Unencumbered By Accuracy, Of The Facts And The Truth, I Would Now Say:

    Chapter . . . . 168 Retirements Paid For By Individual Soldier. What?

    Chapter . . . . 169 This Chapter Of My Story Backs Up What I Reported Above As My View; As It Has To Be A Proven Fact In The Details. So Here It Is . . . .

    Chapter . . . . 170 I Can Understand To An Extent, But: America, I Am Tired Of Being Told That We Don’t Give Enough . . . . So:

    Chapter . . . . 171 Finally, America With Some More Book Reviews Interspersed Here And There And Then Its Curtains, And Good Night After A While. Till, I Write Another Time! But, Lets Talk Of Religion Again:

    Chapter . . . . 172 America! Enough Is Enough All Ready! Justice Was Made A Mockery In The Courtrooms Of This Country! By The President . . . . No Less The 43Rd President As He Wants To Be Known!

    Chapter . . . . 173 Fixing The Economy Will Be A Hard Slog. So, Before And In Closing. I Must Address My Feelings In This Specific Topic In Order To Closing!

    Chapter . . . . 174 The Status Of Iraq Is Still The Biggest Indicator Of Economic Down Fall And Of The Failures Of The Idiot George W. Bush.

    Chapter 175 Iran Is Allowing Us To Put Them At An Impasse . . . . For Their Contrived War.

    Chapter 176 There Will Be More Economic Turmoils.

    Chapter . . . . 177 Past The Final Chapter Of Closing!

    Chapter . . . . 178 Almost Ready And Done!

    Chapter . . . . 179 America! We All Get A Rude Awakening (Because):

    Chapter . . . 180 Today Is: March 22, 2012 . . . The End Of This Debacle Of Giant Proportions Of The Last Ten Years Was Still In The Offening . . . . We Just Need To Remember:

    Chapter . . . . 181 America, Since The Devastating Financial Crisis Of 2008 Has Claimed Another Casualty As The Trust In Leaders Of America: Now President Obama Needs Help Of The People To Lead:

    Final Chapter . . . . 182 America Here Is My Solution: (Read It And Listen Good As You Will Probably Disregard This From Now On!) But:

    Chapter 183 America! Now To Explain, Simply Explain; Why I Elected To Serve My Country And What Is My Favorite Quote: (Then My Wind-Up)

    CHAPTER . . . . 121 I’ll say this: guess what AMERICA . . . . this is also a spending issue that needs to be addressed NOW? As a informational purpose, I do offer this:

    The overall tax burden on Americans is measured as a share of gross domestic product (GDP).

    America since World War II, as far as the Tax as % of GDP, tax receipts have averaged around 18 percent of GDP. In the recent past due mainly to the recession caused by all the George W. Bush’s screw-ups and his lies to gaining funding of 2 Billion a week and support towards his war efforts; this caused circumstances where tax receipts have fallen slightly; but, are now expected to surpass historical levels soon. See chart below & Notice how it’s pretty static?

    Now spending as % of GDP, also notice in the below chart how it’s growing year after year? legend is at bottom of chart.

    Below is a formatted version of the data displayed in a chart as published by the Congressional Budget office (CBO).

    US Government Spending As Percent Of GDP

    Fiscal Years 2001 to 2010



    $ billion

    Total Spending—total

    pct GDP











































    i—interpolated between actual reported values

    a—actual reported

    e—out-year estimate in US FY12 budget

    g—guesstimated projection by us government spending


    CHAPTER . . . . 122 Lets go on so I can finish this writing about this nightmare!

    America . . . . Quick: What do these things have in common? Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, the Wall Street volatility, a cranky even angry American populace, or what possibly compare as equally in common?

    Answer: They all have something to do with gasoline. No matter what happens in the world today, just about everything seems to point back to fuel for our cars; and the tricky blame politics, that emerge when OIL prices spike.

    Like death and taxes, this cycle is a certainty: Prices at the pump rise, the public’s mood falls and the U.S. President gets punished. Did you listen to him the week of and on CNN (4/4/2011); when, he pressed for reducing the nation’s oil imports by one-third by 2025?

    Obviously, the situation in the Middle East implicates and exacerbates our energy security. The situation in Japan leads us to ask questions about our energy sources. In an economy; that, relies so heavily on oil, rising prices at the pump affect everybody, As Obama has said. Businesses see rising prices at the pump; that, hurts their bottom line of profit. Families feel the pinch when they fill up their tank. And for Americans that are already struggling to get by, a hike in gas prices really makes their lives; that, much harder! It hurts you bet. Everyone can thank George W. Bush and his connections for all things screwed up these days!

    Sure, that’s true. But, there’s also so much more to it. In an era in which globalization has become a given, gas prices are the most obvious, most closely felt connection between the daily lives of Americans and the larger world around us.

    America whenever gasoline prices spike, there is enormous political consternation; because, it’s a highly invasive issue. In reality it affects everybody in this GOD given country and even the rest of the world!

    CHAPTER . . . . 123 America lets talk more of the fix of this toxic financial crisis we are in, first:

    A sobering look at federal spending suggests there are several creative ways to default on our national debt, and I am looking toward all of them in order to offer suggestions where it matters.

    America before I quit this topic; I, need to be very assertive to mention, what I feel is a fix and is probably coming? So here it is:

    First, since I believe; that, the consequences of its quantitative easing is the spending of any programs to force legislation to conserve by the un-informed and vicious formulas being sighted for use and strict one sided instance, by the Tea Party (Rep. Ryan and whiz kids); (the second, of which was scheduled for the end of June) which will also be one side enforcement of currency debasement and tackling high rates of inflation some how; but, not yet disclosed?

    I can say this for sure; the details are staggering in the size of the financial burden of America’s unfunded liabilities.

    These liabilities are not some theoretical estimate of future spending; but, rather the discounted net present value of current spending, should it continue at the projected demographic rate. The sum total of what is the Tea Party fix of the financial crisis with the final cost as most likely and probably around $75 trillion. Why do I say this? Read on . . .

    If you use the CPI plus 1% to calculate the interest rate on the debt (which is the rate most frequently used to discount back the government’s future liabilities); where interest expenses would equal $2.6 trillion, which is more than 10 times higher than the current level of $250 billion.

    The bottom line:

    I feel; that, the size of unfunded liabilities (a consequence mainly of entitlements); means, we are headed to an increased use of the printing press as has been used before, (meaning printing bills, not backed by gold bullion on hand in the federal reserve). America, all financial experts; estimate, that when it comes to the size of our real off-balance debt, as opposed to the size of the $9.1 trillion on-balance-sheet national debt ($11 trillion-$12 trillion counting agency debt); we ( us Americans) are out-Greeking the Greeks.

    America to sum it up by saying; that, the only way out of the dilemma, absent very large entitlement cuts, is to default in one (or a combination) of four ominous ways: 1) outright, via contractual abrogation surely unthinkable (leads to hate and possibly war; 2) surreptitiously, via accelerating unexpectedly higher inflation; but, not significant in its impact; 3) deceptively, via a declining dollar; currently, taking place right in front of our noses; and 4) stealthily, via policy rates and very unexpected low U. S. Treasury yields far below historical levels; paying, savers less on their money and hoping they won’t complain.

    America, it would be or really should be: (No one’s default but, our own):

    Unless entitlements are substantially reformed, I am confident; that, this country will default on its debt; not in conventional ways; but, by picking the pocket of savers via a combination of less observable; yet, historically verifiable policies, like inflation, currency devaluation, and low to negative real interest rates.

    In fact, those are exactly the policies we are pursuing now; which, is why we are where we are? Inflation has become the order of the day, and it will only increasingly intensify. Exactly, when I can’t say; but, it is worth pointing out; that, after Qualitative Easing (QE) began, for about eighteen months, the Market Evaluators (ME) did not really percolate. But, so far in 2011 it has exploded by 20% or so. I

    think this is a sign; that, inflation is likely to begin accelerating. America:

    Of course, inflation is affected by expectations. If people think prices are going to climb, they buy in advance, and that in turn can help push up prices even higher. Thus, psychology plays a large role. However, I would point out there is No such thing as good inflation, the mindset is changing and the genie may be out of the bottle.

    Corporations may think they can keep prices the same and shrink the contents of their packages to make people believe nothing has changed. But, when the New York Times runs an article about; that, practice on its front page, as of what occurred a couple of weeks ago, you can be pretty damn sure know or say people get the joke, and behavior patterns will start to change.

    So, if inflation were a stock, I would certainly; buy, it aggressively, and I would buy long-dated calls on it, too:

    America, what do the great stewards of the common good at the Fed have to say? While I make an effort to filter out their blathering (because all that matters is what they’re going to do, which we already know); I would note, what Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said in his April 4, 2011 speech. He reiterated his view; that, inflation is not going to be a problem The increase in inflation will be transitory . . . . Our expectation at this point is; that, in the medium term, inflation, if anything, will be a bit low. We will monitor inflation and inflation expectations very carefully.

    The reason this is important to note; is because, I think he is telling us what he actually believes, and I can almost guarantee; that, the Fed will be way behind the power curve when it comes to fighting inflation, for three reasons.

    First of all, inflation statistics understate inflation. Second, Bernanke has faith in his own ability to stop it virtually at will (as he once stated in a 60 Minutes interview); though, I think he is secretly, not even sure inflation can get started. Third, Bernanke has been so certain; that, he must battle a deflation bogeyman; that, doesn’t exist, that, he was always bound to be slow in responding to inflationary pressures. What can we expect from the Fed is a whole lot of speeches and chatter about expectations; but, action will be tiny, timid and way too late?

    It amazes me; that, people pay so much attention to what any of these Fed heads have to say? We all know where their biases lie, and the fact; that, markets flinch every time one of them talks tough is almost comical. Recall, that it was a little over a year ago when so many were worried about ending QE1 and the withdrawal of liquidity, and what we got instead was QE2.

    America in any case, it is; what it is, and people will focus on what they will?

    Anyway my fellow Americans. You won’t feel a thing and it is a shame! If, I were to describe the net effect of pure unadulterated premeditated inflation. (Bernanke with his term for a little bit of Fed-induced inflation) on the average low waged, turned out at best as a small money-saving citizen would probably be as follows: Hold still, little fish (working middle class person). All we intend to do is gut you.? So, lets move on with:

    CHAPTER . . . . 124 Solving the DEBT Crisis Bush the Re-pubs created.

    As a new political showdown looms over the economy following a defused budget row, aides have said; that, President Barack Obama now regrets his vote as a senator against raising the debt ceiling in 2006, calling it a mistake. Nothing wrong with that!

    The White House warned Republicans; that, failing to raise the $14.29 trillion US debt limit would spark Armageddon-like consequences for the slowly recovering US economy.

    The consequences . . . of failure to raise the debt ceiling would be Armageddon-like in terms of the economy, said White House spokesman Jay Carney on (4/12/2011), then on 7/12/2011, and again on 7/16/2011.

    Congress must raise the US debt limit, or the maximum amount the Treasury was allowed to borrow; first, by May 16 or see the United States default on interest payments of its debt. But, since then this move has become embroiled in fiercely partisan battles over the economy and spending.

    America a $14.2 trillion debt is due to the Bush tax cuts? No mention about the Bush of control spending! We generally only accept change in the face of necessity and we only see necessity in the face of a crisis

    Lets see; how, has all this debt and spending been to blame for the U.S. financial crisis?

    What I can definitely see:

    I would first, ask how many RICH boys and girls are going to Afghanistan? It not only seems; that, it is Only the shrinking middle class; as only the lower class are in the zone to give something greater them themselves to their country. No austerity at the top. Just bonuses, bonuses, bonuses.

    We need to cut congress’s retirement payments and pay checks like they continue; not to tax the super wealthy and corporations, and like they cut Social security and medicare! The middle class and poor are getting screwed big time and they still think they don’t have to vote. What’s in your thinking? I believe if those 47% not paying any Federal taxes would get off the tax payer’s feet and chip in their share of taxes, it would generate money needed and we wouldn’t be having a part of this problem. Everyone needs to share this burden together for sure!

    America I am sooooo tired of stupidity:

    America the people wanted change; that, is what they get when listening to the evil media (Fox). Because, that is what happens when the hype fizzes out and fright is over done. I hate the media; that, is slanted and not fair and square on not taking sides! FAIR and balanced my arse!

    The debt is not due to tax cuts all together; but, basically in the REAL TRUTH its the cost of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; and, it’s due to all the SPENDING in funding of $1.5B-$2B per week of the idiots inappropriate wars! How did it get bad the re-pubs would ask? Maybe like 10 years of war helped in all this and the Re-pubs don’t even begin to realize it, channeling or more appropriate, the illegal re-directing of money is a very suspicious cause for blame is playing . . . . acting as though they don’t know or understand is just; that, they are just playing dumb and ignorant!

    AMERICA! Let send a bill to Iraq and Afghanistan for the two wars.

    America Congress holds the purse strings. The last congress and many of the other ones are complicit, also! BUT, the voters need to vet these snakes and elect moral people. Not slickly idiots taking a very loose chance at luck!

    Anyhow, it is time to declare war on the deficit and that means; that, everyone has to chip in. Not, just the working class less the rich; but, by everyone including Re-pubs, Dems, and Independents alike. But, congress has to spend all; that, new revenue on debt reduction and add more spending. I think, if everyone added 10% of their income to their tax bill over the next two years we could do this. So, if you are zero now, you pay 10% of your income. If you pay $10K, then you add 10% of your income on top.

    However, Republicans who control the House of Representatives are demanding vast new spending cuts from Obama; over and above, the $38 billion agreed to end the budget bickering, in exchange for raising the debt limit.

    President Obama, under pressure to define the economic debate a week after launching his 2012 reelection battle, is likely and due to tackle the issue and a budget deficit; that is set to reach $1.6 trillion this year; first, in a speech Wednesday (4/13/2011) and numerous time to follow.

    President Obama warned; that, the result of failing to raise the debt ceiling were so grave, it would be irresponsible for politicians to exploit the drama for political gain. This time around!

    Even though as is being proposed! Believe it America your Congress is considering three major deficit reduction proposals; that, would make seniors pay even more for their Medicare than they do now. Balancing deficit cuts on the backs of our senior citizens is almost criminal as far as I am concerned!

    The current proposals by the Tea Party and most Re-pubs come as Congress wrestles with reducing the federal budget deficit and debates cuts and Social Security reform. President Obama’s Fiscal Commission; recently, proposed using a more slowly-growing Consumer Price Index to calculate annual Social Security COLAs. The proposed change is estimated to reduce COLAs by about 0.3 of a percentage point.

    Although, the proposed change seems tiny, it’s larger; than, it would seem to this (saved $100 of Billions) Budget worker bee; who has experience at the Puzzle Palace (Pentagon); as in managing, spending, and forecasting! So, I believe I could speak to this horrific catastrophe in cost to all seniors who retired with average benefits of $1,170 in 2010 about $15,222 over a 25-year retirement. By 2033, seniors would receive a monthly benefit that’s about $131 lower, using the more slowly-growing CPI. More to come on this CPI as was addressed above as being too restrictive and antiquated for ten years forecasting schemes, currently in use!

    Make no mistake! The difference will and does compound over time. At the same time Medicare costs would continue to take a bigger piece of Social Security benefits, where retirees risk inadequate benefits and then for them having to run through their savings. If they have any to use after all the reductions of benefits being considered?

    America we don’t need to play chicken with our economy by raising the debt ceiling or cutting taxes on the backs of our Seniors’ Social Security benefits.

    Shrinking Social Security Checks seems now to be a New Norm For Retirees to face thanks to the Tea Party Re-pubs!

    The New Year is been here for awhile now; but, for Social Security recipients, the financial impact on benefit checks continues to not be a happy one. For the second year in a row, there’s no annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to boost Social Security benefits. Rising Medicare premiums will shrink the Social Security benefits of an estimated 25 million seniors, according to Social Security Administration. I MUST EXPOUND ON THIS, IT SERIOUS!

    America we all have seniors in our families, most of us are not considered rich so; if, that isn’t bad enough for you, when rising cost-sharing and coverage changes are added, some of the oldest and sickest seniors; may, find they need as much as half of their Social Security benefits just to cover healthcare costs in 2011. Seniors now have to pay more; but, they have less to do it with. And this could become our permanent new norm in the near future with these new supposed self patriots in the Republican Party."

    Many seniors are still learning about some hefty new increases in their Part D or Medicare Advantage plans. A host of changes to the plans will affect what seniors pay out-of-pocket in 2011. And, for the unsuspecting who failed to check the cost details last year, the jump may be pretty big; including, the loss of coverage for certain drugs and some extra benefits.

    Congress is expected to consider proposals to reduce the deficit in 2011. Recently, two high profile commissions recommended; that, Congress cut COLAs and make seniors pay more for their Medicare benefits as a way to reduce federal government spending.

    America YOU know; that, all the working people who pay towards Social Security should be lobbying for legislation; that, would better protect Social Security beneficiaries from economic fluctuations by guaranteeing an average COLA of 3%, and everyone concerned should oppose proposals; that, would make seniors pay even higher Medicare costs than they already do!

    When there’s no COLA as was the case in 2010-2011 and may well be in 2011, seniors lose the compounding effect of the increase, which in most years average about 3%. Although, relatively small, the COLA grows like interest over time. The loss of two years of an average COLA and low inflation forecast for 2012 would have a similar effect in reverse; but, costing retirees with average benefits as much as $40,000 over a 25-year retirement according to Social Security Administration projections.

    America, I would be urging seniors to contact their Members of Congress to support emergency COLA legislation. It seems though those heading the proposals to cut have no parents drawing Social Security Benefits of payments.

    America YOU can trust me, as I see it; either, the normal rules of American politics have changed, or Republicans have walked into an electoral buzz saw on a Medicare plan; that, won’t pass the 112th Congress and that many of them didn’t campaign on in 2010. It will be curtains in 2012 for many of them! This would be my prediction!

    The GOP’s big gamble is indicative as by voting, almost unanimously, on Friday 4/15/2011, where on House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s budget, which would phase out Medicare for those under 55, House Republicans have made this gamble for 2012.

    According to the normal rules of politics, voters like their Medicare a lot. This is definitely supported heavily in a February NBC/WSJ poll, a whopping 76 percent of respondents said; that, significantly cutting Medicare as way to reduce the deficit was unacceptable.

    Ryan’s maintains that his plan wouldn’t give seniors a voucher; but, would instead give them a subsidy to help them purchase a private-insurance health plan.

    I might add in a separate question, 50 percent said it was; totally, unacceptable to gradually turn Medicare into a voucher system, and that included 56 percent of independents, 61 percent of seniors, and 57 percent of white Blue Dog Democrats. By comparison, 44 percent said; that, such a plan was acceptable, including 56 percent of GOP primary voters and 65 percent of Tea Party supporters.

    In other words, according to the poll, a fundamental change to Medicare is supported by the right; but, not by the middle or the left. Proof Democrats are already playing offense as a press release shows.

    While a GOP strategist admitted; that, backing the Ryan plan is risky for the Republican Party. I’m positive the GOP is walking into a buzz saw. There is no electoral mandate for entitlement reform.

    Whereas only four House Republicans. Ron Paul (TX), Walter Jones (NC), Denny Rehberg (MT), and David McKinley (WV) voted against the GOP budget measure. In fact, Democrats suffered with seniors in 2010 because of their cuts to Medicare in the health care bill.

    The other House Republicans from safe or competitive districts, voted for the budget. I’m surprised at everyone outside of Utah who voted for that. Seniors went GOP in record numbers last year. Let’s see what happens in 2012.

    America they are going to demagogue this, and it’s that political cause and fault blaming of the lack of action and is the direct cause of this demagoguery; that, has always prevented political leaders in the past from actually trying to fix the problem. We can’t keep kicking this can down the road. Guaranteed change is coming!

    As deficit-cutting fever—or at least brave talk about it by politicians, Tea Party and Republicans in general, as this rolls across the nation, one of the top targets of these conservatives is Social Security?

    CHAPTER . . . . 125 So my fellow Americans how would you fix Social Security? I Purpose . . . . that for:

    America the two obvious choices given by the Tea Party and Republicans are to trim benefits and/or increase taxes; but, there are still tough decisions to make:

    First, I might address the fact, given all the political windage we are hearing these days, you might be surprised to learn there is a $2.6 trillion surplus in the SS trust fund. However, with a huge increase in beneficiaries looming as the 1946-to-’64-born baby boomer generation passes through, coupled with a proportional decrease in the working population, the fund is expected to run dry in 2037 and then operate at a deficit for decades longer.

    In a recent speech on the budget deficit, President Obama did not give specifics for addressing that problem; but, he said, both parties should work together now to strengthen Social Security for future generations. But we must do it without putting at risk current retirees, the most vulnerable, or people with disabilities; without slashing benefits for future generations; and without subjecting Americans’ guaranteed retirement income to the whims of the stock market.

    Just how are the 3 main influencing elements of government, the Democrats, the Re-pubs in Congress, and the White House going to do that?

    I have ruffly laid out 11 changes; that, could help keep Social Security solvent over the next 75 years. Six of them would change the benefit structure, five would alter the revenue stream. You can riff off them, or give me ideas of your own.

    America, first, I would like to now where in this great country is there a bank where I could borrow billions of dollars and never have to bother paying it back. Multiply this same idea not once, or twice, even three times, ok just say numerous times. Honestly, this has happened along the time since the Social Security Act was passed and enacted into law. Where a number of Presidents have dipped into the SSA Trust Fund, were kind enough to leave an IOU; but, never have anyone of these U.S. Presidents or their successors, ever seen it important enough for the U.S. Government to repay their loans. Go figure! Moving on!

    Then I’ll put out some numbers provided by the WSJ and the Social Security Administration:

    • 2.9/2.1: Workers for each SS beneficiary today and in 2035.

    • 40.7/76.3: Number of Americans, in millions, over 65 today and in 2035.

    • $1,011/$1,312: Today’s average monthly benefit for women and men.

    • 34 million/$703 billion: Number of Americans receiving SS, and the payout in 2010.

    • 52/72: Percentage of retired couples and singles who receive more than 50% of their income from SS.

    • 20/41: Percentage who receive more than 90% of their income from SS. OK, here are the U.S. Government’s ideas, and the percentage of the 75-year shortfall each would cover. But, please feel free to mix and match.

    • Cut benefits today by 13% (100%) This means the average couple’s SS income would drop from $2,323 a month to $2,021. That $302 pays a lot of utility and grocery bills (or greens fees and slot machine play). This is quick and clean, and probably politically fatal for anyone who votes for it. The SS recipients might find it more palatable if the military, federal workers and even members of Congress took the same hit.

    • Raise the full retirement age quickly, then in line with longevity (30%): Americans are living longer, and longer in good health. The SS age for full retirement is gradually increasing from the current 66 for those born between 1943 and 1954 to 67 for people born in 1960 or later. A bipartisan committee of retired senators recommended increasing that age to 68 and then to 69 by about 2075. The age for early retirement also would rise from 62 to 64 during the same period.

    • Freeze the purchasing power of benefits (100%): SS benefit increases are designed to replace a portion of our earnings, thus helping maintain our standard of living. According to the Boston College figures, if such a freeze had been implemented 30 years ago, today’s SS benefits would be 18% smaller.

    • Freeze the purchasing power of benefits on a sliding scale (65%): The same as above, but the bottom 30% of the income bracket would continue to replace earnings, and there would be a sliding scale above that. This appears to be means testing by another name.

    • Change the cost-of-living adjustment (25%): Writing on USA Today’s Planning to Retire blog, Emily Brandon said that reducing the cost-of-living adjustment by 1 percentage point every year would eliminate 78% of the deficit (40% for half a percentage point). The annual COLA is based on the for urban wage earners, and includes food and energy prices.

    • Cut benefits in 2037 by 22% (100%): According to Boston College: The average worker who claims at 65 would get 28% of earnings about $11,700 in terms of current wages before reductions for Medicare premiums and income taxes. And if we shelter existing beneficiaries, new beneficiaries would get much less. This appears to be a way to punish the current child-producing generation for not having enough kids, but few politicians look 26 years into the future, and this might not cost them their job. And of course, the Me Generation of boomers might go for it.

    • Increase the payroll tax today (100%): Both employer and employee would put in 7.2% instead of 6.2% on earnings up to $106,800 (sorry, that employee drop to 4.2% negotiated in Congress in December is good only for 2011). If your household is at the median of $67,000, you would pay $670 more a year, or about $13 a week. That just might sell.

    • Raise the payroll tax earnings cap to cover 90% of earnings (40%): According to the Boston College figures, the SS payroll tax covers 83% of all earnings. To get that figure up to 90%, the individual earnings level subject to the tax would rise to $172,000. The well-to-do and companies, both powerful forces in politics, are likely to fight this.

    • Use the estate tax (25%): The idea is to take the 35% tax on estates worth over $5 million and dedicate it for Social Security. Given the nation’s overall budget deficit, this has a smoke and mirrors feel. Are you any richer if you switch your wallet from your left pocket to your right?

    • Invest 40% of SS Trust Fund assets in stocks (35%): The $2.6 trillion in the trust fund is now invested in bonds sold to it by the government (yes, we borrow the money from ourselves). Those optimistic Boston College folks think the stock market would yield a 3.5% higher annual return. This seems unlikely to fly, as the idiot George W. Bush learned when he tried to privatize Social Security in 2005.

    America, on the other hand I think, Ryan and congressional Republicans are gambling; that, the politics over entitlement reform have changed, and that the country’s finances are in such a mess; that, both Social Security Program and Medicare have to be altered.

    The Re-pubs are on record, saying the president has punted and we’re not going to follow suit. And, yes, the Re-pubs will be giving their political adversaries things to use against them in the next election.

    Democrats will definitely use the budget plan on Republicans in the next election. Thats, what the Republican Party always does and it is tit for tat politics? The only question is whether it will work for the democrats.

    The Obama Administration officials further now say; that, failure to raise the debt limit could drive up interest rates, making it more difficult for Americans to borrow money at a time when home values are depressed and market-linked pension savings are down. They also say; that, all the global confidence in the US economy would be badly hit. To be HONEST; that, is correct sounding to me; but, drastic cutting should start in federal aid to foreign governments, instead. In recent times all our friends receiving our aid in money have not been so friendly. Besides why does Saudi Arabia, so rich in OIL money, deserve our help only to see them support the raise in oil prices?

    The reality is the United States is the largest economy in the world. It is looked to around the globe as the anchor of the world economy and we must establish, through this vote in 2012, our creditworthiness in markets for all Americans first.

    America yes the White House also delicately navigated around a vote made by the then Senator Obama in March 2006 who voted against a plan to raise the debt limit while George W. Bush was President, in protest at what he said was a lack of leadership:

    America, President Obama, I think realizes now; that, raising the debt ceiling is so important to the health of this economy and the global economy; that, it is not a vote that, even when you are protesting an administration’s policies, you can play around with.

    America YOU need to take very seriously the need to raise the debt limit; so that, the full faith and credit of the United States government is maintained around the globe.

    The White House also quoted the head of JP Morgan Chase, CEO Jamie Dimon, as saying that anyone who failed to raise the debt limit would be crazy and any move of that kind would have catastrophic and unpredictable results:

    Being an experienced Budget cruncher (former Army Retired Officer at DOD) this is how I think it should be done: If, any congressional members vote for any new non-emergency spending over these (two years between elections); they perhaps should be tried in a military court as an enemy combatant (this was one of the Bush ace in the supposed hole); then, we the people should acquire all of their possessions and wealth while they are in jail. Then maybe, just maybe Congress and Obama both could attempt to effectively manage the country, not give it away in the Giant Crash to come!

    Tax cuts put more money back into the economy; which, is spent and re-invested; which, means more jobs and more people paying taxes.

    I am tired of hearing the radical right wing Presidential wannabes claiming; that, President Obama failed in creating jobs. First the stimulus did work and has been credited with saving/creating millions of jobs.

    America, first, these are hard facts and outlined and proven in the following (4) four reports:

    Second and more important, is the undeniable fact; that, the TP/GOP has blocked virtually every single Bill that has been proposed by President Obama; that, would have created jobs. Last year they blocked an Infrastructure Bill that was fully 100% paid for that would have created over 1,500,000 high paying construction jobs. And this does not included the multiplier effect that would have created even more jobs. This would have stimulated the economy; increased revenues at both the State and Federal levels reduce the claims for Unemployment Insurance, Food Stamps and Medicaid and would have reduced the deficit/debt.

    In just 2011 they (the TP/GOP) has blocked at least 4 bills that would again create jobs, have a multiplier effect, increase revenues at the State and Federal level, reduce unemployment numbers and reduce the deficit/debt. This is also a fact see:

    This argument by the right wing radicals is a pure lie. They (TP/GOP) consistently do not tell the American people that the reason we do not have jobs and that unemployment is high and the economy is stalled is that this is what they want. They have blocked bill after bill that would have created over 2 million new good paying jobs for their own political gain. And what is that political gain? McConnell told us that in 2009 when he said the sole purpose of the TP/GOP Party was to make President Obama a failure. Well guess what America—the TP/GOP plan for the destruction of this country is working. They are trying to use this repugnant attack to position themselves as the savior for all that is wrong with this country. The only problem is that they are the very ones responsible for this mess and the Credit Rating downgrade from their contrived and manufactured Debt Ceiling crisis. They (TP/GOP) have created this carnage and destruction and are now trying to pin it on President Obama.

    America the unemployment rate in September 2011 was below 9.1% BUT NO new jobs were created in August. This has not happened since 1945? What about the 700,000 lost jobs that we were bleeding when President Obama took office and the ignorant Re-pus won’t say anything about that? The point is these numbers really very seldom tell the whole story and you need to be careful.

    It is also being reported that this is a direct result of the contrived Debt Ceiling crisis manufactured by the TP/GOP which was further compounded by the new Hostage taking agenda of McConnell that was designed to make President Obama fail for their own political gain. Once again we are seeing the results of the damage that the TP/GOP has done to this country with their manufactured crisis agenda. We also saw it at work with the FAA and we are seeing it again with Cantor and FEMA. This job report is the workings of the TP/GOP and NOT President Obama.

    President Obama’s spending in the past two years on stimulus has nothing to do or blame with the idiots amount on money spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s a FACT! The stimulus has been the recovery; that, has brought us out of the idiots, George W. Bush’s, Complete and Unmitigated Disaster.

    CHAPTER . . . . 126 Any Problem of deficit spending is why the Military is always getting screwed! Not, much is said till it has been done!

    The Obama administration and the U.S. Congress are locked in battle over how best to fix the deficit.

    Republicans are pushing for deep spending cuts as part of the argument over raising the nation’s $14.3 trillion debt limit, something; which, is needed to avoid an unprecedented U.S. debt default.

    The Republican-led House of Representatives on Friday (4/16/2011) approved a plan to slash spending by nearly $6 trillion over a decade and cut benefits for the elderly and poor. This will definitely not stand!

    President Barack Obama, who has offered a competing vision to curb deficits by $4 trillion over 12 years, has said the Republican plan would create a nation of potholes.

    The White House is wary about cutting spending; that, stand sharply while the economic recovery remains fragile.

    I believe the President is committed to fiscal reforms; that, will restrain spending and reduce deficits while not threatening the economic recovery! He was quick to say others whose policies contribute to global imbalances must change too; especially, those whose fundamentals call for greater exchange rate flexibility . . .

    The Fed is on course to complete the purchase of $600 billion in U.S. government debt by the end of June; which, would take its total purchases of mortgage-related and government debt since December 2008 to nearly $2.3 trillion.

    America, so will this start the fixes needed in dealing with the spiraling out of control deficit? It seems to be a wait and see attitude!

    Proposal to decrease the national debt has to be considered seriously by all concerned. So the good start would probably be where:

    America, as YOU see the Tea Party Re-pubs want to decrease the debt; then, they should first CUT BUSH TAX CUTS and STOP SPENDING over an extended period of time! Both must go hand and hand equally or nothing happens to correct our economy.

    This how the Tea Party/Re-pubs would start as their proposal:

    Funny how they are already back to Blame Obama (even for 2009) but almost totally ignore the last eight prior years previously.

    How did Tax cuts happen this has been explained? Simple, we have politicians in both parties who abide by the Cloward Piven strategy; this is aiming to effectively; be trying to destroy our country economically; mainly, by the unknowing (Political novices, even the first term elected officials in the Congress) are ramrodding the senior leadership in the House (Boehner).

    I, must say; that, while doing major budgeting in Military. l learned, although, while I used to think it was coincidence; but, later learned there are too many times we have politicians who just keep spending like there is no tomorrow and NOW these novices come and think they can stop it all of a suddenly! But, in addition I think:

    That, translated/all Americans NOW have their debt; because, of their wiliness to approve give aways in the form of corporate welfare; mainly, through the fault of the voting by the big spenders during Bush, i.e. (the Re-pubs)!

    Using Taxpayer money subsidizes to BIG OIL, BIG banks, and BIG corporations was easy for them, then; but now its presented as a different picture! All by and for the underhandedness of lobbying efforts by these politicians; and all their favorite lobbyist friends who are essentially; out buying, the Congress members to receive votes of Congress in their favor on BIG OIL inter-prizes; and, as they receive hugh kickback schemes to benefit themselves; by the big subsides, that were funding their campaigns for reelection with the BIG corporate campaign BIG money deals!

    America it’s crystal clear. Yet, the people who caused the massive debt in the previous 8 years of disaster (under Bush & GOP) refuse to admit it. i.e. Boehner, and all his mouthpiece understudies.

    While it’s certainly true; that, Bush spent too much . . . . you’d think he was a democrat! . . . . and, as Obama whines about what he inherited . . . then he, and his rubber stamping liberal democrats, can shove the multi-trillion dollar so called Obama Healthcare down taxpayers throats (this is what all the Re-pubs think); even though this was needed by a long way and for a long time. PROOF is in Showing, that:

    Its really not, Bush + Obama + Corrupt Congress + Corrupt Congress = Total financial disaster. It is instead: Bush tax cuts + two wars = Deficit . . . it’s that easy!

    Only a socialist . . . would be determined to ruin this country financially, and in any other way he can . . . . he would have done it; what this incompetent idiot . . . (Bush) definitely has done it with all his associations here and abroad (Middle East Oil producers; especially) to enhance the family riches!

    It’s NOT an accident. It is easy to explain; I made these point before:

    To those who think or believe; that, the wars in Iraq and afghanistan are not the root cause for our deficit?

    • THINK AGAIN! But, add some more causes . . . like

    • illegal immigrants; thats, never fixed and really Costs taxpayers 1.8 Trillion dollars per YEAR in tax revenue and mere prevention strategies done are really immeasurable!

    • So, if you do the math accurately, it costs a lot more money! Manpower for border guards, infrastructure maintaining and the likes is tax dollars!

    • The fact is we’d have been just fine starting and finishing 8 Wars by now; if it were not for people illegally; constantly sneaking into our country, STEALING our tax dollars and shipping them back overseas/cross border. Then add Quit drinking the corrupt political kool aid on this one. Bush was going to stand up and stupidly say what he thought was the cause. He was DEAD WRONG every time too, when his opened his BIG stupid ignorant mouth:

    There you go Republicans! I must say most of the national debt of the past 20 years (adding money, time, lost revenue) came during the Bush administrations and after they left; by a grand total rough estimate of 6.1 trillion dollars of the total to this FY and years after (in the least 5-6 years added to financial disasters) not funded in recovery, then the preferential treatment from and to his contributing corporate donors, with giveaways of tax payer money (tax Cuts); just to keep the standing in the polls during all this disastrous time!

    America the Fast Fix . . . . can not be sponsored by your friends at GE . . . . Give me a frick’n break!

    Take a good look back . . . . Republicans are blaming Democrats; but, if you look at the deficit year by year starting with the Reagan years, its easy to see when and how this problem started growing.

    America and if you think the Republicans are fiscally conservative; and, if YOU remember when Reagan was in power, the debt then doubled, then G.H.W. Bush made it double again during his term with good economic times, mind you! The budget surplus left by Clinton vanished in the GWB era! So much for that myth!

    Another myth of Reagan during his terms with good economic times: Would now be: lets, start saving now by getting out of the middle east and closing 99% of the US bases. No more government pensions. No retiring after 20 years for govt. employees. Lets, get rid of Unions and the collective bargaining ideas; that, this country was built on. Well, So much for that myth too!

    We have to get a handle on both sides of the debt equation. Both Expenditures and income have to be examined! The answer is not kicking old people out of nursing homes and into the street. In effect balancing/paying the debt on the backs of America’s seniors. Bad Bad, and more BAD!

    But, America now I would say the only way to save America is a balanced budget amendment and term limits.

    For Now: America Tax Day this year 2011 was 4/18/2011: Looming on that day:

    For the well-off, this could be the best tax day since the early 1930s: Top tax rates on ordinary income, dividends, estates, and gifts will remain at or near historically low levels for at least the next two years. That’s thanks in part to legislation passed in December 2010 by the 111th Congress and signed by President Barack Obama!

    There was a reason for President Obama signing this legislation! This is clearly far and away the most generous tax situation; that’s, ever existed, in my memory! It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you are rich? And can lie your way across Re-pub politics:

    For the 400 U.S. taxpayers with the highest adjusted gross income, the effective federal income tax rate; what, they actually pay, fell from almost 30 percent in 1995 to just under 17 percent in 2007, according to the IRS. And, for the approximately, 1.4 million people who make up the top 1 percent of taxpayers, the effective federal income tax rate dropped from 29 percent to 23 percent in 2008. It may seem too fantastic to be true; but, the top 400 now and since then end up paying a lower tax rate; than, the next 1,399,600 or so close to this figure. Believe it or NOT!

    That’s not just good luck! It’s often the result of hard work, as has been suggested by some of the strategists; that, have been laid out as gains for the wealthy. For much of the top 400’s, income is from dividends and capital gains, generated by everything from appreciated real estate; yes, there is some left to stocks and the sale of family businesses. As Warren Buffett likes to point out, since most of his income is from dividends, his tax rate is less than; that, of the people who clean his office! Absolutely, amazing!

    The true effective rate for multimillionaires is actually far lower than; that, indicated by official government statistics! That’s, because those figures fail to include the additional income that’s generated by many sophisticated tax-avoidance strategies. Several of those techniques involve some variation of complicated borrowings; that, never get repaid, netting the beneficiaries hundreds of millions in tax-free cash!

    CHAPTER . . . . 127 The Re-pub stop funding fiasco; that, never happened, but could have and is only on the back burner for a short while; and, the threat of no pay for the military is a front runner!

    To me as a Military Retired Soldier; this, sounds like the politicians don’t want to do their jobs; because, the kickbacks are too good to lose. The stop funding fiasco; that, never happened; and caused, all of America to think the worst was coming! No pay for active Military and even those of us already retired would have been included; as we are still paid by the military budget monies dedicated in the MRTF. This is a complete falsehood, PERIOD

    Well, America is it just me, or does it sound like they did us a big favor passing a last minute compromise? Now thinking to back in MARCH 2011; they, the politicians were going to partially pay active duty soldiers for what they’ve already earned at the deadline?

    My fellow Americans isn’t this the same bunch of political leaders who were supposed to have their job (the budget) done in the previous October? YES! Well, we can’t partially pay our political leaders, their pay is guaranteed, no matter who else gets hurt.

    But, America wait! Can’t we vote them OUT at the next couple elections? It’s time for paybacks, please don’t forget what they did to all Americans? Never mind the party vote, VOTE your conscience next elections coming in the Nov. 2012 and next months and years.

    All I have to say is; that, they (the elected officials) should be ashamed of themselves! Could you have imagined all the bounced checks; that, would have happened? This economy was just starting to recover then! We did not need, to add any more self afflicted fire to the pot, (actually, lawmakers mistakes and selfish giveaways caused the entire mess)! But, it is interesting however; the same people; that, were going crazy with spending in years past under the idiot Bush, are the same people; that, are now hawkish on spending? Huh huh . . . what a joke? Get it yet, all YOU re-pubs and plus you can now add the Tea Party(ers) too? You are all two faced to be sure!

    America as far as I am concerned; if, and when the troops ever lose pay, then it should be across the board, and include President Obama and all of the worthless Congress also, even some way for the RUCH to surrender any government tax give aways in equal proportions! Definitely, I say all political officials; including, the President should not get paid, if ever soldiers don’t get paid! The 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution authorizes and guarantees that soldiers be paid, just as the authority; that, authorized the Military to be formed and constituted for the protection of America; not, to mention the authority of taxation of the population to pay for the soldiers military duties and serving! The 2nd Amendment mentions nothing that directs the exclusive payment of these selfless creatures in Congress and Senate or in the Executive Branch!

    The politicians authorized their own pay, along as to how much and added they will be paid at all cost and above everyone else!

    Come election time let’s vote them all out, as I suggested. We retirees as Military of past and those of now, took an oath to serve in uniform and we did our job, the politicians must do their job; or, move the hell out of the way even; if, we have to toss them out, by recall NOW, is what I mean; and, let someone else do the job; let the someone be who is competent and talented or they go! This way we can remain forever vigilant instead of an "idiot being in charge!

    Guess what America? The Republicans in the House offered to pass a bill (S 724); that, fully funded the military without any of the riders until the end of this fiscal year. Even the duplicate idiot Rep Bachman stated; that, the military should not be used a pawns; and that, we need to take the military off the table for such negotiations and fully fund our troops. Obama called it all a Distraction and Democratic Leader Harry Reid refused to even bring it up for a vote. lame, Lame, and more LAME!

    I am totally of the opinion; that, a new law should be put on the books which insures; that, all military pay is not

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