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The Top Secret
The Top Secret
The Top Secret
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The Top Secret

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The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power
The Cosmic Energizer: Miracle Power of the Universe
The Cosmic Power Within You
Great Bible Truths for Human Problems
The Healing Power of Love
How to Attract Money
How to Pray with a Deck of Cards
How to Use the Power of Prayer
How to Use Your Healing Power
Infinite Power for Richer Living
Living Without Strain
Love is Freedom
Magic of Faith
Mental Poisons and Their Antidotes
The Miracle of Mind Dynamics
Miracle Power for Infinite Riches
Peace Within Yourself
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
Pray Your Way Through It
Prayer is the Answer
Psychic Perception: The Meaning of Extrasensory Power
Quiet Moments with God
Secrets of the I Ching
Songs of God
Special Meditations for Health, Wealth, Love, and Expression
Stay Young Forever
Supreme Mastery of Fear
Telepsychics: The Magic Power of Perfect Living
Why Did This Happen to Me?
Within You is the Power
Write Your Name in the Book of Life
Your Infinite Power to be Rich
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 13, 2009
The Top Secret

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    The Top Secret - Dr. Joseph Murphy

    Chapter 1


    All the religions of the world have an astronomical origin and significance. The ancient mystics who wrote the Bibles of the world spoke of the terrestrial changes which coincided with astronomical changes and pointed out that psychological changes also could take place in man as he awakened to the Light of God within him.

    The ancient masters of allegory

    The names Hercules, Bacchus, Zoroaster, Mithra, Apollo, Chrishna, and Vichenu were allegorized types of the sun, and the ancient masters of allegory, in their writings, spoke of their birth, death, and resurrection (i.e., birth, death, and resurrection of the sun).

    The birth of the God, Mithra

    The famous Bible scholar, Robert Taylor, of St. John’s College, Cambridge, author of Diegesis, in his research work reveals that the birth of the God, Mithra, from the days of an infinitely remote antiquity, was represented to have taken place in a stable and was celebrated throughout the whole northern world at midnight, the 24th of December, the most celebrated of all the magi an festivals. The constellation Virgo, which comes to the line of the horizon at midnight, the 24th of December, was said to preside over his nativity. Mithra (The Sun) was born in the stable of Augias, that is, in the station of the celestial Goat, or Capricorn.

    The chronicles of Alexandria

    The most ancient chronicles of Alexandria attest to the existence and universal prevalence of this belief in Egypt. For ages before Christianity, Egypt consecrated the pregnancy of a Virgin and the nativity of her Son, whom they annually presented in a cradle for the adoration of the people, and when King Ptolemy (350 B.C.) demanded of the priests the significance of this religious ceremony, they told him that it was a mystery taught by The Egyptian God was called Serapis, which when broken down is Zor—Ab—Is, or (Son) (Father) (Fire). Marcus Aurelius said that the Bishops of Serapis were known and recognized under the title of Bishops of Christ.

    The Christus

    You will find the self-same story, even in the most minute circumstances, constituting the basis of the legends of the Hindu God Chrishna (Christ, or Sun) about 1800 B.C. The story is almost identical with that in the 2nd Chapter of Luke. The name Jesus and Christ were quoted by the great astronomer of Arabia, Alboazer, as the names which—following the most ancient traditions of the Persians, the Chaldeans, the Egyptians, and of Hermes and Aesculapius—had been given to the child, who in the most ancient projection of the signs of the Zodiac was represented as the Son of the Virgin of the month of August; that child, says Alboazer, which some nations call Jesus, but which, in Greek, is called Christus.

    The role of the sun

    All of these stories are dramatizing the role of the Sun, portraying it as the savior of our world. As the sun moves northward on the 24th of December, it gradually melts the ice and snow in the northern latitudes, finally crossing the equator and giving birth to spring and new life. The sun is symbolic of the Presence of God or Eternal Light within us, and as we become aware of the Indwelling God, we will begin to melt our fears, anxieties, and frustrations in the sunshine of God’s love.

    As the sun rises in the Heavens, all the seeds frozen in the ground will be resurrected, and the desert will rejoice and blossom as the rose. Man’s dreams, aspirations, ideals, and goals are frozen within his subconscious depths, waiting only for him to turn to this Indwelling God and to warm with faith and confidence his desires, thereby giving birth to them on the screen of space.

    Whatever you attached to the I AM, you become

    Man’s I AM is the Presence of God within him. I AM means undifferentiated consciousness, awareness, pure being, the life-principal. God, or I AM, gives birth to all things and is the only Presence and Power. I AM is called the Virgin Mary because God conceives without the aid of any man. You can claim that God is guiding you now and believe it, and you will receive an answer without the aid of any man. Whatever you attach to I AM, you become.

    You can boldly affirm, I am whole, perfect, loving, prosperous, and inspired, and as you continue to affirm these truths and feel and believe what you claim, without the help or cooperation of anyone, you will express what you felt as true.

    Blind passion

    At best, the story of outward Christianity is a sorry tale indeed with its recital of the cruelty of the Dark Ages and the rabid, emotionally motivated Crusades for the recapture of a geographical Holy Land. Thousands of children joined these pilgrimages only to wind up in the slave marts of Egypt. Then followed a commercialization of holy relics—the wood from the cross of Jesus, the veil of Veronica, etc., with some bishops waxing rich from lumber yard proceeds in the effort to keep up the supply of splinters from the so-called cross of Jesus.

    All this points to the innate tendency of mere natural man’s blind passion for material pilgrimages to geographical centers prominent in history and fable.

    The Holy Birth process

    It takes a truly spiritual renaissance (re-awakening and rebirth) to discover that The Birth of Jesus is something more than an historical event and is not to be found in a geographical Bethlehem.

    Man must discover the Holy Birth process within himself. Give birth to love, light, truth, and beauty, by meditating on these truths until they are absorbed into your consciousness.

    The City of David and the house of bread

    All of us must come to Bethlehem, the City of David—the Beloved of God and God’s Beloved—a certain stage in awareness wherein man loves and gives allegiance only to the One Presence and Power. Bethlehem means the house of bread. Eat of the blessed bread of peace, joy, love, harmony, and goodwill, for this is the bread of God. As you busy your mind with these truths, you will generate a lovely emotion, making your heart a chalice for His love, and wonders will happen as you pray in this manner.

    The characters of the Nativity

    You have not seen or heard of the Birth story of Jesus in its true meaning until this discovery is made: that the characters of the Nativity represent your own inner thoughts, moods, feelings, urges, and drives.

    Joseph represents the conscious mind with its superficial beliefs, opinions, thoughts, fears—the five-sense mind which judges according to appearances—the autocratic intellect.

    Mary represents the subconscious mind, full of wisdom and intelligence, the seat of intuition, memory, and emotions. Mary is with child of the Holy Ghost, and Joseph is instructed to keep away, which means that the conscious mind is not to impregnate and browbeat the subconscious with its false sense-knowledge. The subconscious has the answer to all problems and is coexistent with all wisdom. Joseph (the conscious mind) is supposed to protect the subconscious mind from all pollution and negative impressions.

    Jesus represents the fulfillment of your desires, the answered prayer. The word also means God is your Savior, or, God is the Emancipator. The realization of your heart’s desire is your Jesus or savior.

    His real savior

    The Inn is the outer meeting place of superficial human beliefs, fears, customs, traditional concepts, and race beliefs. When you tell man that the Infinite Intelligence within him can heal his body, inspire him, guide him, and reveal to him all answers, and that It actually is the Presence of God, he all too frequently rejects it and instead postulates an anthropomorphic being up in the skies who punishes, judges, and condemns. There is no room in his mind for the realization that his awareness of the Presence and Power of God—and his contact and application of it in his life—is his real savior.

    The Stable

    The Stable is the subconscious mind, the place where the anima or animals (basic urges, feelings, emotions, passions) are to be found waiting for the coming of the Shepherd, the Lord and Master. The shepherd is your dominant conviction of God and the truths of life which keep a check on the sheep (the harmonious feelings and ideal states) lest the wolves (destructive emotions) eat them up or destroy them.

    Your business in life is to gain confidence in the Lord God within and to yield power to none other.

    The Nativity of Christ is taking place in your manger when, at sleep time, you find yourself with feelings of confidence, rest, and assurance that all is being attended to in God’s good time.

    Like Mary (your subconscious mind), by feelings and true ideas you will read the signs of the incarnation of God in you, and you will experience the joy of the answered prayer.

    The Christmas story

    The Christmas story in the Bible and the Santa Claus of the ancients has points of psychological similarity and significance. Both point to the inner abiding Reality in you and in me. Children should never be disillusioned regarding the reality of a Santa Claus, which one day will be translated into their God-self awaiting recognition in life and life’s purpose.

    The process of rebirth and regeneration

    The symbols of the Child and the Mother ante-date all known religions. They symbolize the process of rebirth and regeneration in man. Mary is with child of the Holy Ghost. She needs no man as a husband. The answer is simple: No man can give you God. God indwells you. Thy Maker is thy husband. The Presence of God is within you. Your understanding and recognition of this is the angel which comes from God. Claim, feel, and know that you are now what you long to be, and, without the aid of any man, you will conceive and bring to pass the new life, the new birth, the answered prayer.

    The Top Secret of Life

    There is a mystic Power in you, which can lift you up out of a sick bed and make you whole and perfect. It can free you from the prison of fear; it can liberate you. It has a magical healing balm for the bruised heart. This God-Power can inspire you with new thoughts and new ideas. It can reveal to you solutions for all your problems and lead you to your true place in life. This Presence will respond to your request: It will bring new friends into your life, and furnish you with prosperity that spells freedom to be, to do, and to have.

    This Power has been known throughout all the ages of man. It is the primal power of Being. To contact this Power, and to allow it to work through your body, mind, and affairs, will enable you to soar up on wings like an eagle to the realm of dominion and joy.

    You are unique

    Emerson, in his essay on self-reliance, says: Trust thyself. Every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the Divine Providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done so and confided themselves child-like to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolute trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being.

    Here Emerson is telling every man that God indwells him, that the absolute trustworthy was seated in his heart and that all man has to do is to permit himself to vibrate or tune in on the Infinite within and receive all the blessings and riches of life. Moreover, Emerson is saying that you are Life, or God manifested, and that you are an instrument of Life’s expression. You are unique; there is no one in the entire world like you, because you are you. Your thumbprint and toe print are different and the rhythm of your heart and the secretions of your glands are different from those of any other person. Infinite differentiation is the law of life. Your thoughts, your attitude toward life, and your belief and convictions undoubtedly are different from others.

    You were born with certain endowments, talents, abilities and special inherent gifts. You are here to express more and more of the God-Presence and to experience the joy of living the life more abundant. You are uniquely equipped to express life in a way and manner that no one else in the entire world can do. You want to be what you want to be, you want to do what you love to do, and you want to have all the good things of life.

    You can achieve all these goals in life because you are endowed with the qualities and faculties of imagination, thought, reason and the power to choose and act. Let Life flow through you as harmony, beauty, love, joy, health, wealth and fullness of expression.

    The birth of God in you

    Your conscious awareness of this Almighty Power and your determination to use it in your life is the birth of God in you called the child in the Bible. Nourish the idea that God indwells you and that His love fills your soul. As you contemplate and meditate on the truth that more and more of God is being expressed through you, wonders will happen in your life.

    Remember, there is a universal law of action and reaction. The action is your conscious-mind decision and the reaction is the automatic reaction of your subconscious according to the nature of your decision. Use the following prayer for right action:

    I know that the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind is operating through me, revealing to me what I need to know. I know the answer is within me and it is made known to me now. The infinite intelligence and boundless wisdom of my subconscious make all decisions through me and there is only right action and right decision taking place in my life. I recognize the lead which comes into my conscious, reasoning mind. It is impossible for me to miss. The answer comes clearly and distinctly, and I give thanks for the joy of the answered prayer.

    Your thought and feeling represent the Father within, which doeth the works. Your heart in the Bible represents your subconscious mind; and whatever you impregnate in your subconscious comes forth as expression, condition and event. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby in 1847 said, Man is belief expressed.

    "The Kingdom of God is within you. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God . . ." This Indwelling Power, this Inner Light, this Spiritual Idea, is spoken of in the Bible as a child—this is the Top Secret of Life.

    Awareness of the Almighty Power within

    The conscious awareness of this Almighty Power within you, and your determination to make use of It, is the birth of the Christ Child in you. Nourish this idea and realize that God indwells you, and, as you contemplate and meditate on the fact that God in the midst of you is healing you now, you will find a release of the Healing Presence, making you whole and perfect.

    Begin every morning to affirm boldly:

    God is guiding me now, and I predicate my success on the fact that the Wisdom of the Almighty reveals to me everything I need to know; I am prospered beyond my fondest dreams.

    Wonders will happen as you do this, and you will find your whole life under the care of this God Wisdom!

    The virgin

    The Christ Child is born of a Virgin in a stable. The virgin in the Bible is not a woman; it means a pure mind, a mind dedicated and consecrated to God. When you look to God alone and give all of your allegiance and devotion to the Living Spirit Almighty within you, the virgin child is born in you.

    Put God first in your life and give all honor, power, and glory to Him; then you really are giving birth to the Christ Child in the stable of your own mind.

    Your subconscious mind

    The stable, to which we previously have referred, is your subconscious mind, where all moods, tones, feelings, urges, and drives dwell. Locked within you is the Presence and Power of God—all of the attributes, qualities, and powers of God are latent within you, waiting resurrection. Isaiah says, "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them bath the light shined."

    Let God guide, direct, and govern your life

    Man is considered dead when he is dead to joy, faith, hope, and love. Resurrect joy, faith, love, and goodwill now, and pour out the perfume of His Presence to all. His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. The government is to be upon his shoulder. This means: Let God guide, direct, and govern your life. For example, every day of your life affirm:

    Divine law and order govern my life. Divine right action controls me. Divine love fills my soul. Divine success is mine now. Divine peace and harmony reign supreme.

    As you continue to affirm these truths, they will sink down into your subconscious mind and come to pass—the government of your life will then be of God. Let the All-Wise One, the All-Knowing One, and the All-Resourceful One, guide, heal, and restore your soul. Claim that the miraculous healing is now transforming your whole life, and miracles will happen in your life.

    Let the Great Counselor guide you

    God is the Great Counselor. If you are worried, perplexed, or confused, e.g., if you do not know whether or not to take some important step, to accept a proposal, to sign a contract, to get a divorce, to accept a new position, to dissolve a partnership, or to take a trip to Europe, or to trust some individual to say a certain thing in court, let God—the Great Counselor—guide you. Affirm:

    I will follow the lead which comes.

    As you do this, an idea will well up in your mind and you will recognize the answer. An over-powering hunch may come, or a persistent feeling will develop in a certain direction—follow it.

    God is your Guide. The God-Presence will teach you new things utterly beyond the compass of your present understanding, enabling you to do the so-called impossible.

    The Prince of Peace

    For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, and The Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6).

    This scriptural passage means that once you contact the God-Presence within and call upon the Divine wisdom to direct and govern all your affairs and undertakings, you will find that all of your ways will be ways of pleasantness, and all your paths will be paths of peace. The government of your life will be a government of Divine ideas mothered by Divine love. Pray regularly and systematically as follows:

    "God is guiding me now in all ways. Divine law and order reign supreme in my life, and Divine love fills my soul. Divine success is mine now. Divine right action is mine. Divine intuition reveals to me everything I need to know to solve all problems. Divine wisdom governs all my plans and purposes.

    Having established this Divine Government over my mind, body, and affairs, I know that I am guided, protected, and prospered beyond my fondest dreams. This new Government which I have installed this day solves all problems, wipes away all tears, and sets me on the high road to happiness, freedom, and peace of mind. I have now thrown away the old calendar. God is the Eternal Now, and my new birthday is the realization of the power of God in me.

    A few simple Truths

    A mother was distraught and highly agitated because her boy of eighteen ran away from home following an argument with his father. He quit college and joined a hippie colony. She became frantic, and her doctor had to prescribe strong sedation to quiet her mind and body. While talking with her, I pointed out a few simple truths, such as:

    You do not own your son; he came through you, but not by you. God, or the Life Principle, is the Father of all. Your son is here to grow, to discover his Divinity, and to release his talent to the world. You can’t help him with mental excitation, anger and resentment.

    At my suggestion, she decided to release him to the Infinite Presence and Power. Also, she decided to turn to the Source of all blessings for her own peace, harmony and well being, realizing she was not dependent on her son for happiness or peace of mind. She decreed as follows:

    I loose my son to God completely. He is Divinely guided in all his ways. Divine Wisdom governs him. Divine law and order reign supreme in his life. He is in his true place and is expressing himself at his highest level. I loose him and let him go.

    She remained faithful to this prayer, and daily turned to the Indwelling Presence, invoking peace, wisdom and joy for herself. Some weeks later, her son went back to college, gave up his old haunts, and is now doing very well in his scholastic work. He regularly communicates with both his parents, and the mother no longer feels possessive. She has discovered that love is freedom.

    Chapter 2


    . . . For every man shall bear his own burden (Galatians 6:5). You have to do your share in life by putting your shoulder to the wheel and contributing your talents for the benefit of humanity. You are part of humanity and you are here to serve and give life to your talents by contributing to the peace and happiness of humanity.

    Overcome evil with good

    . . . Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). Note that Paul uses the words of evil, i.e., do not permit negative thoughts to lodge in your mind and govern you. Cremate them with spiritual thoughts and Divine love. Look for the Presence of God in your associates, and if you see faults, imagine that they have the corresponding virtues. Dwelling on the faults of others causes you to build them into your own mentality. Exalt God in the midst of you and everything you do will bless and benefit not only you but countless others.

    We must look inside ourselves

    A streak of jealousy aroused in us will indubitably attract situations involving other jealous people, either in the home, at business or in our social world. Quite often we hear people say that the one thing they dislike most is jealousy in others. If we watch their reactions, we find the fault is in them. What we think or feel finds its affinity in our external world and finds its likeness.

    We must learn to take the beam out of our own eye by self-study, self-awareness and self-examination. Eventually we shall not discern even the mote in our brother’s eye. When we see faults in others, let us look inside ourselves, for there we shall find them, if we look with unbiased examination, hidden in the recesses of our own mind

    If we constantly fail to achieve our goals in life and all our efforts meet a stone wall, we must look within and see why. To effect a change of circumstances and conditions in our lives, there must be a change of mental attitude, a mental acceptance dominated by the spirit of success along all lines. In order to succeed, we must realize that we are born to win and that the Infinite within us can’t fail, knowing that we will generate the confidence of success, erasing from our mind every discordant thought. It is our mood, the intensity of sustained faith, which impresses itself on the subjective mind. The barrier to success is when we allow our personal ego to draw a boundary around our mentality.

    Do we only want to feather our own nest?

    It is good to ask ourselves if we are simply seeking recognition and applause for ourselves, or if we are sincerely interested in serving humanity and making the world a better place in which

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