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Only Good Can Come out of This
Only Good Can Come out of This
Only Good Can Come out of This
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Only Good Can Come out of This

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The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power
The Cosmic Energizer: Miracle Power of the Universe
The Cosmic Power Within You
Great Bible Truths for Human Problems
The Healing Power of Love
How to Attract Money
How to Pray with a Deck of Cards
How to Use the Power of Prayer
How to Use Your Healing Power
Infinite Power for Richer Living
Living Without Strain
Love is Freedom
Magic of Faith
Mental Poisons and Their Antidotes
The Miracle of Mind Dynamics
Miracle Power for Infinite Riches
Peace Within Yourself
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
Pray Your Way Through It
Prayer is the Answer
Psychic Perception: The Meaning of Extrasensory Power
Quiet Moments with God
Secrets of the I Ching
Songs of God
Special Meditations for Health, Wealth, Love, and Expression
Stay Young Forever
Supreme Mastery of Fear
Telepsychics: The Magic Power of Perfect Living
Why Did This Happen to Me?
Within You is the Power
Write Your Name in the Book of Life
Your Infinite Power to be Rich
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 28, 2009
Only Good Can Come out of This

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    Only Good Can Come out of This - Dr. Joseph Murphy



    The Bible says: Agree with thine adversary quickly, whilst thou art in the way with him . . . (Matt. 5:25)

    This does not mean that you agree with that which is false or that you compromise with evil or negation of any kind. It does not mean you agree with illness, or permit yourself to be duped or deceived.

    This teaching points out that you stop fighting the problem in your mind. You can’t solve a problem if you resent it or get angry about it. If you are ill or someone has cheated you, don’t take umbrage with God or the Universe. Acknowledge the difficulty and realize nothing is forever, and through the Power and Wisdom of God you are now overcoming the situation; then the solution will come and you will be released and blessed.

    Be sure to write this Truth in your heart at all times:

    Only good can come out of this.

    Realize the Spirit of Truth is leading you into all Truth. You are poised in the knowledge that God is, and all there is, is God. Love is the fulfilling of the law, and the law is, I am that which I contemplate.

    Your thoughts are creative

    Your thoughts are creative; therefore, whatever you think about the other person, you are also creating in your own life. Oftentimes you are aware of people getting rich financially in pornography, prostitution, fraudulent stock sales and in countless confidence games whereby they rob people of millions of dollars. Again, we come to the same point. As a citizen you can vote for those who are upright and honest. You can write letters to local governing bodies, state senators, congressmen, and others, expressing your constructive views and thereby seek changes according to law.

    All evil destroys itself

    I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree (Psalm 37:35).

    It is true that you see wicked people prosper and succeed in life. They may amass wealth, prosperity, stocks and bonds, etc., but loss comes in many ways, such as loss of health, peace of mind, love, prestige and respect.

    All evil destroys itself. The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine. Anyone who is misusing the law will automatically reap what he sows, but his loss may not necessarily be in money. It could be in many other ways, such as a crippling disease, accident, cancer, loss of loved ones, etc.

    The doctrine of resist not evil is superb spiritual strategy. When you antagonize any situation or fight anything in your mind, you give it power against yourself, and your thought is creative. Offer mental and spiritual nonresistance and you are free. To return evil for evil and hate for hate is to start a highly destructive and vicious cycle, which wears out your own life and ends in self-destruction. Buddha said, Hatred ceases not with hatred.

    Workers of iniquity

    When a person cheats, robs, rapes, murders, etc., you did not tell him to do it. He is responsible for his own acts. When he misuses the laws of mind, there is a reaction from the law of his mind. Sooner or later he discovers that he reaps whatever he has sown in his mind. You are also told not to be envious of workers of iniquity.

    . . . And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household (Matthew 10:36).

    In its own way, in its own time

    For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Years ago in New York City, I knew a man who sold fraudulent stocks to widows and similar helpless people, robbing them of their life savings. He seemed to prosper. He had a lovely home, plenty of money and entertained lavishly. Many said, Look how that fellow prospers. He keeps within the letter of the law, yet he steals from people right and left.

    Twenty years later, I read about him. He was a patient in a mental institution, suffering from paralysis of the brain, and he was penniless. The law of mind responds in its own way. If you misuse the law of harmony, honesty, justice and love, you will get a reaction from the law in its own way in its own time. It might be twenty or twenty-five years later . . . Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord (Romans 12:19).

    The great liberator

    Many individuals have deep resentment and hatred for those in high places who have betrayed their trust or swindled people out of large sums of money, who were corrupt and criminal, or who murder and seem to go scot free. Resist not evil, spiritually understood, is the secret success in life. It is the great liberator and sets you free.

    Wish him greater wealth

    If you are ever annoyed or irritated by the prosperity or great wealth of another, claim immediately that you truly wish for him greater wealth in every possible way. This will neutralize the negative thoughts in your mind and cause an ever greater measure of wealth to flow to you by the law of your own subconscious mind.

    Denying the One Source

    For example, if you are looking for promotion or advancement and you say to yourself: The boss is blocking my good; but for him I would be promoted and receive greater emoluments, at that moment you have exalted him, a false god. Actually, you are making the boss a god and denying the One Source from Whom all blessings flow. Your subconscious mind knows that your loyalty is divided and consequently does not respond.

    You are like the double-minded man, unstable in all your ways. On the one hand he is affirming that God is the Source of his supply, meeting all his needs, and then in the next breath he is resenting his employer for not promoting him and increasing his salary. You must never give power to any person, place or thing, for actually you are transferring the power within you to externals. You must give exclusive devotion and loyalty to the One Power within you, Which responds according to the nature of your thoughts and belief.

    Inner upset condition

    A sales manager in Los Angeles told me about one of his men in San Francisco who wrote and said that the people up there were very difficult to sell; he added that the price of the product was too high and that he wanted a transfer. The sales manager gave him a transfer to Los Angeles and sent another salesman to the same district in San Francisco. The second man got immediate results and wrote saying that the product was selling very well. The man who was transferred back to Los Angeles was amazed when he was confronted with the successful reports of the other salesman.

    All this illustrates that our disturbed, hostile, resentful attitudes are reflected in our business, social life, financial life, as well as in our body and environment. The sales manager told me that envy and jealousy were the reasons for the poor showing of the first salesman. He was deeply resentful of the promotion of other men over whom he claimed seniority. He pointed out the length of his service; he criticized the management, arguing that you had to know the right people in order to get ahead. Yet all the time his inner upset condition was the cause of the decline in his sales. For jealousy is the rage of a man, therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance (Proverbs 6:34).

    Troubled by suspicions

    Jealousy, says Rochefoucauld, is in some sort rational and just; it aims at the preservation of a good which we think belongs to us. It is in this sense that God is said to be a jealous God, because he is earnestly and, as it were, passionately desirous of our supreme love, reverence and service. Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame (Song of Solomon 8:6).

    Most people learn the hard way

    If you see a man putting $10,000 a week in the bank and you can only deposit $1000 for the week and you are envious, then more lack and limitation will be yours. To entertain envious thoughts is devastating because it places you in a very negative position; therefore, wealth flows from you instead of to you. Most people learn this the hard way. In our modern, everyday language, we speak of a jealous person as one who feels resentment against another because of his success, worldly achievements or monetary advantages.

    A jealous person usually blames others as if they were responsible for his inferiority or inadequacy. A jealous person is inclined to be troubled by suspicions or fears of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims. A jealous person generates mental poisons which bring on all manner of disease. Actually, he is destroying himself from the inside.

    It makes no sense

    To be envious of others is to demean yourself. It means you are rejecting your own Divinity, which is the Source of all blessings. When jealous of another, you are placing that person on a pedestal and demoting yourself, thereby attracting lack, loss, limitation and impoverishment to yourself. It makes no sense. You have heard the expression, She is green with envy. This is why jealousy is called the green-eyed monster. The eyes are the windows of the soul. It is true the eyes reveal jealousy, which is a mental sickness. Remember also, a jealous person is an angry person.

    To be envious of others and their possessions attracts lack, limitation and impoverishment to yourself. This is why you can’t afford to be envious and jealous of others. You are denying the Source, Which is available to you. You can claim what you want. What you accept and believe, the Spirit in you will honor, validate and execute. What you criticize and condemn takes wings and flies away. Remember, you need more money yourself; therefore, it is foolish to condemn the money another makes.

    Erase discordant thoughts

    If we constantly fail to achieve our goals in life and all our efforts meet a stone wall, we must look within and see why. To effect a change of circumstances and conditions in our lives, there must be a change of mental attitude, a mental acceptance dominated by the spirit of success along all lines. In order to succeed, we must realize that we are born to win and that the Infinite within us can’t fail, knowing that we will generate the confidence of success, erasing from our mind every discordant thought. It is our mood, the intensity of sustained faith, which impresses itself on the subjective mind. The barrier to success is when we allow our personal ego to draw a boundary around our mentality.

    We must never forget that our habitual thinking shapes and moulds our destiny—it makes us what we are today. Having changed his mental attitude, man is manifesting life eternal. This means the enjoyment of peace, harmony and prosperity, not only on this plane, but down through the corridors of time—through the pathways of eternity until time, as we know it, shall be no more.

    Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee . . . (Isaiah 26:3).

    We suffer from our hates

    Purgatory is a state of suffering which takes place in our mind because of our misuse of the laws of mind. We suffer from our hates, jealousies, envies and negative thinking until we get a new insight and a new understanding of the laws of mind and the way of the Infinite within us. If you see a competitor depositing large sums of money in the bank, and you have only a meager amount to deposit, does it make you envious? The way to overcome this emotion is to say to yourself, Isn’t it wonderful! I rejoice in that man’s prosperity. I wish for him greater and greater wealth.

    Meeting evil, resentment and hatred with Divine love is the right road to freedom. This is real spiritual self-defense, and you become invulnerable to the evils of the world.

    A prayer to overcome envy and resentment

    The love of God flows through me to all mankind. I bless all who are richer than I, and I bless those who criticize and speak ill of me. I rejoice to see my co-workers succeed and prosper. I open the windows of my mind, and I let in the riches of Heaven. I am loving toward all. I pray that God’s riches flood the mind and heart of all. I give thanks for His riches now. It is wonderful!"

    Do not dwell upon negative thinking

    Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty (II Corinthians 6:17-18).

    In these wonderful verses you are told to come out from the mass mind and do your own thinking. You are told specifically not to touch the unclean thing, which means you are not to mentally dwell upon murder, hate or indulge in any form of negative thinking. On the contrary, you are to keep prayed up, which means that you constantly identify mentally and emotionally with the eternal verities of life, which are always the same yesterday, today and forever. As you keep prayed up, you won’t suffer like the masses do.

    Everyone has God-like qualities

    The Truth of Being is that the whole wide world and all things contained therein are the self-expression of God. Man, not understanding this greatest of truths, forms false beliefs about the Truth. He sees limitations of all kinds around him; he feels himself to be separate from God and dependent on his own efforts. Let us realize that God is doing all things through us. If another person seems to behave badly—to the capacity of your thinking and feeling that God is working through him, will his conduct change. However, why should we dwell upon and magnify the seeming faults of others?

    Everyone has God-like qualities if we would only look for them. Seek and ye shall find. If you look for what is good, you will find it. For your own peace and happiness (if for no higher purpose) and effort should be made to seek out the good qualities in others. It is told that when Thales was asked what was the most difficult thing to do and what was the easiest, he answered: The hardest thing to do is to learn to know oneself; the easiest, to find fault with the doings of other people.

    Good can come . . .

    Spend some time every day radiating the glory, beauty and love of God, and never mind whether the other fellow does it or not. You are not responsible if some friend of yours shoot his or her spouse. All you are responsible for is the way you think about him or her. Since your thought is creative, you will therefore bless both, realizing that the journey of the deceased person is ever onward, upward and Godward and that the light of God shines in the person who committed the act.

    And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book; for the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still; and he that is holy, let him be holy still.



    The most important thing in the world is to put God first in your life. God is the Supreme Cause, the Creator of the world, and He is the Progenitor of all mankind and the entire cosmos. Every morning and evening, set aside some time for a visit with God—your Higher Self. Begin every morning to affirm boldly:

    God is guiding me now, and I predicate my success on the fact that the wisdom of God reveals to me everything I need to know. I am prospered and blessed beyond my fondest dreams. I am releasing more and more of wisdom, truth, love and beauty every day of my life, and I am always watched over by the Overshadowing Presence, which leads me to ways of pleasantness and paths of peace.

    Walk with God at all times, realizing that God is sovereign, supreme, your ruler, guide and counselor; and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)

    They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord (Isaiah 65:25).

    Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance (Psalm 32:7).

    Prayer is the practice of the Presence of God in your life and all your affairs. It is a belief God is where you are and is speaking through you always. You are praying whenever you are thinking of God and His Love and Wisdom and when you feel your oneness with God. Likewise, you are praying whenever you are reading or meditating on the spiritual truths of the Bible or any other spiritual book. The God that millions all over the world beg and beseech is the Deep Self of you, the Divine Presence within you. Many religious dogmatists frighten people into thinking that God is some tyrannical being living somewhere in the heavens—a God of vengeance, a mysterious stranger. A poet referred to God: Closer is He than breathing; nearer than hands and feet.

    Oneness of the Spiritual Power

    In ancient times, the multitude believed that their priests had the power to curse those who displeased or irritated them, and the priests of that day took advantage of the ignorance of the people.

    Moses saw through the chicanery and deceit of the Egyptian priests. They were completely dumbfounded by him, and their fear of him caused the priests to abandon their attempts at intimidating Moses and his people.

    Moses taught the oneness of the Spiritual Power. The belief and faith of the Egyptians was built on a belief in many powers. Moses knew that God was One, and his awareness, scattered all negative ideas to the winds.

    No enlightened person today believes that a cruel fate condemns us to sickness, misery, or suffering. There is nothing holding us in mediocrity, in ill health, or in a miserable condition, but our own thoughts and false belief.

    God’s love surrounds you

    . . . And when sailing was now dangerous. Paul admonished them (Acts 27:9). In the journey of life, we may experience danger as we go by air, sea or land or on the street. Remain quiet and calm, do not fight the situation mentally. Use ordinary caution while at the same time knowing that God’s love surrounds you, enfolds you and enwraps you. Realize that where you are God is and that He careth for you. Trust the Divine guiding principle within you, and you will be led to move forward at the right time in the right way.

    "I know and realize that God is a spirit moving within me. I know that God is a feeling or deep conviction of harmony, health, and peace within me; it is the movement of my own heart. The spirit or feeling of confidence and faith which now possesses me is the spirit of God and the action of God on the waters of my mind. This is God; It is the creative power within me.

    "I live, move, and have my being in the faith and confidence that goodness, truth, and beauty shall follow me all of the days of my life; this faith in God and all things good is omnipotent and removes all barriers.

    "I now close the door of the senses. I withdraw all attention from the world. I turn within to the One, the Beautiful, and the Good. Here, I dwell with my Father beyond time and space; here, I live, move, and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. I am free from all fear, from the verdict of the world, and the appearance of things. I now feel his Presence, which is the feeling of the answered prayer, or the presence of my good.

    I become that which I contemplate. I now feel that I am what I want to be. This feeling or awareness is the action of God in me; it is the creative Power. I give thanks for the joy of the answered prayer, and I rest in the silence that it is done.

    God cannot be known

    From an absolute point of view, God cannot be known, for nothing can be known in the absolute sense of the term. But there is much we can learn, such as that thoughts are things; what we feel we attract and what we imagine we become. Our thoughts are creative, and whatever we impress on our subconscious is expressed. We can keep on tapping the infinite reservoirs of wisdom and power within us, since there is no end to the powers and intelligence of the Infinite within us. Job says: He . . . hangeth the earth upon nothing (Job 26:7).

    Seek and ye shall find . . .

    The Bible says, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? (Matthew 7; 7-11).

    Knock and it shall be opened unto you. This means that when you have a definite desire or idea in your conscious mind and have come to a clear-cut and definite decision in your conscious mind, you will then gain a response from your deeper mind which is full of wisdom and power.

    Decide now that you can do what you long to do and that you can be what you wish to be. Cultivate simplicity and spontaneity, knowing that whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Keep on asking and knocking until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.

    God is Supreme

    Prayer reveals the truth that God is Supreme and omnipotent to solve all human problems. No matter what kind of difficulty may be facing you, no matter how complicated the situation may seem, prayer can bring about a harmonious resolution and rearrangement of your affairs in accord with divine order.

    Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob (a man aware of the One Power—God), neither is there any divination against Israel (a man ruled by God, who recognizes the sovereignty of the Spirit). (Numbers 23:23).

    Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling (Psalm 91:9-10).

    An ever present help

    . . . There is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God (Romans 13:1). Persistently affirm that there is no power but that released by God, the Living Spirit Almighty within you. It will be a usable and powerful truth when you once get it fixed in your mind, an ever present help, a comforter and a protector. Thou shalt have no other gods before me (Exodus 20:3).

    The only creative power you know is your thought. There can be only one Creative Power—this is true mathematically, scientifically and spiritually. If there were two powers, one would cancel out the other and there would be chaos everywhere. Science knows we live in a mathematically ordered universe. This is why there is a state of order, design, and purpose in the universe. There could not possibly be two Infinites. Infinity is without beginning or end.

    The Bible gives the answer: Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is One Lord (Deuteronomy 6:4)

    Deeper Mind

    There is nothing difficult about prayer. Whoever reads this book and applies the principles set forth will be able to pray effectively for himself and others. True prayer utilizes the Universal Law of action and reaction. Thought is incipient action; the reaction is the response from a Deeper Mind which corresponds with the nature of the thought. Think good, good follows; think evil, evil follows.

    God is all-wise

    If a man loses his way in the woods at night, fear seizes him; but knowing that God is all-wise and knows the way

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