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Teachings from a Prophet: Ancient Solutions for Today's Modern Challenges
Teachings from a Prophet: Ancient Solutions for Today's Modern Challenges
Teachings from a Prophet: Ancient Solutions for Today's Modern Challenges
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Teachings from a Prophet: Ancient Solutions for Today's Modern Challenges

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Introducing "Teachings from a Prophet" by Dan Keith Fleishman - a book that will transform your life and elevate your spiritual journey to new heights.

Drawing from his years of spiritual exploration and contemplation, Dr. Fleishman shares profound teachings and insights that will inspire you to tap into your inner wisdom and awaken to the

Release dateApr 28, 2021
Teachings from a Prophet: Ancient Solutions for Today's Modern Challenges

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    Teachings from a Prophet - Dan K. Fleishman


    In 2008, at the age of 40, Ezekiel the prophet came to me in a vision and shared with me that he was the one who had been working with me, guiding me, and protecting me for all those many years of my life (see Chapter 2 , Walking with a Prophet). In this vision he told me that it was time! He wanted me to start teaching classes, doing workshops, and instructing people in his method in bringing light unto the world.

    In sharing his message, Ezekiel wanted me to help inspire others in order to usher in a new era of gratitude, love, light, and peace. He wanted me to help people around the world learn how to establish and develop a greater connection to the Creator through his core teachings.

    The teachings include a greater understanding of the concepts and ramifications of various types of sin (Step 1 and 2), along with how to achieve redemption, repentance, and atonement (Step 3 and 4), which then sets forth the foundation for hope that leads to you being able to manifest a new and brighter future (Steps 5 to 7).

    Initially, I declined his offer because, let’s face it, I thought it was kind of weird, and at the time it was way out of my comfort zone. After all, prior to this moment, I had no idea who Ezekiel was. I had no idea what he did, what he stood for, or what his method was all about. My big question was, Why me? After all, I was settled in my career of choice, and I certainly didn’t want to rock the professional boat with something that I perceived at the time as being way out of left field.

    He responded to my declining his offer of teaching the classes and workshops by stating, If you don’t heed my request, I’ll stop all of your sources of income. My initial knee-jerk reply was, Okay, go for it. Let’s see what you’ve got! This was on a Friday. On Monday when I returned to work, none of my patients showed up. No insurance payments came in for my practice. My online business selling posters that I created had come to a complete halt and stopped producing orders. I thought it was a strange coincidence at first, but I can be a little stubborn, so I held firm.

    Tuesday came and went, and it was the same result as Monday. On Wednesday it was the same story. By the time Friday rolled around and with no income for the week, I finally said, Okay, you’ve got my attention. What do I need to do? He said to me in another vision, Get your friends and family together and hold a workshop!

    So I did as he instructed. I have to admit it was not very good. But it was good enough to satisfy him, and by the following Monday all of my sources of income had returned to normal! Thus began the birth of the classes and workshops I currently teach today. It has been an amazing journey, and I feel blessed and proud to be the one appointed to share the Ezekiel Method with you.

    The Bible and How It Relates To This Method

    In the Bible, stories are thought of in one of several ways. First, we have the actual account or retelling of historical events. Many people take these accounts as the literal word-for-word retellings of events that took place within human history. Many also take these events as a sign of God’s love along with compelling evidence of his almighty hand guiding us and intervening in our lives. Other people may see these same stories as allegories and moral tales of how we should conduct ourselves on a day-to-day basis. I happen to see the value and believe in both scenarios.

    The reason why I believe in the actual historical stories and retellings is because of the increasingly compelling archeological evidence that is continually being unearthed and discovered, which supports the basis for biblical history. I also enjoy reading the stories and allegories because it provides humanity with a strong moral compass as to how we should live, or not live our lives within the eyes of God.

    Scriptures provide a powerful and time-tested set of moral guidelines and principles regarding how we should treat ourselves along with our fellow human beings. There is also a third aspect to these teachings. It is the hidden secrets that will be revealed to you within these very pages. We will be teaching you the hidden and advanced spiritual principles that are not taught anywhere else.

    How This Book Is Organized

    When reading this book understand that it’s not laid out in the traditional sense of the word with just chapters. There are a few chapters in the beginning. Then as you progress into the teachings and venture into the core of the technique, it shifts from chapters to steps, which is then followed by a conclusion. Understand that once you have begun the steps, the intention is that this book reads more like a textbook due to the instructional nature of the Ezekiel Method. You will notice reinforcement of concepts and teachings within the reading that may seem repetitive at first glance. This is also intentional and by design to help reinforce to you, the reader, key concepts within the technique.

    Ezekiel has three main sections in his book within the Old Testament, the first section being Sin, which is under the weeds and the seeds portion of this technique (Steps 1 and 2). The definition of a sin in these teachings is not the brow-beating biblical sense of the word. It is the missteps one takes in life on an emotional, physical, or spiritual level. It is the things that people say, think, or do when they know they would not dare do so if they were being held accountable to a higher spiritual standard or power greater than themselves.

    That is followed by repentance, redemption, and atonement, which is under the gratitude and love the unlovable section (Steps 3 and 4). This is where we show you how to find the gratitude and the love for the previous section of the weeds and the seeds (Steps 1 and 2). We thus begin the process of learning from the lessons of our past as we begin our journey into the process of healing and clearing of the dramas and traumas of our lives.

    Then, there is hope for the future. This is the final section in Ezekiel’s book in the Old Testament. In this book, hope falls under the last steps of the meditative portion, which then leads us into the manifestation process (Steps 5 to 7). We utilize this section to guide you in creating a new and brighter future, and in creating the life of your dreams. In this book, you will learn what the Ezekiel Method is and how to apply it to your everyday life. You will learn how to use the technique and the teachings to change and transform your life for the better.

    The Ezekiel Method (about This Technique)

    All too often we know the right things to do or say, but oftentimes we lack the courage to act on what we know to be morally right or correct. With this technique, you will discover your core inner strength and power to create a resolute connection to the Creator that will allow you to move your life forward in directions that you never believed possible. Our goal is to help you to unleash your greatness through inner transformation, spiritual growth, and enlightenment.

    We desire to help you unleash your true authentic power to your hidden inner greatness. We desire to enable you to achieve life-changing as well as game-changing results. We desire for you to become an inspiration to the people around you in profoundly powerful and positive ways. We want to help you unleash and awaken your God-given inner greatness, which is your birthright, and to give you the long sought-after, life-transformative results you have been searching for. Transformation is not just about us individually, but it is about the world as a whole. It is about becoming a spiritually wise and globally conscious community.

    Your Birthright

    The Ezekiel Method connects you to your birthright. We want you to be able to connect to the Creator from within. We want you to fully understand, comprehend, and experience that you are a part of the Creator. That when you connect to that blue-white sun (Step 5), you will know on a deep fundamental level that it is your birthright! Following that, you can gain the understanding that you have that access point within you at all times. We want you to realize that you do not need the four walls of a religious order in order for you to be able to commune and directly connect with the Creator. You already have that innate ability to do so; that is contained within you.

    The Creator is everywhere and is in everything. We are an aspect of that spark of light, which is the Creator. We mirror the Creator in many ways. I have oftentimes heard people saying, Well... I’m God, or I’m like God. Umm... No, you are not. That is like saying if you take a drop of water out of the ocean then that drop of water IS the ocean. No, it is a drop of water from the ocean. You are an aspect of the Creator, but you are not the Creator. However, we will help you to connect with the Creator.

    Our Mission

    Our mission is to help you bring the lost sheep home. What exactly does that mean? It means that we are here to teach you how to reunite the lost and fragmented aspects of self. To learn how to become a whole, complete, and spiritually unified, loving human being. When we were born, we were all virtually a clean slate. I am not referring to any belief on whether you were born a sinner or not.

    What I am referring to is your state of awareness and your purity of heart at the moment of your birth. You were born pretty much unblemished and pure regarding your current attitudes and beliefs in relation to yourself and the world around you. Our desire is to help you reconnect to your true God-Centered nature by reclaiming the lost and fragmented aspects of self.

    The Consequences and Ramifications of Societal Programming

    You learned what to think, feel, and how to react to your environment as you started the process of maturation and growth. But as you became exposed to more and more individuals, the people you came in contact with began implanting and downloading their beliefs, ideas, and suggestions into your subconscious mind. That helped to lay the foundation and groundwork for your current values and belief systems that you are now living on a day-to-day basis with. In many cases, those people will also determine your current level of self-worth according to their values and belief systems if you let them. The moment you began to adopt the opinions, beliefs, and the ideas of others about yourself is the moment you begin the process of fragmenting and separating from your true God-centered nature.

    The lost sheep refers to the aspects of self you have chosen to reject. These are the aspects that you have determined, through the feedback from your environment, as not only unacceptable to you but to the world at large. For example, you might have told yourself, or have been told by others, that you were any number of things, such as ugly, dumb, too short, too tall, too skinny, too fat, not athletic enough, a waste of space, etc. What you were told does not matter, but for whatever reason you chose to believe it. You believed it to such a degree and with such tenacity that it is likely still impacting you on a negative basis to this very day.

    What do I mean by a negative basis? Your current beliefs and values may be hindering your ability to get a new or better job, or to take risks when you know you should. It may be inhibiting your ability in finding that special someone to spend the rest of your life with. Or, in many cases, it may be causing you to spin your wheels over and over again while repeating the same self-destructive patterns in your life, such as drug or alcohol abuse, bad relationships, poor time management, or misuse of finances, etc. In many cases, you may not even remember what it was someone told you or why you believe what you believe to this day with such conviction.

    It is time to break that cycle once and for all, and for you to bring your lost sheep home. It is time you started loving yourself from the inside out in a real genuine and authentic way for perhaps the very first time. When I mean love yourself I mean love all of you. I want you to love the perceived good, bad, and the ugly. By the way, there is no ugly. There are only the misplaced, misunderstood labels and false perceptions. I will go more into that in future chapters and steps. Nonetheless, there is a very compelling reason for you to learn this technique and to become masterful at it. It can change the very course of your life for the better. It will help you to accept and ultimately love those aspects of yourself, which you once shunned, ignored, disregarded, or cast off to the side.

    Emotions Run Amuck

    The Ezekiel Method reconnects you to your birthright, which is eternally and forever connected to the light of the Creator. Divinity is your heritage. Too many people tend to go through the motions of worshiping at their chosen religious sanctuary, to only then later on impose their self-righteous doctrines on to others-all in the name of God.

    Ironically, once the majority of people take their first steps out of their place of worship, they tend to leave their spirituality behind at the door. They get into their car, and before they leave the parking lot, they resume the old familiar pattern of being angry and hateful to their fellow human beings.

    They yell, scream, and get impatient with the people on the road. Their blood pressure spikes as they squeeze the steering wheel with all their might and pound their fists on the dashboard in a fit of anger and fury! The extreme expression of their mental weeds run amuck, it may even result in incidences of road rage with a possible propensity towards violence.

    When they go home, they can be filled with anger and rage as they slam the car door behind them. They may even start fights with their spouse, their children, or other family members, forgetting that they had absolutely nothing to do with their bad day. They now have an unhappy home life as a result of blowing up at their family.

    When they go to work, they may be angry and frustrated. They inflict their unresolved feelings of anger and rage onto others who unwittingly happen to cross their emotional path of chaos and destruction. They tend to leave a wake of anger and bitterness, along with hurt and damaged feelings, in a string of broken and battered relationships. Behind them, they leave a field of shattered dreams and failed aspirations. All too many people allow the fire of their lives to consume them from the inside out.

    Reconnecting with Divinity

    The Creator is the one that breathed that magical spark of life into you from that which is the pure spark of divinity. Because we are all caught up in the physical reality of our daily lives, too many of us lose touch with that consciousness and connectedness that is our divine aspect. Each one of us has a false illusionary perception that we are seemingly independent from one another. As a result, we tend to lose track of the fact that we are all tied to one another by way of the Creator. In the Ezekiel Method, you are going to learn a systematic step-by-step process in accessing the Creator in a way that is easy, spiritual, powerful, profound, and meaningful.

    This is a process and a method that can be done anywhere and at any time. You do not need to be located in a specific building or open a particular prayer book in order to be able to access and connect to the Creator. All those spiritual tools are wonderful and are an important part of our lives. Thus, they should be practiced in accordance with your individual faith and traditions. They make it possible for you to feel connected to your community, your religion, as well as your culture.

    People from a wide variety of backgrounds who have learned and implemented the Ezekiel Method have expressed measurable improvements to their lives in both compelling and profound ways. They have also expressed how much more of a deeper sense of connectedness, understanding, and appreciation they gain for their own religion and culture. You are a child of the Creator. We desire for each and every one of you to be able to phone home (so to speak) at any time, and to have that personal relationship with God.

    This technique and its workshops and lecture series are spiritually and biblically based. This is an interfaith teaching. However, the methodology you are about to learn has been inspired by the prophet from the Book of Ezekiel. There are a lot of biblical principles and teachings along with secrets that are contained within this method. Ezekiel’s primary objective and goal is to bring the people to the light, and thus bring us back to the light of the Creator.

    How We Limit Ourselves

    We have all sinned in our lives in one way or another, whether it is something that you have done or something that you have thought or said. It can be those ill feelings and emotions that you have harbored in your mind and heart towards yourself and others. Any number of transgressions can be labeled as a sin, including (but not limited to) critical judgments, limiting thoughts and belief systems, or poor actions and behaviors.

    There are a myriad of things that are holding you back in life. The reason why it is a sin is because it is keeping you from fully expressing the totality of the light that you are. It keeps you from expressing your true authentic self, and it keeps you from expressing the light of God that is shining from within.

    It is human nature to want to go into the darkness because it is familiar. All too often it happens to be the path of least resistance. Just because a path may seem easier at the time does not automatically make it right. The challenge is that no matter what the obstacle is, our spiritual goal is to stay on path in order to embrace the light of the Creator.

    When you go into the light, your life starts to flow no matter what challenges you may be facing along the way. You begin moving in more positive, productive, and inspiring directions. You begin to feel the love and gratitude welling up from within. Thus, you burst forth with a renewed sense of connectedness and joy. You will feel lighter and brighter. The things that once challenged you will not seem to test you as they once did.

    Denial Is Not a River in Egypt

    People say they want world peace. We want peace in our communities as well as the world around us. The harsh reality is that world peace is never going to be attained until we have peace within ourselves. How many people can honestly say that they are experiencing a true sense of inner love, harmony, happiness, balance, and emotional prosperity on a daily basis?

    I would argue that if you are experiencing inner conflict, negative dialogue, and negative self-talk, you are not at peace. We all have those issues that are the source of conflict within each and every one of us which stems from our past. Your past does not have to be something from long ago. It can be as recent as five minutes ago. But that is still the past. It can also be unresolved issues from childhood, failed, or traumatic relationships, etc.

    You may say to yourself that you have inner peace, but do not confuse inner peace with the act of pushing and stuffing down the traumas of the past into the darkened corners and recesses of your mind. You may be saying to yourself, Well... That was in the past. The past doesn’t affect me now. Until you have worked through the underlying issues and have found the gratitude and love, the buried negativity you have swept under the preverbal rug is going to dictate your future outcomes.

    It is those unresolved feelings of your past that have the power to impact your life, relationships, health, and ultimately your destiny. It is the negative self-defeating mental background tapes that are continually playing in the back of your mind. These are the contaminants that are polluting your results and sabotaging the life you wish to lead.

    The way to deal with any issue is to meet it head on and to work through it. This life transformative technique you are about to learn is not one of those therapies that says, Tell me all about your problems... If you are the least bit self-aware, you already know what your problems are. You already know your history. After all, you’re the one who’s been living it. You know what makes you tick. You know what has brought you into the here and now.

    This process you are about to embark upon is a very personal and private journey that each individual must undertake on their own. But do not worry; we are here to help guide you. Within these pages we are going to give you the road map and the tools necessary to enable you to get closer to the light. We do not want you to be faced with talking about the same problems for years on end with little to no resolution.

    Your Feelings Matter

    It is your feelings that are driving every single decision you have ever made in your life. Your feelings are going to be the foundation for the programming you have been allowing or disallowing into your mind. It is your feelings that have been motivating you to take action, or allow inaction. Every single decision you have ever made up to this point has been based upon your feelings.

    The truth of the matter is, you either just agreed or disagreed with that statement, and that is based upon how you feel. You then had a ‘feeling’ about whether or not this statement was true for you. Following that, you made a decision based upon that feeling to either accept or reject what was just stated. It is all about your feelings and your emotions! We want you to be able to recognize and find the genuine love and gratitude for any situation in order for you to be able to go forth and heal. We want you to be able to move forward in amazing and dynamic directions so you can achieve your best possible future.

    We all process events in our lives differently; it is not right or wrong, it’s just different. The only wrong is in the act of holding onto whatever it is that is keeping you from expressing your maximum potential. What is it that is preventing you from living a full life? What keeps you from being that bright and shining star? We all have childhood dreams. We all have goals and aspirations. Have you reached them? If not, why not? What is keeping you from achieving the life you desire?

    Here is another question for you. How do you know those dreams you aspire to are even yours? How do you know that you are not trying to fulfill somebody else’s dreams, desires, or expectations? Are you living out your cultural or society’s doctrine without any regard as to what sings to your soul? Do you tell yourself, I think I should be doing this or, I’m told that I should be doing that? Perhaps you think, I should have a big house, when in fact it happens to be your heart’s desire to live in a small cabin in the woods? But maybe society is dictating to you that, I’m nothing if I don’t have a big house. And perhaps you would be miserable in a big house, and you would prefer and be much happier with a small cabin in the woods. Or just the opposite.

    Gaining Clarity

    The Ezekiel Method clears up the bullshit (BS) inside you. It clears out the muck and the distractions from the outside, so you can have a clear, present, and concise voice on the inside. The more you do this technique the more you will get clear on what it is that you really want in life. It is equally important to know what you do not want as well as what you do want because, if you are going to achieve your dreams, you need to know what your dreams truly are.

    You also need to be able to identify what somebody else’s agenda is for you in order for you to know the difference between your dreams and theirs. Then you can act appropriately based upon a decision that you are consciously deciding to make, rather than a decision that someone is making on your behalf. Of course, there are times in your life that you may want to adopt someone else’s agenda if you feel that it is truly in your best interest.

    Either way, you get laser focus on what YOU want. You can then go after and achieve the life of your dreams once and for all. Make sure you are not living your life through somebody else’s dreams, expectations, or their lists of shoulds. If you are living through their shoulds, then you are not living for you. You are living your life through somebody else’s idea of what your life should be, according to their values and beliefs.

    The way to tell the difference between your dreams vs. somebody else’s shoulds is somebody else’s shoulds will typically not feel very good to you. Your dreams will inspire you. Somebody else’s shoulds will feel like an obligation. Some self-imposed shoulds can be (and are) totally appropriate, depending on the given situation.

    Shining Your Light

    We want you to be able to shine your light 24/7! In order for you to do that, it is important for you to be patient with this process. Be willing to learn and be prepared to make mistakes. Be ready to get upset and angry with yourself and others as part of the learning, healing, and growing process. Oftentimes this can be where most of the growth comes in. Whenever one of your hot buttons is pushed during this process, I can assure you that it is being pushed out of love. It is not just to poke and prod at you.

    If your mental weeds (Step 1) jabs at you, and if you react, then that is an opportunity for you to find and express gratitude. Because, whatever it is that is upsetting you, it is revealing a weakness to you that lies within yourself. It is a chink in your armor needing to be brought to the surface, healed, and then ultimately given back to the light of the Creator. Your emotions and issues need to be understood in order for you to be able to find the gratitude.

    All aspects of you need to be embraced, loved, and accepted. Then the lessons you have learned need to be given back to the Creator with love, admiration, appreciation, and reverence. When we hold onto our negative feelings and vibrations, our lives cease to work in the way they were designed and intended. These uncontrolled negative feelings and emotions are the triggers you are giving over to other people who can use them to access your hot buttons.

    These are the same triggers that you experience over and over again. They are your emotional Achilles’ heel. I have them, you have them, we all have them. I am working through this process just like everybody else. It is part of our maturation and growth process. Allow yourself to feel. Give yourself permission to have and to express the emotions that you may have been suppressing for years or even a lifetime. Of course, it is always a good idea to be reasonable and responsible when expressing certain emotions.

    As We Move Forward

    In the section ‘Meet Ezekiel’ I will introduce you to Ezekiel; the man, the priest, and the prophet. I played with the idea of putting the entire Book of Ezekiel within this book, but it was my opinion that it would take away from the core message of the teachings, technique, and methodology we are presenting within these pages. Thus, I have decided to incorporate only portions of his scriptures throughout the chapters and steps where I felt it was appropriate and relevant to do so.

    I am not going to go into great lengths or detail regarding the life of Ezekiel or the myriad of his many accomplishments. There are volumes of books that have been written that go into much greater detail about his unquestionable significance and contributions. This book is designed as an instructional manual for The Ezekiel Method, and thus will remain the primary focus of this book.

    With inspiration from the prophet Ezekiel, this book is designed and was written to focus on the teaching of the Ezekiel Method for the purpose of transmutation and clearing. It is our sincerest desire that you are able to achieve and live the life of your dreams, and to learn and use these teachings, methodology, spiritual principles, and practices that have long stood the test of time. Allow this book to be the roadmap, guidepost, and compass to greater prosperity, enlightenment, and spiritual attainment.

    In the next chapters and steps, we will begin exploring exactly how the Ezekiel Method will benefit you and others in your life. The principles in this book are profound and run deep. We encourage you, the reader, to pick up this book and refresh your skills as often as possible. As you gain more practice and become more proficient in using this technique, you will be amazed with the profound directions your life will take along with a myriad of miracles you will be able to create for yourself. We look forward to meeting you one day and are grateful for being a part of this life-transformational journey with you. With light, love, and blessings, we invite you to begin the next chapter in this book, as well as the next amazing chapter of your life.

    PART 1

    Discovery: Who is Ezekiel?

    Sin: What is it? How do we define it? How has it impacted your life in the real world?

    Chapter 1

    Meet Ezekiel

    Let me start by saying that this chapter is not required reading in learning the Ezekiel Method. I have included a brief history so you, the reader, are able to gain a greater understanding as to where the inspiration for this powerful technique came from. Depending on whether or not you are a fan of historical information, you can either proceed in reading this chapter or, if you prefer, you can skip ahead to the following chapters and sections. For me, I rather enjoy learning about the reasons why and how things were brought into existence. Some background information regarding the inspiration for this life-changing process might be interesting reading for those who thirst for a bit more knowledge.

    Ezekiel is a biblical prophet who lived approximately 2,500 years ago, through whose teachings and inspiration the Ezekiel Method was created. He was preparing to be a priest in the holy temple and authored a book in the Old Testament that bears his name. Initially, I did not do a lot of study into Ezekiel. I wanted to keep the information and content of his material and message as pure as possible, while leaving out any of my personal biases, experiences, or opinions. I did not want to be jaded or prejudiced with what I learned in the Old Testament as opposed to the information I was receiving through visions from the prophet himself.

    In my preparation for writing this book, I did finally decide to read the entire Book of Ezekiel. I have to say, it changed me from the inside out. Coincidentally, I read his book during the week of the high holy days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement. The ten days in between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur begins the process of repentance in asking God for forgiveness for all the sins that one has committed during the course of the year. It is not only a process of asking for forgiveness, but also a request to be inscribed in the book of life for another year.

    How does this tie into the book of Ezekiel? The high holy days holidays have a special meaning for me. It is a time of reflection, contemplation, and meditation. During this time, I was reading Ezekiel’s book in the Old Testament. Ezekiel’s book explains in great detail how the people of Judea had strayed and had gotten off track in their lives. It told the story of how they, as a collective people, had massively sinned against themselves and against God.

    As a result of the blatant and rampant sinning, there was a reckoning to be had. This did not just apply to the Jewish people, but also applied to all of God’s people. Once we, as a people, have learned our lessons and have returned to the Creator, we are then blessed by Him. Following that, we are given a second chance for redemption.

    The ten-day period while I was reading the Book of Ezekiel proved to be a powerful and profound chapter in my life. I would encourage anyone to read his book in the Old Testament and apply the moral foundations to their lives. I do have to warn you that the text of Ezekiel can be a tough read. There is a lot of fire and brimstone. I encourage the reader to use this book you are now reading as a guide into discovering the hidden meaning, secrets, messages, and truths contained within his portion of the Old Testament.

    This book is about the Ezekiel Method and its proper implementation. Therefore, I will not go into any great lengths talking about the book of Ezekiel. You will however find a lot of his book sprinkled throughout this book in an effort to illustrate key points that are related to specific topics in each of the chapters and preceding steps.

    One of the interesting things that happened once I started reading the Book of Ezekiel was that I was able to finally understand his personality to a greater degree. I had a greater appreciation and understanding as to why he comes across to me the way he does in his visions. Ezekiel tends to be brash, abrupt, and a bit dogmatic, but at the same time he exudes this magnificent loving energy of a father figure or a parent.

    I became more and more curious as to who this intense and somewhat mysterious guy was and where he came from, and I was curious as to why his attitude and temperament was the way it was. Once I started reading his book in the Old Testament, his personality began to make perfect sense to me. It was after visiting Israel in 2014 and connecting with the people of the region that I understood his personality even more.

    During my trip to Israel, Ezekiel was referenced many times over. Every single day, and seemingly everywhere we went, the prophet’s name was mentioned in one form or another! Ezekiel is a very important figure in Israel, much more so than he is here in the United States where we do not often hear about him; just every once in a while.

    But in Israel it was a completely different story. For me hearing his name was a daily occurrence while visiting the holy land. It was something that I was always very aware of. Perhaps it was Ezekiel’s way of making his presence known, so I would keep him present in my mind at all times.

    Scripture: Ezekiel 33:12-16

    12 Now, Mortal being, say to the children of your people: The righteousness of the righteous shall not save him on the day of his rebellious sin, and as for the wickedness of the wicked person-he shall not stumble over it on the day of his repentance from his wickedness. The righteous person cannot live by virtue of [his former righteousness], on the day he sins. 13 When I say of the righteous He shall surely live, and relying in his own [former] righteousness and does evil, none of his [former] righteous actions will be remembered; on the contrary, he will die for the evil deeds he has committed. 14 Likewise, when I say to the wicked person, You shall surely die, and he repents of his sinful ways and does what is just and right-15 then by returning the pledge, repaying what he stole, following the life giving decrees, and does not commit evil deeds; then he shall live, he shall not die. 16 None of the sins he committed shall be remembered against him; since he has done what is just and right; he shall surely live.

    Ezekiel is a prophet best known for his messages of morality and ethical conviction. He often had the very difficult task of delivering some very unpopular news to the people regarding the consequences of their poor choices and bad behavior. We are all faced with a multitude of challenges and decisions that can and do affect our lives. Each one of us will eventually be held accountable for our actions no matter how large or small they may seem. It does not matter if you think those consequences will be dealt with from a God above, by way of a karmic debt, or by any other means of reconciliation and retribution.

    Eventually, we must all pay the piper for what we have done in our lives for better or worse. We are all being held accountable to a higher standard, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. Deep within our own consciousness, the vast majority of us have a moral compass that we turn to again and again. Do we choose to do the ‘right’ thing, or do we succumb to peer pressure and outside influences? Do you look the other way and take the easy way out? Throughout the book of Ezekiel, just as in today’s world, all too often people choose to take the easy way out instead of rolling up their sleeves and doing the right thing.

    This is a process about honoring our moral compass rather than just going along with the crowd that is seeking the path of least resistance. The purpose of this book is not to brow beat you over the head with morality or dogma. Whatever life choices you make is between you and the Creator. It is up to you to decide what is ultimately right for you in your life. However, if you are reading this book then it is likely you are finding that the fruits of your labor are not paying off in the dividends you had hoped for. In this book you will be learning the Ezekiel Method, which will begin to shift you into the positive end of the spectrum, while at the same time launching you towards the prosperity and success you are seeking.

    It is critical to understand the difference between loving the gifts of the lessons learned as opposed to making excuses for poor and bad behavior. We want you to be able to love the lessons learned, and to gain value out of whatever the experience has taught you. You are not saying, Okay, I did this thing (whatever this bad thing was), so that now you can metaphysically whitewash it away and say, It’s all okay now.

    There is a difference between loving an aspect of you vs. trying to justify something you know in your heart of hearts to be wrong. It is time to take a hard, honest look and to reclaim responsibility for your life. We are looking for you to be able to achieve a genuine heartfelt gratitude, love, and appreciation for the gift that is your life. When one gets this lesson at its core, the chances of someone repeating an unhealthy pattern drops dramatically. Once you have learned the lesson, why on earth would you dare to repeat the missteps of the past? After all, you are done with it. You can now lay those aspects down to rest in peace, light, and love.

    A Prophet Makes His Presence Known

    Over the years, through his visions, Ezekiel has worked directly with me in building the trust he and I share. I have been very blessed in that everything he has said he would do has come to pass. Yes, I mean everything. As silly as it may sound, it has included finding parking spaces where moments ago there were none, to impressive feats of controlling and altering the weather, or physically catching me in mid-air after falling backwards.

    For instance, while I was leaving a gift shop in the Jewish quarter of the old city in Jerusalem on a very wet, rainy, and stormy day, I slipped and fell backwards on some very slick limestone stairs. As my feet shot out from underneath me, my hand hit a window as I was falling. My daughter, along with the shopkeeper both seeing and hearing what was happening, came running to my aid. After being caught by a mysterious unseen force I was gently set back upon my feet. Had he not caught me in mid-air, I surely would have struck my head on the corner of the stairs and it would not have ended very well for me. Believe me when I say that I am truly grateful for the spiritual intervention!

    Yes, there were witnesses to most, if not all, of these events that I will be sharing within these pages! If Ezekiel does not want me to do something, he will put specific obstacles in my way to where I physically cannot do whatever it was that I wanted to do. For example, in 2014 a small group of us went to Israel, as requested by Ezekiel in one of his visions to me. Prior to us going, it was recommended to me by some spiritual friends that we should visit some of the tombs of righteous spiritual leaders that had passed away centuries prior.

    Ezekiel stated that he did not want us to go visit the tombs. In fact, he would not allow or permit us to go. The simple fact was he brought rains in such heavy droves that it was literally physically impossible and totally unsafe for us to go down to where the tombs were located. How do I know that it was Ezekiel who brought the rains? Because just prior to it, Ezekiel and I had a conversation in a vision that went something like this:

    Me: Addressing my group of people that I was with, I think we should go down to the cemetery below and see the tombs of the righteous people recommended by our friends.

    Ezekiel: No! Don’t do it!

    Me: Ignoring Ezekiel, I can ask our tour guide the best way to get down to the bottom of the hill so we can get back in time for us to get back on the tour bus.

    Ezekiel: No! Don’t do it!

    Me: Still ignoring Ezekiel, while asking the tour guide, while standing in the courtyard after visiting an ancient synagogue: So, what is the easiest way to get down to the cemetery to visit the tombs of the righteous?

    The tour guide: While he was pointing out a path for us to follow, a mysterious blanket of fog suddenly rolled in and covered our view of the cemetery below. Our guide says: Go back down the street we just came from. At the end of the street, past the shops, you will see a limestone staircase. That will lead down to the bottom of the cemetery.

    Me: Okay, great. Thanks!

    Me addressing our group: Okay, let’s go!

    Ezekiel: No! Don’t do it!

    No sooner had we stepped under the awnings that covered and lined both sides of the street, torrential rain started pouring down! It rained so hard that we could not see three feet in front of us, nor past the safety of our shelter that we were standing under. On top of that, there must have been some sort of red clay in the soil because the streets literally looked as if they were running with blood! That was quite a sight to behold!

    Me: Okay, it’s too dangerous for us to attempt going down to the cemetery. Let’s forget it for now.

    So, we decided to wander around the shops until it came time for us to go back on the tour bus, and that is exactly what we did. We saw jewelry stores, artist boutiques, and many more fun shops to explore. We took our time and enjoyed our afternoon while wandering the shops. We made our approach to the end of the street with just five minutes to spare. It was just in time for us to get back on the tour bus. As I raised my umbrella to venture out into the pouring rain, the skies suddenly parted and there was not a drop of rain in sight.

    We were finally able to see the bottom of the hill where the cemetery was located; a view that just a short hour ago was completely covered by a mysterious blanket of fog! With only five minutes left to spare, we had just enough time to get on our tour bus, and head to our next destination. There was no longer enough time for us to venture down the steep and very wet limestone steps to our once forbidden destination. There was only enough time to go over to the scenic overlook and to peer down the hill to view the cemetery below, which was now in plain sight.

    So what was the point of Ezekiel’s objection to us visiting the tombs? Why was he so adamant about not allowing me, or us, to go? It was because the people that had recommended for us to go see the tombs had put so much stock into the power of these deceased individuals as having some sort of almost magical spiritual powers, even in their deceased state, that bordered on idol worship. Ezekiel forbids any and all forms of idol worship. It is always reverence to the Creator only and never reverence for his creations. That is why we were not allowed to go. Our intentions for going to see the tombs were self-serving and ultimately misguided.

    Teachings from Ezekiel

    (An inspired message of what Ezekiel the prophet would say if he were physically present today.)

    Do you have it all figured out yet? Universal questions often contain the answers, all the speculation, all the riddles in life; do you have it put together yet? Do you understand the meaning of it all? Why are we here? Why do you feel the way you feel? Why do you do the things that you do? Why do you act logically or illogically? Why do you act impulsively? Why do you act out of love? Why do you act out of fear, out of anger, out of hate, out of spite, out of revenge, out of jealousy, out of joy, or out of compassion?

    Out of the different elements that you’re composed of, do you know how to equilibrate all those different emotional beings and states in a way that’s authentic and is congruent with who you are? In a way that manifests who you are? In a way that empowers who you are? Have you figured it all out? Have you figured out what it means to be you? Have you figured out what it means to be connected? Have you figured out what it means to be part of this grand spiritual, earthly, and physical community? Have you figured out what it means to be a multi-dimensional being? Have you put all the pieces together? Where do you begin to put the pieces together when you think you are broken and shattered?

    Isn’t that what we’ve talked about from the beginnings of our teachings together is the broken vessel; the collecting of and bringing home the lost sheep? The lost sheep of what? The lost sheep of your soul. The fragmented aspects of yourself that you’ve denied, and that you choose to point fingers at, and you say, Aw... It’s their fault. They don’t get me. They don’t understand me. If only... If I could wave a magic wand and have it all the way I want it, it would be different! It would be vastly different! I would change this, and I would change that, and I would change my finances, and I would change the way my spouse treats me, or the way work is, or the way my living conditions are. I would change... things!

    Would you really? Why would you change these things? What’s behind the change? What’s behind the inspiration; the drive that makes you want to achieve? And what about how you can flip-flop between wanting to achieve and not wanting to achieve? And what about the things that you want to achieve that you do not go for? Moreover, there are things that you might have thought you wanted to achieve, and that you tried to achieve but failed. However, you really did not fail as you did not really try. Instead, there is a state of confusion and you might have found yourself stuck in the same place again and again.

    You exclaim; But I did what you said! I tried! To try—is that really the same as doing? To try is to lie, and There is no try, there is only do. There is so much around trying. The very word trying sounds so heavy, so weighted, and has so much associated judgment around it. You stand up and you try to walk across the room; you’ll never do it. You’ll never walk across the room if you only try. But if you do it, you’ll make it happen.

    Jump in and just do it. To achieve those desired goals and dreams. Take the word try out of your vocabulary. Make a decision then do something or don’t do something. That is so freeing! Because then you’re conscious and you’re aware you made a decision. Try puts you in the middle ground. It puts you in a space of limbo, but you already know in your mind. If you’ve already said try then you already know you’re not really in limbo. You’ve already decided you’re not going to do something. However, try is a good front to say, I’m putting forth effort, but nothing is happening! But how much effort are you really putting forth? I try to move my arm, or I just move my arm.

    What do you really want in life and why do you want it? Why do you not appreciate what you already have in life? The good, the bad, the ugly, all of it! It’s only labels. Only judgments. So try is linked to the fear of delving in. What if we told you there really isn’t any fear at all? You made it all up. It’s pretend! So if you’re already pretending to be afraid, then pretend to be brave. Pretend to be courageous. Pretend to just do it... and then do it.

    But you exclaim, It’s all an act. You pretend to be brave, but then in the next breath you say, I don’t want to do that. That’s painful. It may stir stuff up. It’s uncomfortable. What do you think is going to happen that hasn’t already happened? You’ve already lived the experience! It’s already done. There’s no more threat. There’s only repair, love, and appreciation at that point. So many individuals put so much of a burden on themselves. Life is not meant to be so burdensome. Life is meant to be a joy to be lived and to be grabbed onto and enriched so you shine brightly.

    But, no, no, no... many people live in fear. They live in fear of the past and in fear of their present, and they also live in fear of the unknown future, and that is why they try. Because they know where they are now. They may not like where they are now, but it’s the known, or so they think. Because now is always changing. Oh... See, there went another now. Not now, but now... Now’s gone, there goes another now. You’re always traveling into the now. Well... there it is again! What time is it? It’s now!

    It takes courage to look in those dark places inside the soul. It’s a coward’s heart not to. It’s a foolhardy prospect not to dive into the aspects of the soul because of something that’s not even real, which is fear which is imagined. You know you can take your life to unbelievable heights and dimensions but you stop you. It’s sad really. But there’s much gratitude there at the same time, because while you’re stopping yourself you’re also learning.

    You may not know that you’re learning but you are, and you’re giving yourself more opportunity to transmute things because of the fear that creates more issues, which is wonderful as it gives way to more growth opportunities. This leads to more expansion of the soul and more seeking of the light. As a result of collecting these broken perceived aspects of yourself, rewards of unfathomable proportions await!

    Every time you glue one other piece of yourself together you shine a little brighter, and you become a little lighter. There’s a little more spring in your step. Life flows a little bit better. People are a little bit nicer. People grate on your nerves less. More prosperity comes your way. Doors open that you will find yourself asking, How did that happen? I don’t know... But thank you!

    There’s no compelling reason not to go after those demons hiding in your preverbal closet. To take the torch, and to take the flashlight, to look at them in the darkness and say, Aw... I see you hiding there. You can’t hide from me. To pull them out and transmute them back into the light. What’s hiding under your bed? What’s hiding in your closet?

    Do you live your life hiding under the sheets, waiting for daylight to come out? Ha-ha... That’s an interesting concept, isn’t it? That people feel safer when the lights are on! How about living in the light of the Creator? Isn’t it innately your source of empowerment, to live in the light? When we are children, we cower under the covers because we know that there’s a monster under the bed just waiting to come up to get us. Or we can close the closet door and leave the light on. You can leave a night light on.

    Even to this day, you can leave a night light on because you’re connected to the light. You crave the light. You know from the time of your birth, of your inception into the physical reality, that you are so connected to the light; that you want the light present no matter where you’re at. It’s a craving like oxygen and good healthy food, clean air, and fresh water. You know in your DNA that you are the light and need the light.

    You want the light there, but you turn from it because the darkness can be so overwhelming. Turn to the light that resides within you. Connecting to the blue-white sun (your connection to the Creator) before you go into the darkness. Center... Awe... Blue-white sun. Hmmm.... I’m home. Thank you. Okay... now let’s go seek and destroy. Not destroy, but transmute. There’s a difference, isn’t there? Because transmuting is owning that aspect of yourself.

    Destroying, on the other hand... Aww, so many violent connotations, and it can’t be

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