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God Is Watching!: The Lord Hears Our Prayers
God Is Watching!: The Lord Hears Our Prayers
God Is Watching!: The Lord Hears Our Prayers
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God Is Watching!: The Lord Hears Our Prayers

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God Is Watching! The Lord Hears Our Prayers is about God’s love for the worst of sinners. The author shows the reader God’s immeasurable ability to touch people personally, and show His willingness to work in powerful ways to draw His children back into a righteous relationship with Him. The author, Cindy Sepulveda, shares h

Release dateFeb 4, 2020
God Is Watching!: The Lord Hears Our Prayers

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    God Is Watching! - Cindy Sepulveda

    God Is Watching!

    The Lord Hears Our Prayers

    Cindy Sepulveda

    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive

    Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2020 by Cindy Sepulveda

    Scripture quotations are from the ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

    For information, address Trilogy Christian Publishing

    Rights Department, 2442 Michelle Drive, Tustin, Ca 92780.

    Trilogy Christian Publishing/ TBN and colophon are trademarks of Trinity Broadcasting Network.

    For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Trilogy Christian Publishing.

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    Trilogy Disclaimer: The views and content expressed in this book are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views and doctrine of Trilogy Christian Publishing or the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN 978-1-64088-607-0 (Print Book)

    ISBN 978-1-64088-608-7 (ebook)

    To my partner in life, Agustin Sepulveda, God’s ambassador, who loves unconditionally and lives on Christian values daily. To my adored sons, Andrew and Benjamin; their beautiful wives, Shannon and Hannah; to my dad, Darrell; my beloved mom, Linda; and my other loved dad, Arthur; my sisters, who will forever be my lifelong friends, Debbie and Jeannie; and baby brother, Darrell; my joy and grandbabies, Logan, Felicity, and Jedidiah; my sisters-in-love, Beth, Isabel, Lydia, and Milagros; and brothers-in-love Fred, Rey, and Bobby; to my many aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews; my church family; and last but absolutely not at all the least, to my Lord Jesus. May this bring You the glory and honor only You deserve. In His service, Cindy.



    Chapter 1: God Knows

    Chapter 2: God’s Protection

    Chapter 3: God Cares

    Chapter 4: God’s Strong Hands

    Chapter 5: God Hears Prayers

    Chapter 6: God’s Intervention

    Chapter 7: God’s Steadfast Love

    Chapter 8: God’s Miracles

    Chapter 9: Apple of God’s Eye

    Chapter 10: God Reveals Truth

    Chapter 11: God’s Spirit

    Chapter 12: God’s Image



    Have you ever looked upon a newborn baby and thought, Wow, what a horrible sinner? Most likely, you have not; more likely, it went something like this: I have never seen such a beautiful baby in the whole wide world! (Especially if he/she is your own.) Or perhaps you were filled with wonder about what the future will hold for the child. Maybe you felt the emotions of experiencing love at first sight or heartfelt joy and excitement for the baby’s potential in the future.

    In our day and age, online media gives us an opportunity to portray a utopian lifestyle by displaying online only the way we want others to see us by using the best photo, fun and entertaining group selfies and sharing moments precious to us about kids and grandbabies. Many are the baby’s firsts: photos at the hospital, a plane ride, peeing in the potty. Rarely do we see the tantrums, nasty remarks, or times of being called into the preschool because your child has called his teacher a bad name. No, the ugly photos are deleted; the bad stories go unpublished because we know others are viewing our media posts when we all know real life isn’t always that pretty; it can get messy and complicated.

    Today, there are apps available to change the way we look if we are not happy with the original photo. We can change our features to make us look thinner or more glamorous. Let’s be real. Who do we think we are fooling? Those closest to you know the truth. It is the husband, wife, mother, father, brother, or sister that probably knows the real truth about you. But even then, one can fool those around them if he/she is clever enough to manipulate them. No doubt it’s your right to project whomever you wish to be online, but know for a fact, God is watching! He knows the absolute truth about who you are and how you think and believe. You may fool others, but you will never fool God into believing something other than what He knows about who you really are, inside and out, and most importantly, the potential about who you will become in the future. Maybe it is an attempt to fool ourselves into believing that we are good people when really, just like the new born babe in God’s eyes, we are sinners needing to be saved.

    The Bible tells us that neither Jews nor Christians were immune from battles that actually began as early as the book of Genesis with Cain and Able. Cain murdered Able out of jealousy because Able’s offering was pleasing to the Lord. Moreover, Abram (a.k.a., Abraham) feared for his life and actually told his wife, Sarai, (a.k.a., Sarah) to tell the Egyptians that she was his sister to keep him from being killed. David was victorious in many battles with the Lord’s help. Even Gideon, a man hiding from conflict, became a mighty warrior for God. With only three hundred souls, he defeated Midian.

    What about today? Is God still actively fighting our battles for us? Is He keeping us from danger? Is God watching and listening to our prayers? Throughout the Bible, we see God using the weak to accomplish His purposes. I am convinced of that because I am weak. Additionally, it is my prayer that He uses my story of weakness, sin, and His sovereignty in my life to show you that He is in the business of watching over us and winning the battles for every soul He creates, even the weak, and also, in my case, extremely unworthy. I share with you true facts of God’s love and protection that He has shown me throughout my life to hopefully encourage you to trust Him as your Lord and Savior and to allow Him to work through and for you. Just as my battles have belonged to the Lord, your battles belong to Him as well. I am in no way special that I deserve His protection or love; yet I receive it. Please know that you, too, are loved by Him and are just as special to God! This love He shares with me extends to you as well and can last throughout eternity.

    For most of my references to the Bible, I use the English Standard Version (ESV). If I deviate from that version, I will let you know. In the ESV Psalm 33 entitled The Steadfast Love of the Lord, it states that the Word of the Lord is upright. That means it is decent, honest. It goes on to tell us that all of His work is done in faithfulness, He loves righteousness and justice, and the heavens were made by His Word. Because of this, we are asked to give Him thanks, to rejoice and shout for joy because of Him. It goes on to say that He can frustrate the plans of people, and He blesses the nation whose God is the Lord. He looks down from His throne in heaven and sees us and observes our deeds. Psalm 33 reveals that His eyes are upon those who fear Him, those who hope in His steadfast love. He is able and willing to deliver our souls from death; He is our help and shield.

    We can believe what the Bible says because it is God’s Truth. It is honest with us. It tells us who He is and why He loves us. All of His work is done in truth. Beloved, God is watching us, His children, from heaven! As a child of God, I find this fact comforting. I know that He is in control even when this world seems so crazy and out of control. During times of unrest we are to shout for joy and sing a new song to Him. God loves the righteous and is just and will come to judge the evil of this world. Still, I rest in the fact that the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, whose hope is in His steadfast love.

    We have a pond on our property that my husband, Augie, restructured in our stream that is deeper and fortified. It is there where many fish have collected over time, and I have adopted them as pets and provide for them each morning. When I first started feeding them, they would rocket away the moment my arm extended to throw their food pellets. As time progressed, some of them became more aware that I was giving them food and came around to watch me. I observed them carefully to ensure the smallest of them received a piece of food each day. One little fish, I call her Silver, would swim nearby and just watch me as if she was trying to determine who I am and from where I have come. Little by little, a few more fish would come to trust me and wait at the spot they know I sit to feed them. Now each morning, many await me and jump with joy when I throw out their food. No longer do they swim away but expectantly float by for me to provide for them. One fish, his name is White Tail due to the white stripe down his back fin and on the tip of his tail has seemed to befriend me and will float near me as I sit in my normal spot on the flat rock to gaze down on him. I peacefully watch them all and the things around the pond that are the sweet creations God sent me and absorb the serenity that accompanies the experience.

    I noticed that many of the fish were taken from the pond area after a storm caused it to overflow into the stream. They ended up in an area that wasn’t very deep; consequently, they didn’t get the nutrients from the pellets each day. I tried to capture them to return them to the better location, but they were afraid of me and quickly fled. They didn’t realize I was protecting them and intended no harm. The fish didn’t realize I wanted to place them in a better home. I caught one but he managed to jump from my bucket back into the shallow stream, not knowing I had his best interest in mind. Eventually, I was able to catch a couple dozen of the fish and returned them to the pond. Unfortunately, there are still many that refuse my help. I continue to watch over them and try to help them return to their home, where they will be protected and provided for by me.

    Isn’t that how we are with God? He is watching over us, knowing exactly where we need to be and wants to lead us there. In return, we fight His will for us, assuming we know better and refuse to relinquish control of our lives. Faithfully, God continues to watch over us, knowing His plan for us. He wants us to trust Him and allow Him to lead us in the direction He has prepared for us in advance.

    In time I placed my hope and trust in the Lord, similar to the way the fish trusted me. He has never failed me. I know we live in a scary and cynical world that wants to criticize Christians, but when we continue to fear (to have reverence for) the Lord, our nation will be blessed, and we will be protected from their hate and attacks. The Bible tells us that love casts out all fear and God is Love (1 John 4:18).

    Jesus is love! To prove that statement, I turn to the Trinity (God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit). God the Father sent his only Son, Jesus, to become the sacrificial lamb to save us from our sins. Jesus willingly gave up His life on the cross in order that we may be righteous in His Father’s sight. Even as newborn babes, we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s righteousness. God is a just God and hates sin, and since everyone is a sinner, we are held accountable. He demands a sacrifice to cover that sin and make us worthy, and there was only one sacrifice worthy to pay that price and that was Jesus. He accepted the sins of the world on the cross and reconciled us to God the Father. God continued to pour out His love for us by leaving us a helper after Jesus’s departure from earth. This helper is the Holy Spirit.

    The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us the moment we believe and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. He helps us to understand God’s Truth in the Bible and convicts us of our sins in order to live the type of life He intended for us from the time we were being formed in our mother’s womb. That is how we are guaranteed that He is watching and listening to our prayers because He is in us. He is our Counselor and guides us while we are on our earthly journey. Although Jesus has returned to the heavenly Father, we were not left alone. Therefore, let us shout for joy in the Lord for He is with us. God is worthy of our praise! He is faithful…He is love…and He is watching!

    My hope is that through my experiences, you will see a trustworthy God and accept Him as Lord and Savior. At the risk of being exposed, I am willing to be transparent with you in order for you to understand Jesus a little bit better and wisely turn to Him in your time of need (if you haven’t done so yet). If you have accepted Jesus and believe He is our Lord and Savior, congratulations! I pray that you will see that even as Christians, we make mistakes but are forgiven and not forsaken. I invite you to sit back and relax with your favorite cup of coffee (or beverage), and join me on my journey that convinces me that God is watching, hears our prayers, and conquers our battles!

    Chapter 1

    God Knows

    Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.—Jeremiah 1:5

    In the beginning of the Bible, in Genesis 16, God is portrayed as a God that sees our condition and guides us in the right direction. Abram’s wife, Sarai, was barren, so she devised a somewhat premature and not well-thought-out plan of having a child through her maid Hagar. Abram agreed with the plan and Hagar conceived. Hagar’s attitude changed toward Sarai once she got pregnant. Sarai regretted her decision (as we all have done) and pretty much blamed the problem on Abram. Abram left it up to Sarai to deal with the situation as she saw fit; consequently, she was not very nice to Hagar so Hagar left.

    God was watching this situation unfold, and the angel of the Lord appeared to Hagar and asked her where she had come from and where was she going. She was honest with Him and told Him she was fleeing Sarai. He told her to return and submit to her mistress. He assured her that her descendants would be many and that she was about to have a baby boy. She was to name him Ishmael. After that incident, she said to God, You are a God of seeing (or you are a God who sees me). God sees you. He sees me, from the very beginning, even in our mother’s womb.

    For as long as I can remember, my first reaction to scary or uncomfortable situations is to be fearful. I’m not sure if it is a result of the way I was brought up or because of all of the bad experiences I’ve encountered. I admit to having a wild imagination. I don’t need to watch a horror film to get scared or get my adrenaline pumping because I can come up with some terrifying situations in my own mind. My mind is a place where God has worked with me over the years to improve and strengthen it. I know I’m better than when I was ten or twenty or even thirty years ago, but still, there is so much room for improvement. I can find myself depressed if I am not careful. The good news is I am better today than I was yesterday because of Jesus, and I know I will be better tomorrow than I am today. He constantly reminds me to abide in Him for peace, safety, and comfort. God has protected me from all sorts of danger, some coming from the devil himself, from other people, and, yes, some situations brought on by me.

    My mom once shared with me that my dad kicked her in the stomach while she was pregnant with me because the wind slammed the door shut. He assumed that she had done it in anger toward him. According to my mom, after he kicked her several

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